Donald Trump tries to walk back claim Obama founded ISIS: 'Sarcasm'

Obama did his part to create ISIS, and is doing his part to keep them armed and rolling in cash.


Obama agreed with Trump. Trump didn't say Obama "founded" ISIS, he said he "created" ISIS. That means making it is what it is. Obama said they were the "JV team" when he took over. Nice job there Obama, turning ISIS into a real organization


Donald Trump Makes A Return Visit « The Hugh Hewitt Show

HH: I’ve got two more questions. Last night, you said the President was the founder of ISIS. I know what you meant. You meant that he created the vacuum, he lost the peace.

DT: No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS. I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton.

HH: But he’s not sympathetic to them. He hates them. He’s trying to kill them.

DT: I don’t care. He was the founder. His, the way he got out of Iraq was that that was the founding of ISIS, okay?

This's long been covered. Once again you're a day late and a dollar short
T -rump will do anything to be in the headlines

Donald Trump on Friday attempted to walk back the widely criticized false claim he repeatedly made over the last two days that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were "co-founders" of ISIS -- saying he was being sarcastic.

Trump tweeted Friday morning that the media was missing his sarcasm.

Donald Trump tries to walk back Obama founding ISIS comments: 'Sarcasm' -

Fred Trump Taught His Son the Essentials of Showboating Self-Promotion

Sounds like ole Rinse Preebus ripped Trump's ass.

No Trump really meant it then he didnt so he was right and not
T -rump will do anything to be in the headlines

Donald Trump on Friday attempted to walk back the widely criticized false claim he repeatedly made over the last two days that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were "co-founders" of ISIS -- saying he was being sarcastic.

Trump tweeted Friday morning that the media was missing his sarcasm.

Donald Trump tries to walk back Obama founding ISIS comments: 'Sarcasm' -

Fred Trump Taught His Son the Essentials of Showboating Self-Promotion

Since as Obama said when he took over ISIS was the "JV team," what Trump meant was Obama took them to the varsity level

Except when someone asked him if thats what he meant he said "No, I mean Obama is the founder" :badgrin:

OK on the word, but when he clarifies he considers the founding of ISIS to be when it took off when we left Iraq. I don't agree with is use of the word.

Still way less stupid than Obama calling them the "JV Team"

It's simply wrong.
T -rump will do anything to be in the headlines

Donald Trump on Friday attempted to walk back the widely criticized false claim he repeatedly made over the last two days that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were "co-founders" of ISIS -- saying he was being sarcastic.

Trump tweeted Friday morning that the media was missing his sarcasm.

Donald Trump tries to walk back Obama founding ISIS comments: 'Sarcasm' -

Fred Trump Taught His Son the Essentials of Showboating Self-Promotion

Sounds like ole Rinse Preebus ripped Trump's ass.

No Trump really meant it then he didnt so he was right and not

His use of terms aside, Trump was right. ISIS was nobody when he took office and grew to what they are today. I suppose anything to deflect from has got to be tried, huh?
T -rump will do anything to be in the headlines

Donald Trump on Friday attempted to walk back the widely criticized false claim he repeatedly made over the last two days that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were "co-founders" of ISIS -- saying he was being sarcastic.

Trump tweeted Friday morning that the media was missing his sarcasm.

Donald Trump tries to walk back Obama founding ISIS comments: 'Sarcasm' -

Fred Trump Taught His Son the Essentials of Showboating Self-Promotion

Since as Obama said when he took over ISIS was the "JV team," what Trump meant was Obama took them to the varsity level

Except when someone asked him if thats what he meant he said "No, I mean Obama is the founder" :badgrin:

OK on the word, but when he clarifies he considers the founding of ISIS to be when it took off when we left Iraq. I don't agree with is use of the word.

Still way less stupid than Obama calling them the "JV Team"

It's simply wrong.

That ISIS is the JV team?
Donald Trump Makes A Return Visit « The Hugh Hewitt Show

HH: I’ve got two more questions. Last night, you said the President was the founder of ISIS. I know what you meant. You meant that he created the vacuum, he lost the peace.

DT: No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS. I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton.

HH: But he’s not sympathetic to them. He hates them. He’s trying to kill them.

