Donald Trump's BIG problem


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Former Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama were miles apart in terms of political ideology, but shared one thing in common. They both understood the nuts and bolts of how to govern. Bush had been a Governor, and Obama was a Senator. This experience gave them the tools to move their agenda's forward. Donald Trump does not have this experience...even worse, he has surrounded himself with people who who don't know any more about the process than he does. Running a family owned business is very different than running the executive branch of our government. They were not designed to operate the same way. Now "The Donald" is angry, frustrated, and disillusioned that he cannot seem to make progress. Unless he makes some changes, and is willing to listen to folks that have been their before, he'll continue to flounder.

P.S. He'll soon find out that firing people is not the answer either! :bye1:
Can't agree...

W and Big Ears were very much alike. Loved big government, warring around the world, ignoring the Constitution, the border, the economy, etc..................

And...why do you want an elitist big government politician as POTUS, after all the damage these people have done? Do you fail to understand and comprehend history and logic? Doing the same thing expecting a different result is...well you know.

Trump sucks, but compared to Hillary he is great.
Former Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama were miles apart in terms of political ideology, but shared one thing in common. They both understood the nuts and bolts of how to govern.

Really? Obama sat on his ass doing nothing for two years in the Senate and that taught him how to govern?

This experience gave them the tools to move their agenda's forward.

Really? What agenda did Bush move forward? He was hammered left and right mercilessly all the years he was in office! And Obama had the 100% help of the media and his party to move any agenda forward for him.

Donald Trump does not have this experience. Running a family owned business is very different than running the executive branch of our government.

Really? Running countless major multi-billion dollar enterprises successfully isn't knowledge of how to govern/lead? And you make it sound like he ran a pizza shop. He is head of a 10 billion dollar enterprise.

They were not designed to operate the same way.

Really? How would you know? Maybe that is why our Fed. government doesn't work. It needs shaped up to run smoothly---- LIKE A BUSINESS, where you HAVE to work efficiently or you don't survive.

Now "The Donald" is angry, frustrated, and disillusioned that he cannot seem to make progress. Unless he makes some changes, and is willing to listen to folks that have been their before, he'll continue to flounder.

Really? Last I checked, he has made enormous strides in his first four months far outpacing previous administrations! See the thread on it. Were you gauging Obama's failures only 4 months into his administration? Problem is that 80% of what he's gotten done is hardly mentioned in the media. All they seem to bring up is the immigration freeze that is pending going to the SCOTUS blocked by the jackass 9th Circuit on specious grounds. And who ever said the guy does not listen.. That is all he does! He listens to all kinds of people before making any decision. Honestly, what channel do you tune into?

P.S. He'll soon find out that firing people is not the answer either! :bye1:

Really? I can tell you never ran a business. You keep hiring and firing people until you get the team of folks you need who can do the job you want. But if firing people is NOT the answer, then you are right, you have just taken Maxine's impeachment off the table! That is certainly not the answer.
Former Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama were miles apart in terms of political ideology, but shared one thing in common. They both understood the nuts and bolts of how to govern. Bush had been a Governor, and Obama was a Senator. This experience gave them the tools to move their agenda's forward. Donald Trump does not have this experience...even worse, he has surrounded himself with people who who don't know any more about the process than he does. Running a family owned business is very different than running the executive branch of our government. They were not designed to operate the same way. Now "The Donald" is angry, frustrated, and disillusioned that he cannot seem to make progress. Unless he makes some changes, and is willing to listen to folks that have been their before, he'll continue to flounder.

P.S. He'll soon find out that firing people is not the answer either! :bye1:

just because we've never had a president do this doesn't mean it will fail. the entire point of having a business person in the office is to find out what would happen if you quit going by the past to head into the future.

not a donald fan really. but he won the election and i do want to see him shake things up. the liberal voice has been magnified far too long and having to share the spotlight these days is scaring the hell out of them.
Former Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama were miles apart in terms of political ideology, but shared one thing in common. They both understood the nuts and bolts of how to govern. Bush had been a Governor, and Obama was a Senator. This experience gave them the tools to move their agenda's forward. Donald Trump does not have this experience...even worse, he has surrounded himself with people who who don't know any more about the process than he does. Running a family owned business is very different than running the executive branch of our government. They were not designed to operate the same way. Now "The Donald" is angry, frustrated, and disillusioned that he cannot seem to make progress. Unless he makes some changes, and is willing to listen to folks that have been their before, he'll continue to flounder.

