DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

the FBI had Hilary dead to rights last night, all they had to do was walk up on stage, arrest her and haul her to jail.

but a week later the question remains ...

has Hillary gone to jail yet ?

Siete, thank you for continuing to demonstrate you are too ignorant to understand the term 'on-going investigation'. Speaking of which, how are those classes to get your GED going? :p
If the investigation is ongoing, why did you create a thread declaring Hillary's done and going to jail?

Just how insane are you?
'Clinton hit for invoking 'everybody did it' defense on email scandal'

"Critics are blasting Hillary Clinton for claiming at Thursday night’s Democratic debate nothing will come of the FBI probe into her email practices and seizing on reports that other former officials received classified information on personal accounts..."


Wait a second....I thought Hillary DIDN'T
do anything wrong....but she just said
she is not going to be punished for doing
what she did because 'EVERYBODY DOES IT'...

Her comment demonstrates that Hillary (at least, unlike her ass-kissing apologists/justifiers) understands that what she did was AGAINST THE LAW and just tried to justify her actions by saying 'everyone did / does it'....attempting to 'drag people down with her'.

Nothing classified at the time they were placed on Hillary's server? WRONG!
-- "State Department spokesman John Kirby confirmed Thursday that the department accepts the 22 emails were “top secret” when they hit the server."

Her non-disclosure form, which she signed, already killed her and her Liberal fanatics' claim about 'markings' because the agreement stated 'markings don't matter' and that all documents were to be treated as classified. Kirby's confirmation only drives the proverbial stake through that false argument / lie!

Clinton hit for invoking 'everybody did it' defense on email scandal | Fox News

"Critics are blasting Hillary Clinton..."

Said just about every article on Hillary since Gingrich was Speaker of the House.
Longer than that. And she's still standing.

Republicans: Misunderestimating the Clintons since 1991.
Wait a second....I thought Hillary DIDN'T
do anything wrong....but she just said
she is not going to be punished for doing
what she did because 'EVERYBODY DOES IT'...

Your entire rant is based on the premise she broke the law.

No one who matters has said she did.
But Paper, you Liberals have been saying she did nothing wrong for weeks...months... Now suddenly the Liberal Talking Points have been handed out, and you're all saying what Hillary said - 'Everybody does / did it'.

And that LIE you guys have been repeating about the 'classified markings', The EW just confirmed that to be a LIE.

So your story is going to change again, and you're all going to retreat back to the only thing you have left, which is, "YEAH, but she's still not going to jail for it..." (Which I admit is probably true based on what Obama did for Holder...)

"No one who matters has said she did."
The FBI said she did.
The WH confirmed it.
Hillary admitted it.
'Clinton hit for invoking 'everybody did it' defense on email scandal'

"Critics are blasting Hillary Clinton for claiming at Thursday night’s Democratic debate nothing will come of the FBI probe into her email practices and seizing on reports that other former officials received classified information on personal accounts..."

View attachment 62429

Wait a second....I thought Hillary DIDN'T
do anything wrong....but she just said
she is not going to be punished for doing
what she did because 'EVERYBODY DOES IT'...

Her comment demonstrates that Hillary (at least, unlike her ass-kissing apologists/justifiers) understands that what she did was AGAINST THE LAW and just tried to justify her actions by saying 'everyone did / does it'....attempting to 'drag people down with her'.

Nothing classified at the time they were placed on Hillary's server? WRONG!
-- "State Department spokesman John Kirby confirmed Thursday that the department accepts the 22 emails were “top secret” when they hit the server."

Her non-disclosure form, which she signed, already killed her and her Liberal fanatics' claim about 'markings' because the agreement stated 'markings don't matter' and that all documents were to be treated as classified. Kirby's confirmation only drives the proverbial stake through that false argument / lie!

Clinton hit for invoking 'everybody did it' defense on email scandal | Fox News
No surprise there. Hillary just moves the goal posts every time a lie is revealed.

"I had no classified information on my server".

"Uh, Hillary, they found dozens of emails containing classified information".

"I had nothing on my server that was marked classified when I put it there".

"Uh, Hillary, you had the authority and responsibility to mark information classified when you saw it".

"I didn't do anything somebody else didn't do".

