DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

That qunt should have been arrested, tried and executed for treason a long time ago.
IF the material in question was "NOT MARKED", then what specific crime was committed? Unless or until documents are classified, they are by definition NOT CLASSIFIED.

What specific law was broken and when. Material classified after the fact doe not an illegal action make.
Information is classified regardless of whether it is marked as such. You can't remove classifications or write down classified material without classification marks and magically make it not classified. And no, it's not true that documents are unclassified until classified...whether or not something is classified is based on source and acquisition.
WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!

Unless or until such as material is marked, it remains unclassified.

No.....REPEAT....NO Classified Material "Passed Through" the private server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

There is no means or no mechanism by which classified material, held on a Secure Government Server can pass along or allowed to be passed along Classified Material to Non-Secure Non-Governmental Private Server.
The material in question was NOT classified at the time it was held on the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton and was classified after the fact, five years after the fact and at a time when said classified material was no longer being held or accessible by the server(s) being used by Ms. Clinton.

You do not have facts, you have assumptions, conjecture, contention, hearsay, and innuendo.

You have a claim by Ms. Clinton's attorney, but such claims have not been supported by any body of evidence that supports that claim. Ms. Clinton's attorney cannot and has not cited specific instances of wrong doing. l He knows that should he do so, he would be sued for malpractice, face criminal charges and disbarment for violation of Attorney/Client Privilege.

The attorney has made no specific claim and has provided no evidence to support his claims of wrong doing on the part of Ms. Clinton

No evidence has been brought forward to prove classified material was held, passed through, or passed along by Ms. Clinton.

The U.S. State Department, the U.S. State Departent's Diplomatic Security Service and the U.S. State Departments Intelligence Service have gone on the record saying no classified information was passed along to the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

You can continue to deny the facts, but you cannot change those facts.

Epic Fail.
Epic fail indeed. Apart from the fact that you're full of shit, explain how she got her classified emails since she wasn't using the government's system.
The same way Colin Powell did.
So, I'm right, she didn't use an authorized source. Thanks!
Information is classified regardless of whether it is marked as such. You can't remove classifications or write down classified material without classification marks and magically make it not classified. And no, it's not true that documents are unclassified until classified...whether or not something is classified is based on source and acquisition.
WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!

Unless or until such as material is marked, it remains unclassified.

No.....REPEAT....NO Classified Material "Passed Through" the private server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

There is no means or no mechanism by which classified material, held on a Secure Government Server can pass along or allowed to be passed along Classified Material to Non-Secure Non-Governmental Private Server.
The material in question was NOT classified at the time it was held on the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton and was classified after the fact, five years after the fact and at a time when said classified material was no longer being held or accessible by the server(s) being used by Ms. Clinton.

You do not have facts, you have assumptions, conjecture, contention, hearsay, and innuendo.

You have a claim by Ms. Clinton's attorney, but such claims have not been supported by any body of evidence that supports that claim. Ms. Clinton's attorney cannot and has not cited specific instances of wrong doing. l He knows that should he do so, he would be sued for malpractice, face criminal charges and disbarment for violation of Attorney/Client Privilege.

The attorney has made no specific claim and has provided no evidence to support his claims of wrong doing on the part of Ms. Clinton

No evidence has been brought forward to prove classified material was held, passed through, or passed along by Ms. Clinton.

The U.S. State Department, the U.S. State Departent's Diplomatic Security Service and the U.S. State Departments Intelligence Service have gone on the record saying no classified information was passed along to the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

You can continue to deny the facts, but you cannot change those facts.

