Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton

And we all know that neither one of these idiots can keep national security secrets to themselves. Hillary has already proven as much. And we all know Donald's big mouth and ego will prevent him from keeping classified information to himself.

White House says Hillary can handle classified briefings. Trump? Eh.
As opposed to Reagan blurting out his intention to bomb Moscow?
Of course Reagan was joking, but it was an asinine thing for the POTUS to say.
How is stating intent the same thing as releasing classified information?!? :cuckoo:

I know this is shocking to people like you, your opinion on something is still permitted under the 1st Amendment.

If Obama said such a statement you would throwing hissy fits.
Why? He's such a coward, he's embolden our enemies. I would kill to hear him stand up like a real leader just once and threaten to bomb Moscow.

So now that you ran from the question and tried to change the topic - let's get back on track here. How is a person giving their own opinion or intent even remotely the same thing as releasing classified information??? :cuckoo:
Hillary is not tech literate to know shit about keeping classified information secured.
The real issue, though, is that nothing happens to someone when the AG is on their team.
I'm not really worried about any substantial threats to the empire.
I've got a $1,000 that says you're a liberal (uh?). They are always so naive about stuff like that.

No discussion about anything in this society is there. Label, categorize, flame. Ideas and concepts are to tough.
Unlike liberals, I am not preventing you from discussing anything. I don't riot and resort to violence when a liberal tries to speak. And spare me they hyper-sensitive "don't label me" battle cry. Labels exist for a reason. They are a vital part of understanding. It's why we label things "mammals", and "reptiles", etc.

Without labels, the world would be a lot more volatile. For instance, if someone is acting really stupid and you are informed that the person is mentally handicapped in some way, you realize it is not their fault. That's a vital label. If someone else is acting really stupid, and you are informed they are high on narcotics, you realize that although the direct action at the moment is not their fault, it is their fault for putting the narcotics in their system. You are going to treat that person different from the mentally handicapped person. Then, if yet another person is acting really stupid, and you are informed they are a liberal, you realize they are stupid by choice and you are going to treat them differently from the mentally handicapped and the drug addict.

Great rationalization. Anyone who has other ideas can be dismissed for your declaration of their stupidity, and you of course are always and forever correct. Thought so.
Not true at all. I'll listen to ideas all day. What I won't listen to is the call to violate the law.

If a person thinks guns should be outlawed - fine. Have that conversation, be honest about your intentions and reasons, and then try to convince the American people to legally amend the U.S. Constitution.

But liberals don't do that. They simply violate the law. And that is why I dismiss them. I would listen all day and discuss anything with anyone so long as they are willing to obey the law. I have no time or sympathy for criminals.
To be fair, conservatives won't have that conversation either. In another thread I blatantly said that I supported gun ownership, but thought it was a good idea to get them registered / have a vetting process and Conservatives trashed me saying that I was blatantly denying a constitutional right. The far right is as absurd as the far left and as unwilling to hear rational debate.

The issue with America is more extremism rather than any singular viewpoint.
I've got a $1,000 that says you're a liberal (uh?). They are always so naive about stuff like that.

No discussion about anything in this society is there. Label, categorize, flame. Ideas and concepts are to tough.
Unlike liberals, I am not preventing you from discussing anything. I don't riot and resort to violence when a liberal tries to speak. And spare me they hyper-sensitive "don't label me" battle cry. Labels exist for a reason. They are a vital part of understanding. It's why we label things "mammals", and "reptiles", etc.

Without labels, the world would be a lot more volatile. For instance, if someone is acting really stupid and you are informed that the person is mentally handicapped in some way, you realize it is not their fault. That's a vital label. If someone else is acting really stupid, and you are informed they are high on narcotics, you realize that although the direct action at the moment is not their fault, it is their fault for putting the narcotics in their system. You are going to treat that person different from the mentally handicapped person. Then, if yet another person is acting really stupid, and you are informed they are a liberal, you realize they are stupid by choice and you are going to treat them differently from the mentally handicapped and the drug addict.

Great rationalization. Anyone who has other ideas can be dismissed for your declaration of their stupidity, and you of course are always and forever correct. Thought so.
Not true at all. I'll listen to ideas all day. What I won't listen to is the call to violate the law.

If a person thinks guns should be outlawed - fine. Have that conversation, be honest about your intentions and reasons, and then try to convince the American people to legally amend the U.S. Constitution.