P.S. He'll soon find out that firing people is not the answer either! :bye1:
"The process" is the problem. Too much bullshit. But your post sounds like yet another empty baby libtard threat. After the 10 millionth one it wears a little thin.
Former Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama were miles apart in terms of political ideology, but shared one thing in common. They both understood the nuts and bolts of how to govern. Bush had been a Governor, and Obama was a Senator. This experience gave them the tools to move their agenda's forward. Donald Trump does not have this experience...even worse, he has surrounded himself with people who who don't know any more about the process than he does. Running a family owned business is very different than running the executive branch of our government. They were not designed to operate the same way. Now "The Donald" is angry, frustrated, and disillusioned that he cannot seem to make progress. Unless he makes some changes, and is willing to listen to folks that have been their before, he'll continue to flounder.

P.S. He'll soon find out that firing people is not the answer either! :bye1:
"The process" is the problem. Too much bullshit. But your post sounds like yet another empty baby libtard threat. After the 10 millionth one it wears a little thin.
Goldman Sachs is your "process" son, "liberals" and "conservatives", you merely elect who will do their bidding which is how you get bailouts under "both" in the face of ~90% public opposition. Get fuggin' real.
Exactly why he will bring change to how D.C. does business and what has been needed for a long time.
Former Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama were miles apart in terms of political ideology, but shared one thing in common. They both understood the nuts and bolts of how to govern. Bush had been a Governor, and Obama was a Senator. This experience gave them the tools to move their agenda's forward. Donald Trump does not have this experience...even worse, he has surrounded himself with people who who don't know any more about the process than he does. Running a family owned business is very different than running the executive branch of our government. They were not designed to operate the same way. Now "The Donald" is angry, frustrated, and disillusioned that he cannot seem to make progress. Unless he makes some changes, and is willing to listen to folks that have been their before, he'll continue to flounder.

P.S. He'll soon find out that firing people is not the answer either! :bye1:
Former Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama were miles apart in terms of political ideology, but shared one thing in common. They both understood the nuts and bolts of how to govern.

Really? Obama sat on his ass doing nothing for two years in the Senate and that taught him how to govern?

This experience gave them the tools to move their agenda's forward.

Really? What agenda did Bush move forward? He was hammered left and right mercilessly all the years he was in office! And Obama had the 100% help of the media and his party to move any agenda forward for him.

Donald Trump does not have this experience. Running a family owned business is very different than running the executive branch of our government.

Really? Running countless major multi-billion dollar enterprises successfully isn't knowledge of how to govern/lead? And you make it sound like he ran a pizza shop. He is head of a 10 billion dollar enterprise.

They were not designed to operate the same way.

Really? How would you know? Maybe that is why our Fed. government doesn't work. It needs shaped up to run smoothly---- LIKE A BUSINESS, where you HAVE to work efficiently or you don't survive.

Now "The Donald" is angry, frustrated, and disillusioned that he cannot seem to make progress. Unless he makes some changes, and is willing to listen to folks that have been their before, he'll continue to flounder.

Really? Last I checked, he has made enormous strides in his first four months far outpacing previous administrations! See the thread on it. Were you gauging Obama's failures only 4 months into his administration? Problem is that 80% of what he's gotten done is hardly mentioned in the media. All they seem to bring up is the immigration freeze that is pending going to the SCOTUS blocked by the jackass 9th Circuit on specious grounds. And who ever said the guy does not listen.. That is all he does! He listens to all kinds of people before making any decision. Honestly, what channel do you tune into?

