DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Everything you post is utter nonsense. Her medical condition has been explained by her physician. Her head movement, which drew laughter from those near her, was an exaggerated motion of surprise. She doesn't need help climbing 4 stairs; you're referring to one occasion where she was helped up after slipping on a step. She just gave a press conference a few days ago and though it was a long time since her last one, it was not more than a year ago and finally, I have no idea what's up with your hangup about her wardrobe.

And I'm still waiting for you to prove she had a seizure...

And I'm still waiting for you to prove she ever said she didn't recall having a seizure...

the medical report you tout so heavily is a year old. What is her current condition? Why does she take two days off for each day on the campaign trail? What is she hiding under those tents she wears?

I cant prove that she had a seizure, only medical tests could prove or disprove that. So stop asking me stupid questions.

Doing a scripted interview with one reporter is NOT a press conference, and you fricken well know it. you are so far up her ass you can probably see her liver=========is it diseased from alcohol and cocaine use?

The woman is old, sick, corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent to hold any public position. She belongs in a care facility or prison, not the white house.

Sadly, just under half of americans are as stupid as you are and may vote for her. This country is at a turning point. We will either remain a free democratic representative republic or we will become a dictatorial socialist regime under a corrupt hildebeast
Don't know but since presidential candidates don't submit annual medical reports, you're shit out of luck.

But I do enjoy watching you bitch about how challenging you to prove your claims is "asking you stupid questions." :mm:

That's almost as funny as your unhinged rant that America will become a socialist dictatorship under a Hillary administration.

Have you considered fleeing America now, while you still can, to avoid that? :lmao:

Look, bitch. You and I are never going to agree on anything, so lets just stop the foolishness.

You would vote for Hillary if she pissed in your coffee every morning. I would not vote for her to pick up dog shit in the park.

She has serious medical conditions, but you will never acknowledge that no matter what she does or says. I get it. You are brainwashed in liberal bullshit.

No, I would never leave my country. But if my country continues on its current liberal path to destruction, I would support constitutional convention or a secession movement. Real America is fed up with failed liberalism from both parties. FED UP.
Your unhinged rants are a riot. :lmao:

Thanks for helping get my morning off to such a good start. :thup:

rants, yes. unhinged, no. What I post is reality. What you post is libtardian fantasy.

BTW, the latest national polls have Trump ahead. The hildebeast is self destructing and I find that very satisfying.

If my posting of the truth helps you in the mornings, great. Some day medical science will find a cure for the defective liberal gene and you will be saved. Don't give up hope.
You post reality??

That couldn't be easier to prove wrong.....

Prove Hillary had a seizure.


Was he also investigated and exonerated of any criminal wrong-doing?

Just like Clinton, he was declared to be above the laws that govern the commoners.

1974 - NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, Not even the President!

1997 - we were just kidding.

2016 - THE LAW WAS NEVER MEANT FOR KHMER ROUGE BOSSES! Hillary is her own law - rightful ruler.
HOLY CR@P! Stick a fork in her. SHE IS DONE! There is NO WAY the DOJ and / or Obama could possibly refuse to call for a Grand Jury / agree to indict her! Doing so to protect Ex-Atty General Eric Holder for multiple counts of Felony Perjury while attempting to keep Obama's 'Fast and Furious' scandal buried was easy to pull off because his criminal acts did not rise to the level of being capable of 'seriously causing damage to our national security'! Hillary, though? She'll be lucky if ALL they charge her with is 'NEGLIGENCE' under the Esionage Act!

You're completely fooling yourself. The Democrat Party is so corrupt - they would never indict one of their own. Ever. There isn't a snowballs chance in hell that Hitlery ever sees a courtroom, indictment, or charges on this unless a true conservative is appointed to the White House. Even Donald Trump won't indict his life-long pal Hitlery.
the medical report you tout so heavily is a year old. What is her current condition? Why does she take two days off for each day on the campaign trail? What is she hiding under those tents she wears?

I cant prove that she had a seizure, only medical tests could prove or disprove that. So stop asking me stupid questions.

Doing a scripted interview with one reporter is NOT a press conference, and you fricken well know it. you are so far up her ass you can probably see her liver=========is it diseased from alcohol and cocaine use?

The woman is old, sick, corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent to hold any public position. She belongs in a care facility or prison, not the white house.

