DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

In an unusual move, FBI agents working the Hillary Clinton email case had to sign a special form reminding them not to blab about the probe to anyone unless called to testify.

Sources said they had never heard of the “Case Briefing Acknowledgment” form being used before, although all agents must initially sign nondisclosure agreements to obtain security clearance.

“This is very, very unusual. I’ve never signed one, never circulated one to others,” said one retired FBI chief.

An FBI agent currently on the job admitted, “I have never heard of such a form. Sounds strange.”

Meanwhile, FBI agents expressed their “disappointment” over FBI Director James Comey’s decision not to recommend charges against Clinton, sources close to the matter told The Post.

“FBI agents believe there was an inside deal put in place after the Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton tarmac meeting,” said one source.

FBI Agents Reveals Why Loretta Lynch REALLY Let Hillary Off... Dems Panic
Do you think candidates should keep their word when they say they're going to do something?
Yes, but I guess if Democrats had to do that they'd never run for office.
Then why do you think Crazy Donald shouldn't release his tax returns?

Meet the Press - January 24, 2016

CHUCK TODD: You know, just about, well, about 15, 20 minutes ago, Mitt Romney put out a tweet saying, "Four years ago today, he put out his tax returns," and he believes that every 2016 candidate should release their returns before the first contest. Just so you know, every nominee, Mr. Trump, has released their tax returns going back to 1980. The Clintons, by the way, Hillary Clinton, we have every tax return that her name's been on since 1977 in the public domain. Will you release any of your tax returns for the public to scrutinize?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, we're working on that now. I have very big returns, as you know, and I have everything all approved and very beautiful and we'll be working that over in the next period of time, Chuck. Absolutely.

what do you expect to find in Trump's tax returns? he gets audited every year, if he was cheating the Obama IRS would already have made a big deal of it. What do you expect to find?

But we all know what this is about, the dems need a diversion from Hillary's health issues, her foundation corruption, and her lies. They hope to find one page in Trump's hundreds of pages or returns and create a lie about it that will occupy the lying media for a few weeks--------everyone knows what this is about. You assholes are fooling no one.
You're an idiot. I couldn't care less if he releases them or not. If anything, he's taking more heat for not releasing them than he probably would had he just released them.

if you don't care, why do you keep whining about it?
Who knows what you're talking about? I'm not on the Crazy Donald should release his tax records bandwagon. The only aspect of his hiding his tax records I've hit upon is his glaring hypocrisy of not releasing them while criticizing others for not releasing theirs and his lack of trustworthiness for lying about releasing them and then not following through.
Link a video of someone else with an actual seizure showing similar symptoms....

you challenged it, you do it
Well it's your claim she's had seizures. Why should I prove you right when you're incapable of doing that yourself?

But ok ... I'll find it anyway ... first, you have to tell me what kind of seizure she had so I know what to look for......

some medical opinions say parkinsons, some say epilepsy, some say dementia and alzheimers. A current medical report would clarify it or rule some out. Why don't you want a current medical report on both candidates?
I'm trying to determine if she even had a seizure. You can't even say what kind it was. Indicates to me that you're full of shit.

I am not a doctor. But I do recognize it when someone jerks their head around and rolls their eyes while gaping open their mouth, and then cant remember doing it.

There is something wrong with her, maybe several things, and we are entitled to know about them. Just as we are entitled to know about Trump's health.
You're not a doctor but you are a liar. Quote Hillary saying she doesn't remember doing that....
Last edited:
after having been proven to have committed so many crimes and jeopardized our national security for personal gain

Look, shineola bouncing off the Echo-chambers walls is still not proof. It could be that she is the most gifted criminal ever, having gotten away with all those crimes you claim she has, or you merely like smoke blown up your ass.

Yeah, I have to go with the smoke option.
heres a question I've asked an no republicans has ever answered it ....
Question: you're secretary of state ... the Head of the CIA David Petraeus comes to you and say we believe the attack on Benghazi was over the movie insulting Islam ... the press asked you what happen in benghazi ??? you tell the press it was because of the movie insulting Islam ... days later David Petraeus comes back to you and tells you it wasn't over the movie it was a terrorist attack ... are you now a liar ???

your hypothetical is funny. That's not even close to what happened. Clinton and Obama kept up the video lie long after they knew it was a lie. The email record proves that.
Of course that's what happened. We know that's what happened because those facts emerged from among the 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi.
after having been proven to have committed so many crimes and jeopardized our national security for personal gain

Look, shineola bouncing off the Echo-chambers walls is still not proof. It could be that she is the most gifted criminal ever, having gotten away with all those crimes you claim she has, or you merely like smoke blown up your ass.