But liberals don't do that. They simply violate the law. And that is why I dismiss them. I would listen all day and discuss anything with anyone so long as they are willing to obey the law. I have no time or sympathy for criminals.
To be fair, conservatives won't have that conversation either. In another thread I blatantly said that I supported gun ownership, but thought it was a good idea to get them registered / have a vetting process and Conservatives trashed me saying that I was blatantly denying a constitutional right. The far right is as absurd as the far left and as unwilling to hear rational debate.

The issue with America is more extremism rather than any singular viewpoint.

It's all the same schtick. The insanity is encouraged and while "both" sides are screeching at each other, the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated. Reacting emotionally, the unsubstantial are unable to cobble together a coherent push back against the pwoer structure.
To be fair, conservatives won't have that conversation either. In another thread I blatantly said that I supported gun ownership, but thought it was a good idea to get them registered / have a vetting process and Conservatives trashed me saying that I was blatantly denying a constitutional right. The far right is as absurd as the far left and as unwilling to hear rational debate.

The issue with America is more extremism rather than any singular viewpoint.

But just proved my point. Can you imagine if I pitched to you that you had to register to exercise your free speech and then have a vetting process to see who was allowed to have free speech? You'd lose your freaking mind (as well you should).

What you are proposing is completely and utterly unconstitutional. If that is what you want, then again, lets have an honest conversation about your intentions, why you believe what you do, and then try to get the votes you need to amend the Constitution stating that it's no longer a right and that you can require registration and vetting.

You guys just want to bypass the Constitution and do whatever you want to do. I'm sorry, but that's wrong. The founders built in a process to alter the Constitution if and when there came a time where it was no longer working for the American people. If you feel we've reached that point with regards to the 2nd Amendment, then go through the proper and legal process.
It's all the same schtick. The insanity is encouraged and while "both" sides are screeching at each other, the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated. Reacting emotionally, the unsubstantial are unable to cobble together a coherent push back against the power structure.

I would largely agree with you there. But I have to ask (because I might be confused) - aren't you the side that keeps voting for the government to have more power? Aren't you the side that keeps encouraging people to ignore the U.S. Constitution in favor of your ideology?
Donald Trump is either proof that the Democrats long and ugly history of racism is still alive and well or proof that the Democrat party has been completely hijacked by extreme radicals.

Why do I say that? Well, lets look at the facts. Donald Trump is on record with his strong liberal views. He said he considers himself a Democrat. He said the economy does better under Democrats. He said that universal healthcare is a "right". He made massive campaign contributions to Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid. This is some rather damning video for him considering his current platform:

So what the hell happened? How does a man this devoted to the liberal cause (both in deeds, in words, and in campaign contributions) suddenly become a "Republican"? One day he wakes up to find there is a black man in the Oval Office now and The Donald just lost his mind. He's attacking everything about Barack Obama. He's maniacal about the birther issue - claiming that Obama was born overseas. So what was it? Obama is a hard-core ideologue who admitted to being a marxist in his autobiography. He was also very vocal that he considers card-carrying member of Communist Party U.S.A., Frank Marshall Davis, his "mentor". Either Trump is fiercely racists and couldn't accept having a black man in the Oval Office (very likely considering the long and ugly history of racism among the left), or he lost his mind over having a marxist sitting in the Oval Office. Either way, it really doesn't bode well for Democrats. Either one of their own was fiercely racist or their party has become so radical and unhinged that it's driven away rational and more traditional liberals.
It's all the same schtick. The insanity is encouraged and while "both" sides are screeching at each other, the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated. Reacting emotionally, the unsubstantial are unable to cobble together a coherent push back against the power structure.

I would largely agree with you there. But I have to ask (because I might be confused) - aren't you the side that keeps voting for the government to have more power? Aren't you the side that keeps encouraging people to ignore the U.S. Constitution in favor of your ideology?

No, that's your assumption. I mean both parties. The whole thing. But you’d rather sling than hear or listen. I’m no fan the “other” side.
It's all the same schtick. The insanity is encouraged and while "both" sides are screeching at each other, the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated. Reacting emotionally, the unsubstantial are unable to cobble together a coherent push back against the power structure.

I would largely agree with you there. But I have to ask (because I might be confused) - aren't you the side that keeps voting for the government to have more power? Aren't you the side that keeps encouraging people to ignore the U.S. Constitution in favor of your ideology?

