Donald Trump Tweets Disgusting Humble Brag After Orlando Massacre

With reports swirling that suspected shooter Omar Mateen may have had ties to Islamic extremism, Trump wanted to make clear the significance of that development: He was right.

Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!​
Yep, he was right and maybe now we can have the discussion without all the liberal hysteria. This asshole was homegrown but shows just how dangerous Islam can be.​
Donald Trump took to social media on Sunday to congratulate himself just hours after a gunman attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, leaving 50 dead and 53 injured.

With reports swirling that suspected shooter Omar Mateen may have had ties to Islamic extremism, Trump wanted to make clear the significance of that development: He was right.

Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!​

In December, following a mass shooting by a Muslim husband and wife in San Bernardino, California, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States. Trump has since walked that proposal back, calling it a “suggestion,” but maintained that we have to “find out what’s going on” with regard to radical Islam.

His supporters have apparently wasted no time telling him that the massacre in Orlando is further proof that he was right to call attention to Islamic terrorism, even if his proposed Muslim ban would have had no effect in this case. Mateen, who died during the attack, is a U.S. citizen, born in New York.

Still, it seems safe to assume we’ll be hearing a lot more from Trump in the coming days about how this incident supposedly meshes with his presidential campaign.

More: Donald Trump Tweets Disgusting Humble Brag After Orlando Massacre

Since the shooter was an American citizen born in New York - why wouldn't this be "homegrown terrorism"? Therefore, how would Trump's rhetoric about banning Muslims have prevented this massacre?

Check the kid's ancestry moron, you don't let his dad in the country and boom he isn't born here.
Donald Trump took to social media on Sunday to congratulate himself just hours after a gunman attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, leaving 50 dead and 53 injured.

With reports swirling that suspected shooter Omar Mateen may have had ties to Islamic extremism, Trump wanted to make clear the significance of that development: He was right.

Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!​

In December, following a mass shooting by a Muslim husband and wife in San Bernardino, California, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States. Trump has since walked that proposal back, calling it a “suggestion,” but maintained that we have to “find out what’s going on” with regard to radical Islam.

His supporters have apparently wasted no time telling him that the massacre in Orlando is further proof that he was right to call attention to Islamic terrorism, even if his proposed Muslim ban would have had no effect in this case. Mateen, who died during the attack, is a U.S. citizen, born in New York.

Still, it seems safe to assume we’ll be hearing a lot more from Trump in the coming days about how this incident supposedly meshes with his presidential campaign.

More: Donald Trump Tweets Disgusting Humble Brag After Orlando Massacre

Since the shooter was an American citizen born in New York - why wouldn't this be "homegrown terrorism"? Therefore, how would Trump's rhetoric about banning Muslims have prevented this massacre?
Trump is disgusting.
Donald Trump took to social media on Sunday to congratulate himself just hours after a gunman attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, leaving 50 dead and 53 injured.

With reports swirling that suspected shooter Omar Mateen may have had ties to Islamic extremism, Trump wanted to make clear the significance of that development: He was right.

Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!​

In December, following a mass shooting by a Muslim husband and wife in San Bernardino, California, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States. Trump has since walked that proposal back, calling it a “suggestion,” but maintained that we have to “find out what’s going on” with regard to radical Islam.

His supporters have apparently wasted no time telling him that the massacre in Orlando is further proof that he was right to call attention to Islamic terrorism, even if his proposed Muslim ban would have had no effect in this case. Mateen, who died during the attack, is a U.S. citizen, born in New York.

Still, it seems safe to assume we’ll be hearing a lot more from Trump in the coming days about how this incident supposedly meshes with his presidential campaign.

More: Donald Trump Tweets Disgusting Humble Brag After Orlando Massacre

Since the shooter was an American citizen born in New York - why wouldn't this be "homegrown terrorism"? Therefore, how would Trump's rhetoric about banning Muslims have prevented this massacre?
Trump is disgusting.

How sad that you believe wanting to prevent the next Islamic terrorist event from even happening is disgusting.

