Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton

and the lies you all created that he was raped, when he was NOT....which can't be A GOOD THING to them.... please think about this before you post this picture again and become a facilitator of the propaganda you are FED again.... thank you in advance!

Shame on you Care4all. It is beyond disgraceful that you buy into liberal propaganda and speak from a place of extreme ignorance. Christopher Stevens was absolutely sodomized/raped in some capacity. These pictures below absolutely, indisputably, unequivocally are Christopher Stevens.

In the first picture, you can see no pants at all. In the second two pictures, his belt is clearly undone and his pants are on backwards. Tell me something - do you think bullets turn a person pants around? Do you think explosions force a person's pants off and then back on backwards?!? Like all liberals you refuse to ask questions, do research, or questions the leaders that you blindly follow and worship. You should be profoundly ashamed Care4all. I'm ashamed for you....

View attachment 74755 View attachment 74756 View attachment 74757

The picture you posted earlier WAS NOT CHRIS STEVENS....just look at the pictures you are NOW posting who is him and the fabricated piece of crap photo you posted earlier and I commented on.

AND in your pictures in this post, these people were HELPING HIM and TOOK HIM to the hospital....they didn't rape him, they HELPED HIM, your ignorance and lying is inexcusable....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG....that is a special kind of stupid. Nobody is claiming the people in the picture are the one's who attacked him.

Stop trying to run away from the facts and attempting to get everyone to focus on everything else. His pants are gone in the first picture, in the subsequent pictures his pants are on backwards and the belt is undone. Only an idiot wouldn't understand why. Or a liar trying to push a sick agenda.
you don't dance very well, or baffle well with your BS either.

Answer me this: Why did you post your fake picture of Stevens and the meme he was sodomized/raped and murdered with that photo?

WHY did you do that?
and the lies you all created that he was raped, when he was NOT....which can't be A GOOD THING to them.... please think about this before you post this picture again and become a facilitator of the propaganda you are FED again.... thank you in advance!

Shame on you Care4all. It is beyond disgraceful that you buy into liberal propaganda and speak from a place of extreme ignorance. Christopher Stevens was absolutely sodomized/raped in some capacity. These pictures below absolutely, indisputably, unequivocally are Christopher Stevens.

In the first picture, you can see no pants at all. In the second two pictures, his belt is clearly undone and his pants are on backwards. Tell me something - do you think bullets turn a person pants around? Do you think explosions force a person's pants off and then back on backwards?!? Like all liberals you refuse to ask questions, do research, or questions the leaders that you blindly follow and worship. You should be profoundly ashamed Care4all. I'm ashamed for you....

View attachment 74755 View attachment 74756 View attachment 74757

The picture you posted earlier WAS NOT CHRIS STEVENS....just look at the pictures you are NOW posting who is him and the fabricated piece of crap photo you posted earlier and I commented on.

AND in your pictures in this post, these people were HELPING HIM and TOOK HIM to the hospital....they didn't rape him, they HELPED HIM, your ignorance and lying is inexcusable....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG....that is a special kind of stupid. Nobody is claiming the people in the picture are the one's who attacked him.

Stop trying to run away from the facts and attempting to get everyone to focus on everything else. His pants are gone in the first picture, in the subsequent pictures his pants are on backwards and the belt is undone. Only an idiot wouldn't understand why. Or a liar trying to push a sick agenda.
huh? attacked him? or raped him as you first claimed?

PLEASE for the love of God and TRUTH, STOP lying...just stop it.
you don't dance very well, or baffle well with your BS either.

Answer me this: Why did you post your fake picture of Stevens and the meme he was sodomized/raped and murdered with that photo?

WHY did you do that?

So you are admitting now that he was in fact sodomized/raped? You're admitting you either lied earlier or you ignorantly bought into propaganda without any research into the facts?!? Good. About time.
and the lies you all created that he was raped, when he was NOT....which can't be A GOOD THING to them.... please think about this before you post this picture again and become a facilitator of the propaganda you are FED again.... thank you in advance!

Shame on you Care4all. It is beyond disgraceful that you buy into liberal propaganda and speak from a place of extreme ignorance. Christopher Stevens was absolutely sodomized/raped in some capacity. These pictures below absolutely, indisputably, unequivocally are Christopher Stevens.

In the first picture, you can see no pants at all. In the second two pictures, his belt is clearly undone and his pants are on backwards. Tell me something - do you think bullets turn a person pants around? Do you think explosions force a person's pants off and then back on backwards?!? Like all liberals you refuse to ask questions, do research, or questions the leaders that you blindly follow and worship. You should be profoundly ashamed Care4all. I'm ashamed for you....

