DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Problem solved wikki leaks released her records. She has parkinson disease. Saw it on facebook. Im on my tablet so i cant paste and copy at the moment.
in case you are unaware hospital records aren't part of the internet so anything wiki leaks has is irrelevant...

Do healthy people have minor seizures, brain freezes, short circuits, and need help walking up 4 steps? Do healthy people wear coats and heavy long pants in 95 degree weather?

I don't know what exactly is wrong with her medically, but as voters we are entitled to know the medical condition of anyone who wants to be president and hold the nuclear trigger.
There's no proof she had any seizures. This is equivalent of crying that Obama was born in Kenya.

watch the clip. It sure looks like a seizure. She called it a short circuit. What exactly is that?
Too bad for you, seizures don't look like that.

Uh, yes they do. It was a minor one and she recovered quickly, but it was a seizure. Parkinsons, epilepsy, dementia, alzheimers? could be any or all of them.

couple the minor seizures with the inability to walk up steps without help and parkinsons seems most likely.
I have been on topic in this entire thread. Why wont you answer a simple question? Are we entitled to a complete, unbiased, current medical evaluation of both candidates? yes or no.
oh I've answered that question a long time ago ... you keep beating this dead horse ... as I said before a person health issue is between them and their doctor ... if the doctor gives a letter stating they have good enough health tp do the job then thats all we as a voter needs to know ... period ...

She paid the doctor. Think about it.
we all pay doctors whats your point

"ok doc, give me a good medical report or you will do a Vince Foster. Oh, and I will pay you $10,000 for the report". Do you really think that doesn't go on with the Clintons?
Thanks for confessing there's really no need for her to release any more records. Unless they say she's dying, you'll simply dismiss them like you're trying to dismiss this one.

Its a year old. I think we are entitled to a current one from both candidates. why don't you want to ask both candidates for a current medical report?
in case you are unaware hospital records aren't part of the internet so anything wiki leaks has is irrelevant...

Do healthy people have minor seizures, brain freezes, short circuits, and need help walking up 4 steps? Do healthy people wear coats and heavy long pants in 95 degree weather?

I don't know what exactly is wrong with her medically, but as voters we are entitled to know the medical condition of anyone who wants to be president and hold the nuclear trigger.
There's no proof she had any seizures. This is equivalent of crying that Obama was born in Kenya.

watch the clip. It sure looks like a seizure. She called it a short circuit. What exactly is that?
Too bad for you, seizures don't look like that.

Uh, yes they do. It was a minor one and she recovered quickly, but it was a seizure. Parkinsons, epilepsy, dementia, alzheimers? could be any or all of them.

couple the minor seizures with the inability to walk up steps without help and parkinsons seems most likely.
Link a video of someone else with an actual seizure showing similar symptoms....
oh I've answered that question a long time ago ... you keep beating this dead horse ... as I said before a person health issue is between them and their doctor ... if the doctor gives a letter stating they have good enough health tp do the job then thats all we as a voter needs to know ... period ...

She paid the doctor. Think about it.
we all pay doctors whats your point

"ok doc, give me a good medical report or you will do a Vince Foster. Oh, and I will pay you $10,000 for the report". Do you really think that doesn't go on with the Clintons?
Thanks for confessing there's really no need for her to release any more records. Unless they say she's dying, you'll simply dismiss them like you're trying to dismiss this one.

Its a year old. I think we are entitled to a current one from both candidates. why don't you want to ask both candidates for a current medical report?
You're entitled to shit since she's already released her medical history. And I've already explained why she shouldn't. We're not doing this Birther shit again.
in case you are unaware hospital records aren't part of the internet so anything wiki leaks has is irrelevant...

Do healthy people have minor seizures, brain freezes, short circuits, and need help walking up 4 steps? Do healthy people wear coats and heavy long pants in 95 degree weather?

I don't know what exactly is wrong with her medically, but as voters we are entitled to know the medical condition of anyone who wants to be president and hold the nuclear trigger.
There's no proof she had any seizures. This is equivalent of crying that Obama was born in Kenya.

watch the clip. It sure looks like a seizure. She called it a short circuit. What exactly is that?
Too bad for you, seizures don't look like that.

Uh, yes they do. It was a minor one and she recovered quickly, but it was a seizure. Parkinsons, epilepsy, dementia, alzheimers? could be any or all of them.

couple the minor seizures with the inability to walk up steps without help and parkinsons seems most likely.

hahahahahaha! poor delusional freak
Do healthy people have minor seizures, brain freezes, short circuits, and need help walking up 4 steps? Do healthy people wear coats and heavy long pants in 95 degree weather?