Epic Fail.
Epic fail indeed. Apart from the fact that you're full of shit, explain how she got her classified emails since she wasn't using the government's system.
You do understand that even if she was using the .gov email system for her email, that the .gov email system was an UNCLASSIFIED gvt. email system...and not a system that was to have top secret info, on it.... so anything that came to her from the .gov email system, she would have automatically assumed what was being sent to her from it, would have been information that was not classified information....

the Top Secret system the govt keeps, has no internet capabilities..... the Top Secret system is on a separate system from the .gov email system and again, has no internet to email is an internal system only.
So you believe she never got classified intel via the computer? Why does the FBI not agree? And where did she get it then, you left that out.
I believe whatever is NOW classified top secret, due to additional things and information gathered that have taken place since the email and documents were sent, has NOW made them top secret....and they are now being removed from the .gov email system.... which govt officials have stated is common.... very common to classify things that never were classified, due to addition information, sometimes years after the initial doc or email.
No sale. You are like a Moonie chanting. Some were so sensitive we'll never see them even in redacted form. Her personal server is how she got all her emails. Sources already posted said some were definitely marked classified, but it's something she would know anyway. If not, that's even worse! Obviously she got classified material and obviously you don't give a fuck. We get it.
IF the material in question was "NOT MARKED", then what specific crime was committed? Unless or until documents are classified, they are by definition NOT CLASSIFIED.

What specific law was broken and when. Material classified after the fact doe not an illegal action make.
Information is classified regardless of whether it is marked as such. You can't remove classifications or write down classified material without classification marks and magically make it not classified. And no, it's not true that documents are unclassified until classified...whether or not something is classified is based on source and acquisition.
WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!

Unless or until such as material is marked, it remains unclassified.

No.....REPEAT....NO Classified Material "Passed Through" the private server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

There is no means or no mechanism by which classified material, held on a Secure Government Server can pass along or allowed to be passed along Classified Material to Non-Secure Non-Governmental Private Server.
The material in question was NOT classified at the time it was held on the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton and was classified after the fact, five years after the fact and at a time when said classified material was no longer being held or accessible by the server(s) being used by Ms. Clinton.

You do not have facts, you have assumptions, conjecture, contention, hearsay, and innuendo.

You have a claim by Ms. Clinton's attorney, but such claims have not been supported by any body of evidence that supports that claim. Ms. Clinton's attorney cannot and has not cited specific instances of wrong doing. l He knows that should he do so, he would be sued for malpractice, face criminal charges and disbarment for violation of Attorney/Client Privilege.

The attorney has made no specific claim and has provided no evidence to support his claims of wrong doing on the part of Ms. Clinton

No evidence has been brought forward to prove classified material was held, passed through, or passed along by Ms. Clinton.

The U.S. State Department, the U.S. State Departent's Diplomatic Security Service and the U.S. State Departments Intelligence Service have gone on the record saying no classified information was passed along to the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

You can continue to deny the facts, but you cannot change those facts.

Epic Fail.
Epic fail indeed. Apart from the fact that you're full of shit, explain how she got her classified emails since she wasn't using the government's system.
The same way Colin Powell did.
So, I'm right, she didn't use an authorized source. Thanks!
Source and content make info classified or not. One of the item retrieved from her server was HIGHLY TS satelite inagery ... that came from a secure military satelite and the imagery was classified ... without narkings on it. It was 'classified'. Hillary knew, by the example of ordering her subordinate to do it, you can strip the markings off anything, illegally. Doesn't suddenly make it UN-classified.
Furthermore, even sge admitted the non-disclosure form made markings moot - she was to treat all documents / info as 'classified', which she did not do. It also stated she should/would know the difference between the classifications of information. Since she had over 1,000 classified documents on her server, 22 being TS, I would say she failed miserably at that ... or just got caught.

FINALLY, after leaving the State Dept to return to the private sector, she was supposed to have turned in ALL classified documents - was not allowed to keep ANY of them. You have to be 'read out of' certain TS programs, and thy explain you may not talk about it, write about it, and you sure can't have any documents about it from that point on. Hillary had 22 such pieces of info on her personal server.

So having over 1,000 pieces of classified on her server is a crime.
Furthermore, even sge admitted the non-disclosure form made markings moot - she was to treat all documents / info as 'classified', which she did not do. It also stated she should/would know the difference between the classifications of information. Since she had over 1,000 classified documents on her server, 22 being TS, I would say she failed miserably at that ... or just got caught.

