Don't be a DINK!

We're not going to make DINKS or old people into Soylent Green.
No, they will do that all by themselves. Heh, jes kiddin, but maybe, sometime in the woke future the STATE will completely support DINKS with the agreement there will be a harvest in the future.
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She could have married an 18 year old who got run over by a bus the next day.
You would be surprised to find out how close to reality you are. She married a 30 year old. They were both killed in a motorcycle accident a year and a half later. This how ever is a freek incident. That is not what the odds would have suggested. I do have sincere regrets about my choices in this situation. I sometimes wonder how things would have turned out had I made different choices. I thought it was the right choice when I made it. There were other mitigating circumstances. For one she was only 7 years older than my youngest daughter. Not sure how my children would have felt about step mom. I did not think it would turn into anything serious when I met her. I thought she was just another rich tourist looking for a fling . My area is filled with rich tourist here for 3 to 5 days. Then they go home. I would be lying if I said I was not surprised when she returned a couple of weeks later. I did not expect to fall for her and I certainly did not expect she would fall for me. I was floored when she was still around 3 years later and even more surprised when she spoke of marriage. I figured she would find some young wealthy man. What actually occurred did not seem possible to me.
Why should they have to work? Being a homemaker is a full time job.

Whoever does it should be appreciated and revered. Raising children properly is a great responsibility and privilege.

Also, families should be able to support themselves off of a single income.
That went away with the feeble headed attack on unions. Feeble minded thinking.
Whole heartedly agree with these concerns. While I do not know a great deal about these conditions. If those with these conditions feel it is not fair to pass them on, that is a valid reason not to do so. I was dating a younger women a while back. She wanted children. At the time I felt I still had some dad left in me but then I considered how that would be in 10 years, then 20. I realized they would lose their father in most likely 20 to 25 years. That is to young to be with out a father's help and guidance. I abruptly ended that relationship so she could find a better situation. My brother and his wife were one of those couples quietly spending a fortune in fertility drugs. By the time it finally worked she was in her late 30s. The pregnancy was very hard on her. Almost made her go bling from severe preclampsia. Her site did return. The child is now six Almost seven. Unfortunately my little brother died three months ago. A heart attack in his sleep. Poor Jackson will live so much of his life with out a father.

Someone in the thread mentioned Type 1 diabetes and Crohn's as reasons not to have children. Okay, if that couple determined that, fine. But be very careful making blanket statements about which people are fit to reproduce and which are not. Eugenics, anyone?
^You're having delusions of grandeur by posting that.


1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age.
6. Employ misdirection.

6a. smear people.

6b. attack religion.

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions.

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card.

9. Play gay/lesbian card.

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card.

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly.

13. Reword and repeat.

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about.

Guess whose posts plug right into the Progshit Shitlord Formula? :rolleyes-41: :1peleas:

It was a college in FL, and that's all I'm gonna tell ya.

Now how do those FL colleges rank nationwide in education? Hmm?

I was even courted by the best college here, bitch. Yeah, that's where all the rich kids with "fuck you" money go from around the country.

That didn't apply to me, but they called me every week.

I even made a friend that went there years later, and I may have made it there with them, but I chose a different way.

Was kinda scared to go there because I KNEW that's where all the rich kids from around the country go. Scholarship or not. They had tons of money, and I didn't, and I knew that. Was scared about fitting in when I had it pretty good where I already was. No regrets, I had some great profs. It's all good! :D
College is all about getting an edumacation, right? I bet I woulda got laid a lot more if I went there, time gone.

Ya cain't back up time.

What the fuck are you ranting about now? What does any of that have to do with you not being able to read?
Someone in the thread mentioned Type 1 diabetes and Crohn's as reasons not to have children. Okay, if that couple determined that, fine. But be very careful making blanket statements about which people are fit to reproduce and which are not. Eugenics, anyone?

Yes, I did and a couple that have both of those choose not to pass them on to their kids. It was their choices, though it seems many in this thread would like to take that choice away
Someone in the thread mentioned Type 1 diabetes and Crohn's as reasons not to have children. Okay, if that couple determined that, fine. But be very careful making blanket statements about which people are fit to reproduce and which are not. Eugenics, anyone?
As stated before. I don't have either and am not knowledgeable as to how badly they effect quality of life. If those with these ailments feel they do not want to pass them on. They are better suited to make that decision than I am. To reproduce or not should be up to the individual. I myself have four kids running around. My eldest and my youngest now have children of their own. My two middle children gave yet to reproduce. I will leave it up to them to make their own decisions. Seeing my grandchildren is likely the thing I like most in my life. I have 6 grandchildren. I do not pressure either of my children that have yet to reproduce either way.
Families consume more and are easier to control than childless couples. Staying childless for happiness and survival is a growing trend.

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