I don't know what exactly is wrong with her medically, but as voters we are entitled to know the medical condition of anyone who wants to be president and hold the nuclear trigger.
There's no proof she had any seizures. This is equivalent of crying that Obama was born in Kenya.

watch the clip. It sure looks like a seizure. She called it a short circuit. What exactly is that?
Too bad for you, seizures don't look like that.

Uh, yes they do. It was a minor one and she recovered quickly, but it was a seizure. Parkinsons, epilepsy, dementia, alzheimers? could be any or all of them.

couple the minor seizures with the inability to walk up steps without help and parkinsons seems most likely.

hahahahahaha! poor delusional freak
They're actually trying to pull the same demented bullshit that Birthers used 8 years ago and they bitched and moaned that the documentation Obama released didn't muster to their satisfaction, that he needed to release more detailed documents. Then when he did, they just continued bitching and moaning that it was fake.

There's no proof she had any seizures. This is equivalent of crying that Obama was born in Kenya.

watch the clip. It sure looks like a seizure. She called it a short circuit. What exactly is that?
Too bad for you, seizures don't look like that.

Uh, yes they do. It was a minor one and she recovered quickly, but it was a seizure. Parkinsons, epilepsy, dementia, alzheimers? could be any or all of them.

couple the minor seizures with the inability to walk up steps without help and parkinsons seems most likely.

hahahahahaha! poor delusional freak
They're actually trying to pull the same demented bullshit that Birthers used 8 years ago and they bitched and moaned that the documentation Obama released didn't muster to their satisfaction, that he needed to release more detailed documents. Then when he did, they just continued bitching and moaning that it was fake.

That's because they're mentally ill.
Never ceases to amaze me that you alt-right types feel so comfortable making statements without caring to provide links to back them up. Why is that? Is it because you're too scared? Or the sources are too Breitbart/WND/Alex Jonesy to stand up to scrutiny?

Mr. Fish, even your very own ultra-conservative NewsMax verifies you are a dumb@ss:

WashPost: 'Four Pinocchios' on Reports Tying Huma Abedin to Muslim Brotherhood

"""""""The Washington Post on Thursday awarded "Four Pinocchios" to news reports that longtime Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood because she edited an academic journal on minority Muslims for 12 years.

The New York Post reported over the weekend that "Huma Abedin worked at a radical Muslim journal for a dozen years" — a statement that The Washington Post's Fact Checker says "makes absolutely no sense."

Abedin was listed as an assistant editor for The Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from 1996 to 2008. The academic journal is edited by her mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, who is a dean of a Saudi woman's college in Jiddah that Hillary Clinton visited when she was secretary of state.

The publication is a peer-reviewed journal founded by Abedin's father, Syed, who died in 1993, the Post reports, and it is found in "fewer than 600 libraries around the world."

Abedin's role with the journal "is not news, as that had previously been reported in 2012," the Post reports.

"The Clinton campaign says Abedin played no role in editing articles; her brother and sister are also listed as staff members."
Even though The New York Post described the publication as "a radical Muslim publication" — the Fact Checker report labeled that as "ridiculous, according to experts on Islam and members of the advisory board."

Noah Feldman, director of the Julius-Rabinowitz Program on Jewish and Israeli Law at Harvard Law School, told The Washington Post that "I wouldn't consider it 'radical.' Quite the contrary.""""

She is a muslim. She makes Hillary's decisions for her. She hides her medical conditions from the media. She would be the most powerful person in a HRC administration. She is a muslim, Muslims are taught to put their religion ahead of all else.---------------------do you get it now?
Hiding her medical condition?

You know you're fucking demented, right?

Just the other day, Hillary's personal physician spoke out...

"As Secretary Clinton’s long time physician, I released a medical statement during the campaign indicating that she is in excellent health. I have recently been made aware of allegedly “leaked” medical documents regarding Secretary Clinton with my name on them. These documents are false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts. To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States." - Dr. Bardack, 8.16.2016

and if he didn't release that statement---------------------can you say Vince Foster?

Nothing related to the Clintons can be believed. They are pathological liars and destroy anyone who dares call out their corruption or lies.
You realize you're fucking demented, right? You have no idea what you're even rambling about. Vince Foster's death was confirmed to be a suicide by rightwing Ken Starr; and you're just making shit up about Hillary's doctor. Hell, you have a 50/50 shot at just guessing the gender of her doctor and you couldn't even get that right. :eusa_doh:

It reveals just how little you know about the subject you're talking about.

Trump has called for a complete current unbiased medical report on both candidates.

I find that very reasonable, do you?

