Donald Trump- Sued for Not Renting to Black Americans

Further evidence that Trump has no business being president – not that more was needed, of course.
I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control. - Donald Trump
So says a disgruntled former employee.

“Several years ago John O’Donnell, who worked for me briefly and whom I fired, wrote a supposedly tell-all book in which he alleged that I made disparaging remarks about Blacks and Jews,” wrote Trump. “This was a malicious attempt to smear me. Anyone who really knows me knows that I hate intolerance and bigotry.”

On the other hand, Hillary's continuing attacks on women who claim to have been harassed, molested and raped by her predator husband her utter lack of conscience that has always been her defining characteristic.
Trump had black dealers run off the casino floor at the request of a high rolling mobster:

Trump Plaza loses appeal of discrimination penalty
You mean an employee of the casino did this, not Trump.
If a government employee anywhere does wrongdoing, a pseudocon will start a topic and say Obama was behind it. I am just applying the exact same benchmark the pseudocons use.
Nonsense, if that were the standard Obama would have been on trial for murder because of some of the actions of US soldiers in Afghanistan.
I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control. - Donald Trump
So says a disgruntled former employee.

“Several years ago John O’Donnell, who worked for me briefly and whom I fired, wrote a supposedly tell-all book in which he alleged that I made disparaging remarks about Blacks and Jews,” wrote Trump. “This was a malicious attempt to smear me. Anyone who really knows me knows that I hate intolerance and bigotry.”.

LOL- because of course Donald Trump is completely trustworthy- and you believe everything he says....
Trump had black dealers run off the casino floor at the request of a high rolling mobster:

Trump Plaza loses appeal of discrimination penalty
You mean an employee of the casino did this, not Trump.
If a government employee anywhere does wrongdoing, a pseudocon will start a topic and say Obama was behind it. I am just applying the exact same benchmark the pseudocons use.
Nonsense, if that were the standard Obama would have been on trial for murder because of some of the actions of US soldiers in Afghanistan.

Right Wing Nut jobs have been calling for Obama to be on trial for murder here at USMB for years.
Donald Trump loves to promote the fiction that he is a self made man. But he doesn't like to be reminded of his participation in rent discrimination during his process earning his fortune.

Of course not only did he come from a wealthy family, not only did his Daddy bankroll him, but his daddy also made Donald, fresh out of college, the president of the family company- Trump Management Corporation.

And it was as President of Trump Management- that Donald Trump was sued by the Justice Department for refusing to rent to African Americans and hispanics- violating the Fair Housing Act. Charges that Trump ultimately settled.

Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available. A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.

The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover “testers” for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens.

Federal investigators also gathered evidence. Trump employees had secretly marked the applications of minorities with codes, such as “No. 9” and “C” for “colored,” according to government interview accounts filed in federal court. The employees allegedly directed blacks and Puerto Ricans away from buildings with mostly white tenants, and steered them toward properties that had many minorities, the government filings alleged

In October 1973, the Justice Department filed a civil rights case that accused the Trump firm[both Donald and his father were individually named and sued- not just the firm], whose complexes contained 14,000 apartments, of violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

The case, one of the biggest federal housing discrimination suits to be brought during that time, put a spotlight on the family empire led by its 27-year-old president, Donald Trump, and his father, Fred Trump, the chairman


This from the man who loves to brag that he has a 'great relationship the blacks'

He just didn't want to have to rent his property to them.
In 1972 when Trump was 27 years old, and nothing since. When Hillary was 27 she defended a child predator in court by claiming the 12 year old he had raped had been enticed by the child and got him off with one year of jail time. In the years since he was 27 Trump has had no complaints about discrimination but Hillary has made a career of defaming women who claimed to have been harassed, molested and even raped by her predator husband. Surely a woman who has been so unscrupulous throughout her life cannot be trusted to lead the nation.

In 1972- when Trump was 27 years old and the President of Trump Properties.

Nothing since? Trump has been sued thousands of times.

Trump has made a career of slandering, defaming and suing those who dare criticize him.

Surely a 'man' who has been so unscrupolous throughout his life cannot be trusted to lead the nation when his entire career has been nothing more than self agrandisement.
. However, Hillary's latest malicious slur about Trump's problems with accusations of discrimination when he was the brand new president of the company at age 27,.

There is nothing malicious or a 'slur' about the facts. Donald Trump- the President of Trump properties- he joined the company in 1968- and was made President in 1971- two years before the law suit.

Of course it's a malicious slur by an empty pants suit. This occurred over forty years ago and there has been no claim of discrimination since. .

LOL- if it were a malicious slur- then Donald Trump could have sued for libel- oh wait he did sue the government and was laughed out of court.

A federal judge threw out Trump’s countersuit a month later, calling it a waste of “time and paper.”

