Donnie-baby's meeting: Russia's opening co-opting salvo

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Really, I don't know one single person who's vote was influenced. Everyone already knew the bitch was crooked and had made up their minds not to vote for her the day she announced. The only people who wanted the scandal queen were weak minded people like you. arrived at the "conclusion" that Clinton (who I did not like myself but was a hell of a lot more competent than the orange piece of lard) "was a crooked, scandal queen" based on the propaganda that Putin fed you.....See the difference??? (probably not.)
You mean trump sold the uranium to Vlad? Some say it was Obabble and Clinton.

Stay just as dumb as you are now.....I really don;t give a crap.....But, take heart...some of your fellow morons think that you're "clever.",,,,but even you know better......LOL
By intelligence expert Rolf Mowatt-Larseen

Everything we know about the meeting — from whom it involved to how it was set up to how it unfolded — is in line with what intelligence analysts would expect an overture in a Russian influence operation to look like. It bears all the hallmarks of a professionally planned, carefully orchestrated intelligence soft pitch designed to gauge receptivity, while leaving room for plausible deniability in case the approach is rejected. And the Trump campaign’s willingness to take the meeting — and, more important, its failure to report the episode to U.S. authorities — may have been exactly the green light Russia was looking for to launch a more aggressive phase of intervention in the U.S. election campaign. [...]

From the Russian perspective, the fact that Trump Jr. agreed to the meeting would have been the first promising sign. That veteran political operative Paul Manafort and senior adviser Jared Kushner showed up with him would have furthered the impression that there was strong interest in Russian assistance (and vulnerability to compromise) on the part of the campaign. But, according to standard espionage tradecraft, the most notable achievement of this encounter lay in the campaign’s failure to report it to the appropriate U.S. authorities — as Russia would have known when there was no immediate, dramatic increase in U.S. counterintelligence scrutiny of its election-related operations.

As for why the initial emails so bluntly stated that the contact was part of a Russian government initiative—putting the most incendiary aspect of the meeting in plain text, from the beginning, he suspects it was “to avoid the possibility that [the] offer might be misconstrued, perhaps naively, as an innocent gesture of support and nothing more.” By making it explicit, the Putin government could be assured Trump would have “a full appreciation” for their role in an upcoming victory.

The real question you need to focus on and deal with is how are you going to eat crow, become humble?

This issue is "DEAD", buried, over... :dig:
By intelligence expert Rolf Mowatt-Larseen

Everything we know about the meeting — from whom it involved to how it was set up to how it unfolded — is in line with what intelligence analysts would expect an overture in a Russian influence operation to look like. It bears all the hallmarks of a professionally planned, carefully orchestrated intelligence soft pitch designed to gauge receptivity, while leaving room for plausible deniability in case the approach is rejected. And the Trump campaign’s willingness to take the meeting — and, more important, its failure to report the episode to U.S. authorities — may have been exactly the green light Russia was looking for to launch a more aggressive phase of intervention in the U.S. election campaign. [...]

From the Russian perspective, the fact that Trump Jr. agreed to the meeting would have been the first promising sign. That veteran political operative Paul Manafort and senior adviser Jared Kushner showed up with him would have furthered the impression that there was strong interest in Russian assistance (and vulnerability to compromise) on the part of the campaign. But, according to standard espionage tradecraft, the most notable achievement of this encounter lay in the campaign’s failure to report it to the appropriate U.S. authorities — as Russia would have known when there was no immediate, dramatic increase in U.S. counterintelligence scrutiny of its election-related operations.

As for why the initial emails so bluntly stated that the contact was part of a Russian government initiative—putting the most incendiary aspect of the meeting in plain text, from the beginning, he suspects it was “to avoid the possibility that [the] offer might be misconstrued, perhaps naively, as an innocent gesture of support and nothing more.” By making it explicit, the Putin government could be assured Trump would have “a full appreciation” for their role in an upcoming victory.

The real question you need to focus on and deal with is how are you going to eat crow, become humble?

This issue is "DEAD", buried, over... :dig:

.......and YET, here you are like a fucking moth to flame, bumping up the thread......Thanks, by the way.....LOL
Again, it was the Dems and other anti-Trump nuts that purchased a dossier from Russian intelligence, and it was Dems that approved a massive sale of uranium for personal profit. I think we know who is beyond stupid.

Yes....we DO know who "is beyond stupid"....and that is YOU.....

Both your allegations are FALSE.....The dossier was paid for by a republican "Never-Trump" group.....

....and the uranium deal has been debunked so many fucking times that I will not waste any energy to educate you.....

Stop with the bullshit. After the Never Trumper paying for the dossier Democrats continued paying.

"The company’s efforts were funded first by a Republican and, once Steele came on board and the primary was over, a Democrat. Neither donor’s name is known."

Fusion GPS: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Again, it was the Dems and other anti-Trump nuts that purchased a dossier from Russian intelligence, and it was Dems that approved a massive sale of uranium for personal profit. I think we know who is beyond stupid.

Yes....we DO know who "is beyond stupid"....and that is YOU.....

Both your allegations are FALSE.....The dossier was paid for by a republican "Never-Trump" group.....

....and the uranium deal has been debunked so many fucking times that I will not waste any energy to educate you.....

Stop with the bullshit. After the Never Trumper paying for the dossier Democrats continued paying.

"The company’s efforts were funded first by a Republican and, once Steele came on board and the primary was over, a Democrat. Neither donor’s name is known."

Fusion GPS: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

So, tell that to JBlondie......

