Donation Processing Company Cancels Christian Group’s Service Because SPLC Labeled It a “Hate Group”

BF will now go report to his overlords that it's not working and they will try to come up with a new strategy and name.

Maybe "POOPOOFACES" will work better. here come the POOPOOFACES to attack the Nazis...

It would be as effective as ANTIFA.

You stupid fucks must throw propane tanks on house fires.
They likely said the number one nasty thing that always sets deadbeats on fire-"The man should marry the woman he impregnates, live with the family, and be a father". That's just sooooooo hateful that it will get you busted every time

You fucking racist.

You are saying a child should know who their father is and have a relationship with that man who orgasmed inside the mother to create the person?

Holy shit, that is racist.
Here's worse news
My daughter and son in law are married, live under the same roof, and own their house. Racist oppressors they are.
Also, they both have worked for years, one a manager of a grocery store and she a director for the Smithsonian. Even worse they are both 30 year old millennials-they are traitors to their generation!
All of the Liberal Horsrshit is an attempt to make the productive and responsible look bad in order to soothe the libs consciences for their failures by declaring those who did not fail as racist oppressors
lol, the Ruth people should go to court, and then they can demand the kind of equal treatment that gay couples get,

the gay couples that the Ruth Institute would see fit to allow others to discriminate against.
Even saying it while carrying torches?
Such a downtrodden bunch, these white supremacists.

Is threatening arson sa form of free speech?

Cross-Burning and Free Speech

The Supreme Court heard arguments last week in a challenge to a Virginia law banning cross-burning. Courts must be especially careful reviewing statutes of this sort because of the danger that freedom of expression may be wrongly curtailed.

The First Amendment protects free expression even when it is hateful, profane or racist. Hate-mongerers have the right to preach the inferiority of races they do not like, and Nazis can march through largely Jewish suburbs. But the First Amendment is not absolute. Libelous speech is not protected. And many other activities -- like submitting a false filing with a government agency or passing a bank teller a note reading, ''This is a stickup'' -- are both expressive and illegal.
They likely said the number one nasty thing that always sets deadbeats on fire-"The man should marry the woman he impregnates, live with the family, and be a father". That's just sooooooo hateful that it will get you busted every time

You fucking racist.

You are saying a child should know who their father is and have a relationship with that man who orgasmed inside the mother to create the person?

Holy shit, that is racist.
Here's worse news
My daughter and son in law are married, live under the same roof, and own their house. Racist oppressors they are.
Also, they both have worked for years, one a manager of a grocery store and she a director for the Smithsonian. Even worse they are both 30 year old millennials-they are traitors to their generation!
All of the Liberal Horsrshit is an attempt to make the productive and responsible look bad in order to soothe the libs consciences for their failures by declaring those who did not fail as racist oppressors

I would prefer you not talk to me, you racist.

As an aside, the Museum of Natural History needs new carpet. Please tell your daughter.
Do you guys see how easily it is to fight back against Anti American cvnts like BF?

It's all about's the enemy of left wing propaganda.

ANTIFA should descend on Houston and save lives.

It will not happen.
They likely said the number one nasty thing that always sets deadbeats on fire-"The man should marry the woman he impregnates, live with the family, and be a father". That's just sooooooo hateful that it will get you busted every time

You fucking racist.

You are saying a child should know who their father is and have a relationship with that man who orgasmed inside the mother to create the person?

Holy shit, that is racist.
Here's worse news
My daughter and son in law are married, live under the same roof, and own their house. Racist oppressors they are.
Also, they both have worked for years, one a manager of a grocery store and she a director for the Smithsonian. Even worse they are both 30 year old millennials-they are traitors to their generation!
All of the Liberal Horsrshit is an attempt to make the productive and responsible look bad in order to soothe the libs consciences for their failures by declaring those who did not fail as racist oppressors

I would prefer you not talk to me, you racist.

As an aside, the Museum of Natural History needs new carpet. Please tell your daughter.

