Donnie-baby's meeting: Russia's opening co-opting salvo

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Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
By intelligence expert Rolf Mowatt-Larseen

Everything we know about the meeting — from whom it involved to how it was set up to how it unfolded — is in line with what intelligence analysts would expect an overture in a Russian influence operation to look like. It bears all the hallmarks of a professionally planned, carefully orchestrated intelligence soft pitch designed to gauge receptivity, while leaving room for plausible deniability in case the approach is rejected. And the Trump campaign’s willingness to take the meeting — and, more important, its failure to report the episode to U.S. authorities — may have been exactly the green light Russia was looking for to launch a more aggressive phase of intervention in the U.S. election campaign. [...]

From the Russian perspective, the fact that Trump Jr. agreed to the meeting would have been the first promising sign. That veteran political operative Paul Manafort and senior adviser Jared Kushner showed up with him would have furthered the impression that there was strong interest in Russian assistance (and vulnerability to compromise) on the part of the campaign. But, according to standard espionage tradecraft, the most notable achievement of this encounter lay in the campaign’s failure to report it to the appropriate U.S. authorities — as Russia would have known when there was no immediate, dramatic increase in U.S. counterintelligence scrutiny of its election-related operations.

As for why the initial emails so bluntly stated that the contact was part of a Russian government initiative—putting the most incendiary aspect of the meeting in plain text, from the beginning, he suspects it was “to avoid the possibility that [the] offer might be misconstrued, perhaps naively, as an innocent gesture of support and nothing more.” By making it explicit, the Putin government could be assured Trump would have “a full appreciation” for their role in an upcoming victory.
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Move on gnat...nothing here....

That article is not really for Trump ass kissers.....they're beyond stupid....the article is just a reminder for more intelligent posters of what "may" have been a very well-orchestrated Russian coup of our WH.
Did Obama sign an EO that made it illegal for private citizens to attend meetings?
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Did Obama sign an EO that made it illegal for private citizens to attend meetings?

Of course not.......but fearing that this may over-tax your little brain, Manafort and Kushner were NOT just private citizens....they were official representatives of the Trump campaign.....and THEY accepted information from a foreign/adversarial government .

.....and before you nitwits go one with....."but Donnie-baby said that he got nothing from the meeting...." bear in mind that Donnie-baby is now a PROVEN liar.
These are the same souls who were aggressively lobbying Congress with the assistance of Democrats.

Dellums a huge Clinton supporter even over Obama was part of the lobbying.

"After several unsuccessful attempts to get an audience with Meeks, Dellums and Akhmetshin buttonholed him in the hallways of Congress to give their anti-Magnitsky pitch.

This was typical of the approach, Capitol Hill staffers say. Stories of the two hanging around to chase lawmakers circulated among chiefs of staff and lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

“They were stalking the halls to find folks,” one Capitol Hill staffer said. “They would hang around the hallways for hours.”

“It was desperate,” said another staffer. “If they couldn’t get meetings they’d walk into people’s offices unannounced or tag folks in the hallway or around the floor.”
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Oh Gawd, the OP is clearly desperately clinging to another Democrat Fake News non-issue. How many more posts is he or she gonna post on it? Such loony desperation. :cuckoo:
By intelligence expert Rolf Mowatt-Larseen

Everything we know about the meeting — from whom it involved to how it was set up to how it unfolded — is in line with what intelligence analysts would expect an overture in a Russian influence operation to look like. It bears all the hallmarks of a professionally planned, carefully orchestrated intelligence soft pitch designed to gauge receptivity, while leaving room for plausible deniability in case the approach is rejected. And the Trump campaign’s willingness to take the meeting — and, more important, its failure to report the episode to U.S. authorities — may have been exactly the green light Russia was looking for to launch a more aggressive phase of intervention in the U.S. election campaign. [...]

From the Russian perspective, the fact that Trump Jr. agreed to the meeting would have been the first promising sign. That veteran political operative Paul Manafort and senior adviser Jared Kushner showed up with him would have furthered the impression that there was strong interest in Russian assistance (and vulnerability to compromise) on the part of the campaign. But, according to standard espionage tradecraft, the most notable achievement of this encounter lay in the campaign’s failure to report it to the appropriate U.S. authorities — as Russia would have known when there was no immediate, dramatic increase in U.S. counterintelligence scrutiny of its election-related operations.

As for why the initial emails so bluntly stated that the contact was part of a Russian government initiative—putting the most incendiary aspect of the meeting in plain text, from the beginning, he suspects it was “to avoid the possibility that [the] offer might be misconstrued, perhaps naively, as an innocent gesture of support and nothing more.” By making it explicit, the Putin government could be assured Trump would have “a full appreciation” for their role in an upcoming victory.
Like I said, when you have a "We know..." in your post you are just making up crap.

"...would look like...."

what a load of crap!
Oh Gawd, the OP is clearly desperately clinging to another Democrat Fake News non-issue. How many more posts is he or she gonna post on it? Such loony desperation. :cuckoo:
Until usmb bandwidth is exceeded.
These are the same souls who were aggressively lobbying Congress with the assistance of Democrats.

perhaps....but these "same souls"found the mother-lode with Donnie-baby, don't you think???........LOL
Could you outline the coup in 25 words or less?.

Yes, "trump can be and is easily bribed by his Russian handlers"

Short enough for you (and all other right wingers who have reading comprehension issues)???
Move on gnat...nothing here....

That article is not really for Trump ass kissers.....they're beyond stupid....the article is just a reminder for more intelligent posters of what "may" have been a very well-orchestrated Russian coup of our WH.
Again, it was the Dems and other anti-Trump nuts that purchased a dossier from Russian intelligence, and it was Dems that approved a massive sale of uranium for personal profit. I think we know who is beyond stupid.
Oh Gawd, the OP is clearly desperately clinging to another Democrat Fake News non-issue. How many more posts is he or she gonna post on it? Such loony desperation

Like in Watergate, the case is built brick, by brick, by brick......

For Nixon it was Butterfield's admission that tapes existed......For Trump the existence of more emails between his cabal and Russia will soon surface.

Can't wait......
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