And on it goes. Of course, the Hillary sycophants (you know who you are, and if you don't, I can help you with that) completely forget/ignore all previous statements/lies and claim only the latest one matters.

Benghazi brought you rinse, flush and repeat.

Rinse because by rinsing you might find something.

Flush because you flush after finding nothing.


Remember Folks, When Desperate Times Calls For Desperate Measures Nothing Says Desperation Like Rinse, Flush and Repeat.

Find something? People were tortured and murdered, and you are making jokes? Bad taste dude. Really tasteless.

As opposed to the thousands of Afghani's and Iraqi's that died in two Immoral, Illegal and Unconstitutional Wars?

As opposed to all the Unborn of Afghanistan and Iraq who did not and do not have the same so-called "Right To Life" that RWNJ rant on about?

BEENNGGHAAZZIIIIIIII means nothing to the Republicans.

My post stands.

Hillary voted to authorize and fund those "immoral, illegal and unconstitutional" wars. So did many other democrats.

She also is directly and personally responsible for the 4 American deaths at Benghazi. She and obozo refused to help those people because they feared that acknowledging a terrorist attack would hurt his reelection chances. they let 4 americans die for their personal political gain, and then lied about it.

HRC is lower than pond scum and should be in jail.
She voted to authorize war if Iraq was a threat to us.

What was the threat?

Ask her, she voted for it, and then voted to authorize the funding to continue it. The UN thought Saddam was a threat, was the UN in on it with Bush to start a war?

You libs are the most disingenuous people on earth. You continually lie and rewrite history to fit your perverted left wing agenda and support some of the most corrupt people ever to hold public office.
the FBI had Hilary dead to rights last night, all they had to do was walk up on stage, arrest her and haul her to jail.

but a week later the question remains ...

has Hillary gone to jail yet ?


Its unlikely that she will ever go to jail, if indicted, Obama will pardon her.

The best that could happen is that the dem primary voters get fed up with her bullshit and vote against her.
Pardon means criminal wrong-doing...and that hurts her Presidential run. Hillary can't afford to have even an indictment against her. It ALL has to go away...
Couple things you guys keep forgetting -- she never sent anything classified.

All of these things were emails forwarded /sent to her.

There's not even any proof she ever even read some of these emails --

it could have been publicly available information from a news account from someone not even in the govt' - but because it contains the key words the intel community now deems secret, in an age where for for many years now the gov't has gone nuts overclassifying things --

As I showed here :

DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

and here:
DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release''s TS.
"This practice would be troubling enough if it actually removed the document from the public domain. But in the Internet Age, once a document is released to the public, it is often impossible for the government to retrieve it.

While retroactive classification does not remove the document from the public domain, where our enemies can access it, retroactive classification does remove the document from the public discourse, prohibiting members of Congress, government auditors, and law-abiding members of the public from openly discussing it."
...the breezy little thing about this that makes it's so dramatic and full of intrigue for the ever hungry panty-sniffing conspiracy crowd, is that because it's secret, per our over-secretizing gov't - we'll never know just *what* that content is, and the salivating CEC witch hunters get to feel they've scored, no matter the outcome.

Either way, they claim victory because they are just so damn certain she put our county's security at risk, and without a doubt *is* a criminal - without a shred of proof, and if she doesn't get charged, it's just the O admin. protecting her.

It's an assured win as airtight as an otters asshole.

Placing this here, for the afternoon crowd --

<yawn> Oh well.

In the meantime, fascinating piece of scholarly work published by the University of Penn. Law Review that speaks to the (quite unbelievably) over aggressive reclassification that has been going on for quite some time now...

"Now you see it. Now you don’t.
This is not a magician’s incantation. It is a description of retroactive classification, a little-known provision of U.S. national security law that allows the government to declassify a document, release it to the public, and then declare it classified later on.

Retroactive classification means the government could hand you a document today and prosecute you tomorrow for not giving it back.
Retroactive classification can even reach documents that are available in public libraries, on the Internet, or elsewhere in the public domain.

The executive branch has used retroactive classification to startling effect. The Department of Justice, for example, declassified and released a report on National Security Agency (NSA) wiretapping only to declare, years later, that the report was once again classified.