Yeah, I have to go with the smoke option.
heres a question I've asked an no republicans has ever answered it ....
Question: you're secretary of state ... the Head of the CIA David Petraeus comes to you and say we believe the attack on Benghazi was over the movie insulting Islam ... the press asked you what happen in benghazi ??? you tell the press it was because of the movie insulting Islam ... days later David Petraeus comes back to you and tells you it wasn't over the movie it was a terrorist attack ... are you now a liar ???

your hypothetical is funny. That's not even close to what happened. Clinton and Obama kept up the video lie long after they knew it was a lie. The email record proves that.
Of course that's what happened. We know that's what happened because those facts emerged from among the 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi.

wrong again, Hillary worshiper. what has been proven is that both hitlery and obozo knew that the attack was not caused by the stupid video but they continued to lie about it.

are you claiming that Petraeus created the lie??? Are you brain dead?
you challenged it, you do it
Well it's your claim she's had seizures. Why should I prove you right when you're incapable of doing that yourself?

But ok ... I'll find it anyway ... first, you have to tell me what kind of seizure she had so I know what to look for......

some medical opinions say parkinsons, some say epilepsy, some say dementia and alzheimers. A current medical report would clarify it or rule some out. Why don't you want a current medical report on both candidates?
I'm trying to determine if she even had a seizure. You can't even say what kind it was. Indicates to me that you're full of shit.

I am not a doctor. But I do recognize it when someone jerks their head around and rolls their eyes while gaping open their mouth, and then cant remember doing it.

There is something wrong with her, maybe several things, and we are entitled to know about them. Just as we are entitled to know about Trump's health.
You're not a dictor but you are a liar. Quote Hillary saying she doesn't remember doing that....

does "I don't recall" mean the same thing as "I don't remember" ?

she not only doesn't recall having a brain freeze, she doesn't recall ever having a security briefing as SecState.

face reality, dude. She is either a compulsive liar, or a very sick woman. Which is it?
"The intelligence community has now deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails “too damaging" to national security to release under any circumstances, according to a U.S. government official close to the ongoing review. A second source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, backed up the finding. "

"Na na na na
Na na na na
Hey, Hey, Hey

Go to jail. Go DIRECTLY to Jail. Do NOT pass 'Go'. Do NOT collect $200. Do NOT Win the DNC Nomination. Do NOT continue Campaigning. Do NOT get put on the ballot. DO go down as the 1st 1st Lady to Go to Jail for NUMEROUS Felonies - crimes under the ESPIONAGE Act and for CORRUPTION Charges!


Selling Russia 1/5th of the US uranium Stockpile.

Caught and stopped TRYING to sell the Russians several of the Aleutian Islands & their mineral rights.

Caught taking contributions from foreign millionaire whose company she protected from legal punishment for violating Iranian Sanctions - running illegal goods to Iran - WHILE she served as Secretary of State ('Corruption'/'Influence Peddling)

Taking millions from Islamic nations that finance and support terrorism.

Taking millions from Islamic nations that oppress women, engage in female genital mutilation, and who murder homosexuals.

Hiring an AL QAEIDA-associated Militia to protect a US Ambassador.

Abandoning a US Ambassador in a hostile environment amidst terrorist threats that forced EVERY other nation with people in Benghazi to pull them out.

REJECTING OVER 600 pleas for additional security from the on-site US Ambassador AND TAKING AWAY 14 members of the Ambassador's security detail in the midst of these threats, a call for his assassination, AND after 2 previous terror attacks on his compound, the last of which before his murder left a 4-foot hole in his compound wall.

Denying UNDER OATH she knew what happened that night, ONLY to have HER OWN E-MAILS expose she told the Turkish Ambassador after the 13-hour attack that resulted in 4 Americans dead that she KNEW the video had nothing to do with the attack, that this was a terrorist attack; revealed that she told her own daughter that this was a terrorist attack; then told the world and the grieving families it was all about a video...thern ended up calling the grieving families 'Liars'!

Broke the law by not signing the required legal document, upon getting her security clearance required to do the job as Secretary of State, stating she had received her classification training.

Violated Administration rules and the law by not providing copies of ALL State Dept-related documents and e-mails to the State Dept for required recording/holding. The State Dept made it clear Hillary did NOT turn over all documents AS SHE CLAIMED UNDER OATH TO HAVE DONE.