DT: I don’t care. He was the founder. His, the way he got out of Iraq was that that was the founding of ISIS, okay?
Except the way he got out of Iraq was exactly the way Trump wanted to get out of Iraq in 2007!!!!!

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation? Is there a way ...

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out. That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave, because I'll tell you, this country is just going to get further bogged down. They're in a civil war over there, Wolf. There's nothing that we're going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war.

And it's going to go to Iran, and it's going to go to other countries. They are in the midst of a major civil war. And there's nothing -- by the way, we're keeping the lid on a little bit but date we leave anyway it's all going to blow up. And Saddam Hussein will be a nice person compared to the man and it will be a man, it will not a woman, that we understand. People say, oh, gee, you didn't give a woman a chance. It will be a man.

Compared to the person that takes over for Saddam Hussein, he will be considered a nice person. This guy will be the meanest, the worst guy and he'll have one thing, one thing, he will hate America, and he'll use that to flame. So, I mean, this is a total catastrophe and you might as well get out now, because you just are wasting time.
Brutal terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS couldn't have risen to such prominence without U.S./West and Saudi support. That's just fact. But don't expect your corrupt Government/Corporate Media to tell ya that.
I don't believe George Bush was President at the time but I do believe Obama was, nice party line chickenshit excuse... nat

ever watch .. "Uncle Buck" .. the movie .

Now this idiot can't even distinguish dates?????

Folks, Dumpy is the "paragon" of Trump supporters...Ignorant and stubborn....just like Trump.
Look at Kaz lol

Donald Trump: I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally -
Trump was asked by host Hugh Hewitt about the comments Trump made Wednesday night in Florida, and Hewitt said he understood Trump to mean "that he (Obama) created the vacuum, he lost the peace."
Trump objected.

"No, I meant he's the founder of ISIS," Trump said. "I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton."

So you have to ask. WTF is Kaz talking about? LOL

Yes, he used the word "founded" wrong.

Did Obama use the term ISIS is the "JV team" wrong?

Donald Trump: I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally


Hussein Obama: ISIS is the "JV team"

LOL...You said he used the word wrong. Why didnt you tell him that? Oh? Because you made up an excuse FOR Trump got it. Also, I didnt claim Obama never said that so your deflection from your being a total ass wont work

Exactly, you're quibbling over what word was used and who used what word. My point is that while Trump did use the wrong word, he really meant ISIS became formidable under Obama, Obama calling ISIS the "JV team" is yet another example of truly out of touch he was to say that.

So what do you want now that Trump did use the word "founded," a cookie? A star sticker? What does it get you?

No, Trump said explicitly that is not what he meant at all.
Yes, he used the word "founded" wrong.

Did Obama use the term ISIS is the "JV team" wrong?

Donald Trump: I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally


Hussein Obama: ISIS is the "JV team"

LOL...You said he used the word wrong. Why didnt you tell him that? Oh? Because you made up an excuse FOR Trump got it. Also, I didnt claim Obama never said that so your deflection from your being a total ass wont work

Exactly, you're quibbling over what word was used and who used what word. My point is that while Trump did use the wrong word, he really meant ISIS became formidable under Obama, Obama calling ISIS the "JV team" is yet another example of truly out of touch he was to say that.

So what do you want now that Trump did use the word "founded," a cookie? A star sticker? What does it get you?

No, Trump said explicitly that is not what he meant at all.

Well, if his bitter enemy thinks that then that's good enough for me. Thanks for clarifying that
Obama did his part to create ISIS, and is doing his part to keep them armed and rolling in cash.


Obama agreed with Trump. Trump didn't say Obama "founded" ISIS, he said he "created" ISIS. That means making it is what it is. Obama said they were the "JV team" when he took over. Nice job there Obama, turning ISIS into a real organization


Donald Trump Makes A Return Visit « The Hugh Hewitt Show

HH: I’ve got two more questions. Last night, you said the President was the founder of ISIS. I know what you meant. You meant that he created the vacuum, he lost the peace.

DT: No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS. I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton.

HH: But he’s not sympathetic to them. He hates them. He’s trying to kill them.

DT: I don’t care. He was the founder. His, the way he got out of Iraq was that that was the founding of ISIS, okay?