FINALLY, after leaving the State Dept to return to the private sector, she was supposed to have turned in ALL classified documents - was not allowed to keep ANY of them. You have to be 'read out of' certain TS programs, and thy explain you may not talk about it, write about it, and you sure can't have any documents about it from that point on. Hillary had 22 such pieces of info on her personal server.

So having over 1,000 pieces of classified on her server is a crime.

again, please cite another case of someone who was indicted for doing the same thing.

WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!

Unless or until such as material is marked, it remains unclassified.

No.....REPEAT....NO Classified Material "Passed Through" the private server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

There is no means or no mechanism by which classified material, held on a Secure Government Server can pass along or allowed to be passed along Classified Material to Non-Secure Non-Governmental Private Server.
The material in question was NOT classified at the time it was held on the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton and was classified after the fact, five years after the fact and at a time when said classified material was no longer being held or accessible by the server(s) being used by Ms. Clinton.

You do not have facts, you have assumptions, conjecture, contention, hearsay, and innuendo.

You have a claim by Ms. Clinton's attorney, but such claims have not been supported by any body of evidence that supports that claim. Ms. Clinton's attorney cannot and has not cited specific instances of wrong doing. l He knows that should he do so, he would be sued for malpractice, face criminal charges and disbarment for violation of Attorney/Client Privilege.

The attorney has made no specific claim and has provided no evidence to support his claims of wrong doing on the part of Ms. Clinton

No evidence has been brought forward to prove classified material was held, passed through, or passed along by Ms. Clinton.

The U.S. State Department, the U.S. State Departent's Diplomatic Security Service and the U.S. State Departments Intelligence Service have gone on the record saying no classified information was passed along to the server(s) used by Ms. Clinton.

You can continue to deny the facts, but you cannot change those facts.

Epic Fail.
Epic fail indeed. Apart from the fact that you're full of shit, explain how she got her classified emails since she wasn't using the government's system.
You do understand that even if she was using the .gov email system for her email, that the .gov email system was an UNCLASSIFIED gvt. email system...and not a system that was to have top secret info, on it.... so anything that came to her from the .gov email system, she would have automatically assumed what was being sent to her from it, would have been information that was not classified information....

the Top Secret system the govt keeps, has no internet capabilities..... the Top Secret system is on a separate system from the .gov email system and again, has no internet to email is an internal system only.
So you believe she never got classified intel via the computer? Why does the FBI not agree? And where did she get it then, you left that out.
I believe whatever is NOW classified top secret, due to additional things and information gathered that have taken place since the email and documents were sent, has NOW made them top secret....and they are now being removed from the .gov email system.... which govt officials have stated is common.... very common to classify things that never were classified, due to addition information, sometimes years after the initial doc or email.
No sale. You are like a Moonie chanting. Some were so sensitive we'll never see them even in redacted form. Her personal server is how she got all her emails. Sources already posted said some were definitely marked classified, but it's something she would know anyway. If not, that's even worse! Obviously she got classified material and obviously you don't give a fuck. We get it.

So provide the links that claim she "obviously got classified material". Again, how can this story be going on for almost a year now and you guys are still no further than you were last March?

The emails were not classified at the time she sent or received them, they were classified afterwards.

Obviously you don't give a fuck about the facts and just want to finally indict a Clinton. :lol: To try for so many years...and still come up empty.
Furthermore, even sge admitted the non-disclosure form made markings moot - she was to treat all documents / info as 'classified', which she did not do. It also stated she should/would know the difference between the classifications of information. Since she had over 1,000 classified documents on her server, 22 being TS, I would say she failed miserably at that ... or just got caught.

FINALLY, after leaving the State Dept to return to the private sector, she was supposed to have turned in ALL classified documents - was not allowed to keep ANY of them. You have to be 'read out of' certain TS programs, and thy explain you may not talk about it, write about it, and you sure can't have any documents about it from that point on. Hillary had 22 such pieces of info on her personal server.

So having over 1,000 pieces of classified on her server is a crime.

again, please cite another case of someone who was indicted for doing the same thing.

