Don't Be Fooled About Gridlock. Harry Reid (Democrat) is Why Nothing Gets Done in DC


Gold Member
Feb 15, 2014
The Republican House has passed budget after budget after budget. But once they send each budget to the Senate for final passage, Senate Leader (Democrat) Harry Reid goes into GRIDLOCK mode.

Instead of Reid sitting down and negotiating with Republicans LIKE EVERY SENATE LEADER BEFORE HIM, he Just.Says.No. He doesn't negotiate, he doesn't compromise, he doesn't work with the House....he just says NOOOOOOOO.

It's time to turn the Senate over to Republicans who will stop that gridlock.
Libs can be seen all over this board supporting gridlock.

Here's one of Carb's many pro-gridlock posts:

Why would the Democratic Senate pass the Republican house budget?
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Loved Iceweasel's nice, succinct answer to Carb's question, LOL:

Uhm, because the Senate is supposed to work with the House and not stonewall the process, fuck the American people and blame it all on Republicans?
Democrats are biggest source of gridlock, period.

Eight ways things would be different if Republicans win the Senate Las Vegas Review-Journal

5. And yes, it probably will be Reid as minority leader. Many have speculated on whether Reid would want to continue in leadership if he loses his Senate majority. All indications are that he would. There’s precedent (Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., lost the House majority, but continued as minority leader). Although Reid himself dodged the question recently, Democratic senators have said they would vote to keep Reid as leader no matter what happens. And Reid has been in the minority before, effectively fighting the Republican agenda with a fairly comprehensive knowledge of Senate rules and procedures. Who knows? The fight may even energize him during the run-up to the 2016 elections, when he’s on the ballot next.
Democrats are biggest source of gridlock, period.

Eight ways things would be different if Republicans win the Senate Las Vegas Review-Journal

5. And yes, it probably will be Reid as minority leader. Many have speculated on whether Reid would want to continue in leadership if he loses his Senate majority. All indications are that he would. There’s precedent (Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., lost the House majority, but continued as minority leader). Although Reid himself dodged the question recently, Democratic senators have said they would vote to keep Reid as leader no matter what happens. And Reid has been in the minority before, effectively fighting the Republican agenda with a fairly comprehensive knowledge of Senate rules and procedures. Who knows? The fight may even energize him during the run-up to the 2016 elections, when he’s on the ballot next.

Thanks for that post, Ms. Athena! Very Enlightening.....
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It's funny watching libs talk about McConnell as if he runs the Senate when it's the DEMOCRAT Harry Reid that does......LOL

Are people really this uninformed????
It's only gridlock when Republicans have the power. When Democrats do it, it's stopping greed/oppression/poverty/starvation/war of women/etc.

If you want a good laugh, ask a Democrat to define gridlock.
It's only gridlock when Republicans have the power. When Democrats do it, it's stopping greed/oppression/poverty/starvation/war of women/etc.

If you want a good laugh, ask a Democrat to define gridlock.

Gridlock is best exemplified by the minority GOP in the Senate repeatedly setting records for filibusters.

LOL, Harry Reid undermined that legitimate process used by Dems and Reps.....but not passing a budget is just pure INCOMPETENCE.
The Republican House has passed budget after budget after budget. But once they send each budget to the Senate for final passage, Senate Leader (Democrat) Harry Reid goes into GRIDLOCK mode.

Instead of Reid sitting down and negotiating with Republicans LIKE EVERY SENATE LEADER BEFORE HIM, he Just.Says.No. He doesn't negotiate, he doesn't compromise, he doesn't work with the House....he just says NOOOOOOOO.

It's time to turn the Senate over to Republicans who will stop that gridlock.
One good thing about a Senate Republican majority.

Obama will have to veto the bills the House has passed, and Reid has stifled.

When the public sees what the Dems have repressed for the last four years, Dems are doomed in 2016.
It's only gridlock when Republicans have the power. When Democrats do it, it's stopping greed/oppression/poverty/starvation/war of women/etc.

If you want a good laugh, ask a Democrat to define gridlock.

Gridlock is best exemplified by the minority GOP in the Senate repeatedly setting records for filibusters.

Gridlock is the refusal of Dems to allow the Senate to vote on the bills the Republican House passed.
It's funny watching libs talk about McConnell as if he runs the Senate when it's the DEMOCRAT Harry Reid that does......LOL

Are people really this uninformed????
Yes, most people cannot name the three branches of government, much less the Constitutional purpose of each.
It's funny watching libs talk about McConnell as if he runs the Senate when it's the DEMOCRAT Harry Reid that does......LOL

Are people really this uninformed????
Yes, most people cannot name the three branches of government, much less the Constitutional purpose of each.

LOL. Yep.

I've been against a poll test my whole life but I'll tell you what.........LOL
It's only gridlock when Republicans have the power. When Democrats do it, it's stopping greed/oppression/poverty/starvation/war of women/etc.

If you want a good laugh, ask a Democrat to define gridlock.

Gridlock is best exemplified by the minority GOP in the Senate repeatedly setting records for filibusters.

If Reid is not willing to negotiate with Republicans and put any bills to the Senate floor, why should the Republicans negotiate with the Democrats?

It's a two way street and no one, Democrat or Republican want to give.
It's only gridlock when Republicans have the power. When Democrats do it, it's stopping greed/oppression/poverty/starvation/war of women/etc.

The day OBarry took office, he sent word down to Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid that "NOTHING was to get through the Senate" and nothing has. There are an estimated 280 bills sitting in his office that he has refused to allow to come to the floor.

THAT is the democrat party.

Perhaps after the mid-terms, Harry will have fun picking his nose in the Senate Cloak room as the new "Cloak Room Monitor".

He's done.

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