DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Okay, so rant away at Powell, and when he runs for president, we can talk about his using the then antiquated system at the State Department. It won't make any difference to Hillary's situation, though. Of course, "Other people did it too" IS the talking point now, the latest shift after every other excuse is shown to be false.

People have been pointing out Powell and everyone else did it since this started. The real problem is you guys have overplayed a weak hand, and are losing the room. Probably because as unlikable as Hillary is, all the guys on yourside are crazy.
No, she SHOULD have marked some things classified because they actually WERE classified. Pretending her ignorance is exculpatory is sad.

The government classifies things that are open knowledge. So, no, not really. But again, until you SHOW me what was actually classified, you really aren't impressing me.

I believe the FBI before I believe Hillary.

So does that mean you've forgiven them for burning the Branch Davidians and shooting Randy Weaver's Nazi Wife? Do they get to shoot all those assholes in Oregon now?
The government classifies things that are open knowledge. So, no, not really. But again, until you SHOW me what was actually classified, you really aren't impressing me.
It is hard to imagine anyone whose respect is less important. Joey, you are easily among the most, if not the most disrespected poster on this site.

Those who respect, or are respected by you, must be the most pathetic people in existence.
Joe, the WH itself has declared that 22 e-mails on Hillary's server are classified TS, SO classified that they can NOT be released in any amount under any circumstances because they contain so much operational information, to include the identities of agents in the field.

The Average American Citizen can NOT have access to that information / to classified information. It is ILLEGAL for the 'Average American Citizen' to have such information. THAT is exactly what Hillary Clinton is, an 'average American citizen'.

No later than the day Hillary stepped down as Secretary of State and became, once again, just an average American citizen, a copy of EVERY State Department-related e-mail / document she had ever had during her tenure was supposed to be - by law - in the hands of the State Department. The State Department has already declared that did not happen. (Link already provided)

No later than the day Hillary stepped down as Secretary of State and became, once again, just an average American citizen, she was required BY LAW to sign another federal document that made it perfectly clear that she would no longer, form that day forth, have ANY ACCESS to State Department documents, to classified information - especially TOP SECRET data. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN, as classified information was found on her server.

No later than the day Hillary stepped down as Secretary of State and became, once again, just an average American citizen, she was required, again, by law, to turn over every bit of classified information / documents / products to the State Department. She was physically 'read out' of all Top Secret Special Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) programs - was told she would have no more access to any of the information pertaining to TS/SCI, could not discuss TS/SCI programs or information, and could not have access to OR KEEP any of that information for her own on her own server. The FBI reported it - the WH has confirmed it -- 22 TS/SCI-classified, which according to the WH spokesman 'was marked classified at the time it 'hit' her server, were found on her server.
- Just having those e-mails / info on her server, now that she was / is just an 'ordinary citizen' who is not supposed to have any access to that information anymore, is ILLEGAL. The FBI reported that they were investigating the possibility of 'NEGLIGENCE' under the Espionage Act. That means even if Hillary 'accidently' had TS/SCI on her server it is still a 'crime'.

Hillary claims she did not put that information on her server. SHE was the only one in physical possession of the server; however, the names of her top aides and her IT specialist have been 'tossed like a bone' out to the FBI / media as potential persons who could have placed this information on her server. Her IT Specialist has already declared he plans on Pleading the 5th.

A crime has been committed. Now it's time to play 'Pin the Tail On The Scapegoat'.

If the FBI can be convinced Hillary was not responsible for putting the information on her server, she could still be charged with 'Negligence', claiming not to have known, and walk away like General Patraeus did with a 'Misdemeanor' - a fine and no jail time; however, SOMEONE has to 'go down' for the fact that Hillary, an average American citizen with no authorization to have access to this info or have it in her personal possession did. Information THIS sensitive 'demands' that someone be held accountable.
The government classifies things that are open knowledge. So, no, not really. But again, until you SHOW me what was actually classified, you really aren't impressing me.
It is hard to imagine anyone whose respect is less important. Joey, you are easily among the most, if not the most disrespected poster on this site.

Those who respect, or are respected by you, must be the most pathetic people in existence.