Please do not respond with left wing bullshit and talking points to defend your very flawed and sick candidate.

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Do you think we are entitled to a complete, current, and unbiased medical evaluation of both candidates?
Do you think that the candidates should release their tax returns?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
She is a muslim. She makes Hillary's decisions for her. She hides her medical conditions from the media. She would be the most powerful person in a HRC administration. She is a muslim, Muslims are taught to put their religion ahead of all else.---------------------do you get it now?
Hiding her medical condition?

You know you're fucking demented, right?

Just the other day, Hillary's personal physician spoke out...

"As Secretary Clinton’s long time physician, I released a medical statement during the campaign indicating that she is in excellent health. I have recently been made aware of allegedly “leaked” medical documents regarding Secretary Clinton with my name on them. These documents are false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts. To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States." - Dr. Bardack, 8.16.2016

and if he didn't release that statement---------------------can you say Vince Foster?

Nothing related to the Clintons can be believed. They are pathological liars and destroy anyone who dares call out their corruption or lies.
You realize you're fucking demented, right? You have no idea what you're even rambling about. Vince Foster's death was confirmed to be a suicide by rightwing Ken Starr; and you're just making shit up about Hillary's doctor. Hell, you have a 50/50 shot at just guessing the gender of her doctor and you couldn't even get that right. :eusa_doh:

It reveals just how little you know about the subject you're talking about.

Trump has called for a complete current unbiased medical report on both candidates.

I find that very reasonable, do you?

Please do not respond with left wing bullshit and talking points to defend your very flawed and sick candidate.

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Do you think we are entitled to a complete, current, and unbiased medical evaluation of both candidates?
Do you think that the candidates should release their tax returns?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Hiding her medical condition?

You know you're fucking demented, right?

Just the other day, Hillary's personal physician spoke out...

"As Secretary Clinton’s long time physician, I released a medical statement during the campaign indicating that she is in excellent health. I have recently been made aware of allegedly “leaked” medical documents regarding Secretary Clinton with my name on them. These documents are false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts. To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States." - Dr. Bardack, 8.16.2016

and if he didn't release that statement---------------------can you say Vince Foster?

Nothing related to the Clintons can be believed. They are pathological liars and destroy anyone who dares call out their corruption or lies.
You realize you're fucking demented, right? You have no idea what you're even rambling about. Vince Foster's death was confirmed to be a suicide by rightwing Ken Starr; and you're just making shit up about Hillary's doctor. Hell, you have a 50/50 shot at just guessing the gender of her doctor and you couldn't even get that right. :eusa_doh:

It reveals just how little you know about the subject you're talking about.

Trump has called for a complete current unbiased medical report on both candidates.

I find that very reasonable, do you?

Please do not respond with left wing bullshit and talking points to defend your very flawed and sick candidate.

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Do you think we are entitled to a complete, current, and unbiased medical evaluation of both candidates?
The problem with that is Crazy Donald is a proven liar who can't be trusted. He also said he would release his tax records but has since reneged.

try to stay on topic. If you want to talk about liars and tax returns, we can do that. But this is about a medical report on both of them.
Do you support that or not?
They are both equally important, so you can't honestly discuss one and not the other.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Hiding her medical condition?

You know you're fucking demented, right?

Just the other day, Hillary's personal physician spoke out...

"As Secretary Clinton’s long time physician, I released a medical statement during the campaign indicating that she is in excellent health. I have recently been made aware of allegedly “leaked” medical documents regarding Secretary Clinton with my name on them. These documents are false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts. To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States." - Dr. Bardack, 8.16.2016

and if he didn't release that statement---------------------can you say Vince Foster?

Nothing related to the Clintons can be believed. They are pathological liars and destroy anyone who dares call out their corruption or lies.
You realize you're fucking demented, right? You have no idea what you're even rambling about. Vince Foster's death was confirmed to be a suicide by rightwing Ken Starr; and you're just making shit up about Hillary's doctor. Hell, you have a 50/50 shot at just guessing the gender of her doctor and you couldn't even get that right. :eusa_doh:

It reveals just how little you know about the subject you're talking about.

Trump has called for a complete current unbiased medical report on both candidates.

I find that very reasonable, do you?

Please do not respond with left wing bullshit and talking points to defend your very flawed and sick candidate.

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Do you think we are entitled to a complete, current, and unbiased medical evaluation of both candidates?
Do you think that the candidates should release their tax returns?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Do you think candidates should keep their word when they say they're going to do something?
and if he didn't release that statement---------------------can you say Vince Foster?