And then Trump settled the case
One of the city's biggest landlords, the Trump Management Corporation, reached an agreement with the Federal Government yesterday in which Trump promised not to discriminate against blacks, Puerto Ricans and other minorities.

The Justice Department called the agreement significant because of the “amount of affirmative relief” it provided.

Among other things, for the next two years, Trump must give the New York Urban League a weekly list of all vacancies in Trump buildings here, and must also give the league's Open Housing Center three days in which to provide qualified applicants for every fifth vacancy in those Trump buildings where blacks currently occupy fewer than 10 per cent of the apartments.

"And there has been no claim of discrimination since. "

LOL- wrong again- 3 years later he was charged with rent discrimination again

In a motion for supplemental relief filed in Federal District Court in Brooklyn, the civil rights division of the Justice Department said that officers and agents of Trump Management have not complied with a June 1975 court order by continuing to deny apartments to black persons because of race
[Q Every time Hillary gets caught with her hands in the cookie jar she comes out with another malicious slur about Trump to try to distract voters from the facts about her.

The only one trying to distract voters from the facts is you.

Everything I have posted in this thread is factual- about Donald Trump.

You want to distract from Trump in this thread to Clinton.

You want to talk about Clinton's shortcomings- feel free to start a thread- but don't blame Clinton for Trump's own failures.
I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control. - Donald Trump
So says a disgruntled former employee.

“Several years ago John O’Donnell, who worked for me briefly and whom I fired, wrote a supposedly tell-all book in which he alleged that I made disparaging remarks about Blacks and Jews,” wrote Trump. “This was a malicious attempt to smear me. Anyone who really knows me knows that I hate intolerance and bigotry.”.

LOL- because of course Donald Trump is completely trustworthy- and you believe everything he says....
No, because the accusation was made by a disgruntled former employee Trump had fired who was trying to write a best selling tell all book. If such an outspoken person as Trump were a racist why is it that in over forty years in the spotlight only one disgruntled former employee has come up with only one alleged instance of a racist statement?

Of course, we don't have to look too hard to discover racist statements by the Clintons. Recall that in the 2008 primary battle Bill complained that Obama was not even fit to carry his bags, shocking black voters with this image of Obama as a black man serving as a servant carrying a white man's bags. Jim Clyburn, the highest ranking black Democrat in the House was quick to point out how racist Clinton's remark was, and while before Bill revealed himself, polls showed Hillary had 45% of the black vote, once black voters understood that racist stereotypes about black people were very much a part of the Clintons thinking, she lost nearly all black support and that cost her the nomination.

It would be well for black voters this time around to remember that for the Clintons, President Obama's defining characteristic is that he is black: they don't see him as a man, but only as a black man.
In 1972 when Trump was 27 years old, and nothing since. When Hillary was 27 she defended a child predator in court by claiming the 12 year old he had raped had been enticed by the child and got him off with one year of jail time. In the years since he was 27 Trump has had no complaints about discrimination but Hillary has made a career of defaming women who claimed to have been harassed, molested and even raped by her predator husband. Surely a woman who has been so unscrupulous throughout her life cannot be trusted to lead the nation.

In 1972- when Trump was 27 years old and the President of Trump Properties.

Nothing since? Trump has been sued thousands of times.

Trump has made a career of slandering, defaming and suing those who dare criticize him.

Surely a 'man' who has been so unscrupolous throughout his life cannot be trusted to lead the nation when his entire career has been nothing more than self agrandisement.
. However, Hillary's latest malicious slur about Trump's problems with accusations of discrimination when he was the brand new president of the company at age 27,.

There is nothing malicious or a 'slur' about the facts. Donald Trump- the President of Trump properties- he joined the company in 1968- and was made President in 1971- two years before the law suit.

Of course it's a malicious slur by an empty pants suit. This occurred over forty years ago and there has been no claim of discrimination since. .

LOL- if it were a malicious slur- then Donald Trump could have sued for libel- oh wait he did sue the government and was laughed out of court.

A federal judge threw out Trump’s countersuit a month later, calling it a waste of “time and paper.”

And then Trump settled the case
One of the city's biggest landlords, the Trump Management Corporation, reached an agreement with the Federal Government yesterday in which Trump promised not to discriminate against blacks, Puerto Ricans and other minorities.

The Justice Department called the agreement significant because of the “amount of affirmative relief” it provided.

Among other things, for the next two years, Trump must give the New York Urban League a weekly list of all vacancies in Trump buildings here, and must also give the league's Open Housing Center three days in which to provide qualified applicants for every fifth vacancy in those Trump buildings where blacks currently occupy fewer than 10 per cent of the apartments.