Steele's dossier has been proven to be MORE accurate than previously thought......Maybe Steele will cooperate with Mueller....if Russia doesn't kill him first as a favor to their stooge, Trump.
Really, I don't know one single person who's vote was influenced. Everyone already knew the bitch was crooked and had made up their minds not to vote for her the day she announced. The only people who wanted the scandal queen were weak minded people like you. arrived at the "conclusion" that Clinton (who I did not like myself but was a hell of a lot more competent than the orange piece of lard) "was a crooked, scandal queen" based on the propaganda that Putin fed you.....See the difference??? (probably not.)

You might want to go back and check my previous posts, they don't support your ignorance, I have always been #neverthebitch. I didn't vote for Trump in the primary, but I did in the general because I didn't want the bitch making a supreme court appointment. You can bitch and cry Russia all day long, but I've already gotten everything form Trump I'd ever hoped for and then some. He could be removed tomorrow and I still wouldn't regret my vote.

I call it negotiating.

But is it a crime?

A Federal election law states "......that no person shall knowingly solicit or accept from a foreign national any contribution to a campaign of an item of value,”

An "item of value" can be information.......

There is now a clear case that Donald Trump Jr. has met all the elements of the law, which is a criminally enforced federal statute.
He could be removed tomorrow and I still wouldn't regret my vote.

Glad you're willing to remain just as stupid as you were in Nov.

The SC nominee simply replace the arch conservative fuck head, Scalia, with a more moderate conservative....How you morons interpret that as a "great win," defies logic....but then when did conservatives and logic ever coincide?
I call it negotiating.

But is it a crime?

A Federal election law states "......that no person shall knowingly solicit or accept from a foreign national any contribution to a campaign of an item of value,”

An "item of value" can be information.......

There is now a clear case that Donald Trump Jr. has met all the elements of the law, which is a criminally enforced federal statute.

OMG!!! This is Hugh!!!!! Have you forwarded it to Mueller?
You keep busy with Russia, while the rest of us watch the steady stream of illegals crossing our border dwindle.
Go Trump.

That's funny. But you should watch Trump supporters are dwindling.

Trump's election panel puts hold on voter data request

Why Is the Undocumented-Immigrant Population Dropping?

The number of people living in the U.S. illegally has fallen to its lowest level in a decade, a new study finds, despite the campaign-trail rhetoric to the contrary.
By intelligence expert Rolf Mowatt-Larseen

Everything we know about the meeting — from whom it involved to how it was set up to how it unfolded — is in line with what intelligence analysts would expect an overture in a Russian influence operation to look like. It bears all the hallmarks of a professionally planned, carefully orchestrated intelligence soft pitch designed to gauge receptivity, while leaving room for plausible deniability in case the approach is rejected. And the Trump campaign’s willingness to take the meeting — and, more important, its failure to report the episode to U.S. authorities — may have been exactly the green light Russia was looking for to launch a more aggressive phase of intervention in the U.S. election campaign. [...]

From the Russian perspective, the fact that Trump Jr. agreed to the meeting would have been the first promising sign. That veteran political operative Paul Manafort and senior adviser Jared Kushner showed up with him would have furthered the impression that there was strong interest in Russian assistance (and vulnerability to compromise) on the part of the campaign. But, according to standard espionage tradecraft, the most notable achievement of this encounter lay in the campaign’s failure to report it to the appropriate U.S. authorities — as Russia would have known when there was no immediate, dramatic increase in U.S. counterintelligence scrutiny of its election-related operations.

As for why the initial emails so bluntly stated that the contact was part of a Russian government initiative—putting the most incendiary aspect of the meeting in plain text, from the beginning, he suspects it was “to avoid the possibility that [the] offer might be misconstrued, perhaps naively, as an innocent gesture of support and nothing more.” By making it explicit, the Putin government could be assured Trump would have “a full appreciation” for their role in an upcoming victory.

The real question you need to focus on and deal with is how are you going to eat crow, become humble?

This issue is "DEAD", buried, over... :dig:

.......and YET, here you are like a fucking moth to flame, bumping up the thread......Thanks, by the way.....LOL

It's fun pointing out your an idiot nat...

I'll take every opportunity you give me....
If the average American had accepted a meeting with Russian government operatives after being told that the topic of the meeting was information to discredit an American candidate, and that average American did not notify the FBI...

That average American's butt would be going to prison for a very, very long time.
Again, it was the Dems and other anti-Trump nuts that purchased a dossier from Russian intelligence, and it was Dems that approved a massive sale of uranium for personal profit. I think we know who is beyond stupid.

Yes....we DO know who "is beyond stupid"....and that is YOU.....

Both your allegations are FALSE.....The dossier was paid for by a republican "Never-Trump" group.....

....and the uranium deal has been debunked so many fucking times that I will not waste any energy to educate you.....

Stop with the bullshit. After the Never Trumper paying for the dossier Democrats continued paying.

"The company’s efforts were funded first by a Republican and, once Steele came on board and the primary was over, a Democrat. Neither donor’s name is known."

Fusion GPS: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Thank you for confirming my statement.
If the average American had accepted a meeting with Russian government operatives after being told that the topic of the meeting was information to discredit an American candidate, and that average American did not notify the FBI...

That average American's butt would be going to prison for a very, very long time.
Oh Gawd, the OP is clearly desperately clinging to another Democrat Fake News non-issue. How many more posts is he or she gonna post on it? Such loony desperation. :cuckoo:
Until usmb bandwidth is exceeded.

Yup. :rofl:

Go rest....your half brain must be exhausted......BUT, thanks for the bump....perhaps the ONLY value to your posts.....LOL

Uh yeah, you lost it kid. Democrat Fake News has rotted your brain. But hey, whatever floats yer boat i guess. I can't fix your deranged stupid. Only you can do that. :)

But you are a supporter of Infowars, Breitbart, Faux News and Hannity, national enquirer and other alt right group movement.
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