DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'


Benghazi brought you rinse, flush and repeat.

Rinse because by rinsing you might find something.

Flush because you flush after finding nothing.


Remember Folks, When Desperate Times Calls For Desperate Measures Nothing Says Desperation Like Rinse, Flush and Repeat.

Find something? People were tortured and murdered, and you are making jokes? Bad taste dude. Really tasteless.

As opposed to the thousands of Afghani's and Iraqi's that died in two Immoral, Illegal and Unconstitutional Wars?

As opposed to all the Unborn of Afghanistan and Iraq who did not and do not have the same so-called "Right To Life" that RWNJ rant on about?

BEENNGGHAAZZIIIIIIII means nothing to the Republicans.

My post stands.

Hillary voted to authorize and fund those "immoral, illegal and unconstitutional" wars. So did many other democrats.

She also is directly and personally responsible for the 4 American deaths at Benghazi. She and obozo refused to help those people because they feared that acknowledging a terrorist attack would hurt his reelection chances. they let 4 americans die for their personal political gain, and then lied about it.

HRC is lower than pond scum and should be in jail.
She voted to authorize war if Iraq was a threat to us.

What was the threat?

Ask her, she voted for it, and then voted to authorize the funding to continue it. The UN thought Saddam was a threat, was the UN in on it with Bush to start a war?

You libs are the most disingenuous people on earth. You continually lie and rewrite history to fit your perverted left wing agenda and support some of the most corrupt people ever to hold public office.
The reason you can't say Iraq was a threat was because they weren't.
Well if they're going to do an FBI investigation on Hillary Clinton--in which she has already been repeatedly cleared by the State Department--to be fair they should do an FBI investigation on Colin Powell & Condi Rice, also.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information
State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

The house of cards has collapsed:

Department of State?! Ha ha! :) The rest of us will wait for the FBI and the common sense of the American electorate, such as they may be.
No, you'll cry like 3 year old girls, whose Barbi was taken away, when the FBI clears her.
I think the better avatar some of you folks should have is Wylie Coyote. Always thinking this time...this time...only to have the anvil dropped on them.

"Bash [Former Senior CIA official] in an interview, said the email was not classified when it was sent or forwarded, and "did not reference the individual's name, employer, nor any identifying description or information."

Once the CIA posthumously lifted Lorenzetti's cover, Bash added, "the original unclassified email could be read to confirm the general use of cover, prompting the redactions we now see. But any suggestion that this email contained confirmation about the person or his cover, or any inappropriate information, is flat wrong."

Clinton Emails Held Indirect References to Undercover CIA Officers

And you don't think that Colin Powell & Condi Rice staffers did the same thing--LOL Good Luck with that theory.

You're beating a dead horse again.

Bengazi 8 investigations. In the last 13 hours of her testimony she made Republicans look like total idiots. Now the movie out 13 hours completely admonishes her from any negligence or wrong-doing.

And you still want to hammer away at emails--after knowing that Colin Powell & Condi Rice have the exact same issues. UNBELIEVABLE


IOKIYAR (Its OK If You Are Republican)
It is hard to imagine anyone whose respect is less important. Joey, you are easily among the most, if not the most disrespected poster on this site.

Those who respect, or are respected by you, must be the most pathetic people in existence.

Um, if I'm not respected, how is it I have twice as many ratings as you have and three times as many thanks?
Joe, the WH itself has declared that 22 e-mails on Hillary's server are classified TS, SO classified that they can NOT be released in any amount under any circumstances because they contain so much operational information, to include the identities of agents in the field.

Well, no, they haven't said WHY they are classifying htem at all, that's the point, guy.

The Average American Citizen can NOT have access to that information / to classified information. It is ILLEGAL for the 'Average American Citizen' to have such information. THAT is exactly what Hillary Clinton is, an 'average American citizen'.

you know why I don't take these kind of claims seriously... Because we sent poor Bradley Manning to prison for hte rest of his life because he released stuff that wasn't really damaging to our lost cause in Iraq, but because they just made us look bad. LIke shooting people in the middle of the street. So I'm not going to take someone's word for it that something is top secret.
The FBI has been investigating the Clintons for 25 years. And of course they still are. At some point you have to question sleaze. How many other presidents or contenders have they investigated since Nixon 36 years ago? At some point you reach a point of critical sleaze.

Well, if the FBI has been investigating someone for 25 years and have YET to come up with anything, that kind of sounds more like harrassment than investigation.