Lied under oath about not using a legal private server, using MULTIPLE electronic devices (not just 'one'), and about NOT sending / receiving classified information. She later changed her statement to cover ass by saying she had not sent/received an e-mails / documents MARKED classified.
-- Since then the FBI has evidence that Hillary ordered subordinates to strip the classification markings off documents and to send them vis UNCLASS means for the sake of 'ease' and 'expedience'. These workers have stated this was not a 1-time thing but was almost 'SOP'! Thatm btw, is a CRIME.

Illegal handling, storage, and attempted destruction of Classified / EXTREMELY classified information capable of seriously damaging our national security.
- The company handling her server, which illegally had different / multiple classifications of information on 1 server (illegal) - did not have the appropriate legal clearance to hold/store/handle the classified information.
- Her lawyer was walking around with a USB drive that contained highly classified information without a security clearance, violating laws regarding handling, transporting, and storage of classified information.

Hillary broke the law by not signing the Federal Document stating she had released / returned all security documents and that she was keeping none of them (according to one report), which is a crime. If she DID sign the document, in light of all the classified State Dept-related information found in her position, she broke the law for keeping all this classified information.
-- Once you quit/step down/leave a job/program dealing with COMPARTMENTALIZED Highly Classified information the business/organization 'READS YOU OUT' of the program. From that point on it is ILLEGAL for you to have access to the information let alone have any of it in your possession!!!! The FBI just confirmed Hillary has / had compartmentalized Highly Classified info in her possession...ILLEGALLY.

(If they wanted to press it and make the case, considering her dealings with Russia and taking money from Islamic countries and others - such as the guy she 'helped' violate US Sanctions on Iran, a case of possible TREASON / REAL 'ESPIONAGE' could me made. (Not that it would stick, but it could be made...)

NOW the FBI is reporting that the information Hillary has / had in her possession was / is SO HIGHLY CLASSIFIED AND DANGEROUS TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY that they CAN'T even REDACT it enough to release ANY of it!

HOLY CR@P! Stick a fork in her. SHE IS DONE! There is NO WAY the DOJ and / or Obama could possibly refuse to call for a Grand Jury / agree to indict her! Doing so to protect Ex-Atty General Eric Holder for multiple counts of Felony Perjury while attempting to keep Obama's 'Fast and Furious' scandal buried was easy to pull off because his criminal acts did not rise to the level of being capable of 'seriously causing damage to our national security'! Hillary, though? She'll be lucky if ALL they charge her with is 'NEGLIGENCE' under the Esionage Act!

Doubt it. The Clinton crime family will beat it. They always beat it. Only way anyone will do anything about it is if her actions threaten the legacy of the first half black president. History is already going to be cruel to Bammer, can't have all the scandals sticking now could we?
after having been proven to have committed so many crimes and jeopardized our national security for personal gain

Look, shineola bouncing off the Echo-chambers walls is still not proof. It could be that she is the most gifted criminal ever, having gotten away with all those crimes you claim she has, or you merely like smoke blown up your ass.

Yeah, I have to go with the smoke option.
heres a question I've asked an no republicans has ever answered it ....
Question: you're secretary of state ... the Head of the CIA David Petraeus comes to you and say we believe the attack on Benghazi was over the movie insulting Islam ... the press asked you what happen in benghazi ??? you tell the press it was because of the movie insulting Islam ... days later David Petraeus comes back to you and tells you it wasn't over the movie it was a terrorist attack ... are you now a liar ???

your hypothetical is funny. That's not even close to what happened. Clinton and Obama kept up the video lie long after they knew it was a lie. The email record proves that.
Of course that's what happened. We know that's what happened because those facts emerged from among the 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi.

wrong again, Hillary worshiper. what has been proven is that both hitlery and obozo knew that the attack was not caused by the stupid video but they continued to lie about it.

are you claiming that Petraeus created the lie??? Are you brain dead?

Those were conclusions from among the 8 investigations into Benghazi. They're not wrong merely because you read on breitbart, or where ever, that Hillary lied about it.

Our tax dollars were well spent to exonerate Hillary.
Well it's your claim she's had seizures. Why should I prove you right when you're incapable of doing that yourself?

But ok ... I'll find it anyway ... first, you have to tell me what kind of seizure she had so I know what to look for......

some medical opinions say parkinsons, some say epilepsy, some say dementia and alzheimers. A current medical report would clarify it or rule some out. Why don't you want a current medical report on both candidates?
I'm trying to determine if she even had a seizure. You can't even say what kind it was. Indicates to me that you're full of shit.