No, that's your assumption. I mean both parties. The whole thing. But you’d rather sling than hear or listen. I’m no fan the “other” side.
Where do you get "sling"? I asked a honest, genuine question. I didn't insult you. I didn't mock you. I wasn't sarcastic.
It's all the same schtick. The insanity is encouraged and while "both" sides are screeching at each other, the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated. Reacting emotionally, the unsubstantial are unable to cobble together a coherent push back against the power structure.

I would largely agree with you there. But I have to ask (because I might be confused) - aren't you the side that keeps voting for the government to have more power? Aren't you the side that keeps encouraging people to ignore the U.S. Constitution in favor of your ideology?

No, that's your assumption. I mean both parties. The whole thing. But you’d rather sling than hear or listen. I’m no fan the “other” side.
Where do you get "sling"? I asked a honest, genuine question. I didn't insult you. I didn't mock you. I wasn't sarcastic.

Not this time, not yet, and you know exactly what I mean.
To be fair, conservatives won't have that conversation either. In another thread I blatantly said that I supported gun ownership, but thought it was a good idea to get them registered / have a vetting process and Conservatives trashed me saying that I was blatantly denying a constitutional right. The far right is as absurd as the far left and as unwilling to hear rational debate.

The issue with America is more extremism rather than any singular viewpoint.

But just proved my point. Can you imagine if I pitched to you that you had to register to exercise your free speech and then have a vetting process to see who was allowed to have free speech? You'd lose your freaking mind (as well you should).

What you are proposing is completely and utterly unconstitutional. If that is what you want, then again, lets have an honest conversation about your intentions, why you believe what you do, and then try to get the votes you need to amend the Constitution stating that it's no longer a right and that you can require registration and vetting.

You guys just want to bypass the Constitution and do whatever you want to do. I'm sorry, but that's wrong. The founders built in a process to alter the Constitution if and when there came a time where it was no longer working for the American people. If you feel we've reached that point with regards to the 2nd Amendment, then go through the proper and legal process.
You have to register to vote, you have to register to drive (you need a license and registration), you have to register to hunt, you have to register to go to school, you have to register for a job (there is a ton of indoctrination paperwork), and even in certain cases you have to register for your right to speak freely and assemble (depending on your location and number of people usually). There aren't many freedoms we have that don't require some sort of paperwork trail that registers us with the government or a business. Why are guns so special?
This thread should be retitled Whiny Little Bitch vs. Hillary Clinton
You know I'm almost as anti-Hillary as I am anti-Trump, and, as a veteran of the Marines, I take American casualties pretty damn seriously.

With that said, I consider it highly disrespectful that I see you Conservatives spamming this image (it is literally the 3rd or 4th thread I've seen this spammed in, in as many days). You can point towards Hillary's gross failures during her tenure as Sec of State without displaying the images of the cost of her incompetence and disrespecting the dead in the process. Any normal, rational, person that is made aware of her mistakes is going to find her unfavorable without having to resort to tabloid-esque pictures with click-bait text.
That is NOT Chris Stevens in your picture.... HOW could you not know this? Why do right wingers constantly create their own news by fabricating lies, creating pics like the one you showed with statements that are 100% FALSE?

AND most importantly, WHY do people like you and other conservatives, fall for these lies produced by right wing propagandists OVER AND AND OVER AND OVER again? And even when you are shown things are wrong, you go right back to the blogs or sites that have manufactured these lies and trust them again with their next fabrication?

It's just bothersome to me....and I don't mean to single you out....but that picture of ANOTHER PERSON that was killed in another country has family and friends that have to view it over and over again, and Chris Stephen's parents, family and friends have to deal with these lies that you all have fabricated and reminded of his death over and over again and the lies you all created that he was raped, when he was NOT....which can't be A GOOD THING to them.... please think about this before you post this picture again and become a facilitator of the propaganda you are FED again.... thank you in advance!
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You know I'm almost as anti-Hillary as I am anti-Trump, and, as a veteran of the Marines, I take American casualties pretty damn seriously.

