Donald Trump's "Called Shot"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Many years ago in a World Series game, and after he had just taken a called Strike Two, the immortal Babe Ruth made an ambiguous gesture with his bat toward something or someone in the middle of the field, then proceeded to hit a home run to center field on the next pitch. The following day, a sports reporter wrote that the gesture was actually Ruth pointing to the center field bleachers, predicting the home run that immediately followed the gesture.

Now every kid who knows his baseball history knows about the "called shot" of Babe Ruth in the 1935 World Series...that probably never happened.

And now we have the events of the nation's Capitol last Wednesday, January 6th, and the President's remarks immediately preceding.

There is nothing in the President's remarks even remotely suggesting violence or breaking the law. He was hoping for a loud, obnoxious demonstration to equal or surpass the "Pussy Hat" demonstrations of January 2017, nothing more.

But the combined forces of the Leftist wing of the Democrat Party and the non-Fox "fake news" Media have decreed that Trump was encouraging his political supporters to break the law, damage property, kill people - TAKE OVER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, in support of his spurious claim of a stolen election.

And the Craziest of Crazies, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Land of Fruits and Nuts) promises a colorful and exciting "impeachment," as soon as possible, if the Vice President fails to activate the inapplicable Twenty-Fifth Amendment on her insistent timetable. Which, of course, he will not do.

At some point during the Show Trial, SURELY someone will have the courage to quote the President's actual words - won't they? - which will blow this case right out of the proverbial water.

There is not an incendiary word to be found...more like the words of a football coach, exhorting his players to do their best.

If President Trump is the worst "President" (in his language, manner, and general callousness), then surely Pelosi is his equal for pure political dastardliness. She is an evil old [vulgar word for vagina].

Isn't it ironic that a sitting President who just received SEVENTY-FIVE MILLION VOTES has to put up with this shit from a [see preceding paragraph] with a single-digit national approval rating?
Many years ago in a World Series game, and after he had just taken a called Strike Two, the immortal Babe Ruth made an ambiguous gesture with his bat toward something or someone in the middle of the field, then proceeded to hit a home run to center field on the next pitch. The following day, a sports reporter wrote that the gesture was actually Ruth pointing to the center field bleachers, predicting the home run that immediately followed the gesture.

Now every kid who knows his baseball history knows about the "called shot" of Babe Ruth in the 1935 World Series...that probably never happened.

And now we have the events of the nation's Capitol last Wednesday, January 6th, and the President's remarks immediately preceding.

There is nothing in the President's remarks even remotely suggesting violence or breaking the law. He was hoping for a loud, obnoxious demonstration to equal or surpass the "Pussy Hat" demonstrations of January 2017, nothing more.

But the combined forces of the Leftist wing of the Democrat Party and the non-Fox "fake news" Media have decreed that Trump was encouraging his political supporters to break the law, damage property, kill people - TAKE OVER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, in support of his spurious claim of a stolen election.

And the Craziest of Crazies, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Land of Fruits and Nuts) promises a colorful and exciting "impeachment," as soon as possible, if the Vice President fails to activate the inapplicable Twenty-Fifth Amendment on her insistent timetable. Which, of course, he will not do.

At some point during the Show Trial, SURELY someone will have the courage to quote the President's actual words - won't they? - which will blow this case right out of the proverbial water.

There is not an incendiary word to be found...more like the words of a football coach, exhorting his players to do their best.

If President Trump is the worst "President" (in his language, manner, and general callousness), then surely Pelosi is his equal for pure political dastardliness. She is an evil old [vulgar word for vagina].

Isn't it ironic that a sitting President who just received SEVENTY-FIVE MILLION VOTES has to put up with this shit from a [see preceding paragraph] with a single-digit national approval rating?
Even the most charitable analysis of the event, must take into account trumps urging them to go to the capital and make their voices heard, and also on the same stage the incitement and encouragement of his idiot lawyer and idiot son. If you tip on boulder off a cliff to watch it roll, but it picks up speed on it's own and become a deadly destructive avalanche. Even if you just wanted to watch a boulder roll down a hill, no denying you put it in motion and are responsible for your actions.

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