Nothing related to the Clintons can be believed. They are pathological liars and destroy anyone who dares call out their corruption or lies.
You realize you're fucking demented, right? You have no idea what you're even rambling about. Vince Foster's death was confirmed to be a suicide by rightwing Ken Starr; and you're just making shit up about Hillary's doctor. Hell, you have a 50/50 shot at just guessing the gender of her doctor and you couldn't even get that right. :eusa_doh:

It reveals just how little you know about the subject you're talking about.

Trump has called for a complete current unbiased medical report on both candidates.

I find that very reasonable, do you?

Please do not respond with left wing bullshit and talking points to defend your very flawed and sick candidate.

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Do you think we are entitled to a complete, current, and unbiased medical evaluation of both candidates?
Do you think that the candidates should release their tax returns?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Do you think candidates should keep their word when they say they're going to do something?
Yes, but I guess if Democrats had to do that they'd never run for office.
Hiding her medical condition?

You know you're fucking demented, right?

Just the other day, Hillary's personal physician spoke out...

"As Secretary Clinton’s long time physician, I released a medical statement during the campaign indicating that she is in excellent health. I have recently been made aware of allegedly “leaked” medical documents regarding Secretary Clinton with my name on them. These documents are false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts. To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States." - Dr. Bardack, 8.16.2016

and if he didn't release that statement---------------------can you say Vince Foster?

Nothing related to the Clintons can be believed. They are pathological liars and destroy anyone who dares call out their corruption or lies.
You realize you're fucking demented, right? You have no idea what you're even rambling about. Vince Foster's death was confirmed to be a suicide by rightwing Ken Starr; and you're just making shit up about Hillary's doctor. Hell, you have a 50/50 shot at just guessing the gender of her doctor and you couldn't even get that right. :eusa_doh:

It reveals just how little you know about the subject you're talking about.

Trump has called for a complete current unbiased medical report on both candidates.

I find that very reasonable, do you?

Please do not respond with left wing bullshit and talking points to defend your very flawed and sick candidate.

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Do you think we are entitled to a complete, current, and unbiased medical evaluation of both candidates?
Do you think that the candidates should release their tax returns?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Why not?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Do healthy people have minor seizures, brain freezes, short circuits, and need help walking up 4 steps? Do healthy people wear coats and heavy long pants in 95 degree weather?

I don't know what exactly is wrong with her medically, but as voters we are entitled to know the medical condition of anyone who wants to be president and hold the nuclear trigger.
There's no proof she had any seizures. This is equivalent of crying that Obama was born in Kenya.

watch the clip. It sure looks like a seizure. She called it a short circuit. What exactly is that?
Too bad for you, seizures don't look like that.

Uh, yes they do. It was a minor one and she recovered quickly, but it was a seizure. Parkinsons, epilepsy, dementia, alzheimers? could be any or all of them.

couple the minor seizures with the inability to walk up steps without help and parkinsons seems most likely.
Link a video of someone else with an actual seizure showing similar symptoms....

you challenged it, you do it
Do healthy people have minor seizures, brain freezes, short circuits, and need help walking up 4 steps? Do healthy people wear coats and heavy long pants in 95 degree weather?

I don't know what exactly is wrong with her medically, but as voters we are entitled to know the medical condition of anyone who wants to be president and hold the nuclear trigger.
There's no proof she had any seizures. This is equivalent of crying that Obama was born in Kenya.

watch the clip. It sure looks like a seizure. She called it a short circuit. What exactly is that?
Too bad for you, seizures don't look like that.

Uh, yes they do. It was a minor one and she recovered quickly, but it was a seizure. Parkinsons, epilepsy, dementia, alzheimers? could be any or all of them.

couple the minor seizures with the inability to walk up steps without help and parkinsons seems most likely.

hahahahahaha! poor delusional freak

yes she is and its kind of sad. thanks for admitting that Hillary is delusional and a freak.
She is a muslim. She makes Hillary's decisions for her. She hides her medical conditions from the media. She would be the most powerful person in a HRC administration. She is a muslim, Muslims are taught to put their religion ahead of all else.---------------------do you get it now?
Hiding her medical condition?

You know you're fucking demented, right?

Just the other day, Hillary's personal physician spoke out...

"As Secretary Clinton’s long time physician, I released a medical statement during the campaign indicating that she is in excellent health. I have recently been made aware of allegedly “leaked” medical documents regarding Secretary Clinton with my name on them. These documents are false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts. To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States." - Dr. Bardack, 8.16.2016

and if he didn't release that statement---------------------can you say Vince Foster?

