DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

IF the material in question was "NOT MARKED", then what specific crime was committed? Unless or until documents are classified, they are by definition NOT CLASSIFIED.

What specific law was broken and when. Material classified after the fact doe not an illegal action make.
Are you not white until you are marked white? Not black until you are marked black? She knows what is classified without it being marked.

seriously? that is one of the most absurd things I've ever heard.

a person's race is immutable. a document can be classified or not classified based on the action of another.

I understand rightwingnut wishful thinking makes you hope otherwise.

you can return to your rightwingnut blogosphere now.

as usual your partisan bias caused you to completely miss the point. It is not the markings that make it classified, its the content. When a person has a security clearance they are charged with knowing what is classified and what is not. There is no gray area here. She violated federal law and allowed sensitive classified data to be put where it was not secure.

If you or I had done that we would be typing this in prison.

while I appreciate the irony of someone with your level of hackishness whining about my partisan biases. you had no point.

and the point was that your analogy was a false one.

and you certainly aren't in a position to judge what if anything she violated.

but I do appreciate the rightwingnut talking points.
IF the material in question was "NOT MARKED", then what specific crime was committed? Unless or until documents are classified, they are by definition NOT CLASSIFIED.

What specific law was broken and when. Material classified after the fact doe not an illegal action make.
Are you not white until you are marked white? Not black until you are marked black? She knows what is classified without it being marked.

seriously? that is one of the most absurd things I've ever heard.

a person's race is immutable. a document can be classified or not classified based on the action of another.

I understand rightwingnut wishful thinking makes you hope otherwise.

you can return to your rightwingnut blogosphere now.

as usual your partisan bias caused you to completely miss the point. It is not the markings that make it classified, its the content. When a person has a security clearance they are charged with knowing what is classified and what is not. There is no gray area here. She violated federal law and allowed sensitive classified data to be put where it was not secure.

If you or I had done that we would be typing this in prison.
so you are saying those who had security clearance that initiated the material in email on an unclassified email system, should have classified the documents before emailing them around the State department and eventually sending copies to Hillary? And since those several people with security clearance did not do this before sending these documents on their unclassified .gov email system to Hillary's secure server email, that Hillary should have known that they were classified and this was all her fault?

yeah, sure, okee dokee.
"The intelligence community has now deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails “too damaging" to national security to release under any circumstances, according to a U.S. government official close to the ongoing review. A second source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, backed up the finding. "

"Na na na na
Na na na na
Hey, Hey, Hey

Go to jail. Go DIRECTLY to Jail. Do NOT pass 'Go'. Do NOT collect $200. Do NOT Win the DNC Nomination. Do NOT continue Campaigning. Do NOT get put on the ballot. DO go down as the 1st 1st Lady to Go to Jail for NUMEROUS Felonies - crimes under the ESPIONAGE Act and for CORRUPTION Charges!


Selling Russia 1/5th of the US uranium Stockpile.

Caught and stopped TRYING to sell the Russians several of the Aleutian Islands & their mineral rights.

Caught taking contributions from foreign millionaire whose company she protected from legal punishment for violating Iranian Sanctions - running illegal goods to Iran - WHILE she served as Secretary of State ('Corruption'/'Influence Peddling)

Taking millions from Islamic nations that finance and support terrorism.

Taking millions from Islamic nations that oppress women, engage in female genital mutilation, and who murder homosexuals.

Hiring an AL QAEIDA-associated Militia to protect a US Ambassador.

Abandoning a US Ambassador in a hostile environment amidst terrorist threats that forced EVERY other nation with people in Benghazi to pull them out.

REJECTING OVER 600 pleas for additional security from the on-site US Ambassador AND TAKING AWAY 14 members of the Ambassador's security detail in the midst of these threats, a call for his assassination, AND after 2 previous terror attacks on his compound, the last of which before his murder left a 4-foot hole in his compound wall.

Denying UNDER OATH she knew what happened that night, ONLY to have HER OWN E-MAILS expose she told the Turkish Ambassador after the 13-hour attack that resulted in 4 Americans dead that she KNEW the video had nothing to do with the attack, that this was a terrorist attack; revealed that she told her own daughter that this was a terrorist attack; then told the world and the grieving families it was all about a video...thern ended up calling the grieving families 'Liars'!