The irony is that your gal pictured in your posts has a foundation that has probably directed more resources and money to Houston (though indirectly) than any other single organization out there. yes, it's true... the Clinton Foundation will be helping to pay for that new carpet. While you sit here and squawk. ;)
They likely said the number one nasty thing that always sets deadbeats on fire-"The man should marry the woman he impregnates, live with the family, and be a father". That's just sooooooo hateful that it will get you busted every time

You fucking racist.

You are saying a child should know who their father is and have a relationship with that man who orgasmed inside the mother to create the person?

Holy shit, that is racist.
Here's worse news
My daughter and son in law are married, live under the same roof, and own their house. Racist oppressors they are.
Also, they both have worked for years, one a manager of a grocery store and she a director for the Smithsonian. Even worse they are both 30 year old millennials-they are traitors to their generation!
All of the Liberal Horsrshit is an attempt to make the productive and responsible look bad in order to soothe the libs consciences for their failures by declaring those who did not fail as racist oppressors

I would prefer you not talk to me, you racist.

As an aside, the Museum of Natural History needs new carpet. Please tell your daughter.

The irony is that your gal pictured in your posts has a foundation that has probably directed more resources and money to Houston (though indirectly) than any other single organization out there. yes, it's true... the Clinton Foundation will be helping to pay for that new carpet. While you sit here and squawk. ;)

And she paid for Chelsea's wedding with the same slush fund.

That's only,fair, I guess...if you raise money for the underprivileged, you should be able to finance your daughters wedding through the charity...because in the greater good, you were net positive.

Pablo Escobar built a lot of soccer fields...he was a mensch.
"And she paid for Chelsea's wedding with the same slush fund."

That's not true at all... debunked myth... and the rest of your post could be applied to any charitable act, ever. Spare me the AM radio pap, I'm immune to the con. Look, dude, it's okay to have political differences with a person, and still praise their good works. Comparing her to Escobar makes you appear irrational.
Even saying it while carrying torches?
Such a downtrodden bunch, these white supremacists.

Is threatening arson sa form of free speech?

Cross-Burning and Free Speech

The Supreme Court heard arguments last week in a challenge to a Virginia law banning cross-burning. Courts must be especially careful reviewing statutes of this sort because of the danger that freedom of expression may be wrongly curtailed.

The First Amendment protects free expression even when it is hateful, profane or racist. Hate-mongerers have the right to preach the inferiority of races they do not like, and Nazis can march through largely Jewish suburbs. But the First Amendment is not absolute. Libelous speech is not protected. And many other activities -- like submitting a false filing with a government agency or passing a bank teller a note reading, ''This is a stickup'' -- are both expressive and illegal.
A celebration of heritage?
Why would SPLC be sending money overseas? Doesn't that seem odd?

It does. However, that doesn't mean much more than that. Now, a question for you: The SPLC is a non-profit with open books, filing with the IRS each year. If this is something nefarious, then why haven't they been investigated? That seems equally odd that all of these accusations being thrown at them regarding this money would be true, yet they are in full compliance with the law.
Libs hate it when personal responsibility is brought to the forefront so naturally such type of speech is hate speech
Remember when there were no hate crimes or hate speech? Kinda a liberal invention to interject an additional emotion into a situation
Libs hate it when personal responsibility is brought to the forefront so naturally such type of speech is hate speech
Remember when there were no hate crimes or hate speech? Kinda a liberal invention to interject an additional emotion into a situation
Partisanshitheads have nothing to offer but partisanshit.
"Remember when there were no hate crimes or hate speech? "

I sure don't. I remember when there was slavery, the Holocaust, Jim Crow laws, Japanese interment, and lynching of black people. Maybe i grew up on a different planet than you did.
The SPLC is a democracy watchdog making sure we are all safe from fascism.

Thank GOD they are around for me to send my money to. My money helps them protect me from fascism.

Many people use the ballot...I use the Southern Poverty Law,Center.

I look,forward to,seeing their presence in Houston.
"Remember when there were no hate crimes or hate speech? "

I sure don't. I remember when there was slavery, the Holocaust, Jim Crow laws, Japanese interment, and lynching of black people. Maybe i grew up on a different planet than you did.

FDR put Japanese in camps?

He was a Democrat?

You are racist!!!!

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