Nothing related to the Clintons can be believed. They are pathological liars and destroy anyone who dares call out their corruption or lies.
You realize you're fucking demented, right? You have no idea what you're even rambling about. Vince Foster's death was confirmed to be a suicide by rightwing Ken Starr; and you're just making shit up about Hillary's doctor. Hell, you have a 50/50 shot at just guessing the gender of her doctor and you couldn't even get that right. :eusa_doh:

It reveals just how little you know about the subject you're talking about.

Trump has called for a complete current unbiased medical report on both candidates.

I find that very reasonable, do you?

Please do not respond with left wing bullshit and talking points to defend your very flawed and sick candidate.

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Do you think we are entitled to a complete, current, and unbiased medical evaluation of both candidates?
Do you think that the candidates should release their tax returns?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

NO. Do you think the records of the Clinton foundation during Hillary's time as SecState should be released?
You realize you're fucking demented, right? You have no idea what you're even rambling about. Vince Foster's death was confirmed to be a suicide by rightwing Ken Starr; and you're just making shit up about Hillary's doctor. Hell, you have a 50/50 shot at just guessing the gender of her doctor and you couldn't even get that right. :eusa_doh:

It reveals just how little you know about the subject you're talking about.

Trump has called for a complete current unbiased medical report on both candidates.

I find that very reasonable, do you?

Please do not respond with left wing bullshit and talking points to defend your very flawed and sick candidate.

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Do you think we are entitled to a complete, current, and unbiased medical evaluation of both candidates?
Do you think that the candidates should release their tax returns?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Do you think candidates should keep their word when they say they're going to do something?
Yes, but I guess if Democrats had to do that they'd never run for office.
Then why do you think Crazy Donald shouldn't release his tax returns?

Meet the Press - January 24, 2016

CHUCK TODD: You know, just about, well, about 15, 20 minutes ago, Mitt Romney put out a tweet saying, "Four years ago today, he put out his tax returns," and he believes that every 2016 candidate should release their returns before the first contest. Just so you know, every nominee, Mr. Trump, has released their tax returns going back to 1980. The Clintons, by the way, Hillary Clinton, we have every tax return that her name's been on since 1977 in the public domain. Will you release any of your tax returns for the public to scrutinize?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, we're working on that now. I have very big returns, as you know, and I have everything all approved and very beautiful and we'll be working that over in the next period of time, Chuck. Absolutely.
There's no proof she had any seizures. This is equivalent of crying that Obama was born in Kenya.

watch the clip. It sure looks like a seizure. She called it a short circuit. What exactly is that?
Too bad for you, seizures don't look like that.

Uh, yes they do. It was a minor one and she recovered quickly, but it was a seizure. Parkinsons, epilepsy, dementia, alzheimers? could be any or all of them.

couple the minor seizures with the inability to walk up steps without help and parkinsons seems most likely.
Link a video of someone else with an actual seizure showing similar symptoms....

you challenged it, you do it
Well it's your claim she's had seizures. Why should I prove you right when you're incapable of doing that yourself?

But ok ... I'll find it anyway ... first, you have to tell me what kind of seizure she had so I know what to look for......
Trump has called for a complete current unbiased medical report on both candidates.

I find that very reasonable, do you?

Please do not respond with left wing bullshit and talking points to defend your very flawed and sick candidate.

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Do you think we are entitled to a complete, current, and unbiased medical evaluation of both candidates?
Do you think that the candidates should release their tax returns?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Do you think candidates should keep their word when they say they're going to do something?
Yes, but I guess if Democrats had to do that they'd never run for office.
Then why do you think Crazy Donald shouldn't release his tax returns?

Meet the Press - January 24, 2016

CHUCK TODD: You know, just about, well, about 15, 20 minutes ago, Mitt Romney put out a tweet saying, "Four years ago today, he put out his tax returns," and he believes that every 2016 candidate should release their returns before the first contest. Just so you know, every nominee, Mr. Trump, has released their tax returns going back to 1980. The Clintons, by the way, Hillary Clinton, we have every tax return that her name's been on since 1977 in the public domain. Will you release any of your tax returns for the public to scrutinize?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, we're working on that now. I have very big returns, as you know, and I have everything all approved and very beautiful and we'll be working that over in the next period of time, Chuck. Absolutely.

what do you expect to find in Trump's tax returns? he gets audited every year, if he was cheating the Obama IRS would already have made a big deal of it. What do you expect to find?

But we all know what this is about, the dems need a diversion from Hillary's health issues, her foundation corruption, and her lies. They hope to find one page in Trump's hundreds of pages or returns and create a lie about it that will occupy the lying media for a few weeks--------everyone knows what this is about. You assholes are fooling no one.

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