You are a moron C Clayton Moron. It is in fact possible to disagree with someone's ideas of how to solve an issue without calling them a moron. At least Trump recognizes the problem for what it is.
Donald Trump took to social media on Sunday to congratulate himself just hours after a gunman attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, leaving 50 dead and 53 injured.

With reports swirling that suspected shooter Omar Mateen may have had ties to Islamic extremism, Trump wanted to make clear the significance of that development: He was right.

Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!​

In December, following a mass shooting by a Muslim husband and wife in San Bernardino, California, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States. Trump has since walked that proposal back, calling it a “suggestion,” but maintained that we have to “find out what’s going on” with regard to radical Islam.

His supporters have apparently wasted no time telling him that the massacre in Orlando is further proof that he was right to call attention to Islamic terrorism, even if his proposed Muslim ban would have had no effect in this case. Mateen, who died during the attack, is a U.S. citizen, born in New York.

Still, it seems safe to assume we’ll be hearing a lot more from Trump in the coming days about how this incident supposedly meshes with his presidential campaign.

More: Donald Trump Tweets Disgusting Humble Brag After Orlando Massacre

Since the shooter was an American citizen born in New York - why wouldn't this be "homegrown terrorism"? Therefore, how would Trump's rhetoric about banning Muslims have prevented this massacre?

Check the kid's ancestry moron, you don't let his dad in the country and boom he isn't born here.

You're the only moron.

You want to prohibit Muslims from entering the country because they might have a child who might grow up to become a terrorist.

You can't be serious.

It's hard to tell which is more pathetic, rightwing bigotry or rightwing stupidity
Donald Trump took to social media on Sunday to congratulate himself just hours after a gunman attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, leaving 50 dead and 53 injured.

With reports swirling that suspected shooter Omar Mateen may have had ties to Islamic extremism, Trump wanted to make clear the significance of that development: He was right.

Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!​

In December, following a mass shooting by a Muslim husband and wife in San Bernardino, California, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States. Trump has since walked that proposal back, calling it a “suggestion,” but maintained that we have to “find out what’s going on” with regard to radical Islam.

His supporters have apparently wasted no time telling him that the massacre in Orlando is further proof that he was right to call attention to Islamic terrorism, even if his proposed Muslim ban would have had no effect in this case. Mateen, who died during the attack, is a U.S. citizen, born in New York.

Still, it seems safe to assume we’ll be hearing a lot more from Trump in the coming days about how this incident supposedly meshes with his presidential campaign.

More: Donald Trump Tweets Disgusting Humble Brag After Orlando Massacre

Since the shooter was an American citizen born in New York - why wouldn't this be "homegrown terrorism"? Therefore, how would Trump's rhetoric about banning Muslims have prevented this massacre?

Check the kid's ancestry moron, you don't let his dad in the country and boom he isn't born here.

You're the only moron.

You want to prohibit Muslims from entering the country because they might have a child who might grow up to become a terrorist.

You can't be serious.

It's hard to tell which is more pathetic, rightwing bigotry or rightwing stupidity

Point out where I said I want that or would support it you fucking moron.

Let me add, semi literate to your list of negatives.
Lakhota the dumb shit funnies my post b/c the little bitch can't support the claim that I have said I want to ban anyone from the country.
Hold on a second.

I know that Trump addressed terrorists coming from abroad.

But he did not address homegrown terrorism. Terrorist that are American citizens and become radicalized.

So, how can Trump be right if the killer could avoid his immigration policy by staying Stateside?

What is Trump policy on homegrown terrorist. How about mass murder like the one in Boulder, or the VT shootings?
Hold on a second.

I know that Trump addressed terrorists coming from abroad.

But he did not address homegrown terrorism. Terrorist that are American citizens and become radicalized.

So, how can Trump be right if the killer could avoid his immigration policy by staying Stateside?

What is Trump policy on homegrown terrorist. How about mass murder like the one in Boulder, or the VT shootings?

His policy is the logical one, destroy their inspiration. In this case, ISIS.

I don't know what his policy for dealing with lunatics who kill for NO reason is.

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