Trump Vows to Ban Immigrants Who ‘Don’t Like Our Religion’

The First Amendment was meant to protect Christian religions not any other ones.

Any other belief in what the First was meant to do is absurd because the States that ratified the First had no intention of protecting other faiths. People are free to practice in the privacy of their homes other beliefs, but the public square was meant for Christians.


If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. MT 10:14 (NIV)
Holy shit! WHAT??? That is the MOST insane shit that I ever heard. Even from you. Can you cite some case law to back that up? I doubt it
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Any particular reason you didn't respond to his actual statement? Do you and do you not think the idea is Constitutional?
I think I implied that it was constitutional in my answer. If you think I'm wrong, try telling me what I said that was unconstitutional. MAGA
If you are an American you should prioritize the rights of Americans over illegal invaders. Laken Riley and Rachel Morin were actual human beings too.

You fucking a Communist named Putin, the same Putin who signed a Treaty with Kim Jung Un, Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of (Communist) North Korea. The same Putin that used Iranian Drones and the same Putin who is asshole buddies the President of China Xi Jinping. You fucking Communists
You fucking a Communist named Putin, the same Putin who signed a Treaty with Kim Jung Un, Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of (Communist) North Korea. The same Putin that used Iranian Drones and the same Putin who is asshole buddies the President of China Xi Jinping. You fucking Communists
Still better than democrats.

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