The journalist who had received the report was threatened with prosecution if he did not return it. Retroactive classification has also targeted government documents revealing corruption in Iraq, violence in Afghanistan, and mismanagement of the national missile defense program. In each of these cases, the government released a document in an unclassified form through official channels—not through a leak—and then turned around to classify it.

This practice would be troubling enough if it actually removed the document from the public domain. But in the Internet Age, once a document is released to the public, it is often impossible for the government to retrieve it.

While retroactive classification does not remove the document from the public domain, where our enemies can access it, retroactive classification does remove the document from the public discourse, prohibiting members of Congress, government auditors, and law-abiding members of the public from openly discussing it."

Retroactively Classified Documents, the First Amendment, and the Power to Make Secrets Out of the Public Record

And another piece, from 2006 --

Classifying Toothpaste

Monday, February 27, 2006
"A 1950 INTELLIGENCE estimate, written days before Chinese forces crossed into North Korea....
<snip>...A 1962 telegram from Ambassador to Yugoslavia George F. Kennan featuring a translated newspaper article on China's nuclear weapons program.

Some of these documents are innocuous, some embarrassing, at least to the agencies involved. All were once freely available but -- in a fit of bureaucratic overzealousness -- have since been reclassified under a secret government program to disappear historical documents from public view.

In all, according to a new report by the National Security Archive at George Washington University, 9,500 documents totaling 55,500 pages, some dating as far back as World War II, have been reclassified and withdrawn from public circulation. The study's author, Matthew M. Aid, found that eight of the reclassified documents had actually been published as part of the State Department's official history series or made available on the CIA's own database.

This effort to stuff this harmless toothpaste back into the tube would be funny if it weren't so emblematic of a disturbing new culture of government secrecy."

Classifying Toothpaste

Also, too: “U.S. reclassifies government memos” by Andrea Mitchell, NBC News (2006)
As to the assertion earlier in the thread about *no, the gov't isn't classifying public documents* - and the overclassiifcation run amok is just a smokey mirror prestidigitation -- the more I read about this, from 10 year old articles, the scarier it looks, and is, in this whole Hillary kitcaboodle, one of the more important conversations we *should* be having.

2006: "Anyone can purchase a copy of the 1958 Department of Defense “Emergency Plans Book,” an early cold war description of response planning for a nuclear attack on the United States. It is available for sale through and elsewhere under the somewhat lurid title “The Doomsday Scenario” (Motorbooks International, 2002).

But don’t look for it at the National Archives, where author L. Douglas Keeney originally obtained it in 1997, because it is no longer there. It is among the thousands of government documents that have been reclassified and withdrawn from public access.

“When I returned in 2005 for another round of research in the Secretary of the Air Force Files, RG [record group] 340, the boxes were decimated,” Mr. Keeney told Secrecy News. “100% of the documents I retrieved 9 years ago were gone.”
The documents in this case were removed from public access in 1997, near the beginning of the ongoing reclassification process that has undermined the integrity of the National Archives."

Also too:

This is the stunning bottom line here which should give everyone pause, no matter who is in office:

"If it cannot be halted and reversed, bureaucratically-driven reclassification threatens to reduce the Archives to a mere repository of officially-sanctioned history."

See “Secret Again: The absurd scheme to reclassify documents” by Fred Kaplan,
1. Yes, the Sec State does receive training on protocols for handling classified information. If you think he/she does not, your stupid is backing up into your brain.
2. When Colin Powell was in office, the State Department had an antiquated system that he tried to update. That included the use of email.
3. Colin Powell ensured all of his emails were routed through the government system, thus ensuring they were captured and retained.
4. The State Department's policy on email usage dates back to the year he LEFT. Thus, there wasn't one in place while he was there.

Do you really want to compare apples to jaguars?

Oh, and LOL at you for believing that Hillary turned over all her emails. You probably also believed her when she said she never had any classified information on her server.

Colin Powell helped us perpertrate a crime against humanity based on a lie. He and everyone else in the Bush White House should have been handed over to the Hague as war criminals.

Oddly, when Congress asked to see his e-mails, he couldn't produce them.

So what you are saying is that it's okay that Powell did something much worse than what you are claiming Hillary did because hey, there weren't rules in place then, that you still haven't proven Hillary violated.

