DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Hillary told the Ambassador and Chelsea it was a TERRORIST ATTACK & the video had nothing to do with it.

The State Dept Rep from Tripoli testified he talked to HILLARY when the attack started and told her / the State Dept it was a Terrorist Attack.

Sorry, but we know the only video that played a part in Benghazi came from inside Hillary's DAIN BRAMAGED brain.
You're fucking retarded. :cuckoo:

How many times must this be drummed into your brain-dead head?

The night of the attack, the information coming in kept changing. Early on, they thought it was an Al-Qaeda attack.

That's when Hillary sent that email.

Sometime shortly after, they determined it was the video.

For the next two weeks, that's what they told the public. By the 24th of September, after reviewing closed caption video of the attack, the CIA changed its assessment from the video spurring protests back to their original assessment that it was an Al-Qaeda attack.
Obama admitted it was a terrorist attack that had nothing to do with a video.
All of this is a distraction, however, to the fact that Hillary broke yhe law.

She was not authorized to have access to classified info after she left the State Dept - her servers were filled with it.

She used private illegal unauthorized unencrypted servers and devices.

She broke the law - the FOIA & Fedrtal Records Act - by failing to turn over thousands of work-related documents.

She illegally gave a small IT company missing the required security clearance to handle her classified info access to that info and servers.

She sent/received marked classified info.

She gave her lawyer - who had no security clearance - a thumbdrive filled with highly classified information.

She perjured herself.

The only reason she is not in jail is because of Barry.

She is only still in this race because of the ultra-hypocritical bias of her followers who would never allow a GOP candidate get away with any of this.
Obama admitted it was a terrorist attack that had nothing to do with a video.
Quote him saying that between the attack (or shortly thereafter) and September 24th, 2012......
I posted the link several times before. I am not in the business of contantly spoonfeeding liberals. Look it up.
That's ok, I knew you were full of shit anyway.
Can't work google or look up the links I've posted in the past, huh?!

No matter, the fact stands that Hillary broke numerous laws and is not in jail now because Barry is protecting her in order to protect his 'legacy'.
Obama admitted it was a terrorist attack that had nothing to do with a video.
Quote him saying that between the attack (or shortly thereafter) and September 24th, 2012......
I posted the link several times before. I am not in the business of contantly spoonfeeding liberals. Look it up.
That's ok, I knew you were full of shit anyway.
Can't work google or look up the links I've posted in the past, huh?!

No matter, the fact stands that Hillary broke numerous laws and is not in jail now because Barry is protecting her in order to protect his 'legacy'.
Why would I waste time looking for something which doesn't exist? :dunno:
Oh, you know it exists - we've had this conversation before, and I've provided links before.

How about we look at NEW evidence?! Go to right now and tead how the FBI has released bew evidence / how the extremely top secret info on her servers were exposed to hackers because she was CHECKING OUT PORN! :p
Faun, two of the most simple pieces of evidence that undeniably proves she broke the law are

1. Once Hillary left the State Department she was not supposed to have ANY classified documents, e-mails, and/or products in her personal possession. She no longer had any 'need to know' and had been 'read out' of all the highly classified programs she had worked on.


2. She was using ILLEGAL, UNAUTHORIZED, UNENCRYPTED PERSONAL servers and devices to illegally store, send, and receive classified information she was NOT legally authorized in her possession!

The State Department declared IF SHE HAD ASKED if she could do so they would have told her 'NO'!

She illegally gave access to highlt classified information to a small IT company that did not have the legally required clearances to touch/see her servers...and they stored information 'so secret it could cause grave danger to our national security' IN THEIR BATHROOM!

She ILLEGALLY gave that same information, on a thumb drive, to her lawyer, who also dod NOT have the legally required security clearances or training to have that daya in his possession!

Before you ever get to her sending/receiving it, violating FOIA, or perjuring herself, you can't get past the fact that just having classified information in her possession, on her servers, was a CRIME!
Look, shineola bouncing off the Echo-chambers walls is still not proof. It could be that she is the most gifted criminal ever, having gotten away with all those crimes you claim she has, or you merely like smoke blown up your ass.