What are you defining as "the same thing?" Do you mean mishandling classified information? Or using a personal server for classified information? How specific do you mean?
Epic fail indeed. Apart from the fact that you're full of shit, explain how she got her classified emails since she wasn't using the government's system.
You do understand that even if she was using the .gov email system for her email, that the .gov email system was an UNCLASSIFIED gvt. email system...and not a system that was to have top secret info, on it.... so anything that came to her from the .gov email system, she would have automatically assumed what was being sent to her from it, would have been information that was not classified information....

the Top Secret system the govt keeps, has no internet capabilities..... the Top Secret system is on a separate system from the .gov email system and again, has no internet to email is an internal system only.
So you believe she never got classified intel via the computer? Why does the FBI not agree? And where did she get it then, you left that out.
I believe whatever is NOW classified top secret, due to additional things and information gathered that have taken place since the email and documents were sent, has NOW made them top secret....and they are now being removed from the .gov email system.... which govt officials have stated is common.... very common to classify things that never were classified, due to addition information, sometimes years after the initial doc or email.
No sale. You are like a Moonie chanting. Some were so sensitive we'll never see them even in redacted form. Her personal server is how she got all her emails. Sources already posted said some were definitely marked classified, but it's something she would know anyway. If not, that's even worse! Obviously she got classified material and obviously you don't give a fuck. We get it.

So provide the links that claim she "obviously got classified material". Again, how can this story be going on for almost a year now and you guys are still no further than you were last March?

The emails were not classified at the time she sent or received them, they were classified afterwards.

Obviously you don't give a fuck about the facts and just want to finally indict a Clinton. :lol: To try for so many years...and still come up empty.
It's been posted numerous times. I'm not going to repost for every retard with their head up Hillary's ass. Obviously you are full of shit as always and want people to believe she never received classified intel.

I said nothing about indicting, you can't even read. Go diddle yourself, it's all you're good for.
Epic fail indeed. Apart from the fact that you're full of shit, explain how she got her classified emails since she wasn't using the government's system.
You do understand that even if she was using the .gov email system for her email, that the .gov email system was an UNCLASSIFIED gvt. email system...and not a system that was to have top secret info, on it.... so anything that came to her from the .gov email system, she would have automatically assumed what was being sent to her from it, would have been information that was not classified information....

the Top Secret system the govt keeps, has no internet capabilities..... the Top Secret system is on a separate system from the .gov email system and again, has no internet to email is an internal system only.
So you believe she never got classified intel via the computer? Why does the FBI not agree? And where did she get it then, you left that out.
I believe whatever is NOW classified top secret, due to additional things and information gathered that have taken place since the email and documents were sent, has NOW made them top secret....and they are now being removed from the .gov email system.... which govt officials have stated is common.... very common to classify things that never were classified, due to addition information, sometimes years after the initial doc or email.
No sale. You are like a Moonie chanting. Some were so sensitive we'll never see them even in redacted form. Her personal server is how she got all her emails. Sources already posted said some were definitely marked classified, but it's something she would know anyway. If not, that's even worse! Obviously she got classified material and obviously you don't give a fuck. We get it.

So provide the links that claim she "obviously got classified material". Again, how can this story be going on for almost a year now and you guys are still no further than you were last March?

The emails were not classified at the time she sent or received them, they were classified afterwards. .
Scenario: A CIA officer obtains Kim Jung Un's schedule hand-written by a source, with the source's name on it. There are, obviously, no classified markings on the documents at this time. Is it really your claim that the officer is perfectly free to scan these documents at an internet cafe and email them to the U.S.? Is it really your claim that this information cannot be considered classified material and needing protection until someone puts the words "Top Secret" on them???
You do understand that even if she was using the .gov email system for her email, that the .gov email system was an UNCLASSIFIED gvt. email system...and not a system that was to have top secret info, on it.... so anything that came to her from the .gov email system, she would have automatically assumed what was being sent to her from it, would have been information that was not classified information....

