Trump Vows to Ban Immigrants Who ‘Don’t Like Our Religion’

They're being denied because of their lack of morality and because they're a threat to national security. If someone believes Christians, our dominant religion, or Jews or any other peaceful and respectful religion, needs to be killed like some Muslims believe, they need to go. Our immigration policy needs to be for people who have skills we need and people who will assimilate to our culture and who are crime free. The rest can fuck off. MAGA
Any particular reason you didn't respond to his actual statement? Do you and do you not think the idea is Constitutional?
Then do good police work and get them the fuck out too.

There was no problem with Murican Muzzies until the shitlibs threw open the doors to all the "refugees", who have no interest in assimilation....That's where the problem lies.
Give some thought to the quality of life for someone who actually refused to assimilate. Give some thought, as well, to the right of people to honor their own backgrounds and history.
‘Former President Donald Trump vowed on Monday to ban immigrants who “don’t like our religion” from the United States if he becomes president again.’

What is ‘our’ religion?

Since when is a man who has never attended church, fucked around on each of his wives, who calls his daughter a "Piece of Ass", who is an ajudicated Rapst know anything about Religion.
Show where Christianity is included in the Constitution…..It is specifically excluded

In writing the Constitution, Madison researched political ideologies from around the world.
He did not research the Bible
That doesn’t mean the Framers’ Christian background had no impact.
That doesn’t mean the Framers’ Christian background had no impact.
How did that Christian background influence the Constitution?
It didn’t

In fact, it did the opposite as they banned government from religion and allowed all religions or none at all.
How did that Christian background influence the Constitution?
It didn’t

In fact, it did the opposite as they banned government from religion and allowed all religions or none at all.

Some salient points that discuss influence. No one is arguing the separation of Church and State despite your efforts to shift the debate.
Time to remind all these so-called "Christians" who want ro ram their version of their non-existent god down our throats, someting very important to founding of our nation.

It was the Puritans (Pilgrims) who fled Great Britian because they beleived their own religious freedom was endangered. In fact one of their main complaints was the celebration of Christmas, they did not celebrate did know that right?

When Oliver Cromwell was Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland Christmans was NOT observed, Cromwell was a Puritan. In fact celebrating Christmas was against the law until 1644 when King Charles II reinstated it. In 1647 the Purtin led Parliment later Christmas again banned Christmas in favor of what later became known as a Bank Holiday.
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