Got it

Hey, maybe you just insist on arresting hillary for having a vagina. It would be a lot more honest on your part.
No surprise there. Hillary just moves the goal posts every time a lie is revealed.

"I had no classified information on my server".

"Uh, Hillary, they found dozens of emails containing classified information".

"I had nothing on my server that was marked classified when I put it there".

"Uh, Hillary, you had the authority and responsibility to mark information classified when you saw it".

"I didn't do anything somebody else didn't do".

And on it goes. Of course, the Hillary sycophants (you know who you are, and if you don't, I can help you with that) completely forget/ignore all previous statements/lies and claim only the latest one matters.

The problem with your argument is that it assumes that Hillary SHOULD have marked things classified because some other bureaucrat saw the same information and decided it was classified.

Since the FBI won't tell us what they actually found, just take our word for it, it's really super secret stuff, we have no idea if it should have been marked classified or not.
1. Yes, the Sec State does receive training on protocols for handling classified information. If you think he/she does not, your stupid is backing up into your brain.
2. When Colin Powell was in office, the State Department had an antiquated system that he tried to update. That included the use of email.
3. Colin Powell ensured all of his emails were routed through the government system, thus ensuring they were captured and retained.
4. The State Department's policy on email usage dates back to the year he LEFT. Thus, there wasn't one in place while he was there.

Do you really want to compare apples to jaguars?

Oh, and LOL at you for believing that Hillary turned over all her emails. You probably also believed her when she said she never had any classified information on her server.

Colin Powell helped us perpertrate a crime against humanity based on a lie. He and everyone else in the Bush White House should have been handed over to the Hague as war criminals.

Oddly, when Congress asked to see his e-mails, he couldn't produce them.

So what you are saying is that it's okay that Powell did something much worse than what you are claiming Hillary did because hey, there weren't rules in place then, that you still haven't proven Hillary violated.

Got it

Hey, maybe you just insist on arresting hillary for having a vagina. It would be a lot more honest on your part.
Okay, so rant away at Powell, and when he runs for president, we can talk about his using the then antiquated system at the State Department. It won't make any difference to Hillary's situation, though. Of course, "Other people did it too" IS the talking point now, the latest shift after every other excuse is shown to be false.
No surprise there. Hillary just moves the goal posts every time a lie is revealed.

"I had no classified information on my server".

"Uh, Hillary, they found dozens of emails containing classified information".

"I had nothing on my server that was marked classified when I put it there".

"Uh, Hillary, you had the authority and responsibility to mark information classified when you saw it".

"I didn't do anything somebody else didn't do".

And on it goes. Of course, the Hillary sycophants (you know who you are, and if you don't, I can help you with that) completely forget/ignore all previous statements/lies and claim only the latest one matters.

The problem with your argument is that it assumes that Hillary SHOULD have marked things classified because some other bureaucrat saw the same information and decided it was classified.

No, she SHOULD have marked some things classified because they actually WERE classified. Pretending her ignorance is exculpatory is sad.

Since the FBI won't tell us what they actually found, just take our word for it, it's really super secret stuff, we have no idea if it should have been marked classified or not.
I believe the FBI before I believe Hillary.
Pardon means criminal wrong-doing...and that hurts her Presidential run. Hillary can't afford to have even an indictment against her. It ALL has to go away...

Meh, not really.

All she has to do is wait for you guys to hyperbolically claim that these were much worse than they actually are, and then someonne will leak them, and we'll find out it was no big deal to start with.

The problem with you guys, from Lewinsky to Benghazi is that you overplay weak hands. The initial revelation does actually look bad. Clinton cheated on his wife, an Ambassador did die, she probably didn't handle e-mails properly.

then you guys overplay your hands. Let's spend 70 million dollars PROVING he cheated on his wife and drag the girl's mother in front of a grand jury.. Let's have 8 congressional investigations rehashing the same questions! Let's make a big deal over 22 emails out of 30,000 that had some information on them that someone else copy and pasted and didn't think twice about.

Instead, you ignore the fact that she is arguing for a vision of America that maybe we cant afford, but you never have that argument because you are too busy talking about THIS kind of bullshit.

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