Donald Trump’s War Against Facts

BuckToothMoron, post: 16168554

No she didn't. She went on MTP and explained that the Bush White House misled her by promising to avoid war if Saddam allowed UN inspectors to return.

Trump has unknowingly backed her up on that when he told all you formerly Iraq War mongers that Bush lied to justify invading Iraq.

Was Trump lying then or not? Trump approved of going into Iraq on Howard Stearn's Show. And now denies what is on tape.

She's a lying neocon warmongerer just like the rest of them.
She's a lying neocon warmongerer just like the rest of them.

You have an opinion apparently built upon reliance on fake news just like Trump does.

Her decision immediately following 9/11 was correct to force Saddam Hussein to cooperated with UN inspectors. It's not her fault Bush lied about wanting to avoid war and let the UN resolve the WMD matters.

Clinton spoke out before the invasion that Bush should give the inspectors more time. Don't invade.

Trump never publically expressed that anti-war sentiment in public.

Trump is your warmonger compared to Clinton.
Geez, anyone over 60 years old remembers when Cronkite was king of the media and the only information available to the American public was liberal spin. Today the left has the entire "mainstream media" including ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, the Comedy Channel, most of Hollywood, the mulch media including the NY Times and the Wash Post not to mention the biggest internet propaganda source, Media Matters funded by George Soros which claims it monitors (only) conservative speech and yet the president lashes out against Fox and talk radio (and the internet). Democrats have been at war with the 1st Amendment free speech ever since they tried to force talk radio into broadcasting left wing propaganda with the ironically named "fairness doctrine". They actually burn books on college campuses and they ban a list of words that can get a student expelled if they are uttered within earshot of big brother. CBS tried to influence a presidential election with fake documents and CNN admitted that they passed details about debate questions to Hillary and we get a lecture from left wingers about the word "propaganda"? How freaking absurd.
Nancy Pelosi said that Donald Trump would never be President.

Why did she lie to the American Public?
Nancy Pelosi and a good many others placed far too much confidence in the American electorate to do the right thing.

What is the "right thing"?

How should people have voted on local officials and legislation?
The right thing would have been preventing a conman like Trump take over the entire Executive with a House and Senate of the same party ready and willing to do his bidding.
Nancy Pelosi said that Donald Trump would never be President.

Why did she lie to the American Public?
Nancy Pelosi and a good many others placed far too much confidence in the American electorate to do the right thing.

What is the "right thing"?

How should people have voted on local officials and legislation?
The right thing would have been preventing a conman like Trump take over the entire Executive with a House and Senate of the same party ready and willing to do his bidding.

What would HILLARY CLINTON have done for Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania voters?

Why did some people vote twice for Obama, but then voted fro Trump over Hillary?
I read as far as: By the time Donald Trump becomes president in a few, desperately shortening weeks.

That told me everything I need to know about the message, which is a few thousand words with a simple message in sugar-coated dressing, the author is butt hurt.
Nancy Pelosi said that Donald Trump would never be President.

Why did she lie to the American Public?
Nancy Pelosi and a good many others placed far too much confidence in the American electorate to do the right thing.

What is the "right thing"?

How should people have voted on local officials and legislation?
The right thing would have been preventing a conman like Trump take over the entire Executive with a House and Senate of the same party ready and willing to do his bidding.

What would HILLARY CLINTON have done for Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania voters?

Why did some people vote twice for Obama, but then voted fro Trump over Hillary?
Hillary Clinton was a poor choice for the Democrat party to make but with a Republican Congress to act as a check on her, there could have been a more balanced government than Americans can now expect.
Lahota, I realize you're a youngster, and you'll probably wise-up someday. That or you can become a college professor. Thing is, when you post something that the author writes "desperately" right out of the gate, there's a good chance it's a desperate attempt to fill-up space and nothing more.
Lahota, I realize you're a youngster, and you'll probably wise-up someday. That or you can become a college professor. Thing is, when you post something that the author writes "desperately" right out of the gate, there's a good chance it's a desperate attempt to fill-up space and nothing more.

Well, sparky, I'm 70 years old; however, I appreciate your condescending advice - but I suggest you apply it to yourself. Most sane people know that Trump is a pathological liar. Have a nice day...
Never let the facts get in the way of a good story
Nancy Pelosi said that Donald Trump would never be President.

Why did she lie to the American Public?
Nancy Pelosi and a good many others placed far too much confidence in the American electorate to do the right thing.

What is the "right thing"?

How should people have voted on local officials and legislation?
The right thing would have been preventing a conman like Trump take over the entire Executive with a House and Senate of the same party ready and willing to do his bidding.

What would HILLARY CLINTON have done for Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania voters?

Why did some people vote twice for Obama, but then voted fro Trump over Hillary?
Hillary Clinton was a poor choice for the Democrat party to make but with a Republican Congress to act as a check on her, there could have been a more balanced government than Americans can now expect.

So you say, "others placed far too much confidence in the American electorate to do the right thing"...and then you admit Hillary was a shit choice and you cannot articulate what she would have done for the "BLUE WALL" states.

Maybe the electorate chooses who they want and they ignore the political trappings of the DNC and the MSM that classify anyone who disagrees with them as a RACIST, HOMOPHOBE, MISOGYNIST, XENOPHOBE.

It's tough to take the DNC and the MSM seriously when they colluded to LIE to the public so that Hillary could win.

Hillary had the MSM lying for her and she spent $1.2 billion and LOST....maybe she needed $2 billion to actually win.
whitehall, post: 1617115
Today the left has the entire "mainstream media" including ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, PBS,

The networks do not trade in fake news such as the Clinton lied on Benghazi fake story out of Fox that I posted earlier that no one here can argue that it is not.

Surely Breitbart cannot not be judged to be a fair and balanced news outlet. The Trouble is Trump is a huge consumer of Breitbart fake news and can't be bothered to fact check any of it, Steve Bannon of Breitbart is Trump's chief adviser filtering what goes into Trumps empty head - and who knows what is gonna come out.
She's a lying neocon warmongerer just like the rest of them.

You have an opinion apparently built upon reliance on fake news just like Trump does.

Her decision immediately following 9/11 was correct to force Saddam Hussein to cooperated with UN inspectors. It's not her fault Bush lied about wanting to avoid war and let the UN resolve the WMD matters.

Clinton spoke out before the invasion that Bush should give the inspectors more time. Don't invade.

Trump never publically expressed that anti-war sentiment in public.

Trump is your warmonger compared to Clinton.

She voted for the war, lied about Benghazi, warred it up in Libya, horrendous foreign policy. This is what you libs love.
Lahota, I realize you're a youngster, and you'll probably wise-up someday. That or you can become a college professor. Thing is, when you post something that the author writes "desperately" right out of the gate, there's a good chance it's a desperate attempt to fill-up space and nothing more.

Well, sparky, I'm 70 years old; however, I appreciate your condescending advice - but I suggest you apply it to yourself. Most sane people know that Trump is a pathological liar. Have a nice day...


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