P.S. He'll soon find out that firing people is not the answer either! :bye1:

Really? I can tell you never ran a business. You keep hiring and firing people until you get the team of folks you need who can do the job you want. But if firing people is NOT the answer, then you are right, you have just taken Maxine's impeachment off the table! That is certainly not the answer.

Really? I can tell you never ran a business.

Earth to toob freak! Earth to toob freak! I DO own a business, and it's pretty successful too. I employ 14 people and make well over 100k per year. James Madison, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and the rest of our founding fathers were pretty smart people, (yes...smarter even than "The Donald") and your silly suggestion that we're supposed to throw away our system of government that has stood for 240+ years and run things just like The Donald wants is not only wrong, it's not going to happen. I guess Trump supporters really are THAT dumb!
You really believe that our govt is run as it was 240 years ago? I have an igloo to sell ya.
Former Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama were miles apart in terms of political ideology, but shared one thing in common. They both understood the nuts and bolts of how to govern.

Really? Obama sat on his ass doing nothing for two years in the Senate and that taught him how to govern?

This experience gave them the tools to move their agenda's forward.

Really? What agenda did Bush move forward? He was hammered left and right mercilessly all the years he was in office! And Obama had the 100% help of the media and his party to move any agenda forward for him.

Donald Trump does not have this experience. Running a family owned business is very different than running the executive branch of our government.

Really? Running countless major multi-billion dollar enterprises successfully isn't knowledge of how to govern/lead? And you make it sound like he ran a pizza shop. He is head of a 10 billion dollar enterprise.

They were not designed to operate the same way.

Really? How would you know? Maybe that is why our Fed. government doesn't work. It needs shaped up to run smoothly---- LIKE A BUSINESS, where you HAVE to work efficiently or you don't survive.

Now "The Donald" is angry, frustrated, and disillusioned that he cannot seem to make progress. Unless he makes some changes, and is willing to listen to folks that have been their before, he'll continue to flounder.

Really? Last I checked, he has made enormous strides in his first four months far outpacing previous administrations! See the thread on it. Were you gauging Obama's failures only 4 months into his administration? Problem is that 80% of what he's gotten done is hardly mentioned in the media. All they seem to bring up is the immigration freeze that is pending going to the SCOTUS blocked by the jackass 9th Circuit on specious grounds. And who ever said the guy does not listen.. That is all he does! He listens to all kinds of people before making any decision. Honestly, what channel do you tune into?

P.S. He'll soon find out that firing people is not the answer either! :bye1:

Really? I can tell you never ran a business. You keep hiring and firing people until you get the team of folks you need who can do the job you want. But if firing people is NOT the answer, then you are right, you have just taken Maxine's impeachment off the table! That is certainly not the answer.

Really? I can tell you never ran a business.

Earth to toob freak! Earth to toob freak! I DO own a business, and it's pretty successful too. I employ 14 people and make well over 100k per year. James Madison, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and the rest of our founding fathers were pretty smart people, (yes...smarter even than "The Donald") and your silly suggestion that we're supposed to throw away our system of government that has stood for 240+ years and run things just like The Donald wants is not only wrong, it's not going to happen. I guess Trump supporters really are THAT dumb!
The problem isn't that Trump doesn't know how to govern. Democrats have set as a goal making the country ungovernable at all.
Really? I can tell you never ran a business.

Earth to toob freak! Earth to toob freak! I DO own a business, and it's pretty successful too. I employ 14 people and make well over 100k per year. James Madison, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and the rest of our founding fathers were pretty smart people, (yes...smarter even than "The Donald") and your silly suggestion that we're supposed to throw away our system of government that has stood for 240+ years and run things just like The Donald wants is not only wrong, it's not going to happen. I guess Trump supporters really are THAT dumb!