Broke the law by not signing the required legal document, upon getting her security clearance required to do the job as Secretary of State, stating she had received her classification training.

Violated Administration rules and the law by not providing copies of ALL State Dept-related documents and e-mails to the State Dept for required recording/holding. The State Dept made it clear Hillary did NOT turn over all documents AS SHE CLAIMED UNDER OATH TO HAVE DONE.

Lied under oath about not using a legal private server, using MULTIPLE electronic devices (not just 'one'), and about NOT sending / receiving classified information. She later changed her statement to cover ass by saying she had not sent/received an e-mails / documents MARKED classified.
-- Since then the FBI has evidence that Hillary ordered subordinates to strip the classification markings off documents and to send them vis UNCLASS means for the sake of 'ease' and 'expedience'. These workers have stated this was not a 1-time thing but was almost 'SOP'! Thatm btw, is a CRIME.

Illegal handling, storage, and attempted destruction of Classified / EXTREMELY classified information capable of seriously damaging our national security.
- The company handling her server, which illegally had different / multiple classifications of information on 1 server (illegal) - did not have the appropriate legal clearance to hold/store/handle the classified information.
- Her lawyer was walking around with a USB drive that contained highly classified information without a security clearance, violating laws regarding handling, transporting, and storage of classified information.

Hillary broke the law by not signing the Federal Document stating she had released / returned all security documents and that she was keeping none of them (according to one report), which is a crime. If she DID sign the document, in light of all the classified State Dept-related information found in her position, she broke the law for keeping all this classified information.
-- Once you quit/step down/leave a job/program dealing with COMPARTMENTALIZED Highly Classified information the business/organization 'READS YOU OUT' of the program. From that point on it is ILLEGAL for you to have access to the information let alone have any of it in your possession!!!! The FBI just confirmed Hillary has / had compartmentalized Highly Classified info in her possession...ILLEGALLY.

(If they wanted to press it and make the case, considering her dealings with Russia and taking money from Islamic countries and others - such as the guy she 'helped' violate US Sanctions on Iran, a case of possible TREASON / REAL 'ESPIONAGE' could me made. (Not that it would stick, but it could be made...)

NOW the FBI is reporting that the information Hillary has / had in her possession was / is SO HIGHLY CLASSIFIED AND DANGEROUS TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY that they CAN'T even REDACT it enough to release ANY of it!

HOLY CR@P! Stick a fork in her. SHE IS DONE! There is NO WAY the DOJ and / or Obama could possibly refuse to call for a Grand Jury / agree to indict her! Doing so to protect Ex-Atty General Eric Holder for multiple counts of Felony Perjury while attempting to keep Obama's 'Fast and Furious' scandal buried was easy to pull off because his criminal acts did not rise to the level of being capable of 'seriously causing damage to our national security'! Hillary, though? She'll be lucky if ALL they charge her with is 'NEGLIGENCE' under the Esionage Act!

She isn't going to jail unless the Obama Administration indicts her. Not going to happen.
the government said it was COMMON, for them to classify things that were not initially classified due to other information that was gathered even years afterwards...that the initial document/ creator did not contain or even was aware of...
IF the material in question was "NOT MARKED", then what specific crime was committed? Unless or until documents are classified, they are by definition NOT CLASSIFIED.

What specific law was broken and when. Material classified after the fact doe not an illegal action make.
Information is classified regardless of whether it is marked as such. You can't remove classifications or write down classified material without classification marks and magically make it not classified. And no, it's not true that documents are unclassified until classified...whether or not something is classified is based on source and acquisition.
WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!

Unless or until such as material is marked, it remains unclassified.

No.....REPEAT....NO Classified Material "Passed Through" the private server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

There is no means or no mechanism by which classified material, held on a Secure Government Server can pass along or allowed to be passed along Classified Material to Non-Secure Non-Governmental Private Server.
The material in question was NOT classified at the time it was held on the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton and was classified after the fact, five years after the fact and at a time when said classified material was no longer being held or accessible by the server(s) being used by Ms. Clinton.

You do not have facts, you have assumptions, conjecture, contention, hearsay, and innuendo.

