Donald Trump would speak with North Korea's Kim Jong Un


Nov 14, 2012
I think that is the first of all to do, whatever it is about. However, it is about nukes this time. North Korea has ended its nuclear program but has been fooled big time by the Obama Regime, that did never deliver even a single of the promised 240000 tons of food and officially canceled the agreement after North Korea launched a failed satellite start. North Korea resumed the nuclear program in response, the latest nuke test was executed this year. So what the US with Trump is up to, is to keep its promises and make negotiations with its government credible and worth the time.

Donald Trump would speak with North Korea's Kim Jong Un -


"North Korea failed in its much-hyped effort to launch a satellite into space Friday, undercutting its claims to be a "strong and prosperous" nation on the centennial of founder Kim Il Sung's birth."
North Korea satellite launch fails quickly after liftoff

"The United States will not go forward with planned food aid to North Korea, the White House said on Friday, after the impoverished nation's unsuccessful launch of a long-range missile which Washington had warned would have consequences."
US stops food aid to North Korea after missile launch
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Granny says tell him to ask fatboy Kim about dey's prison camps...

North Korea labor camps overcrowded, dangerous, report says
Sept. 16, 2016 - The prisons are being packed as a crackdown on defectors continues under Kim Jong Un.
North Korea's labor camps are overcrowded and the number of deaths in the camps is soaring, according to former detainees in the country. The labor camps, which are used as short-term facilities for prisoners, are overflowing as more arrests are taking place under Kim Jong Un, Japanese news service Asia Press reported. A North Korean woman who was recently released after being detained at a labor camp said the prisons are so packed "there is no place to sit down."

The woman told Asia Press people in the camps were arrested for attempted defections, smuggling, or not showing up at their workplaces. "Death and malnutrition among prisoners have increased due to forced labor and harsh conditions...I risked death many times due to beatings, forced labor and hunger," the woman said, according to the report.


Asia Press founder Ishimaru Jiro said the North Koreans in labor camps have been targeted for "violating the social order," including those who took unauthorized leaves of absence from mass mobilization movements like the "200-day battle," smuggling goods across the China border, or using a Chinese mobile phone to make calls. Inside the prisons, North Korean guards do not provide enough food and deaths are being reported, Jiro added.

North Korea's treatment of defectors is at the center of a U.N. query into cases of missing persons in the country. The U.N.'s Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances stated it has requested North Korea answer questions regarding 41 cases of forced disappearances. Pyongyang has yet to provide a response, Voice of America reported Friday. The cases include defectors and South Korean citizens who were kidnapped to the North during the 1950-53 Korean War.

North Korea labor camps overcrowded, dangerous, report says

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