With that said, I consider it highly disrespectful that I see you Conservatives spamming this image (it is literally the 3rd or 4th thread I've seen this spammed in, in as many days). You can point towards Hillary's gross failures during her tenure as Sec of State without displaying the images of the cost of her incompetence and disrespecting the dead in the process. Any normal, rational, person that is made aware of her mistakes is going to find her unfavorable without having to resort to tabloid-esque pictures with click-bait text.
I didn't see your message, just his link and it seems you have beaten me to it on telling him it is a FAKE....

and the lies you all created that he was raped, when he was NOT....which can't be A GOOD THING to them.... please think about this before you post this picture again and become a facilitator of the propaganda you are FED again.... thank you in advance!

Shame on you Care4all. It is beyond disgraceful that you buy into liberal propaganda and speak from a place of extreme ignorance. Christopher Stevens was absolutely sodomized/raped in some capacity. These pictures below absolutely, indisputably, unequivocally are Christopher Stevens.

In the first picture, you can see no pants at all. In the second two pictures, his belt is clearly undone and his pants are on backwards. Tell me something - do you think bullets turn a person pants around? Do you think explosions force a person's pants off and then back on backwards?!? Like all liberals you refuse to ask questions, do research, or questions the leaders that you blindly follow and worship. You should be profoundly ashamed Care4all. I'm ashamed for you....

I didn't see your message, just his link and it seems you have beaten me to it on telling him it is a FAKE....

Of course....cover for Hilldabeast at all costs. Nobody can see the face in picture so nobody has any idea who that is. At the end of the day - it happened. Christopher Stevens died because of the extraordinary incompetence of both Hilldabeast and Barack Obams. Whether that is actually Christoper Stevens or some other victim is completely frick'n irrelevant to the picture - which is about how Hilldabeast is unqualified to sit in the Oval Office making life and death descions.
and the lies you all created that he was raped, when he was NOT....which can't be A GOOD THING to them.... please think about this before you post this picture again and become a facilitator of the propaganda you are FED again.... thank you in advance!

Shame on you Care4all. It is beyond disgraceful that you buy into liberal propaganda and speak from a place of extreme ignorance. Christopher Stevens was absolutely sodomized/raped in some capacity. These pictures below absolutely, indisputably, unequivocally are Christopher Stevens.

In the first picture, you can see no pants at all. In the second two pictures, his belt is clearly undone and his pants are on backwards. Tell me something - do you think bullets turn a person pants around? Do you think explosions force a person's pants off and then back on backwards?!? Like all liberals you refuse to ask questions, do research, or questions the leaders that you blindly follow and worship. You should be profoundly ashamed Care4all. I'm ashamed for you....

View attachment 74755 View attachment 74756 View attachment 74757

The picture you posted earlier WAS NOT CHRIS STEVENS....just look at the pictures you are NOW posting who is him and the fabricated piece of crap photo you posted earlier and I commented on.

AND in your pictures in this post, these people were HELPING HIM and TOOK HIM to the hospital....they didn't rape him, they HELPED HIM, your ignorance and lying is inexcusable....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and the lies you all created that he was raped, when he was NOT....which can't be A GOOD THING to them.... please think about this before you post this picture again and become a facilitator of the propaganda you are FED again.... thank you in advance!

Shame on you Care4all. It is beyond disgraceful that you buy into liberal propaganda and speak from a place of extreme ignorance. Christopher Stevens was absolutely sodomized/raped in some capacity. These pictures below absolutely, indisputably, unequivocally are Christopher Stevens.

In the first picture, you can see no pants at all. In the second two pictures, his belt is clearly undone and his pants are on backwards. Tell me something - do you think bullets turn a person pants around? Do you think explosions force a person's pants off and then back on backwards?!? Like all liberals you refuse to ask questions, do research, or questions the leaders that you blindly follow and worship. You should be profoundly ashamed Care4all. I'm ashamed for you....

View attachment 74755 View attachment 74756 View attachment 74757

The picture you posted earlier WAS NOT CHRIS STEVENS....just look at the pictures you are NOW posting who is him and the fabricated piece of crap photo you posted earlier and I commented on.

AND in your pictures in this post, these people were HELPING HIM and TOOK HIM to the hospital....they didn't rape him, they HELPED HIM, your ignorance and lying is inexcusable....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG....that is a special kind of stupid. Nobody is claiming the people in the picture are the one's who attacked him.

Stop trying to run away from the facts and attempting to get everyone to focus on everything else. His pants are gone in the first picture, in the subsequent pictures his pants are on backwards and the belt is undone. Only an idiot wouldn't understand why. Or a liar trying to push a sick agenda.
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