You have a claim by Ms. Clinton's attorney, but such claims have not been supported by any body of evidence that supports that claim. Ms. Clinton's attorney cannot and has not cited specific instances of wrong doing. l He knows that should he do so, he would be sued for malpractice, face criminal charges and disbarment for violation of Attorney/Client Privilege.

The attorney has made no specific claim and has provided no evidence to support his claims of wrong doing on the part of Ms. Clinton

No evidence has been brought forward to prove classified material was held, passed through, or passed along by Ms. Clinton.

The U.S. State Department, the U.S. State Departent's Diplomatic Security Service and the U.S. State Departments Intelligence Service have gone on the record saying no classified information was passed along to the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

You can continue to deny the facts, but you cannot change those facts.

Epic Fail.
"The intelligence community has now deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails “too damaging" to national security to release under any circumstances, according to a U.S. government official close to the ongoing review. A second source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, backed up the finding. "

"Na na na na
Na na na na
Hey, Hey, Hey

Go to jail. Go DIRECTLY to Jail. Do NOT pass 'Go'. Do NOT collect $200. Do NOT Win the DNC Nomination. Do NOT continue Campaigning. Do NOT get put on the ballot. DO go down as the 1st 1st Lady to Go to Jail for NUMEROUS Felonies - crimes under the ESPIONAGE Act and for CORRUPTION Charges!


Selling Russia 1/5th of the US uranium Stockpile.

Caught and stopped TRYING to sell the Russians several of the Aleutian Islands & their mineral rights.

Caught taking contributions from foreign millionaire whose company she protected from legal punishment for violating Iranian Sanctions - running illegal goods to Iran - WHILE she served as Secretary of State ('Corruption'/'Influence Peddling)

Taking millions from Islamic nations that finance and support terrorism.

Taking millions from Islamic nations that oppress women, engage in female genital mutilation, and who murder homosexuals.

Hiring an AL QAEIDA-associated Militia to protect a US Ambassador.

Abandoning a US Ambassador in a hostile environment amidst terrorist threats that forced EVERY other nation with people in Benghazi to pull them out.

REJECTING OVER 600 pleas for additional security from the on-site US Ambassador AND TAKING AWAY 14 members of the Ambassador's security detail in the midst of these threats, a call for his assassination, AND after 2 previous terror attacks on his compound, the last of which before his murder left a 4-foot hole in his compound wall.

Denying UNDER OATH she knew what happened that night, ONLY to have HER OWN E-MAILS expose she told the Turkish Ambassador after the 13-hour attack that resulted in 4 Americans dead that she KNEW the video had nothing to do with the attack, that this was a terrorist attack; revealed that she told her own daughter that this was a terrorist attack; then told the world and the grieving families it was all about a video...thern ended up calling the grieving families 'Liars'!

Broke the law by not signing the required legal document, upon getting her security clearance required to do the job as Secretary of State, stating she had received her classification training.

Violated Administration rules and the law by not providing copies of ALL State Dept-related documents and e-mails to the State Dept for required recording/holding. The State Dept made it clear Hillary did NOT turn over all documents AS SHE CLAIMED UNDER OATH TO HAVE DONE.

Lied under oath about not using a legal private server, using MULTIPLE electronic devices (not just 'one'), and about NOT sending / receiving classified information. She later changed her statement to cover ass by saying she had not sent/received an e-mails / documents MARKED classified.
-- Since then the FBI has evidence that Hillary ordered subordinates to strip the classification markings off documents and to send them vis UNCLASS means for the sake of 'ease' and 'expedience'. These workers have stated this was not a 1-time thing but was almost 'SOP'! Thatm btw, is a CRIME.

Illegal handling, storage, and attempted destruction of Classified / EXTREMELY classified information capable of seriously damaging our national security.
- The company handling her server, which illegally had different / multiple classifications of information on 1 server (illegal) - did not have the appropriate legal clearance to hold/store/handle the classified information.
- Her lawyer was walking around with a USB drive that contained highly classified information without a security clearance, violating laws regarding handling, transporting, and storage of classified information.

Hillary broke the law by not signing the Federal Document stating she had released / returned all security documents and that she was keeping none of them (according to one report), which is a crime. If she DID sign the document, in light of all the classified State Dept-related information found in her position, she broke the law for keeping all this classified information.
-- Once you quit/step down/leave a job/program dealing with COMPARTMENTALIZED Highly Classified information the business/organization 'READS YOU OUT' of the program. From that point on it is ILLEGAL for you to have access to the information let alone have any of it in your possession!!!! The FBI just confirmed Hillary has / had compartmentalized Highly Classified info in her possession...ILLEGALLY.