Sadly, just under half of americans are as stupid as you are and may vote for her. This country is at a turning point. We will either remain a free democratic representative republic or we will become a dictatorial socialist regime under a corrupt hildebeast
Don't know but since presidential candidates don't submit annual medical reports, you're shit out of luck.

But I do enjoy watching you bitch about how challenging you to prove your claims is "asking you stupid questions." :mm:

That's almost as funny as your unhinged rant that America will become a socialist dictatorship under a Hillary administration.

Have you considered fleeing America now, while you still can, to avoid that? :lmao:

Look, bitch. You and I are never going to agree on anything, so lets just stop the foolishness.

You would vote for Hillary if she pissed in your coffee every morning. I would not vote for her to pick up dog shit in the park.

She has serious medical conditions, but you will never acknowledge that no matter what she does or says. I get it. You are brainwashed in liberal bullshit.

No, I would never leave my country. But if my country continues on its current liberal path to destruction, I would support constitutional convention or a secession movement. Real America is fed up with failed liberalism from both parties. FED UP.
Your unhinged rants are a riot. :lmao:

Thanks for helping get my morning off to such a good start. :thup:

rants, yes. unhinged, no. What I post is reality. What you post is libtardian fantasy.

BTW, the latest national polls have Trump ahead. The hildebeast is self destructing and I find that very satisfying.

If my posting of the truth helps you in the mornings, great. Some day medical science will find a cure for the defective liberal gene and you will be saved. Don't give up hope.
You post reality??

That couldn't be easier to prove wrong.....

Prove Hillary had a seizure.


It looks like a seizure to both medical personnel and non-medical personnel. You prove that it wasn't what it appeared to be.

If not a seizure, what was it? She called it a short circuit. What exactly is that in medical terms?

As to the defective liberal gene. It has been identified as DRD 4 and the defect only occurs in liberal minds. If you don't believe me, google it. I hope medical science finds a cure, and you should too.
Is she in jail yet?

Is she?


She will never go to jail, we do not jail our political criminals once they reach a certain level in government.

Guilty does not always mean jail time, but it should.

Question for you: Why do you think that Hillary should not be subject to the laws that apply to you and me?

Was he also investigated and exonerated of any criminal wrong-doing?

Just like Clinton, he was declared to be above the laws that govern the commoners.

1974 - NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, Not even the President!

1997 - we were just kidding.

2016 - THE LAW WAS NEVER MEANT FOR KHMER ROUGE BOSSES! Hillary is her own law - rightful ruler.
You're demented -- no one declared her to be above the law.
Don't know but since presidential candidates don't submit annual medical reports, you're shit out of luck.

But I do enjoy watching you bitch about how challenging you to prove your claims is "asking you stupid questions." :mm:

That's almost as funny as your unhinged rant that America will become a socialist dictatorship under a Hillary administration.

Have you considered fleeing America now, while you still can, to avoid that? :lmao:

Look, bitch. You and I are never going to agree on anything, so lets just stop the foolishness.

You would vote for Hillary if she pissed in your coffee every morning. I would not vote for her to pick up dog shit in the park.

She has serious medical conditions, but you will never acknowledge that no matter what she does or says. I get it. You are brainwashed in liberal bullshit.

No, I would never leave my country. But if my country continues on its current liberal path to destruction, I would support constitutional convention or a secession movement. Real America is fed up with failed liberalism from both parties. FED UP.
Your unhinged rants are a riot. :lmao:

Thanks for helping get my morning off to such a good start. :thup:

rants, yes. unhinged, no. What I post is reality. What you post is libtardian fantasy.

BTW, the latest national polls have Trump ahead. The hildebeast is self destructing and I find that very satisfying.

If my posting of the truth helps you in the mornings, great. Some day medical science will find a cure for the defective liberal gene and you will be saved. Don't give up hope.
You post reality??

That couldn't be easier to prove wrong.....

Prove Hillary had a seizure.


It looks like a seizure to both medical personnel and non-medical personnel. You prove that it wasn't what it appeared to be.

If not a seizure, what was it? She called it a short circuit. What exactly is that in medical terms?

As to the defective liberal gene. It has been identified as DRD 4 and the defect only occurs in liberal minds. If you don't believe me, google it. I hope medical science finds a cure, and you should too.
There's nothing I either need to prove or disprove. The burden of proof is on the accuser. That would be you and you already admitted you can't prove it, which we both already knew anyway.

As far as a "Liberal gene," some researches have said they may have found something along those lines... so what?
Anyone in jail yet?

