Donald Trump tries to walk back claim Obama founded ISIS: 'Sarcasm'

well the perception politically is clearly that ISIS is a result of Obama foreign policy.......thats not in dispute.:bye1:

So this is just another thread manufactured in Candyland by progressives.:coffee:

Not in dispute in the empty space between your farmboy ears, maybe.
The U.S./West and Saudi Arabia have been the chief financiers of ISIS in Syria. It's all about their illegal 'Regime Change' policy. They unleashed pure hell over there. But it's not the first time they've funded and trained radical Islamists. And it won't be the last.

The U.S./West really has done a number on the Middle East. All their meddling has created so much bloody carnage. It's time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.

The US is funding ISIS? What are you talking about? BTW, did you run out of tinfoil? You know I can read your thoughts right now. And no that shirt doesn't look good on you

Yes, the U.S./West and Saudi Arabia have funded and armed ISIS in Syria. They've funded and armed other very bad folks there as well. It was all part of their 'Regime Change' policy. It backfired on em a bit when ISIS went into Iraq. But they've been able to push em out for the most part.

At this point, they're trying to kill the awful people they once funded and armed. It's such a chaotic mess over there. We had no business interfering in Syria's Civil War. We've made things so much worse. Our nation and others are responsible for so many Syrian deaths. It's very sad. And it's criminal too.
well the perception politically is clearly that ISIS is a result of Obama foreign policy.......thats not in dispute.:bye1:

So this is just another thread manufactured in Candyland by progressives.:coffee:

Trump’s False Obama-ISIS Link

Donald Trump claims that President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “founded ISIS.” But the origin of the Islamic State terrorist group dates back to the Bush administration.
Trump points to the withdrawal of troops from Iraq in 2011, under Obama, as “the founding of ISIS,” but experts say the expansion of the Islamic State after that point can’t be pinned on the troop withdrawal alone — if at all. And there’s the fact that President George W. Bush had signed the agreement and set the date for that withdrawal.
“It’s a massively complex problem,” Clint Watts, the Robert A. Fox fellow in the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s Program on the Middle East, told us. It “goes beyond one single policy decision about keeping or moving troops.”
Furthermore, Trump himself supported withdrawing troops from Iraq as early as 2007, telling CNN in a March 16, 2007, interview that the U.S. should “declare victory and leave, because I’ll tell you, this country is just going to get further bogged down. … [T]his is a total catastrophe and you might as well get out now, because you just are wasting time.”

RS, “The Islamic State and U.S. Policy,” June 27: The Islamic State’s direct ideological and organizational roots lie in the forces built and led by the late Abu Musab al Zarqawi in Iraq from 2002 through 2006. … Zarqawi took advantage of Sunni animosity toward U.S. forces and feelings of disenfranchisement at the hands of Iraq’s Shia and Kurds to advance a uniquely sectarian agenda that differed from Al Qaeda’s in important ways. … Following Zarqawi’s death at the hands of U.S. forces in June 2006, AQ-I leaders repackaged the group as a coalition called the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). ISI lost its two top leaders in 2010 and was weakened, but not eliminated, by the time of the U.S. withdrawal in 2011. The precise nature of ISI’s relationship to Al Qaeda leaders from 2006 onward is unclear.
Watts, with the Foreign Policy Research Institute, said that 2006 was when the “big governance model” of what we now see as the Islamic State was formed. There was “some divergence from the al Qaeda brand name” and disagreements between the two groups at this point. When the U.S. troops withdrew, the terrorist group had gone underground, with members in prisons or detention camps, Watts said. In 2011 and 2012, the group was “lightly functioning,” but still in existence.
By 2013, the terrorist group was again launching attacks in Iraq and had spread to Syria, taking advantage of that country’s internal strike. Syria’s civil war started in March 2011.
Critics and experts have pointed to several actions during the Bush and Obama administrations that could have contributed to the rise of ISIS:The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
  • The decisions by the U.S.-led provisional coalition government in 2003 to disband the Iraqi army and dissolve and ban the Baath Party, which drove Sunnis into militant groups.
  • The rule of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, whose Shia government further ostracized Sunnis. “By disbanding the army and making the Baath party illegal and putting in power a Shiite like Maliki, you alienated and radicalized the Sunnis, and gave rise to ISIS in the process,” Haykel told us.
  • The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq by Dec. 31, 2011 — a date set by an agreement with the Iraqi government that was signed by President Bush in 2008, and left unchanged by the Obama administration.
Much more at:
Trump’s False Obama-ISIS Link