(If they wanted to press it and make the case, considering her dealings with Russia and taking money from Islamic countries and others - such as the guy she 'helped' violate US Sanctions on Iran, a case of possible TREASON / REAL 'ESPIONAGE' could me made. (Not that it would stick, but it could be made...)

NOW the FBI is reporting that the information Hillary has / had in her possession was / is SO HIGHLY CLASSIFIED AND DANGEROUS TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY that they CAN'T even REDACT it enough to release ANY of it!

HOLY CR@P! Stick a fork in her. SHE IS DONE! There is NO WAY the DOJ and / or Obama could possibly refuse to call for a Grand Jury / agree to indict her! Doing so to protect Ex-Atty General Eric Holder for multiple counts of Felony Perjury while attempting to keep Obama's 'Fast and Furious' scandal buried was easy to pull off because his criminal acts did not rise to the level of being capable of 'seriously causing damage to our national security'! Hillary, though? She'll be lucky if ALL they charge her with is 'NEGLIGENCE' under the Esionage Act!

She isn't going to jail unless the Obama Administration indicts her. Not going to happen.
she wont be indicted unless they believe they can WIN the case...and find her or anyone, guilty.... that's how it works... otherwise it's a waste of tax payer's money.
You live in an alternative reality. We now know some of the emails were marked classified and the distinction isn't made that it's a requirement to not receive and/or pass them along on an unsecure system. Plus the director of the FBI says he doesn't give a flip about politics.

We also know her supporters don't care but chest pounding won't make it go away. Her shrill voice sounds like music to you but we don't all dance to the same tune.
I know you live in the make it up reality world is where you live ... you say we know some of her emails were classified ... you haven't any proof saying they were, just you know this... must be very satisfy to know that you can read minds predict what a person did or didn't do HUH ... yet you can't say that for shure ... its just and opinion of yours... kind of like sarah palin shrill ... I hope you get to hear that shrilll for the next 8 years .. oh lucky you... but you stay in your make it up world, you'll be happy there...
P. S.
you still have shown us one stick of evidence here that she had classified emails ... just your rants ... were still waiting for the evidence
It's been discussed, I'm not going to tutor you unless you pay me.
I would pick a illiterate tutor like you to teach any thing other words we get it you're haven't a leg ti stand on ... just a bunch of unsubstantiated allegations ... Iv'e been following this thread from the get go... not one of you right wing nut jobs have been able to post one bit of factual proof or evidence just bunch of bull shit with a lot of might be or mat or a dozen could be's when confronted with the question you dodge it like you did here... we get it you're a liar
Jesus, talk about illiterate. What grade did you make it to? We know she broke the law because it's been quoted many times already. she wasn't allowed to do what she did. Period. Obviously she got classified information as SoS and she had it all on her personal homebrew setup, duh. Then deleting it, or so she thought.

At least 22 emails will never be seen in any form since they were so sensitive.
whats been quoted in the news by all media says this hillary clinton may have so22 emails that are considered to be classified ... then nut jobs like you turn that around salon hillary had 22 emails that arte classified ... then you claim they got here ... the fact that you're the illiterate one who just can'y seem to comprehend what you read is your fault ... I guess you were to busy being lead around by your nose by your handlers

in the second paragraph:
The State Department said it is investigating whether the content of the unreleased emails was classified at the time it was sent or received

then they said:
But because she used a private server, it wasn’t protected by government technology personnel. Clinton’s campaign has said her private server had robust security protections, but neither she nor the campaign has gone into much detail about those practices.

I could go on and on but nut jobs like you won't accept what they say
That's a dodge. How did she get her classified emails?
IF the material in question was "NOT MARKED", then what specific crime was committed? Unless or until documents are classified, they are by definition NOT CLASSIFIED.

What specific law was broken and when. Material classified after the fact doe not an illegal action make.
Information is classified regardless of whether it is marked as such. You can't remove classifications or write down classified material without classification marks and magically make it not classified. And no, it's not true that documents are unclassified until classified...whether or not something is classified is based on source and acquisition.
WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!