the Top Secret system the govt keeps, has no internet capabilities..... the Top Secret system is on a separate system from the .gov email system and again, has no internet to email is an internal system only.
So you believe she never got classified intel via the computer? Why does the FBI not agree? And where did she get it then, you left that out.
I believe whatever is NOW classified top secret, due to additional things and information gathered that have taken place since the email and documents were sent, has NOW made them top secret....and they are now being removed from the .gov email system.... which govt officials have stated is common.... very common to classify things that never were classified, due to addition information, sometimes years after the initial doc or email.
No sale. You are like a Moonie chanting. Some were so sensitive we'll never see them even in redacted form. Her personal server is how she got all her emails. Sources already posted said some were definitely marked classified, but it's something she would know anyway. If not, that's even worse! Obviously she got classified material and obviously you don't give a fuck. We get it.

So provide the links that claim she "obviously got classified material". Again, how can this story be going on for almost a year now and you guys are still no further than you were last March?

The emails were not classified at the time she sent or received them, they were classified afterwards.

Obviously you don't give a fuck about the facts and just want to finally indict a Clinton. :lol: To try for so many years...and still come up empty.
It's been posted numerous times. I'm not going to repost for every retard with their head up Hillary's ass. Obviously you are full of shit as always and want people to believe she never received classified intel.

I said nothing about indicting, you can't even read. Go diddle yourself, it's all you're good for.

Oh, right...I forgot. You're aptly named the weasel. You can't provide it because it didn't happen. She didn't send or receive material marked classified.
Furthermore, even sge admitted the non-disclosure form made markings moot - she was to treat all documents / info as 'classified', which she did not do. It also stated she should/would know the difference between the classifications of information. Since she had over 1,000 classified documents on her server, 22 being TS, I would say she failed miserably at that ... or just got caught.

FINALLY, after leaving the State Dept to return to the private sector, she was supposed to have turned in ALL classified documents - was not allowed to keep ANY of them. You have to be 'read out of' certain TS programs, and thy explain you may not talk about it, write about it, and you sure can't have any documents about it from that point on. Hillary had 22 such pieces of info on her personal server.

So having over 1,000 pieces of classified on her server is a crime.

again, please cite another case of someone who was indicted for doing the same thing.

What are you defining as "the same thing?" Do you mean mishandling classified information? Or using a personal server for classified information? How specific do you mean?

There is no evidence of mishandles classified information by Hillary Clinton. Nothing she sent or recieved was marked classified at the time it was sent or received by Secretary Clinton.

Why aren't ya'll asking for Colin Powell's private server?
Furthermore, even sge admitted the non-disclosure form made markings moot - she was to treat all documents / info as 'classified', which she did not do. It also stated she should/would know the difference between the classifications of information. Since she had over 1,000 classified documents on her server, 22 being TS, I would say she failed miserably at that ... or just got caught.

FINALLY, after leaving the State Dept to return to the private sector, she was supposed to have turned in ALL classified documents - was not allowed to keep ANY of them. You have to be 'read out of' certain TS programs, and thy explain you may not talk about it, write about it, and you sure can't have any documents about it from that point on. Hillary had 22 such pieces of info on her personal server.

So having over 1,000 pieces of classified on her server is a crime.

again, please cite another case of someone who was indicted for doing the same thing.

What are you defining as "the same thing?" Do you mean mishandling classified information? Or using a personal server for classified information? How specific do you mean?

There is no evidence of mishandles classified information by Hillary Clinton. Nothing she sent or recieved was marked classified at the time it was sent or received by Secretary Clinton.
Why do you think that something has to be "marked" in order to be classified or in need of special handling? Do you really think every Humint agent puts markings on every note they take or every document they get immediately? Do you think every electronic interception is marked instantly on receipt? Until an analyst gets ahold of it and processes it, almost nothing is "marked" classified.
So you believe she never got classified intel via the computer? Why does the FBI not agree? And where did she get it then, you left that out.
I believe whatever is NOW classified top secret, due to additional things and information gathered that have taken place since the email and documents were sent, has NOW made them top secret....and they are now being removed from the .gov email system.... which govt officials have stated is common.... very common to classify things that never were classified, due to addition information, sometimes years after the initial doc or email.
No sale. You are like a Moonie chanting. Some were so sensitive we'll never see them even in redacted form. Her personal server is how she got all her emails. Sources already posted said some were definitely marked classified, but it's something she would know anyway. If not, that's even worse! Obviously she got classified material and obviously you don't give a fuck. We get it.

