Donald Trump's Campaign Money Could Be Frozen as Part of Probe: Attorney

That would definitely make him sit up and take notice.

Probably cause all his lawyers to abandon him too.
It'd definitely make all of America sit up and take notice, too. And I bet your fucktarded ass has no idea why.

If it doesn't end up in Civil war, it at least guarantees Trump a win in 2024.
They prove that every day. They have zero shame in doing whatever it takes to hold onto power but this idea is profoundly idiotic. They're so freaked out that he can't be stopped that they're becoming desperate. This nation is right on the edge and these low-life thugs will cheerfully push us into chaos if it means they can "win" against the Orange Man. Sick, scummy anti-American filth is what they are...
Democrats know the can beat theTrump, they don't know about the others...

There is evidence that Trump broke the law and independent investigator was appointed...

Hunter Biden has been investigated for 5 years, he doesn't hold office and the charges he pleaded guilty to were minor... It is becoming clerer and clearer that Hunter investigation is politically motivated...

If the investigation into Hunter Biden was expanded to include all Presidential close relatives leveraging influence to gain money, then I would see it a lot less political and I would expect others under investigation as well...
Oh SNAP! Now it's getting real..messing with the money. If he can't pay his lawyers will he get a Public Defender?
Seriously though...this would put a crimp into his campaign...bigly~

Donald Trump may have his post-2020 election donation money frozen as Special Counsel Jack Smith continues to scrutinize the former president's fundraising efforts, according to an attorney.
Former FBI general counsel Andrew Weissmann was reacting to reports that Smith's office were still questioning people in connection to the money raised by Trump's Save America political action committee after he lost the last presidential election.
On Monday, Smith's office interviewed Bernard Kerik, a former New York City police commissioner and longtime associate of former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, about the Save America PAC fundraising efforts, reported Politico. The interview arrived amid longrunning suggestions that federal prosecutors have been probing how the money raised by Save America was spent, and if the money was raised under false pretenses.

Speaking to MSNBC on Thursday, Weissmann said that if Trump's fundraising finances do become a part of Smith's federal probe, then it could lead to "pretrial forfeiture" which would result in the money being frozen and unable to be accessed. This could cause a particular problem for the former president, as tens of millions of dollars given to his PAC were reportedly spent on his and other Trump-linked defendants' legal fees this year, Weissmann said.
Just yet another example of the left’s abuse of power in order to make sure Trump doesn’t get re-elected.
It'd definitely make all of America sit up and take notice, too. And I bet your fucktarded ass has no idea why.

If it doesn't end up in Civil war, it at least guarantees Trump a win in 2024.
Please see the post above.
Please see the post above.

Please see:


Any more questions, leftist traitor shill dipshit? :D

I'm here to help! :dance:

I most certainly will oblige ya. :spank:
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My gawd the left is nuts.

So fucking desperate. Biden’s corruption, the shit economy, his stupid war. They probably figure they can’t “win” even with election theft, that is why they are so desperate to stop Trump.
The left have completely lost it. Why? Because they have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at Trump and he's still running in 2024.
The law was looks like it was broken, it doesn't matter what the fuck you think... This is the law...

You will invent whataboutisms but this is the law...
What? The law was looks? We use English here.

No. Persecution is not the law. If a prosecutor has to strain the definitions employed in any given criminal law, then his choice of crimes to charge becomes something very different from what the law is.

I know a toad like you can’t follow along, but nevertheless it is a fact that Hack Smith has previously had a conviction he obtained reversed on this very basis. His strained definitions were not a reliance on the actual law.

He is doing it again.

I haven’t relied on any whataboutism.

So your entire post is absolutely worthless crap.

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