Talking points versus facts and consensus, which one do you believe?
Total hogwash.

The reason we remained in Iraq after we deposed Saddam was to prevent a vacuum from forming with which an Islamic State could fill. The problem is always Democrats and their corrupt media blaming Republicans for their intentional screw ups. Obama was warned what would happen if he pulled everyone out and he did it anyway. He's so irresponsible because he figures that something terrible he caused to happen would never be blamed on him. Who cares that he took credit for the pull-out, then turned around and blamed Bush when everything went to shit because of it. This is why it's dangerous to let a Democrat occupy the White House. The media lets them get away with everything.

It seems just about every ME expert (liberlal, conservative & non-partisan) disagrees with your hyper-partisan analysis.
Other than your rabid support for Trump in face of the fact even Trump admits he was wrong, what is your reasoning other than partisanship for you throw shit at the wall and see if sticks?
The reality is, Russia and Iran have been the ones fighting and killing ISIS Terrorists in Syria all along. They were doing it when the U.S./West and Saudi Arabia were pouring money and weapons into ISIS, and other very brutal groups. They wanted Assad dead. Period, end of story. We should have stayed out of the Syrian Civil War. It's tragic what we've done there


They've also funded & armed ISIS elements in Libya. It was another 'Regime Change' scenario. We need to stop meddling everywhere. It truly is time for a humble foreign policy. I'm actually old enough to remember a time when some Republicans stood for that. We've got to end this Endless War.
Trump spends more time crawfishing than he does anything else ... yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

F him.
I have no problem with Trump's opinion here. It just reminds me what a disaster the 2008 nominees were. Obama has never got the hang of foreign affairs, other than giving away the house. Then we had McCain who desired in years since to arm rebel groups in Syria and Libya. And they say this year's nominees are bad. I'd take either over the 2008 duo.
Obama did his part to create ISIS, and is doing his part to keep them armed and rolling in cash.

And see, even as Trump throws them under the bus, the Trumptards blithely keep on defending him.

ISIS came to power under Obama and Hillary's watch, FACT! Go suck on that.

No, it didn't. Iraq and Syria were not part of Obama's 'watch', to start with.
Everything that happens during his term of office are on his watch. Obama literally created a conflict in Libya and Syria when there was none before he took office. He also took down the Egyptian government and caused instability which the Egyptian military eliminated.
T -rump will do anything to be in the headlines

Donald Trump on Friday attempted to walk back the widely criticized false claim he repeatedly made over the last two days that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were "co-founders" of ISIS -- saying he was being sarcastic.

Trump tweeted Friday morning that the media was missing his sarcasm.

Donald Trump tries to walk back Obama founding ISIS comments: 'Sarcasm' -

Fred Trump Taught His Son the Essentials of Showboating Self-Promotion
Yea, his repeating it ten times in a day, was sarcasm. :rolleyes:
well the perception politically is clearly that ISIS is a result of Obama foreign policy.......thats not in dispute.:bye1:

So this is just another thread manufactured in Candyland by progressives.:coffee:

Well kook, did you enjoy the foreign policy which preceded Obama's?

Fools like you seem to forget the body count of young American's killed and those maimed by sending them into harms way in Iraq - on false pretenses.

Using technology to kill command and control of ISIS seems to be a smarter (a word we should never apply to Rumsfeld or you) than sending 200,000 troops into the middle east, for a number of good reasons. But of course that requires sagacious thinking, another thing not in evidence during the Bush II era and in today's neo fascism, which has infected the Republican party and metastasis with the rise of Trump.
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Obama did his part to create ISIS, and is doing his part to keep them armed and rolling in cash.