No? You mean the uber-wuss Trump-cucks let themselves get played for fools yet another time?

What a surprise.
Look, bitch. You and I are never going to agree on anything, so lets just stop the foolishness.

You would vote for Hillary if she pissed in your coffee every morning. I would not vote for her to pick up dog shit in the park.

She has serious medical conditions, but you will never acknowledge that no matter what she does or says. I get it. You are brainwashed in liberal bullshit.

No, I would never leave my country. But if my country continues on its current liberal path to destruction, I would support constitutional convention or a secession movement. Real America is fed up with failed liberalism from both parties. FED UP.
Your unhinged rants are a riot. :lmao:

Thanks for helping get my morning off to such a good start. :thup:

rants, yes. unhinged, no. What I post is reality. What you post is libtardian fantasy.

BTW, the latest national polls have Trump ahead. The hildebeast is self destructing and I find that very satisfying.

If my posting of the truth helps you in the mornings, great. Some day medical science will find a cure for the defective liberal gene and you will be saved. Don't give up hope.
You post reality??

That couldn't be easier to prove wrong.....

Prove Hillary had a seizure.


It looks like a seizure to both medical personnel and non-medical personnel. You prove that it wasn't what it appeared to be.

If not a seizure, what was it? She called it a short circuit. What exactly is that in medical terms?

As to the defective liberal gene. It has been identified as DRD 4 and the defect only occurs in liberal minds. If you don't believe me, google it. I hope medical science finds a cure, and you should too.
There's nothing I either need to prove or disprove. The burden of proof is on the accuser. That would be you and you already admitted you can't prove it, which we both already knew anyway.

As far as a "Liberal gene," some researches have said they may have found something along those lines... so what?

The proof has been recorded and replayed many times. You can ignore it if you choose, but anyone who looks at her jerking her head, stumbling up steps, and coughing cannot reach any other conclusion than that she is sick.

I have called for a complete unbiased medical evaluation of both candidates, do you agree that we are entitled to that? yes or no.
Anyone in jail yet?

No? You mean the uber-wuss Trump-cucks let themselves get played for fools yet another time?

What a surprise.

Blogo is in jail, Rostenkowski went to jail, Patreaus was convicted, Martha Stewart went to jail. All for less than Hillary did.

Why is she above the laws that apply to those people?
  • Thanks
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Your unhinged rants are a riot. :lmao:

Thanks for helping get my morning off to such a good start. :thup:

rants, yes. unhinged, no. What I post is reality. What you post is libtardian fantasy.

BTW, the latest national polls have Trump ahead. The hildebeast is self destructing and I find that very satisfying.

If my posting of the truth helps you in the mornings, great. Some day medical science will find a cure for the defective liberal gene and you will be saved. Don't give up hope.
You post reality??

That couldn't be easier to prove wrong.....

Prove Hillary had a seizure.


It looks like a seizure to both medical personnel and non-medical personnel. You prove that it wasn't what it appeared to be.

If not a seizure, what was it? She called it a short circuit. What exactly is that in medical terms?

As to the defective liberal gene. It has been identified as DRD 4 and the defect only occurs in liberal minds. If you don't believe me, google it. I hope medical science finds a cure, and you should too.
There's nothing I either need to prove or disprove. The burden of proof is on the accuser. That would be you and you already admitted you can't prove it, which we both already knew anyway.

As far as a "Liberal gene," some researches have said they may have found something along those lines... so what?

The proof has been recorded and replayed many times. You can ignore it if you choose, but anyone who looks at her jerking her head, stumbling up steps, and coughing cannot reach any other conclusion than that she is sick.
That's proves she's capable of moving her head.

That's not proof she had a seizure.

You've already admitted you can't prove it so who knows why you persist?

I have called for a complete unbiased medical evaluation of both candidates, do you agree that we are entitled to that? yes or no.
No one gives a shit what you "call for." You're a nobody who doesn't get to call for anything. She's already provided her medical history. If that not good enough for you -- tough shit.
She has serious medical conditions, but you will never acknowledge that no matter what she does or says. I get it. You are brainwashed in liberal bullshit.
Is she dead yet? Is she dead yet?

Is she?

Anyone in jail yet?

No? You mean the uber-wuss Trump-cucks let themselves get played for fools yet another time?

What a surprise.

It's torpedoing Hillary's campaign. Not sure how that's Republicans getting "played for fools"

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