Well, maybe I should have said run a business WELL. Great that you making some money but what of your employees? Maybe if you did things a bit different you'd have 28 employees and be making $250K. I've been CEO of two companies, a lot bigger than just 14 people, and if someone can't do their job or steps way out of their role like Comey and usurps the responsibilities of the Attorney General, you CAN HIS ASS, PERIOD. And when a government is as far out of control as our Fed is, you need to fix it. It doesn't take an insider to do it, in fact you almost need by definition an outsider to get it done. Trump has numerous people inside enough to guide him, but where you make your mistake in reasoning is to think that in doing so is throwing out our system of government!!! Indeed, not only isn't Trump throwing it out, he is trying to RESTORE IT. Got a big head's up for you, it has already been thrown out and has been missing for years. Go dig up your Geo. Washington, Jefferson, etc., and ask them what they think of our government today and they would tell you they don't even recognize it. Maybe 95% of the crap that Obama put on the books during his 8 years was by definition way outside the true purview of the Fed. Now the Donald is going through it all page by page trying to right countless years of wrong to put America back to just where the Founder's intended it to be---- in the hands of the people and not some massive regulatory, self-important bureaucracy.
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Former Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama were miles apart in terms of political ideology, but shared one thing in common. They both understood the nuts and bolts of how to govern. Bush had been a Governor, and Obama was a Senator. This experience gave them the tools to move their agenda's forward. Donald Trump does not have this experience...even worse, he has surrounded himself with people who who don't know any more about the process than he does. Running a family owned business is very different than running the executive branch of our government. They were not designed to operate the same way. Now "The Donald" is angry, frustrated, and disillusioned that he cannot seem to make progress. Unless he makes some changes, and is willing to listen to folks that have been their before, he'll continue to flounder.

P.S. He'll soon find out that firing people is not the answer either! :bye1:

They didn't understand anything other than running this country trillions into debt and perpetual never ending wars. Good riddance to both of them.
Former Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama were miles apart in terms of political ideology, but shared one thing in common. They both understood the nuts and bolts of how to govern. Bush had been a Governor, and Obama was a Senator. This experience gave them the tools to move their agenda's forward. Donald Trump does not have this experience...even worse, he has surrounded himself with people who who don't know any more about the process than he does. Running a family owned business is very different than running the executive branch of our government. They were not designed to operate the same way. Now "The Donald" is angry, frustrated, and disillusioned that he cannot seem to make progress. Unless he makes some changes, and is willing to listen to folks that have been their before, he'll continue to flounder.

P.S. He'll soon find out that firing people is not the answer either! :bye1:

Yes, he is anti-establishment not willing to sacrifice everything in order to conform to the destruction of America to the benefit of the shills. The establishment is not only a problem that Trump has, it's a problem for all Americans.

Thank god he was elected so the problem can be addressed.
Former Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama were miles apart in terms of political ideology, but shared one thing in common. They both understood the nuts and bolts of how to govern. Bush had been a Governor, and Obama was a Senator. This experience gave them the tools to move their agenda's forward. Donald Trump does not have this experience...even worse, he has surrounded himself with people who who don't know any more about the process than he does. Running a family owned business is very different than running the executive branch of our government. They were not designed to operate the same way. Now "The Donald" is angry, frustrated, and disillusioned that he cannot seem to make progress. Unless he makes some changes, and is willing to listen to folks that have been their before, he'll continue to flounder.

P.S. He'll soon find out that firing people is not the answer either! :bye1:
A lot of words to say only you don't like President Trump. The President is making steady progress on all issues and the only thing wrong with firing Comey is that he waited so long to do it.
Former Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama were miles apart in terms of political ideology, but shared one thing in common. They both understood the nuts and bolts of how to govern. Bush had been a Governor, and Obama was a Senator. This experience gave them the tools to move their agenda's forward. Donald Trump does not have this experience...even worse, he has surrounded himself with people who who don't know any more about the process than he does. Running a family owned business is very different than running the executive branch of our government. They were not designed to operate the same way. Now "The Donald" is angry, frustrated, and disillusioned that he cannot seem to make progress. Unless he makes some changes, and is willing to listen to folks that have been their before, he'll continue to flounder.

P.S. He'll soon find out that firing people is not the answer either! :bye1:

The only "problem" the president has is Left-wing losers like you - and he ignores them anyway.

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