Donald Trump's Abuse of Power


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
What a fucking jerk. No wonder fucking jerk conservatives love him.

Donald Trump's Abuse of Power

The Republican frontrunner asks security to take coats from protestors, and then turn them out into the freezing cold.

Last week, Donald Trump was addressing a large crowd in Burlington, Vermont, when he was interrupted by a series of protestors who raised their voices against him. Soon, he asked security to remove the disruptive audience members, asserting his power in a legitimate manner so that he could continue with his remarks.

But that wasn’t enough for the billionaire.

Standing before a crowd of supporters and acting on an impulse, he piled on, ordering security personnel at the event to seize the coats of the protestors in addition to kicking them out. “Get him outta there! Don’t give him his coat,” he said on one occasion. “Keep his coat. Confiscate his coat. You know it’s about 10 degrees below zero outside. No, you can keep his coat. Tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.”

In the present campaign, voters are deciding whether various candidates can be trusted with the extraordinary power that is vested in the president of the United States.

Who will use that power with wisdom and restraint?

Trump can’t help but abuse the power of presiding over a rally. His supporters believe that he will stand with little guys against elites. Yet there he was amid thousands of fans ordering hired muscle to strip powerless dissenters of their coats. There he was saying they should be turned out into the Vermont winter that way.

He was not content to restore order. He went a step further, using power vindictively, whether to satisfy his own desire or to play to the worst impulses of the crowd.

His behavior was needlessly cruel.

And it was familiar. It shared something with the football player who throws a kidney punch in the dog pile after the opposing receiver is down, and with the police officer who slams the suspect’s head against the doorframe as he puts him in the back seat. It reminded me of the boss who makes the worker who beat him in the March-Madness pool stay late, just to inflict pain that reminds everyone who is in charge. Or the politician who beats a political enemy, then orders her audited.

Trump is a bully. How many of his supporters still haven’t realized that? How many don’t care because they think he’s their bully? If they elect him, they’ll find out the truth. He’d as soon tell hired muscle to take their coats if it served his purposes.

Watch Power Corrupt Donald Trump at a Vermont Rally
Oh MY....It's going to be a LANDSLIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Poll: 20% of Dems would defect for Trump
    The Hill ^ | 01/09/16 | Sarah Ferris
    About 20 percent of likely Democratic voters say they would buck the party and vote for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in a general election, according to a new poll. The willingness of some Democrats to change sides could be a major problem for Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton this fall. The new figures were released by Mercury Analytics, a research company with clients that include MSNBC and Fox News, as the result of an online poll and dial-test of Trump's first campaign ad. A smaller number of Republicans say they’d vote for Clinton - about 14 percent. Ron Howard, the...
Hillary Clinton abused the power of the state of Arkansas and later the federal government to threaten the lives of women who were sexually attacked by her husband.
RWNJ traitors also pile on, applauding Drumpf for STEALING the man's property.

They're agreeing with him stealing a lot more than a coat though.

Drumpf steals land and the RWNJs applaud him.
Hillary Clinton abused the power of the state of Arkansas and later the federal government to threaten the lives of women who were sexually attacked by her husband.

Stay on topic.

If you want to lie about President and/or Setcy Clinton, go start a thread.

Just once, try to say something positive about Drumpf's stealing property - like a man's coat on a cold winter night.
Hillary Clinton abused the power of the state of Arkansas and later the federal government to threaten the lives of women who were sexually attacked by her husband.

Stay on topic.

If you want to lie about President and/or Setcy Clinton, go start a thread.

Just once, try to say something positive about Drumpf's stealing property - like a man's coat on a cold winter night.

Why? This is just yet another bash Trump thread from a Left-wing loon who's scared shitless the Donald will create some jobs and cut out some handouts and he may be forced to work for a living. Just another one. We will spank his butt soundly and shut down his OP just like we do all the rest. Nothing to see here. Just another scared Liberal crying.
No one lost their coat. It rattled some cages though. It turned out to be hilarious.
Hillary Clinton abused the power of the state of Arkansas and later the federal government to threaten the lives of women who were sexually attacked by her husband.

Stay on topic.

If you want to lie about President and/or Setcy Clinton, go start a thread.

Just once, try to say something positive about Drumpf's stealing property - like a man's coat on a cold winter night.

