Donations:Romney $4 million or 30% ;Obama:$245k or 14%!! who is a brother's keeper???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
We have been told frequently by Obama pious and obviously PHONY statement:

"It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"
Blowhard's 2010 Tax Return
$1,728,096 Obama's adjusted gross income
245,075 14.18% of his income as donations to charities
49,945 home mortgage interest
122,527 Long term capital loss CARRYOVER!!! 7% sheltered income!!
Obama's 2010 Tax Returns

Romney in 2011
$13,696,951 Taxable income
$4,20,772 or 30% to charity

In 2011, the Romneys paid $1,935,708 in taxes on $13,696,951 in mostly investment income.
The Romneys’ effective tax rate for 2011 was 14.1%.
The Romneys donated $4,020,772 to charity in 2011, amounting to nearly 30% of their income.
The Romneys claimed a deduction for $2.25 million of those charitable contributions.
The Romneys’ generous charitable donations in 2011 would have significantly reduced their tax obligation for the year. The Romneys thus limited their deduction of charitable contributions to conform to the Governor's statement in August, based upon the January estimate of income, that he paid at least 13% in income taxes in each of the last 10 years.
Romneys to Release Taxes | The Weekly Standard
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In the words of Hillary.."
" I think that the reports that you provide to us really require a willing suspension of disbelief."

She could have said when Obama piously boasts.."i'm my brother's keeper" while giving HALF as much as Romney and ALL the while HIS own brother lives in a $12/year hut!!!

I mean you obama koolaid drinkers.... really this is hypocrisy at it's absolute worse!

I don't understand at all how you can have ANY belief in this hypocrite!
Obama can definitely afford to upgrade the tin can roof on his brother house

So where are you Obama kool aid drinkers?? Romney GAVE 30% of his income but reported less then half as a deductible tax donations!
Ah.. but you see.. again Obama/Biden/progressives WANT the government to take care of us!
That's why we have 47 million on food stamps today!
The government provides our health care!
And the results will be Cuban life style.. wait for the doctor, drive in 15 years a 2000 auto! But we'll have national health care! Food paid for. And all of us wearing the same clothes eating the same food.
Glad I'm 70 years old and have had the freedoms and sad that will be taken away for my grand daughter!
Romney in 2011
$13,696,951 Taxable income
$4,20,772 or 30% to charity

In 2011, the Romneys paid $1,935,708 in taxes on $13,696,951 in mostly investment income.
The Romneys’ effective tax rate for 2011 was 14.1%.
The Romneys donated $4,020,772 to charity in 2011, amounting to nearly 30% of their income.
The Romneys claimed a deduction for $2.25 million of those charitable contributions.
The Romneys’ generous charitable donations in 2011 would have significantly reduced their tax obligation for the year. The Romneys thus limited their deduction of charitable contributions to conform to the Governor's statement in August, based upon the January estimate of income, that he paid at least 13% in income taxes in each of the last 10 years.
Romneys to Release Taxes | The Weekly Standard

Let the Lefties choke on that for a while. But they will no doubt try to find something wrong with it.
Please Obama supporters: Explain WHY your "generous" with other people's money president can't donate just a little more? After all Romney gave 30% while Obama only 14%!
How much did Obama give to his half brothers and sisters and grandma in Kenya living in mud huts with dirt floors and grass roofs? OR how much did he give his illegal alien Aunt Zeituni Onyango who is living off the government teat in America? I think Obama has an illegal Uncle here too. I always heard charity starts at home.

We have been told frequently by Obama pious and obviously PHONY statement:

"It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"
Blowhard's 2010 Tax Return
$1,728,096 Obama's adjusted gross income
245,075 14.18% of his income as donations to charities
49,945 home mortgage interest
122,527 Long term capital loss CARRYOVER!!! 7% sheltered income!!
Obama's 2010 Tax Returns

Romney in 2011
$13,696,951 Taxable income
$4,20,772 or 30% to charity

In 2011, the Romneys paid $1,935,708 in taxes on $13,696,951 in mostly investment income.
The Romneys’ effective tax rate for 2011 was 14.1%.
The Romneys donated $4,020,772 to charity in 2011, amounting to nearly 30% of their income.
The Romneys claimed a deduction for $2.25 million of those charitable contributions.
The Romneys’ generous charitable donations in 2011 would have significantly reduced their tax obligation for the year. The Romneys thus limited their deduction of charitable contributions to conform to the Governor's statement in August, based upon the January estimate of income, that he paid at least 13% in income taxes in each of the last 10 years.
Romneys to Release Taxes | The Weekly Standard

I seem to recall you making the accusation that Obama has significantly increased his charitable donation rate since becoming President indicating that it was a dishonest publicity stunt on his part. I guess you'll be comfortable saying the same thing about Mitt Romney, right? After all, if you look at his 2010 return, for example, Romney had $21.7 million in AGI and gave $2.9 million in charitable contributions. That's a rate of 13.3% which is less than Obama.