"And there has been no claim of discrimination since. "

LOL- wrong again- 3 years later he was charged with rent discrimination again

In a motion for supplemental relief filed in Federal District Court in Brooklyn, the civil rights division of the Justice Department said that officers and agents of Trump Management have not complied with a June 1975 court order by continuing to deny apartments to black persons because of race
Again forty years ago when he was 27. I'll bet that's a better record than you have on anything.
Trump had black dealers run off the casino floor at the request of a high rolling mobster:

Trump Plaza loses appeal of discrimination penalty
You mean an employee of the casino did this, not Trump.

So you are saying that Trump was not running the casino's he took credit for?
Are you trying to say you are too stupid to understand the CEO of a large company doesn't handle every detail of its operation?
I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control. - Donald Trump
So says a disgruntled former employee.

“Several years ago John O’Donnell, who worked for me briefly and whom I fired, wrote a supposedly tell-all book in which he alleged that I made disparaging remarks about Blacks and Jews,” wrote Trump. “This was a malicious attempt to smear me. Anyone who really knows me knows that I hate intolerance and bigotry.”.

LOL- because of course Donald Trump is completely trustworthy- and you believe everything he says....
No, because the accusation was made by a disgruntled former employee Trump had fired who was trying to write a best selling tell all book..

And you believe that because.......because Donald Trump told you that he was a fired disgruntled former employee.

Or we can read what the New York Times had to say

John O'Donnell worked for Mr. Trump for three years, the last as president and chief operating officer of the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. When Mr. O'Donnell was passed over for a key position, he went to work for the competition, Merv Griffin's Resorts Casino Hotel, as executive vice president and chief operating officer. He also wrote this tell-all book, with the help of James Rutherford, a freelance New Jersey writer.

Oddly enough- John O'Donnell was one of the few people who criticized Trump who was not sued by Trump.

Who thought O'Donnell's account was 'probably true'?

Well that would be Trump
Former hotel exec recalls Donald Trump racist tirade: 'Laziness is a trait in blacks'

In the May 1997 issue of Playboy, “Black Hawk Down” author Mark Bowden interviewed Trump and asked for a comment regarding the O’Donnell tell-all; Trump responded that O’Donnell’s account was “probably true.”
In 1972- when Trump was 27 years old and the President of Trump Properties.

Nothing since? Trump has been sued thousands of times.

Trump has made a career of slandering, defaming and suing those who dare criticize him.

Surely a 'man' who has been so unscrupolous throughout his life cannot be trusted to lead the nation when his entire career has been nothing more than self agrandisement.
. However, Hillary's latest malicious slur about Trump's problems with accusations of discrimination when he was the brand new president of the company at age 27,.

There is nothing malicious or a 'slur' about the facts. Donald Trump- the President of Trump properties- he joined the company in 1968- and was made President in 1971- two years before the law suit.

Of course it's a malicious slur by an empty pants suit. This occurred over forty years ago and there has been no claim of discrimination since. .

LOL- if it were a malicious slur- then Donald Trump could have sued for libel- oh wait he did sue the government and was laughed out of court.

A federal judge threw out Trump’s countersuit a month later, calling it a waste of “time and paper.”

And then Trump settled the case
One of the city's biggest landlords, the Trump Management Corporation, reached an agreement with the Federal Government yesterday in which Trump promised not to discriminate against blacks, Puerto Ricans and other minorities.

The Justice Department called the agreement significant because of the “amount of affirmative relief” it provided.

Among other things, for the next two years, Trump must give the New York Urban League a weekly list of all vacancies in Trump buildings here, and must also give the league's Open Housing Center three days in which to provide qualified applicants for every fifth vacancy in those Trump buildings where blacks currently occupy fewer than 10 per cent of the apartments.

"And there has been no claim of discrimination since. "

LOL- wrong again- 3 years later he was charged with rent discrimination again

In a motion for supplemental relief filed in Federal District Court in Brooklyn, the civil rights division of the Justice Department said that officers and agents of Trump Management have not complied with a June 1975 court order by continuing to deny apartments to black persons because of race
Again forty years ago when he was 27. I'll bet that's a better record than you have on anything.

I can honestly say at 27, my wealthy daddy did not me to run our family corporation that was discriminating against African Americans and Puerto Ricans.
Trump had black dealers run off the casino floor at the request of a high rolling mobster:

Trump Plaza loses appeal of discrimination penalty
You mean an employee of the casino did this, not Trump.

So you are saying that Trump was not running the casino's he took credit for?
Are you trying to say you are too stupid to understand the CEO of a large company doesn't handle every detail of its operation?

I am saying that Trump is more than willing to claim responsibility for anything he puts his name on whether he runs it or not- but is quick to claim he had nothing to do with it when it goes to hell- like Trump University
[Q Every time Hillary gets caught with her hands in the cookie jar she comes out with another malicious slur about Trump to try to distract voters from the facts about her.