Snowden obtained access to a lot of operational information, took copies for himself, and ran. Had he not released any of the information in his possession the way he did, would he be as 'innocent' as Hillary for just having it in his 'civilian' possession? The answer is 'no' - having that information he was not authorized to have was / is illegal. Snowden chose to use / release that information. Hillary has / had just as much if not more classified information yet did not release it.

American citizens, not serving in an official capacity in which they are required / authorized to have access to such information, are not authorized to have access to or have such classified information in their possession. PERIOD! Hillary had been 'read out' of the programs the TS/SCI information found on her server pertained to. She was NOT authorized to access let alone personally HAVE that information.
Well if they're going to do an FBI investigation on Hillary Clinton--in which she has already been repeatedly cleared by the State Department--to be fair they should do an FBI investigation on Colin Powell & Condi Rice, also.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information
State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

The house of cards has collapsed: The Reich wing dog & pony show is over.

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I think the better avatar some of you folks should have is Wylie Coyote. Always thinking this time...this time...only to have the anvil dropped on them.

"Bash [Former Senior CIA official] in an interview, said the email was not classified when it was sent or forwarded, and "did not reference the individual's name, employer, nor any identifying description or information."

Once the CIA posthumously lifted Lorenzetti's cover, Bash added, "the original unclassified email could be read to confirm the general use of cover, prompting the redactions we now see. But any suggestion that this email contained confirmation about the person or his cover, or any inappropriate information, is flat wrong."

Clinton Emails Held Indirect References to Undercover CIA Officers
Well if they're going to do an FBI investigation on Hillary Clinton--in which she has already been repeatedly cleared by the State Department--to be fair they should do an FBI investigation on Colin Powell & Condi Rice, also.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information
State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

The house of cards has collapsed:

Department of State?! Ha ha! :) The rest of us will wait for the FBI and the common sense of the American electorate, such as they may be.
I think the better avatar some of you folks should have is Wylie Coyote. Always thinking this time...this time...only to have the anvil dropped on them.

"Bash [Former Senior CIA official] in an interview, said the email was not classified when it was sent or forwarded, and "did not reference the individual's name, employer, nor any identifying description or information."

Once the CIA posthumously lifted Lorenzetti's cover, Bash added, "the original unclassified email could be read to confirm the general use of cover, prompting the redactions we now see. But any suggestion that this email contained confirmation about the person or his cover, or any inappropriate information, is flat wrong."

Clinton Emails Held Indirect References to Undercover CIA Officers

And you don't think that Colin Powell & Condi Rice staffers did the same thing--LOL Good Luck with that theory.

You're beating a dead horse again.

Bengazi 8 investigations. In the last 13 hours of her testimony she made Republicans look like total idiots. Now the movie out 13 hours completely admonishes her from any negligence or wrong-doing.

And you still want to hammer away at emails--after knowing that Colin Powell & Condi Rice have the exact same issues. UNBELIEVABLE


Well if they're going to do an FBI investigation on Hillary Clinton--in which she has already been repeatedly cleared by the State Department--to be fair they should do an FBI investigation on Colin Powell & Condi Rice, also.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information
State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

The house of cards has collapsed:

Department of State?! Ha ha! :) The rest of us will wait for the FBI and the common sense of the American electorate, such as they may be.

Ha.Ha.--then the left wing of the Democrat Party should demand an FBI investigation into Colin Powell and Condi Rice's emails.

Furthermore, the FBI has been investigating the Clinton's for one thing or another for the last 25 years, and you expect to get a result of action out of them? You're joking right!

Hillary Clinton has already requested that these 22 emails be release to the PUBLIC, so that should give you some indication, there is nothing in them that anyone would get excited about.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information
State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

Dream On!
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they are desperate, knowing non of their candidates can defeat Hillary ... and have reverted to their primordial state of incongruence.

and now fear their own shadow . :terror:


Well if they're going to do an FBI investigation on Hillary Clinton--in which she has already been repeatedly cleared by the State Department--to be fair they should do an FBI investigation on Colin Powell & Condi Rice, also.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information
State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

The house of cards has collapsed:

Department of State?! Ha ha! :) The rest of us will wait for the FBI and the common sense of the American electorate, such as they may be.