I am not a doctor. But I do recognize it when someone jerks their head around and rolls their eyes while gaping open their mouth, and then cant remember doing it.

There is something wrong with her, maybe several things, and we are entitled to know about them. Just as we are entitled to know about Trump's health.
You're not a dictor but you are a liar. Quote Hillary saying she doesn't remember doing that....

does "I don't recall" mean the same thing as "I don't remember" ?

she not only doesn't recall having a brain freeze, she doesn't recall ever having a security briefing as SecState.

face reality, dude. She is either a compulsive liar, or a very sick woman. Which is it?
For the second time.... quote her...
after having been proven to have committed so many crimes and jeopardized our national security for personal gain

Look, shineola bouncing off the Echo-chambers walls is still not proof. It could be that she is the most gifted criminal ever, having gotten away with all those crimes you claim she has, or you merely like smoke blown up your ass.

Yeah, I have to go with the smoke option.
heres a question I've asked an no republicans has ever answered it ....
Question: you're secretary of state ... the Head of the CIA David Petraeus comes to you and say we believe the attack on Benghazi was over the movie insulting Islam ... the press asked you what happen in benghazi ??? you tell the press it was because of the movie insulting Islam ... days later David Petraeus comes back to you and tells you it wasn't over the movie it was a terrorist attack ... are you now a liar ???
You are if you don't bring it to people's attention. Omission of evidence is a lie.

There, now you can quit saying no one has ever answered you.

And give us your source for the scenario you presented, never saw it before.
after having been proven to have committed so many crimes and jeopardized our national security for personal gain

Look, shineola bouncing off the Echo-chambers walls is still not proof. It could be that she is the most gifted criminal ever, having gotten away with all those crimes you claim she has, or you merely like smoke blown up your ass.

Yeah, I have to go with the smoke option.
heres a question I've asked an no republicans has ever answered it ....
Question: you're secretary of state ... the Head of the CIA David Petraeus comes to you and say we believe the attack on Benghazi was over the movie insulting Islam ... the press asked you what happen in benghazi ??? you tell the press it was because of the movie insulting Islam ... days later David Petraeus comes back to you and tells you it wasn't over the movie it was a terrorist attack ... are you now a liar ???
You are if you don't bring it to people's attention. Omission of evidence is a lie.

There, now you can quit saying no one has ever answered you.

And give us your source for the scenario you presented, never saw it before.
It wasn't even a lie by ommission. The CIA was determining the intelligence. Not the White House. Not the State Department. And for two weeks, the CIA blamed the video.
after having been proven to have committed so many crimes and jeopardized our national security for personal gain

Look, shineola bouncing off the Echo-chambers walls is still not proof. It could be that she is the most gifted criminal ever, having gotten away with all those crimes you claim she has, or you merely like smoke blown up your ass.

Yeah, I have to go with the smoke option.
heres a question I've asked an no republicans has ever answered it ....
Question: you're secretary of state ... the Head of the CIA David Petraeus comes to you and say we believe the attack on Benghazi was over the movie insulting Islam ... the press asked you what happen in benghazi ??? you tell the press it was because of the movie insulting Islam ... days later David Petraeus comes back to you and tells you it wasn't over the movie it was a terrorist attack ... are you now a liar ???

your hypothetical is funny. That's not even close to what happened. Clinton and Obama kept up the video lie long after they knew it was a lie. The email record proves that.
Of course that's what happened. We know that's what happened because those facts emerged from among the 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi.
We also know it From the FBI's own investigation and testimony.
after having been proven to have committed so many crimes and jeopardized our national security for personal gain

Look, shineola bouncing off the Echo-chambers walls is still not proof. It could be that she is the most gifted criminal ever, having gotten away with all those crimes you claim she has, or you merely like smoke blown up your ass.

Yeah, I have to go with the smoke option.
heres a question I've asked an no republicans has ever answered it ....
Question: you're secretary of state ... the Head of the CIA David Petraeus comes to you and say we believe the attack on Benghazi was over the movie insulting Islam ... the press asked you what happen in benghazi ??? you tell the press it was because of the movie insulting Islam ... days later David Petraeus comes back to you and tells you it wasn't over the movie it was a terrorist attack ... are you now a liar ???

your hypothetical is funny. That's not even close to what happened. Clinton and Obama kept up the video lie long after they knew it was a lie. The email record proves that.
Of course that's what happened. We know that's what happened because those facts emerged from among the 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi.
We also know it From the FBI's own investigation and testimony.
Nothing in the FBI investigation countered the GOP-led investigations which concluded the CIA was feeding the White House and State Department the intelligence of the video spurring protests in Benghazi.
after having been proven to have committed so many crimes and jeopardized our national security for personal gain

Look, shineola bouncing off the Echo-chambers walls is still not proof. It could be that she is the most gifted criminal ever, having gotten away with all those crimes you claim she has, or you merely like smoke blown up your ass.