View attachment 74755 View attachment 74756 View attachment 74757

The picture you posted earlier WAS NOT CHRIS STEVENS....just look at the pictures you are NOW posting who is him and the fabricated piece of crap photo you posted earlier and I commented on.

AND in your pictures in this post, these people were HELPING HIM and TOOK HIM to the hospital....they didn't rape him, they HELPED HIM, your ignorance and lying is inexcusable....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG....that is a special kind of stupid. Nobody is claiming the people in the picture are the one's who attacked him.

Stop trying to run away from the facts and attempting to get everyone to focus on everything else. His pants are gone in the first picture, in the subsequent pictures his pants are on backwards and the belt is undone. Only an idiot wouldn't understand why. Or a liar trying to push a sick agenda.
huh? attacked him? or raped him as you first claimed?

PLEASE for the love of God and TRUTH, STOP lying...just stop it.
You clearly stopped taking your meds again - didn't you? I take it you are feeling a bit humiliated that the facts just proved that you were either lying or ignorant?
here's where your fabricated photo came from, an Argentinian article from 2004....

NOW use your God given brain....WHY WOULD rightwingers take this FAKE PHOTO of Stevens and use that to pass around the net with their lie about him being raped if any of it were true? USE your head boy!

Argentina tuvo durante la democracia un centro para aprender a torturar
It's not "my" photo you idiot. I didn't create the image. Even if that's not Stevens - who the fuck cares?!? What is the difference between one dead body and another dead body?!? The point of the image is about Hilldabeats failures. Not about Stevens. But of course, that's exactly why you want to discuss Stevens and which body appears in the image.
I personally think this speaks volumes. It clearly says that both sides agree they have nominated someone awful. I will largely defend the Democrats on this one - they only had three choices total (and two - Hillary and Bernie - are completely unelectable). Republicans have no excuses though. We had the best field in the history of the party, and even though liberals were showing up in droves to hijack the primary, if Republicans would have acted like true conservatives Trump wouldn't be the nominee.

I am not with you on this one Rotty ... Just can't go there.

It isn't that I am a Trump supporter ... But I have had enough of the weak spined BS coming out of the GOP.
I didn't like a single candidate the GOP offered (I really didn't like any of the Democrats).

Don't even pretend that any of that garbage came close to a Conservative.
Now I understand that I am a little too Conservative for some folks ... And can make allowances when necessary (no matter how much it pains me).
But enough is enough ... The GOP will not win and will not be taking my vote (nor others like me) for granted any longer.

That's the rub ... The big 411 ... The "oops you should have thought about this before now".
Come the day after the election in November ... I will be okay no matter who wins ... I am a Conservative and don't need the government to do crap for me.

If some fruit cake gets in there and starts wars ... I will buy stock in Norfolk Grumman.
I some lulu gets in there and decides they want to turn the Community College system into Public Education Part Duex ... Oh well.
If it is more important for the Federal Government to argue over who takes a dump in what bathroom than how to get Federal Spending under control ... What are you fighting for?

Sick and tired of it all ... There are no more real Conservatives running for office.
We need leadership and solid direction ... And those goofballs give us John McCain, Mitt Romney ... And a host of other useless idiots.

Don't even pretend that any of that garbage came close to a Conservative. Now I understand that I am a little too Conservative for some folks ... And can make allowances when necessary (no matter how much it pains me).

Sick and tired of it all ... There are no more real Conservatives running for office.
We need leadership and solid direction ... And those goofballs give us John McCain, Mitt Romney ... And a host of other useless idiot.

Um....are you aware that John McCain was 8 years ago and Mitt Romney was 4 years ago? I guarantee you're not even in the ballpark with me when it comes to being truly conservative (the fact that you're ok with Trump is proof enough). Even by my high standards, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz were epic. Nobody could possibly puts those guys in the same category as John McCain.
Um....are you aware that John McCain was 8 years ago and Mitt Romney was 4 years ago? I guarantee you're not even in the ballpark with me when it comes to being truly conservative (the fact that you're ok with Trump is proof enough). Even by my high standards, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz were epic. Nobody could possibly puts those guys in the same category as John McCain.

You don't have to convince me we aren't the same kind of Conservative (completely different ballpark) ... Your admiration for lightweights explains it already.
I didn't put them in the same category ... They chose to put themselves up as GOP candidates.
And I very much can compare them to John McCain ... Because they all lack the balls to do anything.

If anything makes it hard to compare them to John McCain ... It's the fact that at least John McCain was open and honest about kissing the left's ass.