This's long been covered. Once again you're a day late and a dollar short

It seems you're the one who's short. Tell us some more about what Trump meant. :laugh:
His use of terms aside, Trump was right.

You just don't know when to call it quits do you? No he wasn't right.

The President of The United States of America DID NOT FOUND terrorist organization.

It is straight up LIE that Trump repeated time and time again, even as he had many chances to ease off this lunatic hyperbole...until he realized that most people (not you obviously) are not as stupid as he thinks they are and called the whole thing "sarcasm".

"Sarcasm" is when you say exactly contrary to what you mean to make fun of it.

Opposite of "Obama founded Isis" is Obama fights ISIS - is that what Trump now says he actually meant?

He is an idiot candidate if there ever was one and now you are electing to go along with the idiocy.
T -rump will do anything to be in the headlines

Donald Trump on Friday attempted to walk back the widely criticized false claim he repeatedly made over the last two days that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were "co-founders" of ISIS -- saying he was being sarcastic.

Trump tweeted Friday morning that the media was missing his sarcasm.

Donald Trump tries to walk back Obama founding ISIS comments: 'Sarcasm' -

Fred Trump Taught His Son the Essentials of Showboating Self-Promotion

Since as Obama said when he took over ISIS was the "JV team," what Trump meant was Obama took them to the varsity level

Except when someone asked him if thats what he meant he said "No, I mean Obama is the founder" :badgrin:

OK on the word, but when he clarifies he considers the founding of ISIS to be when it took off when we left Iraq. I don't agree with is use of the word.

Still way less stupid than Obama calling them the "JV Team"

It's simply wrong.

That ISIS is the JV team?

No dope. That" the founding of ISIS was when we left Iraq". That's simply factually wrong and not what Trump said he meant.
I don't believe George Bush was President at the time but I do believe Obama was, nice party line chickenshit excuse... nat

ever watch .. "Uncle Buck" .. the movie .

Now this idiot can't even distinguish dates?????

Folks, Dumpy is the "paragon" of Trump supporters...Ignorant and stubborn....just like Trump.

You believe Obama wasn't President in 2009, 2010, 2011 to the end of the Iraqi War and didn't have the power to negotiate a new agreement in Iraq....

Trust me, it's quite obvious that you're an imbecile ....:itsok:
You believe Obama wasn't President in 2009, 2010, 2011 to the end of the Iraqi War and didn't have the power to negotiate a new agreement in Iraq....

Trust me, it's quite obvious that you're an imbecile

Here's one of the reasons why Trump will LOSE when backed by fuck-heads like Dumpy......

We have an agreement with Iraq, negotiated and SIGNED by GWB.......
We have our soldiers coming home in caskets from Iraq since we are seen as invaders and occupiers
We have ALL of our allies ALSO leaving Iraq......

....and this above moron, NOW blames Obama for following the dictates of an agreement between Bush and the "duly elected" government of Iraq whcih we funded in the first place.

NOW, if our own country is fucked up, it is because idiots like Dumpy are allowed to vote based on ignorance..
Right wingers should simply AVOID these types of threads because defending the INDEFENSIBLE, proves that they are imbeciles.
You believe Obama wasn't President in 2009, 2010, 2011 to the end of the Iraqi War and didn't have the power to negotiate a new agreement in Iraq....

Trust me, it's quite obvious that you're an imbecile

Here's one of the reasons why Trump will LOSE when backed by fuck-heads like Dumpy......

We have an agreement with Iraq, negotiated and SIGNED by GWB.......
We have our soldiers coming home in caskets from Iraq since we are seen as invaders and occupiers
We have ALL of our allies ALSO leaving Iraq......

....and this above moron, NOW blames Obama for following the dictates of an agreement between Bush and the "duly elected" government of Iraq whcih we funded in the first place.

NOW, if our own country is fucked up, it is because idiots like Dumpy are allowed to vote based on ignorance..

:lame2: ...Your desparation is illogical as well as comical... :laugh:
The republican propaganda machine fails again. Trump now says that Obama as the founder of ISIS was sarcasm.

This is why the republicans will lose the senate also. America knows the GOP is the home of the nazis and the KKK. They have plastered their hate to the point of no return.

Trump says his Obama as ISIS founder comment 'sarcasm'
Trump says his Obama as ISIS founder comment 'sarcasm'

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