Yeah, I have to go with the smoke option.
heres a question I've asked an no republicans has ever answered it ....
Question: you're secretary of state ... the Head of the CIA David Petraeus comes to you and say we believe the attack on Benghazi was over the movie insulting Islam ... the press asked you what happen in benghazi ??? you tell the press it was because of the movie insulting Islam ... days later David Petraeus comes back to you and tells you it wasn't over the movie it was a terrorist attack ... are you now a liar ???
You are if you don't bring it to people's attention. Omission of evidence is a lie.

There, now you can quit saying no one has ever answered you.

And give us your source for the scenario you presented, never saw it before.
It wasn't even a lie by ommission. The CIA was determining the intelligence. Not the White House. Not the State Department. And for two weeks, the CIA blamed the video.
You lie. The CIA testified they sent a report to the WH and state dept within an hour of the attack beginning making it clear this was a TERRORIST attack. This is the report that Hillary & Barry modified 13 times, removing all references to the word Terror or terrorism before they would allow it to be released. This has been documented.
after having been proven to have committed so many crimes and jeopardized our national security for personal gain

Look, shineola bouncing off the Echo-chambers walls is still not proof. It could be that she is the most gifted criminal ever, having gotten away with all those crimes you claim she has, or you merely like smoke blown up your ass.

Yeah, I have to go with the smoke option.
heres a question I've asked an no republicans has ever answered it ....
Question: you're secretary of state ... the Head of the CIA David Petraeus comes to you and say we believe the attack on Benghazi was over the movie insulting Islam ... the press asked you what happen in benghazi ??? you tell the press it was because of the movie insulting Islam ... days later David Petraeus comes back to you and tells you it wasn't over the movie it was a terrorist attack ... are you now a liar ???
You are if you don't bring it to people's attention. Omission of evidence is a lie.

There, now you can quit saying no one has ever answered you.

And give us your source for the scenario you presented, never saw it before.
It wasn't even a lie by ommission. The CIA was determining the intelligence. Not the White House. Not the State Department. And for two weeks, the CIA blamed the video.
You lie. The CIA testified they sent a report to the WH and state dept within an hour of the attack beginning making it clear this was a TERRORIST attack. This is the report that Hillary & Barry modified 13 times, removing all references to the word Terror or terrorism before they would allow it to be released. This has been documented.
That was while the attack was happening which is why Hillary emailed Chelsea and told her it was an attack. Because that is what the CIA told Hillary during the attack.

Then the CIA changed their assessment of the attack to have been spurred by the video. This is old news and you should be aware of it.
The CIA testified it NEVER said it was about a video.

The people on the ground said there was NEVER any sign of a PROTEST. The CIA AGREED. The State Dept team in Tripoli said the same thing.

The CIA testified it NEVER said it was about a video.

The people on the ground said there was NEVER any sign of a PROTEST. The CIA AGREED. The State Dept team in Tripoli said the same thing.

Sadly, you're too stupidto realize how stupid you are. Of course that what the CIA informed State and the WH.

Again... we know this thanks to the 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi.

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012. Report.pdf

Those 5 million tax dollars sure did pay off for Hillary, huh? Totally exonerated her from the false accusations by you rightards that she lied about the video.

The CIA and the survivors from the compound said there was NEVER any PROTEST...PERIOD.
Hillary told the Ambassador and Chelsea it was a TERRORIST ATTACK & the video had nothing to do with it.

The State Dept Rep from Tripoli testified he talked to HILLARY when the attack started and told her / the State Dept it was a Terrorist Attack.

Sorry, but we know the only video that played a part in Benghazi came from inside Hillary's DAIN BRAMAGED brain.
The CIA and the survivors from the compound said there was NEVER any PROTEST...PERIOD.
Now you're simply lying. That's what the CIA says now. That's not what they said up until September 24th, 2012. Up until then, the CIA informed the White House and State Department they believed the video spurred protests. And it was during those two weeks Hillary, Obama, and Rice were attributing the attack to the video.

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