The only one trying to distract voters from the facts is you.

Everything I have posted in this thread is factual- about Donald Trump.

You want to distract from Trump in this thread to Clinton.

You want to talk about Clinton's shortcomings- feel free to start a thread- but don't blame Clinton for Trump's own failures.
lol The whole purpose of this thread was to try to distract people from the accumulating evidence of corruption by the Clintons. There are no relevant facts about Trump presented in this thread, only a forty year old civil suit and and a single charge by a disgruntled former employee Trump had fired. Why do you think Hillary has been hiding away for the last few days? Because she doesn't know how to answer the questions she will be asked if she comes out of hiding.
[Q Every time Hillary gets caught with her hands in the cookie jar she comes out with another malicious slur about Trump to try to distract voters from the facts about her.

The only one trying to distract voters from the facts is you.

Everything I have posted in this thread is factual- about Donald Trump.

You want to distract from Trump in this thread to Clinton.

You want to talk about Clinton's shortcomings- feel free to start a thread- but don't blame Clinton for Trump's own failures.
lol The whole purpose of this thread was to try to distract people.

Since I started the thread- and only I know why I started this thread- why are you lying?

I understand that many Trump supporters believe it is un-American to point out Trump's history- or any actual facts about Donald Trump.

But they are wrong- just as you can start as many threads attacking Hillary Clinton as you want to- for whatever motivation you might have- I can start threads pointing out what kind of man Donald Trump is.

Meanwhile I will just point out again- you are just trying to distract from Trump to Clinton.

The only one trying to distract voters from the facts is you.

Everything I have posted in this thread is factual- about Donald Trump.

You want to distract from Trump in this thread to Clinton.

You want to talk about Clinton's shortcomings- feel free to start a thread- but don't blame Clinton for Trump's own failures.
Donald Trump loves to promote the fiction that he is a self made man. But he doesn't like to be reminded of his participation in rent discrimination during his process earning his fortune.

Of course not only did he come from a wealthy family, not only did his Daddy bankroll him, but his daddy also made Donald, fresh out of college, the president of the family company- Trump Management Corporation.

And it was as President of Trump Management- that Donald Trump was sued by the Justice Department for refusing to rent to African Americans and hispanics- violating the Fair Housing Act. Charges that Trump ultimately settled.

Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it

NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available. A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.

The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover “testers” for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens.

Federal investigators also gathered evidence. Trump employees had secretly marked the applications of minorities with codes, such as “No. 9” and “C” for “colored,” according to government interview accounts filed in federal court. The employees allegedly directed blacks and Puerto Ricans away from buildings with mostly white tenants, and steered them toward properties that had many minorities, the government filings alleged

In October 1973, the Justice Department filed a civil rights case that accused the Trump firm[both Donald and his father were individually named and sued- not just the firm], whose complexes contained 14,000 apartments, of violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

The case, one of the biggest federal housing discrimination suits to be brought during that time, put a spotlight on the family empire led by its 27-year-old president, Donald Trump, and his father, Fred Trump, the chairman


This from the man who loves to brag that he has a 'great relationship the blacks'

He just didn't want to have to rent his property to them.
4th or 5th thread on this that I have seen.

the case was dismissed, he didn't lose and you're a moron.
[Q Every time Hillary gets caught with her hands in the cookie jar she comes out with another malicious slur about Trump to try to distract voters from the facts about her.

The only one trying to distract voters from the facts is you.

Everything I have posted in this thread is factual- about Donald Trump.

You want to distract from Trump in this thread to Clinton.

You want to talk about Clinton's shortcomings- feel free to start a thread- but don't blame Clinton for Trump's own failures.
lol The whole purpose of this thread was to try to distract people.

Since I started the thread- and only I know why I started this thread- why are you lying?

I understand that many Trump supporters believe it is un-American to point out Trump's history- or any actual facts about Donald Trump.

But they are wrong- just as you can start as many threads attacking Hillary Clinton as you want to- for whatever motivation you might have- I can start threads pointing out what kind of man Donald Trump is.

Meanwhile I will just point out again- you are just trying to distract from Trump to Clinton.

The only one trying to distract voters from the facts is you.

Everything I have posted in this thread is factual- about Donald Trump.

You want to distract from Trump in this thread to Clinton.

You want to talk about Clinton's shortcomings- feel free to start a thread- but don't blame Clinton for Trump's own failures.
At least try to be honest. You are disturbed by all the bad news for the Clintons coming out and you wanted to distract people here by posting nonsense about Trump. This was a stupid effort on your part. In 2008, black voters understood the Clintons' minds were filled with racist stereotypes about black people and here you can only point out a forty year old civil suit against Trump's company and a single statement from some one he fired.

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