Donald Trump Tweets Disgusting Humble Brag After Orlando Massacre

The shooter was a "homegrown" terrorist who hated gays. I repeat, "homegrown"...

So where where were his parents from? Were they home grown? He wasn't ''home grown''........he was born here. That means nothing. There are over 3 mil here. Doesn't make them any less Islamic Terrorists.
Trump was right, and now you are pissed and don't want to admit it.

Your butt must be so hurt, inflamed even! Get over it.
Donald Trump took to social media on Sunday to congratulate himself just hours after a gunman attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, leaving 50 dead and 53 injured.

With reports swirling that suspected shooter Omar Mateen may have had ties to Islamic extremism, Trump wanted to make clear the significance of that development: He was right.

Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!​

In December, following a mass shooting by a Muslim husband and wife in San Bernardino, California, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States. Trump has since walked that proposal back, calling it a “suggestion,” but maintained that we have to “find out what’s going on” with regard to radical Islam.

His supporters have apparently wasted no time telling him that the massacre in Orlando is further proof that he was right to call attention to Islamic terrorism, even if his proposed Muslim ban would have had no effect in this case. Mateen, who died during the attack, is a U.S. citizen, born in New York.

Still, it seems safe to assume we’ll be hearing a lot more from Trump in the coming days about how this incident supposedly meshes with his presidential campaign.

More: Donald Trump Tweets Disgusting Humble Brag After Orlando Massacre

Since the shooter was an American citizen born in New York - why wouldn't this be "homegrown terrorism"? Therefore, how would Trump's rhetoric about banning Muslims have prevented this massacre?

I didn't read the tweet. Did it say, "See, I am right. We must secure our borders. We must deport. Let's make America safe again. You need the second amendment more than ever now." , cause...
Trump 2016 ~ because he recognizes a threat when he sees it.

You mean to protect against an American citizen born in New York? Funny...
No doubt about this, it plays right into Trump's hand

The shooter was a "homegrown" terrorist who hated gays. I repeat, "homegrown"...
Many are. They are radicalized right here in the mosques. The terrorists in France and Belgium were homegrown too. We have taken this nest of vipers into our homes and now find it easy to blame ourselves when these snakes bite.

Stop Islamic immigration. Deport the dangerous.

Dear IDIOT! He was a natural born in the USA citizen. Not a radical Islam terrorist immigrant viper.
No doubt about this, it plays right into Trump's hand

The shooter was a "homegrown" terrorist who hated gays. I repeat, "homegrown"...
Many are. They are radicalized right here in the mosques. The terrorists in France and Belgium were homegrown too. We have taken this nest of vipers into our homes and now find it easy to blame ourselves when these snakes bite.

Stop Islamic immigration. Deport the dangerous.

Dear IDIOT! He was a natural born in the USA citizen. Not a radical Islam terrorist immigrant viper.

He was an radical Islamist jihadist from all accounts.
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Dear IDIOT! He was a natural born in the USA citizen. Not a radical Islam terrorist immigrant viper.
He was both a natural-born American and a radical Muslim terrorist. They are not mutually exclusive.
Cost tax dollars to fight a war or to protect the borders. A lot of tax dollars.

I support doing it, but of course I aint whining about how it is stealing either.
Hey Mutt! He was one of yours!

Well, because he was a democrat doesn't mean that I agree with his fucked up extremism.
Crooked Hillary , just like this jackass Obama, is on the wrong side of the Muslim terrorism problem.

The stupid cowardly bitch, like Obama, can't even say the words "Muslim Terrorists".

Trump will cram that stupidity and weakness up Crooked Hillary's fat ass.
Donald Trump took to social media on Sunday to congratulate himself just hours after a gunman attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, leaving 50 dead and 53 injured.

With reports swirling that suspected shooter Omar Mateen may have had ties to Islamic extremism, Trump wanted to make clear the significance of that development: He was right.

Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!​

In December, following a mass shooting by a Muslim husband and wife in San Bernardino, California, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States. Trump has since walked that proposal back, calling it a “suggestion,” but maintained that we have to “find out what’s going on” with regard to radical Islam.

His supporters have apparently wasted no time telling him that the massacre in Orlando is further proof that he was right to call attention to Islamic terrorism, even if his proposed Muslim ban would have had no effect in this case. Mateen, who died during the attack, is a U.S. citizen, born in New York.

Still, it seems safe to assume we’ll be hearing a lot more from Trump in the coming days about how this incident supposedly meshes with his presidential campaign.