Unless or until such as material is marked, it remains unclassified.

No.....REPEAT....NO Classified Material "Passed Through" the private server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

There is no means or no mechanism by which classified material, held on a Secure Government Server can pass along or allowed to be passed along Classified Material to Non-Secure Non-Governmental Private Server.
The material in question was NOT classified at the time it was held on the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton and was classified after the fact, five years after the fact and at a time when said classified material was no longer being held or accessible by the server(s) being used by Ms. Clinton.

You do not have facts, you have assumptions, conjecture, contention, hearsay, and innuendo.

You have a claim by Ms. Clinton's attorney, but such claims have not been supported by any body of evidence that supports that claim. Ms. Clinton's attorney cannot and has not cited specific instances of wrong doing. l He knows that should he do so, he would be sued for malpractice, face criminal charges and disbarment for violation of Attorney/Client Privilege.

The attorney has made no specific claim and has provided no evidence to support his claims of wrong doing on the part of Ms. Clinton

No evidence has been brought forward to prove classified material was held, passed through, or passed along by Ms. Clinton.

The U.S. State Department, the U.S. State Departent's Diplomatic Security Service and the U.S. State Departments Intelligence Service have gone on the record saying no classified information was passed along to the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

You can continue to deny the facts, but you cannot change those facts.

Epic Fail.
Epic fail indeed. Apart from the fact that you're full of shit, explain how she got her classified emails since she wasn't using the government's system.
IF the material in question was "NOT MARKED", then what specific crime was committed? Unless or until documents are classified, they are by definition NOT CLASSIFIED.

What specific law was broken and when. Material classified after the fact doe not an illegal action make.
Information is classified regardless of whether it is marked as such. You can't remove classifications or write down classified material without classification marks and magically make it not classified. And no, it's not true that documents are unclassified until classified...whether or not something is classified is based on source and acquisition.
WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!

Unless or until such as material is marked, it remains unclassified.

No.....REPEAT....NO Classified Material "Passed Through" the private server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

There is no means or no mechanism by which classified material, held on a Secure Government Server can pass along or allowed to be passed along Classified Material to Non-Secure Non-Governmental Private Server.
The material in question was NOT classified at the time it was held on the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton and was classified after the fact, five years after the fact and at a time when said classified material was no longer being held or accessible by the server(s) being used by Ms. Clinton.

You do not have facts, you have assumptions, conjecture, contention, hearsay, and innuendo.

You have a claim by Ms. Clinton's attorney, but such claims have not been supported by any body of evidence that supports that claim. Ms. Clinton's attorney cannot and has not cited specific instances of wrong doing. l He knows that should he do so, he would be sued for malpractice, face criminal charges and disbarment for violation of Attorney/Client Privilege.

The attorney has made no specific claim and has provided no evidence to support his claims of wrong doing on the part of Ms. Clinton

No evidence has been brought forward to prove classified material was held, passed through, or passed along by Ms. Clinton.

The U.S. State Department, the U.S. State Departent's Diplomatic Security Service and the U.S. State Departments Intelligence Service have gone on the record saying no classified information was passed along to the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

You can continue to deny the facts, but you cannot change those facts.

Epic Fail.
Epic fail indeed. Apart from the fact that you're full of shit, explain how she got her classified emails since she wasn't using the government's system.
The same way Colin Powell did.
IF the material in question was "NOT MARKED", then what specific crime was committed? Unless or until documents are classified, they are by definition NOT CLASSIFIED.

What specific law was broken and when. Material classified after the fact doe not an illegal action make.
Information is classified regardless of whether it is marked as such. You can't remove classifications or write down classified material without classification marks and magically make it not classified. And no, it's not true that documents are unclassified until classified...whether or not something is classified is based on source and acquisition.
WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!

Unless or until such as material is marked, it remains unclassified.

No.....REPEAT....NO Classified Material "Passed Through" the private server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

There is no means or no mechanism by which classified material, held on a Secure Government Server can pass along or allowed to be passed along Classified Material to Non-Secure Non-Governmental Private Server.
The material in question was NOT classified at the time it was held on the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton and was classified after the fact, five years after the fact and at a time when said classified material was no longer being held or accessible by the server(s) being used by Ms. Clinton.

