Donald Trump Tells Fox News’ Bret Baier Why He Didn’t Just Return ALL Classified Documents: “I Was Very Busy” To Sort Through Boxes

You have no idea what those boxes are, dipshit. They could be the kid's old high school yearbooks for all you know.
Those look like boxes I have in my garage full of National Geographic magazines.
No they won't...Trump isn't going to prison...Deal with it.
Why not? He going to pardon himself because you cult knuckle draggers think he can? Of is his asseater Mr Personality DeSantis going to do it if he wins the election?

Trump should be wearing an orange jumpsuit right now as a threat to national security.
Why not? He going to pardon himself because you cult knuckle draggers think he can? Of is his asseater Mr Personality DeSantis going to do it if he wins the election?

Trump should be wearing an orange jumpsuit right now as a threat to national security.
You moonbat nose pickers are so fucking one-dimensional.

He'd need to get elected first, before he could possibly pardon himself.

He's not going to prison....Suck on it.
We are all busy, right? Too busy is an excuse.
A trail will determine if that excuse holds water.

Fox News has released a preview clip of anchor Bret Baier’s interview with Donald Trump, the former president’s first sit down since he was indicted last week on federal charges related to his withholding of classified documents.

According to the clip (watch it below), Trump offered another explanation for why he didn’t just return the classified material, even in response to a subpoena: He was too busy to sort through the boxes where they were kept.

So why didn't the FBI jus take all the boxes when they inspected them in February, especially after Trump told them to take anything they wanted?
Boxes of classified documents in a garage, which Hunter had easy access to.
So what? Trump had them at Mar-a-Lardo where cokehead Don, Jr. had easy access to them and any of the thousands of guests over a year and a half had access to them.

Any classified docs in Biden's garage (who said they were found in his garage?) would have been from his VP days, and out of date. What were they, plans for dealing with Khaddafi?
So why didn't the FBI jus take all the boxes when they inspected them in February, especially after Trump told them to take anything they wanted?
1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324)

You ask them. I expect a full report from you.
Boxes of classified documents in a garage, which Hunter had easy access to.

Boxes of classified documents first stored in Chinatown in DC, then shipped elsewhere.

Over 1000 classified documents stored in the CCP bought and paid for Penn Biden Center.

Boxes in Massachusetts shipped by regular courier.

Biden has a D next to his name.
Nothing else matters.

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