More: Donald Trump Tweets Disgusting Humble Brag After Orlando Massacre

Since the shooter was an American citizen born in New York - why wouldn't this be "homegrown terrorism"? Therefore, how would Trump's rhetoric about banning Muslims have prevented this massacre?

All of them have been homegrown, all born here, all raised here. So if they're going to blame an administration for this terrorist attack, they need to figure out who was in the Oval office when they were born and blame that administration. That's how much sense this rhetoric makes.

We are going to have to hammer ISIS into the ground, both ideological and with force. We're going to have to do what Germany & the UK have done. Raids on suspected ISIS sympathizers before they act, not after.

It's not rocket science, we have to go out on the offensive. We can't just sit back let them pick us off.

Just because you write it BIG doesn't make him any less an Islamic Terrorist whose family is from Afghanistan. They merely crossed the border and he was born here.
Why would you want to try and excuse what the man has done.
This is a horribly sad and horrific day. Should not be a day of fighting. But...I digress....go right ahead..
No doubt about this, it plays right into Trump's hand

The shooter was a "homegrown" terrorist who hated gays. I repeat, "homegrown"...
Many are. They are radicalized right here in the mosques. The terrorists in France and Belgium were homegrown too. We have taken this nest of vipers into our homes and now find it easy to blame ourselves when these snakes bite.

Stop Islamic immigration. Deport the dangerous.

Dear IDIOT! He was a natural born in the USA citizen. Not a radical Islam terrorist immigrant viper.
Subtract the immigrant,and you are right still all those other things

Lakkoka is trying desperately to tie failure to Trump in this and it's going to be just the opposite. Americans are pissed off and have had it with Islamos and their terrorism. This helps Trump, that's just a fact

Religious extremism is pure idiocy and should be fought.

It is not the Christians, Jews, or Buddhists that are carrying out terrorist attacks against Americans nowadays.

It is the Muslims.

Moon Bats should stop trying to equate radical Muslim terrorism with mainstream religion.

It just them look like hateful fool.
Fuck that Orangutan, that fat bag of Orange shit is NEVER going to be President so this is all a moot point:fu:, This Omar dude was an American born in NY, just like that cocksucker Mcveigh HE WAS A HOMEGROWN TERRORIST:deal:..

If that fat bloated Orange ape, with the dead rat on his dome wants to politicize this, then Clinton will just call for an assault weapon ban!! 2 can play that fucking game..

You wanna ban all Muslims?? ain't gonna happen, but while were at it when Hillary becomes President, i hope she fucking nukes and kills all of those 276 groups of right wing extremists, militia groups in America WACO STYLE!!, Dylan roof, Tim Mcveigh, the Unabomber, Jared Loughner, the Sandy hook shooter, Colorado movie theater shooter Holmes, James Huberty, Eric Rudolph, too many more to mention, why dosen't anyone ever bitch about WHITE homegrown terrorism???????????

Gee ive never heard of a Black, Hispanic, or Muslim blow up a federal building killing 168 innocent people???? here in America???
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Fuck that Orangutan, that fat bag of Orange shit is NEVER going to be President so this is all a moot point:fu:, This Omar dude was an American born in NY, just like that cocksucker Mcveigh HE WAS A HOMEGROWN TERRORIST:deal:..

If that fat bloated Orange ape, with the dead rat on his dome wants to politicize this, then Clinton will just call for an assault weapon ban!! 2 can play that fucking game..

You wanna ban all Muslims?? ain't gonna happen, but while were at it when Hillary becomes President, i hope she fucking nukes and kills all of those 276 groups of right wing extremists, militia groups in America WACO STYLE!!, Dylan roof, Tim Mcveigh, the Unabomber, Jared Loughner, the Sandy hook shooter, Colorado movie theater shooter Holmes, James Huberty, Eric Rudolph, why isn't anyone bitching about WHITE homegrown terrorism???????????

Obviously you have not been reading much, including this thread. He was not ''home grown''. His family is from Afghanistan. They came to this country just as the other 3 mil have. He just happened to be born here. He was an Islamic terrorist, and being born here does not make him any less so.

Trump just embarrassed himself & all his supporters on CNN. He just kept repeatedly blaming this attack on Obama's immigration & Obama not continuously screaming the phrase "radical islam" Birther Trump is totally clueless. Trump is more dangerous than his fellow New Yorker Mateen who committed this terror attack.

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