You do not have facts, you have assumptions, conjecture, contention, hearsay, and innuendo.

You have a claim by Ms. Clinton's attorney, but such claims have not been supported by any body of evidence that supports that claim. Ms. Clinton's attorney cannot and has not cited specific instances of wrong doing. l He knows that should he do so, he would be sued for malpractice, face criminal charges and disbarment for violation of Attorney/Client Privilege.

The attorney has made no specific claim and has provided no evidence to support his claims of wrong doing on the part of Ms. Clinton

No evidence has been brought forward to prove classified material was held, passed through, or passed along by Ms. Clinton.

The U.S. State Department, the U.S. State Departent's Diplomatic Security Service and the U.S. State Departments Intelligence Service have gone on the record saying no classified information was passed along to the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

You can continue to deny the facts, but you cannot change those facts.

Epic Fail.
Epic fail indeed. Apart from the fact that you're full of shit, explain how she got her classified emails since she wasn't using the government's system.
The same way Colin Powell did.

there is that ^^^^^^^^^^^

but RW hypocrisy forbids it.
IF the material in question was "NOT MARKED", then what specific crime was committed? Unless or until documents are classified, they are by definition NOT CLASSIFIED.

What specific law was broken and when. Material classified after the fact doe not an illegal action make.
Information is classified regardless of whether it is marked as such. You can't remove classifications or write down classified material without classification marks and magically make it not classified. And no, it's not true that documents are unclassified until classified...whether or not something is classified is based on source and acquisition.
WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!

Unless or until such as material is marked, it remains unclassified.

No.....REPEAT....NO Classified Material "Passed Through" the private server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

There is no means or no mechanism by which classified material, held on a Secure Government Server can pass along or allowed to be passed along Classified Material to Non-Secure Non-Governmental Private Server.
The material in question was NOT classified at the time it was held on the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton and was classified after the fact, five years after the fact and at a time when said classified material was no longer being held or accessible by the server(s) being used by Ms. Clinton.

You do not have facts, you have assumptions, conjecture, contention, hearsay, and innuendo.

You have a claim by Ms. Clinton's attorney, but such claims have not been supported by any body of evidence that supports that claim. Ms. Clinton's attorney cannot and has not cited specific instances of wrong doing. l He knows that should he do so, he would be sued for malpractice, face criminal charges and disbarment for violation of Attorney/Client Privilege.

The attorney has made no specific claim and has provided no evidence to support his claims of wrong doing on the part of Ms. Clinton

No evidence has been brought forward to prove classified material was held, passed through, or passed along by Ms. Clinton.

The U.S. State Department, the U.S. State Departent's Diplomatic Security Service and the U.S. State Departments Intelligence Service have gone on the record saying no classified information was passed along to the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

You can continue to deny the facts, but you cannot change those facts.

Epic Fail.
Epic fail indeed. Apart from the fact that you're full of shit, explain how she got her classified emails since she wasn't using the government's system.
You do understand that even if she was using the .gov email system for her email, that the .gov email system was an UNCLASSIFIED gvt. email system...and not a system that was to have top secret info, on it.... so anything that came to her from the .gov email system, she would have automatically assumed what was being sent to her from it, would have been information that was not classified information....

the Top Secret system the govt keeps, has no internet capabilities..... the Top Secret system is on a separate system from the .gov email system and again, has no internet to email is an internal system only.
IF the material in question was "NOT MARKED", then what specific crime was committed? Unless or until documents are classified, they are by definition NOT CLASSIFIED.

What specific law was broken and when. Material classified after the fact doe not an illegal action make.
Information is classified regardless of whether it is marked as such. You can't remove classifications or write down classified material without classification marks and magically make it not classified. And no, it's not true that documents are unclassified until classified...whether or not something is classified is based on source and acquisition.
WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!

Unless or until such as material is marked, it remains unclassified.

No.....REPEAT....NO Classified Material "Passed Through" the private server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

There is no means or no mechanism by which classified material, held on a Secure Government Server can pass along or allowed to be passed along Classified Material to Non-Secure Non-Governmental Private Server.
The material in question was NOT classified at the time it was held on the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton and was classified after the fact, five years after the fact and at a time when said classified material was no longer being held or accessible by the server(s) being used by Ms. Clinton.