Ha.Ha.--then the left wing of the Democrat Party should demand an FBI investigation into Colin Powell and Condi Rice's emails.

Furthermore, the FBI has been investigating the Clinton's for one thing or another for the last 25 years, and you expect to get a result of action out of them? You're joking right!

Hillary Clinton has already requested that these 22 emails be release to the PUBLIC, so that should give you some indication, there is nothing in them that anyone would get excited about.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information
State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails -

Dream On!
The FBI has been investigating the Clintons for 25 years. And of course they still are. At some point you have to question sleaze. How many other presidents or contenders have they investigated since Nixon 36 years ago? At some point you reach a point of critical sleaze.

Even Sanders' minions get that. But of course Sanders, who handed his microphone to BLM thugs, says he doesn't want to talk about her damn emails.
Oreo, you keep repeating that LIE about the 'State Dept' having already 'cleared' Hillary Clinton:
1. The State Department can't 'clear' Hillary Clinton of any wrong-doing in an FBI investigation.

2. The State Dept has already declared Hillary violated the law by NOT turning over (copies) of al State-Department-related e-mails and classified documents -- links to their official statement have been repeatedly posted.

3. Hillary herself admitted that she violated the terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement she signed

4. Hillary JUST declared that 'nothing will come of the investigation' (not that she did nothing wrong) because 'everyone does / did it' (pointing to the State Department as an example.

5. John Kerry, current Secretary of State, has openly declared that he sent Hillary classified information via e-mail, directly contradicting Hillary's earlier claim that she never sent OR RECEIVED classified information. Links to the Kerry statement have also been posted.

6. The WH (not the State Dept) announced 22 e-mails SO classified were found on her server that they can not release them in any capacity under any circumstances because they would do grave damage to national security. LOSE...Repeating the same lie does NOT make it true.
I think the better avatar some of you folks should have is Wylie Coyote. Always thinking this time...this time...only to have the anvil dropped on them.

"Bash [Former Senior CIA official] in an interview, said the email was not classified when it was sent or forwarded, and "did not reference the individual's name, employer, nor any identifying description or information."

In the immortal words / style of Liberals on this board...

No, she SHOULD have marked some things classified because they actually WERE classified. Pretending her ignorance is exculpatory is sad.

The government classifies things that are open knowledge. So, no, not really. But again, until you SHOW me what was actually classified, you really aren't impressing me.

I guess you'll just have to strut around in the chicken coop on your own then, loudly proclaiming that Hillary MUST be innocent because the meanies won't let you see the classified information.

I believe the FBI before I believe Hillary.

So does that mean you've forgiven them for burning the Branch Davidians and shooting Randy Weaver's Nazi Wife? Do they get to shoot all those assholes in Oregon now?
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
I think the better avatar some of you folks should have is Wylie Coyote. Always thinking this time...this time...only to have the anvil dropped on them.

"Bash [Former Senior CIA official] in an interview, said the email was not classified when it was sent or forwarded, and "did not reference the individual's name, employer, nor any identifying description or information."

Once the CIA posthumously lifted Lorenzetti's cover, Bash added, "the original unclassified email could be read to confirm the general use of cover, prompting the redactions we now see. But any suggestion that this email contained confirmation about the person or his cover, or any inappropriate information, is flat wrong."

Clinton Emails Held Indirect References to Undercover CIA Officers

And you don't think that Colin Powell & Condi Rice staffers did the same thing--LOL Good Luck with that theory.

You're beating a dead horse again.

Bengazi 8 investigations. In the last 13 hours of her testimony she made Republicans look like total idiots. Now the movie out 13 hours completely admonishes her from any negligence or wrong-doing.

And you still want to hammer away at emails--after knowing that Colin Powell & Condi Rice have the exact same issues. UNBELIEVABLE


I think you quoted the wrong person.
I think the better avatar some of you folks should have is Wylie Coyote. Always thinking this time...this time...only to have the anvil dropped on them.

"Bash [Former Senior CIA official] in an interview, said the email was not classified when it was sent or forwarded, and "did not reference the individual's name, employer, nor any identifying description or information."

In the immortal words / style of Liberals on this board...

He was only the guy that actually created the email. I think he knows what was in it.

Maximum fall-velocity achieved.

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