Donation Processing Company Cancels Christian Group’s Service Because SPLC Labeled It a “Hate Group”

It's great when America wins big.


Too bad sick homophobes have taken over "Christians" and turned them into more sick homophobes.
The left never rests in it's war on Christianity.
You mean war on people who wage war against gay people and their families.
/---/ you mean like your Muslim friends who throw gays off of the roof?
Yes. That's why they and you don't do that here.

Dude, your shit is not working.

Run a better candidate in 2020. Stop,being a puss about losing.

Hillary Clinton was an awful candidate...get a better one
"I look,forward to,seeing their presence in Houston."

Then you aren't paying attention... they are already in Houston, monitoring the recovery effort, making sure people don't get the shaft just because their property values put them at the bottom of the list. I.E., helping those that need it most. Of course, any person with even an iota of compassion or sympathy would think this is a good thing. But I'm sure somebody will find a way to demonize it. Because, no sir, we can't even disagree about the most ineffectual minutiae anymore without demonizing the enemy wholecloth. It's sad, really.
"Remember when there were no hate crimes or hate speech? "

I sure don't. I remember when there was slavery, the Holocaust, Jim Crow laws, Japanese interment, and lynching of black people. Maybe i grew up on a different planet than you did.

FDR put Japanese in camps?

He was a Democrat?

You are racist!!!!
Yup, america did do that, racist as hell, all Sherriff Joeish.
The left never rests in it's war on Christianity.
You mean war on people who wage war against gay people and their families.
/---/ you mean like your Muslim friends who throw gays off of the roof?
Yes. That's why they and you don't do that here.
/---/ STFU liar. Christians reject the lifestyle and how it's forced on us. You Muslim buddies murder them.
Gay people are being forced on you? Are they trying to break into your house or something? Dumb inbred.
"Remember when there were no hate crimes or hate speech? "

I sure don't. I remember when there was slavery, the Holocaust, Jim Crow laws, Japanese interment, and lynching of black people. Maybe i grew up on a different planet than you did.
The Mayor of Grievanceland has spoken. Living in 50-150 years ago. It's all you've got
What a sappy and useless way to go thru life
The left never rests in it's war on Christianity.

Just because an organization promotes itself as having Christian values, doesn't mean it doesn't promote hate against others. The KKK is a prime example.

The Ruth Institute is basically just one woman, Dr. Jennifer Morse, whose PHd is in economics, not religion, psychology or anthropology, any of which might make her an expert on family dynamics. She promotes hate against homosexuals, single parent families, and any family model that doesn't consist of the biological family of the children produced. She also opposes abortion, and sex outside of marriage.

The donation site involved in this situation hasn't stopped collecting donations to other Christian organizations it has only stopped collecting donations for THIS woman, so to suggest that this is some sort of vendetta against Christians, is a fallacy.

But you lot never let an opportunity to cry "War on Christianity" pass you by. Did you even google the Ruth Institute to find out who they are and what they're about? No, of course not.

The left never rests in it's war on Christianity.
You mean war on people who wage war against gay people and their families.
/---/ you mean like your Muslim friends who throw gays off of the roof?
Yes. That's why they and you don't do that here.

Dude, your shit is not working.

Run a better candidate in 2020. Stop,being a puss about losing.

Hillary Clinton was an awful candidate...get a better one
One corrupt party down, one to go.
The left never rests in it's war on Christianity.
You mean war on people who wage war against gay people and their families.
/---/ you mean like your Muslim friends who throw gays off of the roof?
Yes. That's why they and you don't do that here.
/---/ STFU liar. Christians reject the lifestyle and how it's forced on us. You Muslim buddies murder them.
Gay people are being forced on you? Are they trying to break into your house or something? Dumb inbred.
/---/ learn to read you moron, I said the gay lifestyle is forced on us. You are either stupid or just playing stupid.
The left never rests in it's war on Christianity.
You mean war on people who wage war against gay people and their families.
/---/ you mean like your Muslim friends who throw gays off of the roof?
Yes. That's why they and you don't do that here.

Dude, your shit is not working.

Run a better candidate in 2020. Stop,being a puss about losing.

Hillary Clinton was an awful candidate...get a better one
We ran a better candidate in 2016. That's why she got 3 million more votes. If you morons re-elect Trump in 2020 (assuming the process for removing him from office hasn't been completed by then), then this country deserves the collapse you're pushing for.
The left never rests in it's war on Christianity.
You mean war on people who wage war against gay people and their families.
/---/ you mean like your Muslim friends who throw gays off of the roof?
Yes. That's why they and you don't do that here.
/---/ STFU liar. Christians reject the lifestyle and how it's forced on us. You Muslim buddies murder them.
Gay people are being forced on you? Are they trying to break into your house or something? Dumb inbred.
Perhaps he's insulted at not being hit on.
You mean war on people who wage war against gay people and their families.
/---/ you mean like your Muslim friends who throw gays off of the roof?
Yes. That's why they and you don't do that here.
/---/ STFU liar. Christians reject the lifestyle and how it's forced on us. You Muslim buddies murder them.
Gay people are being forced on you? Are they trying to break into your house or something? Dumb inbred.
/---/ learn to read you moron, I said the gay lifestyle is forced on us. You are either stupid or just playing s
Are you being forced to turn gay? How?
Prog assholes...

This is not a time for political diversity. It's a time to come together and help out your fellow American.

If you consider politics over immediate safety, you should move to Venezuela.

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