Just saying.
It is hard to imagine anyone whose respect is less important. Joey, you are easily among the most, if not the most disrespected poster on this site.
Those who respect, or are respected by you, must be the most pathetic people in existence.
Um, if I'm not respected, how is it I have twice as many ratings as you have and three times as many thanks?
Over 5x more posts so should have 5x more of that nonsense. FFS, you are painfully stupid. Still, it's amazing you can be a loser on so many level.

yeah, I knew you were a right wing nut job case, when I first saw your post ... Vince foster really !!!! you want to go there??? or are you just naturally stupid

Disregarding all her other lies and corruption and incompetency why would anybody in good consistence vote for The Hillary Bitch to be President after she claimed stolen valor?

"Billy also did it" excuse that was offered up by one of your fellow Moon Bats was not a good enough answer. It may work on first grade school yard playground but not here.
when i ask nut job like you, "do you have any proof of these so called lies" nut jobs like you lose it ... then you start with the childish remarks ... sooooooo i stick with the childish remarks so you can grasp ... still waiting for proof that she lied and yet not one of you guys have come up with any proof ... just accusations of lies coming from the right ...

Hillary claimed she received no emails on her private server marked classified, but the FBI reported that 22 emails contained info marked "Top Secret."

Colin Powell Blows Up Republican Email Scandal By Agreeing With Hillary Clinton
Colin Powell Blows Up Republican Email Scandal By Agreeing With Hillary Clinton | Politicus USA

Former Sec. of State Colin Powell is standing with Hillary Clinton after the State Department retroactively classified some of his emails and is refusing to release them to the public.


Former Sec. of State Colin Powell is standing with Hillary Clinton after the State Department retroactively classified some of his emails and is refusing to release them to the public.

Powell reacted to an NBC News report that the State Department is retroactively classifying his emails by calling for all of his emails to be released.

Powell said, “I wish they would release them, so that a normal, air-breathing mammal would look at them and say, ‘What’s the issue?’ They were unclassified at the time, and they are, in my judgment, still unclassified.”
He and everyone else in the Bush White House should have been handed over to the Hague as war criminals.

would you agree that all dimowits who agreed with the "false information" and voted to go to war should also be sitting in the defendants box along with the "Bush White House"??

Sure. That would leave seven Repubs in the House and Senate and 147 Dems.....
He and everyone else in the Bush White House should have been handed over to the Hague as war criminals.

would you agree that all dimowits who agreed with the "false information" and voted to go to war should also be sitting in the defendants box along with the "Bush White House"??

Um. No. Here's the thing. Let's say that you were on a jury. And a prosecutor and the police presented a case that someone definitely committed murder. They presented you with DNA evidence and forensics and eyewitnesses and you voted that person guilty.

Then we come to find out that the police and eyewitnesses and prosecutors lied. Unfortunately, the innocent guy already got put to death. That's not the fault of the jury, that's the fault of the malicious prosecutors who presented a lie, knowing it was a lie.

It should be pointed out that Hillary and the other Democrats ONLY voted to let Bush use force if ALL OTHER OPTIONS failed. Bush ignored all the other options. He didn't let the UN Inspectors do their jobs.

Again- Bush and his bunch are war criminals. Deal with it.
The FBI has been investigating the Clintons for 25 years. And of course they still are. At some point you have to question sleaze. How many other presidents or contenders have they investigated since Nixon 36 years ago? At some point you reach a point of critical sleaze.

Well, if the FBI has been investigating someone for 25 years and have YET to come up with anything, that kind of sounds more like harrassment than investigation.

Just saying.

The FBI is not just investigating "someone". They are investigating Hillary Clinton.

They are investing that she may have mishandled sensitive national security information and that is very serious and is a crime.

According to the reports they have widen their investigation to look into her using her government position to sell influence to foreign countries.

In the previous years she was accused of other things like incompetence and lying about Benghazi but not these crimes.

The FBI is part of the Obama Administration. If the FBI comes to the conclusion she committed a crime they will advise the Justice Department and this idiot Affirmative Action shithead that was appointed by Obama as AG will make the decision to prosecute. Obama will probably make the ultimate decision.

The decision to take her her case to a Grand Jury will be a political one made by people in her own party.

Trying to blame the investigation and the outcome on some "vast right wing conspiracy" is simply ignoring the facts.

Just saying.

It should be pointed out that Hillary and the other Democrats ONLY voted to let Bush use force if ALL OTHER OPTIONS failed. Bush ignored all the other options. He didn't let the UN Inspectors do their jobs.

Again- Bush and his bunch are war criminals. Deal with it.

It is always amazing at the stupidity you Moon Bats exhibit when trying to defend one of your fellow Libtards.

