Trump Vows to Ban Immigrants Who ‘Don’t Like Our Religion’

‘Former President Donald Trump vowed on Monday to ban immigrants who “don’t like our religion” from the United States if he becomes president again.’

What is ‘our’ religion?
/——/ Here is the full context of what he said, jackazz.
“I will implement strong ideological screening of all immigrants,” he said, reading from the teleprompter. “If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel,” he continued, apparently ad-libbing, “if you don’t like our religion — which a lot of them don’t — if you sympathize with the jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you are not getting in. Right?”
The crowd cheered enthusiastically. Trump vamped: “We don’t want you! Get out of here! You’re fired!”
The First Amendment was meant to protect Christian religions not any other ones.
It was written to protect free exercise of all religions, I'll grant that much.

But way too many of the Muzzy "immigrants" have no interest in assimilation whatsoever....The ones who don't, and are trying to turn Murica into the shitholes they left, can go back to their shitholes.
Muslim nations ought to try “protecting the freedoms of ALL religions.” It would work wonders for their tolerance image.

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