Why? This is just yet another bash Trump thread from a Left-wing loon who's scared shitless the Donald will create some jobs and cut out some handouts and he may be forced to work for a living. Just another one. We will spank his butt soundly and shut down his OP just like we do all the rest. Nothing to see here. Just another scared Liberal crying.
I am not a liberal but I hear they don't cry, they VOTE!
Hillary Clinton abused the power of the state of Arkansas and later the federal government to threaten the lives of women who were sexually attacked by her husband.

Stay on topic.

If you want to lie about President and/or Setcy Clinton, go start a thread.

Just once, try to say something positive about Drumpf's stealing property - like a man's coat on a cold winter night.

Why? This is just yet another bash Trump thread from a Left-wing loon who's scared shitless the Donald will create some jobs and cut out some handouts and he may be forced to work for a living. Just another one. We will spank his butt soundly and shut down his OP just like we do all the rest. Nothing to see here. Just another scared Liberal crying.

Oh, so you and the other RWNJ traitors are saying that Drumpf did not say and do this?

“Get him outta there! Don’t give him his coat,” he said on one occasion. “Keep his coat. Confiscate his coat. You know it’s about 10 degrees below zero outside. No, you can keep his coat. Tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.”

Who is lying?

Before you say the liberal media made it up, I saw the video.

No one lost their coat. It rattled some cages though. It turned out to be hilarious.

You think a presidential candidate openly stealing a man's coat is "hilarious"?

That's just stupid. Even for you.

Bet you really loved it when he told the crowd to beat up a protester. Can't have free speech, not from Drumpf. And that's certainly not his first attack on the Constitution - and THAT is what you traitors love about him.
What a fucking jerk. No wonder fucking jerk conservatives love him.

Donald Trump's Abuse of Power

The Republican frontrunner asks security to take coats from protestors, and then turn them out into the freezing cold.

Last week, Donald Trump was addressing a large crowd in Burlington, Vermont, when he was interrupted by a series of protestors who raised their voices against him. Soon, he asked security to remove the disruptive audience members, asserting his power in a legitimate manner so that he could continue with his remarks.

But that wasn’t enough for the billionaire.

Standing before a crowd of supporters and acting on an impulse, he piled on, ordering security personnel at the event to seize the coats of the protestors in addition to kicking them out. “Get him outta there! Don’t give him his coat,” he said on one occasion. “Keep his coat. Confiscate his coat. You know it’s about 10 degrees below zero outside. No, you can keep his coat. Tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.”

In the present campaign, voters are deciding whether various candidates can be trusted with the extraordinary power that is vested in the president of the United States.

Who will use that power with wisdom and restraint?

Trump can’t help but abuse the power of presiding over a rally. His supporters believe that he will stand with little guys against elites. Yet there he was amid thousands of fans ordering hired muscle to strip powerless dissenters of their coats. There he was saying they should be turned out into the Vermont winter that way.

He was not content to restore order. He went a step further, using power vindictively, whether to satisfy his own desire or to play to the worst impulses of the crowd.

His behavior was needlessly cruel.

And it was familiar. It shared something with the football player who throws a kidney punch in the dog pile after the opposing receiver is down, and with the police officer who slams the suspect’s head against the doorframe as he puts him in the back seat. It reminded me of the boss who makes the worker who beat him in the March-Madness pool stay late, just to inflict pain that reminds everyone who is in charge. Or the politician who beats a political enemy, then orders her audited.

Trump is a bully. How many of his supporters still haven’t realized that? How many don’t care because they think he’s their bully? If they elect him, they’ll find out the truth. He’d as soon tell hired muscle to take their coats if it served his purposes.

Watch Power Corrupt Donald Trump at a Vermont Rally

You better put some ice on that.
So yelling at someone to not give back a coat, that was clearly taken off by the owner, is abuse of power.

but forcing people to buy a product or pay a tax, isn't.

this is how fucked up the left is.
Sadly, being a brownshirt thug is now PC among the American right, being the right isn't even allowed to say the being brownshirt thug is bad. Just look at all the righties on this thread, so proud of being stormtroopers.

Most Trump fans are Nazis and very proud to be Nazis. That's why all decent people spit on the sidewalk when a Trump fan passes.

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