Yeah, I have to go with the smoke option.
heres a question I've asked an no republicans has ever answered it ....
Question: you're secretary of state ... the Head of the CIA David Petraeus comes to you and say we believe the attack on Benghazi was over the movie insulting Islam ... the press asked you what happen in benghazi ??? you tell the press it was because of the movie insulting Islam ... days later David Petraeus comes back to you and tells you it wasn't over the movie it was a terrorist attack ... are you now a liar ???
You are if you don't bring it to people's attention. Omission of evidence is a lie.

There, now you can quit saying no one has ever answered you.

And give us your source for the scenario you presented, never saw it before.
It wasn't even a lie by ommission. The CIA was determining the intelligence. Not the White House. Not the State Department. And for two weeks, the CIA blamed the video.
You lie. The CIA testified they sent a report to the WH and state dept within an hour of the attack beginning making it clear this was a TERRORIST attack. This is the report that Hillary & Barry modified 13 times, removing all references to the word Terror or terrorism before they would allow it to be released. This has been documented.
That was while the attack was happening which is why Hillary emailed Chelsea and told her it was an attack. Because that is what the CIA told Hillary during the attack.

Then the CIA changed their assessment of the attack to have been spurred by the video. This is old news and you should be aware of it.
the play this we didn't know crap ... in the benghazi hearing David Petraeus testified under oath that is was his office that told hillary it was over the movie ... hIllary emailed her daughter saying she thinks it was terrorist act, but the CIA said it was over the movie ... so she went with David Petraeus 's information stating it was over the movie ... its all in the Benghazi hearings all 8 of them ... so tell me.. the fact that she reported what David Petraeus told her, does that mean she lied???
Faun, two of the most simple pieces of evidence that undeniably proves she broke the law are

1. Once Hillary left the State Department she was not supposed to have ANY classified documents, e-mails, and/or products in her personal possession. She no longer had any 'need to know' and had been 'read out' of all the highly classified programs she had worked on.


2. She was using ILLEGAL, UNAUTHORIZED, UNENCRYPTED PERSONAL servers and devices to illegally store, send, and receive classified information she was NOT legally authorized in her possession!

The State Department declared IF SHE HAD ASKED if she could do so they would have told her 'NO'!

She illegally gave access to highlt classified information to a small IT company that did not have the legally required clearances to touch/see her servers...and they stored information 'so secret it could cause grave danger to our national security' IN THEIR BATHROOM!

She ILLEGALLY gave that same information, on a thumb drive, to her lawyer, who also dod NOT have the legally required security clearances or training to have that daya in his possession!

Before you ever get to her sending/receiving it, violating FOIA, or perjuring herself, you can't get past the fact that just having classified information in her possession, on her servers, was a CRIME!
heres the problem with your post ...
State Dept confirms FBI got it wrong, none of Hillary Clinton’s emails were classified at the time

Hillary Clinton insisted all along that none of the emails she sent or received on her private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State was marked classified at the time. That was contradicted by the Director of the FBI yesterday when he claimed that a “very small number” of her emails were in fact classified at the time. The New York Times then determined that that number was just two. And now the State Department has confirmed that the two emails in question weren’t actually classified at the time, and had merely been marked incorrectly during the course of the investigation.

In yet another development which helps make clear that Clinton did nothing demonstrably wrong with her email, the two emails sent to her by her aides in 2012 were harmless in nature. Both were merely used to schedule phone calls with foreign leaders, and on their face, clearly could not have possibly been classified at the time. Sure enough, a spokesman for the State Department has confirmed that they were not classified.

This comes just hours after CBS News reported that Hillary Clinton had asked the NSA for a secure smartphone for her email immediately upon taking office as Secretary of State, and had been turned down. One by one, the details coming out are making clear that despite having spent so many months running an investigation and despite having been given full cooperation by Clinton and her team, the conclusions made by the FBI Director yesterday were far removed from the actual facts involved.

With Hillary Clinton now having been fully cleared of any potential charges, this may be a moot point in terms of the outcome; she’s off the hook and she remains the clear frontrunner in the 2016 presidential race. But these new details surfacing today make clear that the FBI Director didn’t come close to getting his facts right when he personally criticized her email usage yesterday. Here’s ... as we said she didn't lie
after having been proven to have committed so many crimes and jeopardized our national security for personal gain

Look, shineola bouncing off the Echo-chambers walls is still not proof. It could be that she is the most gifted criminal ever, having gotten away with all those crimes you claim she has, or you merely like smoke blown up your ass.