You do not have facts, you have assumptions, conjecture, contention, hearsay, and innuendo.

You have a claim by Ms. Clinton's attorney, but such claims have not been supported by any body of evidence that supports that claim. Ms. Clinton's attorney cannot and has not cited specific instances of wrong doing. l He knows that should he do so, he would be sued for malpractice, face criminal charges and disbarment for violation of Attorney/Client Privilege.

The attorney has made no specific claim and has provided no evidence to support his claims of wrong doing on the part of Ms. Clinton

No evidence has been brought forward to prove classified material was held, passed through, or passed along by Ms. Clinton.

The U.S. State Department, the U.S. State Departent's Diplomatic Security Service and the U.S. State Departments Intelligence Service have gone on the record saying no classified information was passed along to the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

You can continue to deny the facts, but you cannot change those facts.

Epic Fail.
Epic fail indeed. Apart from the fact that you're full of shit, explain how she got her classified emails since she wasn't using the government's system.
You do understand that even if she was using the .gov email system for her email, that the .gov email system was an UNCLASSIFIED gvt. email system...and not a system that was to have top secret info, on it.... so anything that came to her from the .gov email system, she would have automatically assumed what was being sent to her from it, would have been information that was not classified information....

the Top Secret system the govt keeps, has no internet capabilities..... the Top Secret system is on a separate system from the .gov email system and again, has no internet to email is an internal system only.
So you believe she never got classified intel via the computer? Why does the FBI not agree? And where did she get it then, you left that out.
IF the material in question was "NOT MARKED", then what specific crime was committed? Unless or until documents are classified, they are by definition NOT CLASSIFIED.

What specific law was broken and when. Material classified after the fact doe not an illegal action make.
Information is classified regardless of whether it is marked as such. You can't remove classifications or write down classified material without classification marks and magically make it not classified. And no, it's not true that documents are unclassified until classified...whether or not something is classified is based on source and acquisition.
WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!

Unless or until such as material is marked, it remains unclassified.

No.....REPEAT....NO Classified Material "Passed Through" the private server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

There is no means or no mechanism by which classified material, held on a Secure Government Server can pass along or allowed to be passed along Classified Material to Non-Secure Non-Governmental Private Server.
The material in question was NOT classified at the time it was held on the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton and was classified after the fact, five years after the fact and at a time when said classified material was no longer being held or accessible by the server(s) being used by Ms. Clinton.

You do not have facts, you have assumptions, conjecture, contention, hearsay, and innuendo.

You have a claim by Ms. Clinton's attorney, but such claims have not been supported by any body of evidence that supports that claim. Ms. Clinton's attorney cannot and has not cited specific instances of wrong doing. l He knows that should he do so, he would be sued for malpractice, face criminal charges and disbarment for violation of Attorney/Client Privilege.

The attorney has made no specific claim and has provided no evidence to support his claims of wrong doing on the part of Ms. Clinton

No evidence has been brought forward to prove classified material was held, passed through, or passed along by Ms. Clinton.

The U.S. State Department, the U.S. State Departent's Diplomatic Security Service and the U.S. State Departments Intelligence Service have gone on the record saying no classified information was passed along to the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

You can continue to deny the facts, but you cannot change those facts.

Epic Fail.
Epic fail indeed. Apart from the fact that you're full of shit, explain how she got her classified emails since she wasn't using the government's system.
You do understand that even if she was using the .gov email system for her email, that the .gov email system was an UNCLASSIFIED gvt. email system...and not a system that was to have top secret info, on it.... so anything that came to her from the .gov email system, she would have automatically assumed what was being sent to her from it, would have been information that was not classified information....

the Top Secret system the govt keeps, has no internet capabilities..... the Top Secret system is on a separate system from the .gov email system and again, has no internet to email is an internal system only.
So you believe she never got classified intel via the computer? Why does the FBI not agree? And where did she get it then, you left that out.
I believe whatever is NOW classified top secret, due to additional things and information gathered that have taken place since the email and documents were sent, has NOW made them top secret....and they are now being removed from the .gov email system.... which govt officials have stated is common.... very common to classify things that never were classified, due to addition information, sometimes years after the initial doc or email.
Hillary is above the law.