Hillary Clinton supported the invasion of Iraq as did John Kerry and the leadership of the Democrat Party at that time. Then you have this clown Obama that fought the war for three years, called it a success, somehow managed to lose the war through incompetence and then reintroduced bombing and ground troops. His actions are reminiscence of what you would expect to see from Keystone Cops.

Obama has been a disaster of a President and Hillary Clinton was a hateful First Lady, do nothing Senator, and a corrupt lying incompetent Secretary of State.

You Moon Bats need to start taking responsibility for he stupidity and incompetence of the idiots in the Democrat Party and stop this childish game of trying to blame everything on Bush because it just makes you look like fools and immature little dickheads.

Last edited:
I think this sums it up.

Start with the fact that neither Mr. Powell nor Ms. Rice set up a private email server to conduct government business. Mr. Powell did have a personal email account, but he purposely used a State-maintained classified computer system on his desk for classified communications. This may not have been “convenient” for him, to borrow an earlier Clinton explanation for her private server, but Mr. Powell understood the rules. And he understood them even prior to 2005 when State instituted clear rules warning against private email for official business. Mrs. Rice’s aides say she never used any email while at State.

While a few sensitive details may have leeched into a Powell or Rice-aide email account, these would have been accidental. By contrast, Mrs. Clinton intentionally created a private email account, on her own private server, precisely so she could keep those emails away from government public-disclosure rules.

Mr. Linik’s review turned up two messages sent to Mr. Powell’s account that State now deems sensitive (though Mr. Powell disputes that they should be classified). Mr. Linik found 10 that were sent to Ms. Rice’s State Department entourage over her entire tenure. By contrast, State has now deemed that more than 1,600 emails on Mrs. Clinton’s server are confidential—and there is another batch still to be released.

The federal government maintains several levels of classification, ranging from the lowest designations of “sensitive but unclassified” and “confidential” to code-word classifications for the most important secrets. While all such information must be safeguarded, lower-level “sensitive but unclassified” and “confidential” information is sometimes circulated on unclassified government systems. Mr. Powell points out that the two emails sent to him were first circulated on unclassified State Department systems and forwarded to his account by an assistant.

Many of Mrs. Clinton’s 1,600 classified emails also fall into these “sensitive” and “confidential” categories. But at least 22 emails have been identified as highly classified from their creation. This means that their information would have resided at all times on classified government systems until they were sent to Mrs. Clinton and her unclassified, unguarded private server. There is no evidence that anything remotely like that happened under Secretaries Powell or Rice.

This transfer question gets to the heart of Mrs. Clinton’s email negligence. Sen. Dianne Feinstein is defending Mrs. Clinton by claiming there is no evidence that any of these top secrets emails originated with Secretary Clinton. “It has never made sense to me that Secretary Clinton can be held responsible for email exchanges that originated with someone else,” the California Democrat says.

But Mrs. Clinton is responsible because she is the one who created the classification problem by doing official business on her private server. This would never have become an issue if she had followed the rules and used State Department email. That she set up her private email out of a self-serving desire to shield her communications from public disclosure makes her disregard for security a willful act that opens her to criminal liability.​

Clinton’s False Email Equivalence
Find something? People were tortured and murdered, and you are making jokes? Bad taste dude. Really tasteless.

As opposed to the thousands of Afghani's and Iraqi's that died in two Immoral, Illegal and Unconstitutional Wars?

As opposed to all the Unborn of Afghanistan and Iraq who did not and do not have the same so-called "Right To Life" that RWNJ rant on about?

BEENNGGHAAZZIIIIIIII means nothing to the Republicans.

My post stands.

Hillary voted to authorize and fund those "immoral, illegal and unconstitutional" wars. So did many other democrats.

She also is directly and personally responsible for the 4 American deaths at Benghazi. She and obozo refused to help those people because they feared that acknowledging a terrorist attack would hurt his reelection chances. they let 4 americans die for their personal political gain, and then lied about it.

HRC is lower than pond scum and should be in jail.
She voted to authorize war if Iraq was a threat to us.

What was the threat?

Ask her, she voted for it, and then voted to authorize the funding to continue it. The UN thought Saddam was a threat, was the UN in on it with Bush to start a war?

You libs are the most disingenuous people on earth. You continually lie and rewrite history to fit your perverted left wing agenda and support some of the most corrupt people ever to hold public office.
The reason you can't say Iraq was a threat was because they weren't.

The UN thought they were, the EU thought they were, so did Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, and many other dems.

Did Saddam ever have WMDs? well he gassed his own people, so I guess the answer is yes.
Did the USA need to spend billions of dollars and thousands of lives in that shithole? NO.

But your claim that Bush did it all by himself, is total bullshit, they all have blood on their hands,including your screeching lying corrupt HRC.

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