Yeah, I have to go with the smoke option.
heres a question I've asked an no republicans has ever answered it ....
Question: you're secretary of state ... the Head of the CIA David Petraeus comes to you and say we believe the attack on Benghazi was over the movie insulting Islam ... the press asked you what happen in benghazi ??? you tell the press it was because of the movie insulting Islam ... days later David Petraeus comes back to you and tells you it wasn't over the movie it was a terrorist attack ... are you now a liar ???
You are if you don't bring it to people's attention. Omission of evidence is a lie.

There, now you can quit saying no one has ever answered you.

And give us your source for the scenario you presented, never saw it before.
It wasn't even a lie by ommission. The CIA was determining the intelligence. Not the White House. Not the State Department. And for two weeks, the CIA blamed the video.
You lie. The CIA testified they sent a report to the WH and state dept within an hour of the attack beginning making it clear this was a TERRORIST attack. This is the report that Hillary & Barry modified 13 times, removing all references to the word Terror or terrorism before they would allow it to be released. This has been documented.
you show us your so-called documented ... because its not int the Benghazi hearings ... you are have a source for that false statement of yours??? because its not in the benghazi hearing ... the said they told her about two weeks later and then she came to the press and told them ... the CIA found out that it wasn't about the movie and it was a terristt attack... so you prove your statement... mines is in the benghazi hearings
have at it ...

benghazi hearing...
it says it in the opening that it was the CIA who made the mistakes about how it happen not Clinton ... report.pdf
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Cleared! Donald Trump is closer to going to prison with his fraud against the IRS and University.

The loserterians couldn't have chosen a worse candidate.
how true is that ... what amazes me here is how trump continually lies to the press, he keeps get caught lying to the press and every one of these clowns accept it like he was the second coming ..
some medical opinions say parkinsons, some say epilepsy, some say dementia and alzheimers. A current medical report would clarify it or rule some out. Why don't you want a current medical report on both candidates?
I'm trying to determine if she even had a seizure. You can't even say what kind it was. Indicates to me that you're full of shit.

I am not a doctor. But I do recognize it when someone jerks their head around and rolls their eyes while gaping open their mouth, and then cant remember doing it.

There is something wrong with her, maybe several things, and we are entitled to know about them. Just as we are entitled to know about Trump's health.
You're not a dictor but you are a liar. Quote Hillary saying she doesn't remember doing that....

does "I don't recall" mean the same thing as "I don't remember" ?

she not only doesn't recall having a brain freeze, she doesn't recall ever having a security briefing as SecState.

face reality, dude. She is either a compulsive liar, or a very sick woman. Which is it?
For the second time.... quote her...

the FBI notes on her "interview" have been released. Look them up and get back to me.

One thing she said was that she didn't know what the C in front of a sentence or paragraph meant? Really? Anyone who has ever held a security clearance knows that.

Is she really that stupid, or is it just another lie?
Oh, you know it exists - we've had this conversation before, and I've provided links before.

How about we look at NEW evidence?! Go to right now and tead how the FBI has released bew evidence / how the extremely top secret info on her servers were exposed to hackers because she was CHECKING OUT PORN! :p

Of course, you didn't, since Obama didn't say that once the CIA started feeding the White House the story of the video tape.
Faun, two of the most simple pieces of evidence that undeniably proves she broke the law are

1. Once Hillary left the State Department she was not supposed to have ANY classified documents, e-mails, and/or products in her personal possession. She no longer had any 'need to know' and had been 'read out' of all the highly classified programs she had worked on.


2. She was using ILLEGAL, UNAUTHORIZED, UNENCRYPTED PERSONAL servers and devices to illegally store, send, and receive classified information she was NOT legally authorized in her possession!

The State Department declared IF SHE HAD ASKED if she could do so they would have told her 'NO'!

She illegally gave access to highlt classified information to a small IT company that did not have the legally required clearances to touch/see her servers...and they stored information 'so secret it could cause grave danger to our national security' IN THEIR BATHROOM!

She ILLEGALLY gave that same information, on a thumb drive, to her lawyer, who also dod NOT have the legally required security clearances or training to have that daya in his possession!

Before you ever get to her sending/receiving it, violating FOIA, or perjuring herself, you can't get past the fact that just having classified information in her possession, on her servers, was a CRIME!
Despite you thinking the law was broken, the FBI does not. And when deciding whom to believe, the FBI or some random nut on the Internet, I'm going with the FBI every time.

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