So provide the links that claim she "obviously got classified material". Again, how can this story be going on for almost a year now and you guys are still no further than you were last March?

The emails were not classified at the time she sent or received them, they were classified afterwards.

Obviously you don't give a fuck about the facts and just want to finally indict a Clinton. :lol: To try for so many years...and still come up empty.
It's been posted numerous times. I'm not going to repost for every retard with their head up Hillary's ass. Obviously you are full of shit as always and want people to believe she never received classified intel.

I said nothing about indicting, you can't even read. Go diddle yourself, it's all you're good for.

Oh, right...I forgot. You're aptly named the weasel. You can't provide it because it didn't happen. She didn't send or receive material marked classified.
So Hillary never got any classified emails? I said I did provide the info and I said you can't read. How many times do you need to prove you're an idiot?
Furthermore, even sge admitted the non-disclosure form made markings moot - she was to treat all documents / info as 'classified', which she did not do. It also stated she should/would know the difference between the classifications of information. Since she had over 1,000 classified documents on her server, 22 being TS, I would say she failed miserably at that ... or just got caught.

FINALLY, after leaving the State Dept to return to the private sector, she was supposed to have turned in ALL classified documents - was not allowed to keep ANY of them. You have to be 'read out of' certain TS programs, and thy explain you may not talk about it, write about it, and you sure can't have any documents about it from that point on. Hillary had 22 such pieces of info on her personal server.

So having over 1,000 pieces of classified on her server is a crime.

again, please cite another case of someone who was indicted for doing the same thing.

What are you defining as "the same thing?" Do you mean mishandling classified information? Or using a personal server for classified information? How specific do you mean?

There is no evidence of mishandles classified information by Hillary Clinton. Nothing she sent or recieved was marked classified at the time it was sent or received by Secretary Clinton.

Why aren't ya'll asking for Colin Powell's private server?
Because toddlers know that's just a deflection and desperation of the left wing. That's why.
I believe whatever is NOW classified top secret, due to additional things and information gathered that have taken place since the email and documents were sent, has NOW made them top secret....and they are now being removed from the .gov email system.... which govt officials have stated is common.... very common to classify things that never were classified, due to addition information, sometimes years after the initial doc or email.
No sale. You are like a Moonie chanting. Some were so sensitive we'll never see them even in redacted form. Her personal server is how she got all her emails. Sources already posted said some were definitely marked classified, but it's something she would know anyway. If not, that's even worse! Obviously she got classified material and obviously you don't give a fuck. We get it.

So provide the links that claim she "obviously got classified material". Again, how can this story be going on for almost a year now and you guys are still no further than you were last March?

The emails were not classified at the time she sent or received them, they were classified afterwards.

Obviously you don't give a fuck about the facts and just want to finally indict a Clinton. :lol: To try for so many years...and still come up empty.
It's been posted numerous times. I'm not going to repost for every retard with their head up Hillary's ass. Obviously you are full of shit as always and want people to believe she never received classified intel.

I said nothing about indicting, you can't even read. Go diddle yourself, it's all you're good for.

Oh, right...I forgot. You're aptly named the weasel. You can't provide it because it didn't happen. She didn't send or receive material marked classified.
So Hillary never got any classified emails? I said I did provide the info and I said you can't read. How many times do you need to prove you're an idiot?

She did not send or receive anything marked classified. The emails were classified after she sent or received them.

Just keep admitting you can't provide evidence that she sent or received material marked classified.
It's Wednesday morning....any indictment yet?
Is it your contention that lack of indictment means no wrongdoing? Orrin Hatch was not indicted for revealing on 12 September 2001 that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the attacks, even though that information was classified at the time. Indicting a prominent political figure, especially a presidential candidate during an election year, is no small thing. While I wholeheartedly believe she should be indicted and convicted, I doubt any such thing will happen due to politics.

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