And see, even as Trump throws them under the bus, the Trumptards blithely keep on defending him.

ISIS came to power under Obama and Hillary's watch, FACT! Go suck on that.

No, it didn't. Iraq and Syria were not part of Obama's 'watch', to start with.
Everything that happens during his term of office are on his watch. Obama literally created a conflict in Libya and Syria when there was none before he took office. He also took down the Egyptian government and caused instability which the Egyptian military eliminated.

WOW, in your eyes President Obama must be The MOST POWERFUL MAN to ever exist. ASSUME POWER! What did Obama do on the seventh day, play golf?
well the perception politically is clearly that ISIS is a result of Obama foreign policy.......thats not in dispute.:bye1:

So this is just another thread manufactured in Candyland by progressives.:coffee:

Trump’s False Obama-ISIS Link

Donald Trump claims that President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “founded ISIS.” But the origin of the Islamic State terrorist group dates back to the Bush administration.
Trump points to the withdrawal of troops from Iraq in 2011, under Obama, as “the founding of ISIS,” but experts say the expansion of the Islamic State after that point can’t be pinned on the troop withdrawal alone — if at all. And there’s the fact that President George W. Bush had signed the agreement and set the date for that withdrawal.
“It’s a massively complex problem,” Clint Watts, the Robert A. Fox fellow in the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s Program on the Middle East, told us. It “goes beyond one single policy decision about keeping or moving troops.”
Furthermore, Trump himself supported withdrawing troops from Iraq as early as 2007, telling CNN in a March 16, 2007, interview that the U.S. should “declare victory and leave, because I’ll tell you, this country is just going to get further bogged down. … [T]his is a total catastrophe and you might as well get out now, because you just are wasting time.”

RS, “The Islamic State and U.S. Policy,” June 27: The Islamic State’s direct ideological and organizational roots lie in the forces built and led by the late Abu Musab al Zarqawi in Iraq from 2002 through 2006. … Zarqawi took advantage of Sunni animosity toward U.S. forces and feelings of disenfranchisement at the hands of Iraq’s Shia and Kurds to advance a uniquely sectarian agenda that differed from Al Qaeda’s in important ways. … Following Zarqawi’s death at the hands of U.S. forces in June 2006, AQ-I leaders repackaged the group as a coalition called the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). ISI lost its two top leaders in 2010 and was weakened, but not eliminated, by the time of the U.S. withdrawal in 2011. The precise nature of ISI’s relationship to Al Qaeda leaders from 2006 onward is unclear.
Watts, with the Foreign Policy Research Institute, said that 2006 was when the “big governance model” of what we now see as the Islamic State was formed. There was “some divergence from the al Qaeda brand name” and disagreements between the two groups at this point. When the U.S. troops withdrew, the terrorist group had gone underground, with members in prisons or detention camps, Watts said. In 2011 and 2012, the group was “lightly functioning,” but still in existence.
By 2013, the terrorist group was again launching attacks in Iraq and had spread to Syria, taking advantage of that country’s internal strike. Syria’s civil war started in March 2011.
Critics and experts have pointed to several actions during the Bush and Obama administrations that could have contributed to the rise of ISIS:The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
  • The decisions by the U.S.-led provisional coalition government in 2003 to disband the Iraqi army and dissolve and ban the Baath Party, which drove Sunnis into militant groups.
  • The rule of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, whose Shia government further ostracized Sunnis. “By disbanding the army and making the Baath party illegal and putting in power a Shiite like Maliki, you alienated and radicalized the Sunnis, and gave rise to ISIS in the process,” Haykel told us.
  • The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq by Dec. 31, 2011 — a date set by an agreement with the Iraqi government that was signed by President Bush in 2008, and left unchanged by the Obama administration.
Much more at:
Trump’s False Obama-ISIS Link

Talking points versus facts and consensus, which one do you believe?'re not getting it. This is a POLITICS forum. Obama has owned the ISIS moniker long before Trump won the nomination. Thats been the perception for at least the past 18 months so the spin attempt is ghey.:gay: Trump hammers on this because it is a political winner.......cant be effectively combated at this point by the other side.