I have to say, it's one thing for Obama's contributions to go up significantly as his income increased. But for Romney's to go up significantly as his income DECREASED is what looks more like a publicity stunt.
Has Harry Reid taken to the SENATE FLOOR and personally apologized for maligning the character and LYING his old baggy ass off about Mitt Romney??
We have been told frequently by Obama pious and obviously PHONY statement:

"It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"
Blowhard's 2010 Tax Return
$1,728,096 Obama's adjusted gross income
245,075 14.18% of his income as donations to charities
49,945 home mortgage interest
122,527 Long term capital loss CARRYOVER!!! 7% sheltered income!!
Obama's 2010 Tax Returns

Romney in 2011
$13,696,951 Taxable income
$4,20,772 or 30% to charity

In 2011, the Romneys paid $1,935,708 in taxes on $13,696,951 in mostly investment income.
The Romneys’ effective tax rate for 2011 was 14.1%.
The Romneys donated $4,020,772 to charity in 2011, amounting to nearly 30% of their income.
The Romneys claimed a deduction for $2.25 million of those charitable contributions.
The Romneys’ generous charitable donations in 2011 would have significantly reduced their tax obligation for the year. The Romneys thus limited their deduction of charitable contributions to conform to the Governor's statement in August, based upon the January estimate of income, that he paid at least 13% in income taxes in each of the last 10 years.
Romneys to Release Taxes | The Weekly Standard

I seem to recall you making the accusation that Obama has significantly increased his charitable donation rate since becoming President indicating that it was a dishonest publicity stunt on his part. I guess you'll be comfortable saying the same thing about Mitt Romney, right? After all, if you look at his 2010 return, for example, Romney had $21.7 million in AGI and gave $2.9 million in charitable contributions. That's a rate of 13.3% which is less than Obama.

I have to say, it's one thing for Obama's contributions to go up significantly as his income increased. But for Romney's to go up significantly as his income DECREASED is what looks more like a publicity stunt.

What could be MORE devastating "publicity" then Obama's brother still living in a $12 shack and then the total STUPIDITY of Obama to say "I'm my brother's keeper"???

Come on AT LEAST Romney doesn't pompously go around making such stupid ass statements AND then HAVE a brother living in a shack???

MY g...d! There is nothing more disgusting then the President of the USA preaching "my brother's keeper" and his brother living in a shack!

YOU are out of your head calling Romney's a "publicity stunt"...!!!
Question for the OP.

Do you think a person making $50,000 a year, in normal circumstances, could afford to give 30% of his earnings to charity?

That would be $15,000.

Yes or no, and if so why, if not why not.
We have been told frequently by Obama pious and obviously PHONY statement:

"It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"
Blowhard's 2010 Tax Return
$1,728,096 Obama's adjusted gross income
245,075 14.18% of his income as donations to charities
49,945 home mortgage interest
122,527 Long term capital loss CARRYOVER!!! 7% sheltered income!!
Obama's 2010 Tax Returns

Romney in 2011
$13,696,951 Taxable income
$4,20,772 or 30% to charity

In 2011, the Romneys paid $1,935,708 in taxes on $13,696,951 in mostly investment income.
The Romneys’ effective tax rate for 2011 was 14.1%.
The Romneys donated $4,020,772 to charity in 2011, amounting to nearly 30% of their income.
The Romneys claimed a deduction for $2.25 million of those charitable contributions.
The Romneys’ generous charitable donations in 2011 would have significantly reduced their tax obligation for the year. The Romneys thus limited their deduction of charitable contributions to conform to the Governor's statement in August, based upon the January estimate of income, that he paid at least 13% in income taxes in each of the last 10 years.
Romneys to Release Taxes | The Weekly Standard

I seem to recall you making the accusation that Obama has significantly increased his charitable donation rate since becoming President indicating that it was a dishonest publicity stunt on his part. I guess you'll be comfortable saying the same thing about Mitt Romney, right? After all, if you look at his 2010 return, for example, Romney had $21.7 million in AGI and gave $2.9 million in charitable contributions. That's a rate of 13.3% which is less than Obama.

I have to say, it's one thing for Obama's contributions to go up significantly as his income increased. But for Romney's to go up significantly as his income DECREASED is what looks more like a publicity stunt.

hey in the middle, conservatives are known to give far more to charity than democrats. Democrats are all talk and no action on helping people. They help people through the government to expand their power only
Why does the OP compare Obama's adjusted gross income with Romney's taxable income?

30% of your taxable income is not 30% of your income.

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