Laws are not meant for democrats, only for commoners and Republicans.

So that's the current spin?

We found that out in the 90's.

Laws simply do not apply to democrats.

Her political career is over, though.

Unless you were under the delusion that last night was good news for her...

I'm just enjoying the story arc here. One minute it's a done deal, she's going to jail, there's no way around it ZOMGZOMGZOMG. Then y'all change your underwear and find some other way to spin it because the most important thing is the Gloat Factor.

Some of you would rather die than admit you don't know what you're talking about. So you just keep moving the goalposts so you can say "See? SEEE? I was right!"

Silly, but amusing.
Information is classified regardless of whether it is marked as such. You can't remove classifications or write down classified material without classification marks and magically make it not classified. And no, it's not true that documents are unclassified until classified...whether or not something is classified is based on source and acquisition.
WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!

Unless or until such as material is marked, it remains unclassified.

No.....REPEAT....NO Classified Material "Passed Through" the private server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

There is no means or no mechanism by which classified material, held on a Secure Government Server can pass along or allowed to be passed along Classified Material to Non-Secure Non-Governmental Private Server.
The material in question was NOT classified at the time it was held on the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton and was classified after the fact, five years after the fact and at a time when said classified material was no longer being held or accessible by the server(s) being used by Ms. Clinton.

You do not have facts, you have assumptions, conjecture, contention, hearsay, and innuendo.

You have a claim by Ms. Clinton's attorney, but such claims have not been supported by any body of evidence that supports that claim. Ms. Clinton's attorney cannot and has not cited specific instances of wrong doing. l He knows that should he do so, he would be sued for malpractice, face criminal charges and disbarment for violation of Attorney/Client Privilege.

The attorney has made no specific claim and has provided no evidence to support his claims of wrong doing on the part of Ms. Clinton

No evidence has been brought forward to prove classified material was held, passed through, or passed along by Ms. Clinton.

The U.S. State Department, the U.S. State Departent's Diplomatic Security Service and the U.S. State Departments Intelligence Service have gone on the record saying no classified information was passed along to the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

You can continue to deny the facts, but you cannot change those facts.

Epic Fail.
Epic fail indeed. Apart from the fact that you're full of shit, explain how she got her classified emails since she wasn't using the government's system.
You do understand that even if she was using the .gov email system for her email, that the .gov email system was an UNCLASSIFIED gvt. email system...and not a system that was to have top secret info, on it.... so anything that came to her from the .gov email system, she would have automatically assumed what was being sent to her from it, would have been information that was not classified information....

the Top Secret system the govt keeps, has no internet capabilities..... the Top Secret system is on a separate system from the .gov email system and again, has no internet to email is an internal system only.
So you believe she never got classified intel via the computer? Why does the FBI not agree? And where did she get it then, you left that out.
I believe whatever is NOW classified top secret, due to additional things and information gathered that have taken place since the email and documents were sent, has NOW made them top secret....and they are now being removed from the .gov email system.... which govt officials have stated is common.... very common to classify things that never were classified, due to addition information, sometimes years after the initial doc or email.

You can believe whatever you want.

You can believe the sky is green.

You can believe the sea orange.

You can believe the moon purple.

That does not make it so.

Your opinion is your own.


There is no proof to support what you believe, there is no proof to support your opinion.

The State Department has gone on record. "No Classified Information Was Passed Through" to Ms.Clinton's Server(s). That is a fact....the truth.

There is no mechanism, no means by which a Classified Government Server, held at a secure site could pass on, or pass through Classified Information to an Unsecure, Privately held Server. That is a fact. That is the truth.

You continue to ignore the simple fact that the time the material in question was held on Ms. Clinton 's private server(s), said material was not classified. The material in question was classified after the fact and was in fact no longer stored or held on Ms. Clinton's server(s).

There is no body of proof to support allegations, conjectures, contentions, innuendos or suppositions that Ms. Clinton either by act or by intention did knowingly and willing pass on or have reason to pass on classified material. No proof...No evidence supports such a claim.

Your opinion is your own.

The facts DO NOT in any way, shape and/or form support your opinion.

You are entitled to your own opinion.

You ARE NOT entitled to your own facts.

There is no evidence to support your opinion.

There is no proof to support your opinion.

Might be time to change the tin foil in your hat.

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