Political winner? Yeah okay. As one of the college educated white voters which Romney won by a good margin over Obama and a group that Trump would need to win desperately since his support with minorities is zippo, let me explain something to you; the outlandish, idiotic, and false-from-the-word-go nature of this brand of idiocy does nothing to convince anyone with two brain cells to support Trump. Instead, when you hear such hyperbole it’s a sign that the campaign is literally bereft of anything else. Simply put, Trump’s campaign is now as impotent and powerless as the desperation of the claim reflects.
well the perception politically is clearly that ISIS is a result of Obama foreign policy.......thats not in dispute.:bye1:
So this is just another thread manufactured in Candyland by progressives.:coffee:

Read the AP release or get some grownup to read it to you.....

Fri, 12 Aug 2016 07:55:22 -0500

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — After days of alleging repeatedly that President Barack Obama literally founded the Islamic State group, Donald Trump abruptly shifted tone on Friday and insisted his widely debunked claim had been sarcastic.

Trump, in an early-morning post on Twitter, blamed CNN for reporting "so seriously" that he had called Obama and Democrat Hillary Clinton the extremist group's founder and most valuable player. He added, in all capital letters: "THEY DON'T GET SARCASM?"

Only hours before, the billionaire businessman had restated the allegation with no mention of sarcasm, telling rally-goers in Kissimmee, Florida, that "I've been saying that Barack Obama is the founder." It's a claim that Trump repeated at least a dozen times in three cities since debuting the attack-line Wednesday during a rally outside Fort Lauderdale.
Look at Kaz lol

. Trump didn't say Obama "founded" ISIS, he said he "created" ISIS.

Donald Trump: I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally -
Trump was asked by host Hugh Hewitt about the comments Trump made Wednesday night in Florida, and Hewitt said he understood Trump to mean "that he (Obama) created the vacuum, he lost the peace."
Trump objected.

"No, I meant he's the founder of ISIS," Trump said. "I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton."

So you have to ask. WTF is Kaz talking about? LOL

Yes, he used the word "founded" wrong.

Did Obama use the term ISIS is the "JV team" wrong?

Donald Trump: I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally


Hussein Obama: ISIS is the "JV team"
The reason we remained in Iraq after we deposed Saddam was to prevent a vacuum from forming with which an Islamic State could fill.
But Trump wanted to be the founder of ISIS in 2007 when he advised Bush to just "declare victory and leave" and now Trump is pissed that he is not known as the founder of ISIS!

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation? Is there a way ...

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out. That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave, because I'll tell you, this country is just going to get further bogged down. They're in a civil war over there, Wolf. There's nothing that we're going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war.

And it's going to go to Iran, and it's going to go to other countries. They are in the midst of a major civil war. And there's nothing -- by the way, we're keeping the lid on a little bit but date we leave anyway it's all going to blow up. And Saddam Hussein will be a nice person compared to the man and it will be a man, it will not a woman, that we understand. People say, oh, gee, you didn't give a woman a chance. It will be a man.

Compared to the person that takes over for Saddam Hussein, he will be considered a nice person. This guy will be the meanest, the worst guy and he'll have one thing, one thing, he will hate America, and he'll use that to flame. So, I mean, this is a total catastrophe and you might as well get out now, because you just are wasting time.
well the perception politically is clearly that ISIS is a result of Obama foreign policy.......thats not in dispute.:bye1:

So this is just another thread manufactured in Candyland by progressives.:coffee:

Well kook, did you enjoy the foreign policy which preceded Obama's?

No, it was Obama's policy. W and Obama are the same. They just say different things. Only fools are taken in by words and fail to distinguish them from actions. That's you. Needed to say that since you're not very observant

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