Um....are you aware that John McCain was 8 years ago and Mitt Romney was 4 years ago? I guarantee you're not even in the ballpark with me when it comes to being truly conservative (the fact that you're ok with Trump is proof enough). Even by my high standards, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz were epic. Nobody could possibly puts those guys in the same category as John McCain.

You don't have to convince me we aren't the same kind of Conservative (completely different ballpark) ... Your admiration for lightweights explains it already.
I didn't put them in the same category ... They chose to put themselves up as GOP candidates.
And I very much can compare them to John McCain ... Because they all lack the balls to do anything.

If anything makes it hard to compare them to John McCain ... It's the fact that at least John McCain was open and honest about kissing the left's ass.

Well that's an astounding level of naivety. Because they ran as Republican's they aren't real conservatives? :cuckoo:

Guess what - we have a two party system in America. When is the last time someone who didn't run as a Republican or a Democrat won? Oh yeah....that's right....never. As in never. Real Tea Party conservatives have no choice but to run as Republican's right now. We are slowly changing that. Some day we'll shove the liberals over to the Democrats where they belong, but Rome wasn't built in a day.
Um....are you aware that John McCain was 8 years ago and Mitt Romney was 4 years ago? I guarantee you're not even in the ballpark with me when it comes to being truly conservative (the fact that you're ok with Trump is proof enough). Even by my high standards, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz were epic. Nobody could possibly puts those guys in the same category as John McCain.

You don't have to convince me we aren't the same kind of Conservative (completely different ballpark) ... Your admiration for lightweights explains it already.
I didn't put them in the same category ... They chose to put themselves up as GOP candidates.
And I very much can compare them to John McCain ... Because they all lack the balls to do anything.

If anything makes it hard to compare them to John McCain ... It's the fact that at least John McCain was open and honest about kissing the left's ass.

More "logic". RINO's like you refuse to elect real conservatives like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. So how can they do anything?!? You have no idea what they will do or not do because you're too afraid to elect real conservatives. You prefer the left-leaning, "safe" RINO's like George W. Bush.
I'm no fan of Donald Trump (in fact, I consider him to be one of the biggest of the most disgusting humans to ever live in America). But that being said, it is truly a joy to watch all of these unhinged, irrational liberals in the U.S. and across the world completely lose their minds over the thought that they won't be able to bully, belittle, and employ political correctness techniques to control and silence someone they don't like. Trump treating these irrational buffoons like the small children they are - and watching their subsequent tantrums like small children - is priceless. And truly a joy to sit back and watch.

Mexico warns of repercussions if remittances are blocked
Well that's an astounding level of naivety. Because they ran as Republican's they aren't real conservatives? :cuckoo:

That's not what I said at all ... I only said they put themselves in the same category ... Which is candidates for the GOP.
That was in response to your absurd suggestions that I couldn't put them in the same category ... Nitwit.
Furthermore ... I said there wasn't real Conservative running ... And that would include any party you want to gab about.

You have serious problems understanding the English language ... Which doesn't make me naïve.
You are naïve enough to think you are changing anything ... When in all honesty ... The best any of your favorites could do would be slow what is happening down (if they had any stones ... which they don't).

Until a strong Conservative leader steps up ... You can pretend you are Conservative all you want.

More "logic". RINO's like you refuse to elect real conservatives like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. So how can they do anything?!? You have no idea what they will do or not do because you're too afraid to elect real conservatives. You prefer the left-leaning, "safe" RINO's like George W. Bush.

Whatever makes you think I like anything about the left ... The right isn't right enough ... Bozo.

More "logic". RINO's like you refuse to elect real conservatives like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. So how can they do anything?!? You have no idea what they will do or not do because you're too afraid to elect real conservatives. You prefer the left-leaning, "safe" RINO's like George W. Bush.

Whatever makes you think I like anything about the left ... The right isn't right enough ... Bozo.

The fact that you think Trump is so awesome because he has "balls" and the fact that you actually deny that real Constitutionla conservatives like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz aren't real conservatives (most likely you have no idea who they are which also indicates you're a liberal).
The fact that you think Trump is so awesome because he has "balls" and the fact that you actually deny that real Constitutionla conservatives like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz aren't real conservatives (most likely you have no idea who they are which also indicates you're a liberal).

Really ... When did I say Trump was awesome ... Or anything about Trump for that matter?
Still having reading comprehension problems I see ... Because I didn't say anything about Trump having stones or being a Conservative either.

That makes you just about wrong on everything you ever attempt to post back at me numbskull.

Try fricken reading ... No wonder you think Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are real Conservatives.
You cannot comprehend the English language ... And think your stupid assumptions amount to fact.


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