Donor uteruses from real women to trans women says somebody or other as a proposal

It is my understanding that a vagina is created for a "trans woman" by taking the penis, turning it inside out, and stuffing it up inside.


That is not a vagina. It is not even close to a vagina. It is an inverted penis.

That's for starters.

For enders, conception, pregnancy and birth is both routine and incredibly complex. What would happen to the inverted penis should a baby attempt to pass through it? Or can an implanted uterus with no cervix even carry the weight of a 8 or 9 mo pregnancy?

This is all insane
It is my understanding that a vagina is created for a "trans woman" by taking the penis, turning it inside out, and stuffing it up inside.


That is not a vagina. It is not even close to a vagina. It is an inverted penis.

That's for starters.

For enders, conception, pregnancy and birth is both routine and incredibly complex. What would happen to the inverted penis should a baby attempt to pass through it? Or can an implanted uterus with no cervix even carry the weight of a 8 or 9 mo pregnancy?

This is all insane
Yes, it is. You guys need to find something else to worry about.
Yes, it is. You guys need to find something else to worry about.

I'm not at all worried about it. The thought it insane, and most people know it.

That said, Americans have the right to turn their penises inside out and pretend they're vaginas if they like. And I have a right think that's insane.
Yes, it is. You guys need to find something else to worry about.
My only worry is, the majority in society (normal folk) are legislated against to move over to embrace mental illnesses as safe and healthy. When ideas have to be made law, it speaks volumes as how detrimental it is to the majority. I worry that a mental health that increases suicide and health issues, is being taught to kids, and the vulnerable in society who believe they're in the wrong body are not receiving the required mental health care, but are now being hailed as champions.
It's time...

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