Donald Trump's Springfield Scapegoat


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘Donald Trump doesn’t so much run for something as he runs against somebody. His latest attacks are aimed at Haitian immigrants, but what we’re seeing is a playbook previously used to target other ethnic or religious groups, and with a similar goal: to make the MAGA base feel like they’re under attack.

“The followers must feel besieged,” as the late Italian writer Umberto Eco, who grew up in fascist Italy, wrote nearly three decades ago in The New York Review of Books. “The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.” Indeed, in order to enact much of his radical right-wing agenda, Trump needs his people to think America is on the brink of collapse—and to associate that collapse with an “other.” The goal is to panic the base, and since there isn’t a scary enough truth, lies will do.
But the irony of Trump’s fascist rhetoric was particularly rich in Springfield, where the Haitian influx has revitalized the city’s workforce—as with so many places in America, where there just weren’t enough people living in the area to keep the economy going.’

White grievance politics, racist replacement theory, lies about America ‘collapsing’ – Trump is incapable of governing; Trump is unfit to be president.
‘Donald Trump doesn’t so much run for something as he runs against somebody. His latest attacks are aimed at Haitian immigrants, but what we’re seeing is a playbook previously used to target other ethnic or religious groups, and with a similar goal: to make the MAGA base feel like they’re under attack.

“The followers must feel besieged,” as the late Italian writer Umberto Eco, who grew up in fascist Italy, wrote nearly three decades ago in The New York Review of Books. “The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.” Indeed, in order to enact much of his radical right-wing agenda, Trump needs his people to think America is on the brink of collapse—and to associate that collapse with an “other.” The goal is to panic the base, and since there isn’t a scary enough truth, lies will do.
But the irony of Trump’s fascist rhetoric was particularly rich in Springfield, where the Haitian influx has revitalized the city’s workforce—as with so many places in America, where there just weren’t enough people living in the area to keep the economy going.’

White grievance politics, racist replacement theory, lies about America ‘collapsing’ – Trump is incapable of governing; Trump is unfit to be president.
His latest 'attack' informed the audience of the rampant immigration invasion that Harris and Biden have allowed in the United States that is putting illegals in the front of the line before U.S. Citizens. Why do we want Haitians or the millions of other illegals?
‘Donald Trump doesn’t so much run for something as he runs against somebody. His latest attacks are aimed at Haitian immigrants, but what we’re seeing is a playbook previously used to target other ethnic or religious groups, and with a similar goal: to make the MAGA base feel like they’re under attack.

“The followers must feel besieged,” as the late Italian writer Umberto Eco, who grew up in fascist Italy, wrote nearly three decades ago in The New York Review of Books. “The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.” Indeed, in order to enact much of his radical right-wing agenda, Trump needs his people to think America is on the brink of collapse—and to associate that collapse with an “other.” The goal is to panic the base, and since there isn’t a scary enough truth, lies will do.
But the irony of Trump’s fascist rhetoric was particularly rich in Springfield, where the Haitian influx has revitalized the city’s workforce—as with so many places in America, where there just weren’t enough people living in the area to keep the economy going.’

White grievance politics, racist replacement theory, lies about America ‘collapsing’ – Trump is incapable of governing; Trump is unfit to be president.

Trump has to convince his followers that they are victims.
His latest 'attack' informed the audience of the rampant immigration invasion that Harris and Biden have allowed in the United States that is putting illegals in the front of the line before U.S. Citizens. Why do we want Haitians or the millions of other illegals?
I do believe by now that we all know of the rampant immigration but spreading a lie such as they're eating animals isn't going to change anyone's mind either way on the immigration problem. Only makes him look like the total ass he is.
Trump has to convince his followers that they are victims.

America is the victim, of the reprehensible policies of Biden-Harris.

Who the hell wants 20,000 Haitians in their community, let alone in a city of some 60,000? Not to mention Biden's' 10+ million total illegals.

And making us pay for all of this BS.
‘Donald Trump doesn’t so much run for something as he runs against somebody.
Trump has a record to support him. The only group who is running against someone/thing are you and the globalist democrats. For eight straight years now the democrats have been running against Trump. The democrats/Biden/Harris/Walz have NO record of success to support them at all. Inflation, Wars, Illegal Immigration/Polarization/No Foreign Policy etc. etc. Try again
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His latest 'attack' informed the audience of the rampant immigration invasion that Harris and Biden have allowed in the United States that is putting illegals in the front of the line before U.S. Citizens. Why do we want Haitians or the millions of other illegals?

Polly want a cracker, to go with that neo-nazi,, fact free whine?

There is no "invasion". Immigrants are not put in line ahead of US citizens. The immigrants in Springfield are legal residents of the USA. Stop proving to us that you're a gullible idiot.
Trump has a record to support him. The only group who is running against someone/thing are you and the globalist democrats. For eight straight years now the democrats have been running against Trump. The democrats/Biden/Harris/Walz have NO record of success to support them at all. Inflation, Wars, Illegal Immigration/Polarization/No Foreign Policy etc. etc. Try again

Trump's record of debt, disease and death is well known. He killed over a million Americans, crashed your ecoomy, tore up your trade deals, and left the nation a burning wreck.
Like he did with CRT/DEI/BLM/Systemic Racism? Those are the only victimhood screams that I've heard for eight years now.

Trump has been claiming he's a victim of a rigged system since the 1980s.. lots of people are competing for victim status including evangelical Christians. Trump is going to set up a taskforce about discrimination against Christians.

Can you name other victim groups?

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