Don't believe the lies aobut increased premiums

It's working as designed. I believe the whole thing was supposed to fail, to pave the way for single payer and total government control. I hope they overplayed their hand enough to move us back in the other direction, but it's up to the people to get mad enough to make a difference.
Dr. Milton Wolf says the verdict is in. Americans want full repeal of ObamaCare. We have seen the future of government-run healthcare. It is the VA ...

Oh! you have to have bladder cancer surgery? Okay come back in 6 months and we will get you in to see a doctor. Now don't you call this office and make a fuss because it's close to BONUS TIME! and we don't want to have to place you on that fake list now do we? Oh and just one more thing; answer this innocent little question on line 30 (are you a republican, a democrat or a hateful member of the tea party) :eusa_silenced:

the merican gubment doesn't run health care
the insurance companies run health care
It's working as designed. I believe the whole thing was supposed to fail, to pave the way for single payer and total government control. I hope they overplayed their hand enough to move us back in the other direction, but it's up to the people to get mad enough to make a difference.

fine with me let the merican gubment run it ... the private sector has fucked it up totally
About 25 years ago, insurance companies screwed things up especially related to costs when they greatly increased the use of managed care, PPOs etc. Costs have skyrocketed far faster than inflation.
They should have allowed the continued use of peer review committees.

The congress offered bills to tweak and improve our system of health care and insurance, but the dimocrats wanted to ram through Obamacare! Now we have an expensive mess! Obamacare has not improved anything, but has taken the imperfections of the insurance industry and made them much worse!
When deductibles go up and availability of providers go down, THAT MEANS THERE ARE ESSENTIALLY INCREASED PREMIUMS DUMBASSES!
About 25 years ago, insurance companies screwed things up especially related to costs when they greatly increased the use of managed care, PPOs etc. Costs have skyrocketed far faster than inflation.
They should have allowed the continued use of peer review committees.

The congress offered bills to tweak and improve our system of health care and insurance, but the dimocrats wanted to ram through Obamacare! Now we have an expensive mess! Obamacare has not improved anything, but has taken the imperfections of the insurance industry and made them much worse!

don't hold me to this 100% but i remember reading a while back that under the nixon administration is when health care took a turn for the worse ... he like the Idea that the insurance companies would make the consumer pay part of the bill by adding deductibles ... this was one of the first signing in to law where the consumer started paying for his medical cost ... prior to that the insurance companies paid the bill

The Silver Cost Sharing Plan, do you know the in-network deductible is 25,000.00 ?????

Obamacare might be great if you can afford the monthly premiums and never use it for more than a common cold and the free yearly physical.

Obamacare has a clause the grantees the Insurance Company will never lose money and taxpayers will make up the difference so they are profitable.

Insurers? Obamacare Losses May Reach $5.5 Billion in 2015 - Bloomberg

Bailing Out Health Insurers and Helping Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

I can name 30 people who's premiums more than doubled from 2013, they only ones that paid less out of their pocket are the ones who qualified for Tax Payer paid kickbacks. 26 of them had Insurance before Obamacare caused their Policy to be cancelled.

here's the

The Silver Cost Sharing Plan, do you know the in-network deductible is 25,000.00 ?????

Obamacare might be great if you can afford the monthly premiums and never use it for more than a common cold and the free yearly physical.

Obamacare has a clause the grantees the Insurance Company will never lose money and taxpayers will make up the difference so they are profitable.

Insurers? Obamacare Losses May Reach $5.5 Billion in 2015 - Bloomberg

Bailing Out Health Insurers and Helping Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

I can name 30 people who's premiums more than doubled from 2013, they only ones that paid less out of their pocket are the ones who qualified for Tax Payer paid kickbacks. 26 of them had Insurance before Obamacare caused their Policy to be cancelled.


here's the problem with your post ...yes, there are silver plans that the deductible is 25,000 dollars ... what fool would pick it ??? when you can get a 500 dollar silver plan deductible ... why is it you right wing nut jobs see one plan and assume they are all the same... they are not... it all depends on how much you want to pay for your health care... plan
here's the

The Silver Cost Sharing Plan, do you know the in-network deductible is 25,000.00 ?????

Obamacare might be great if you can afford the monthly premiums and never use it for more than a common cold and the free yearly physical.

Obamacare has a clause the grantees the Insurance Company will never lose money and taxpayers will make up the difference so they are profitable.

Insurers? Obamacare Losses May Reach $5.5 Billion in 2015 - Bloomberg

Bailing Out Health Insurers and Helping Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

I can name 30 people who's premiums more than doubled from 2013, they only ones that paid less out of their pocket are the ones who qualified for Tax Payer paid kickbacks. 26 of them had Insurance before Obamacare caused their Policy to be cancelled.


here's the problem with your post ...yes, there are silver plans that the deductible is 25,000 dollars ... what fool would pick it ??? when you can get a 500 dollar silver plan deductible ... why is it you right wing nut jobs see one plan and assume they are all the same... they are not... it all depends on how much you want to pay for your health care... plan

Don't believe the lies aobut increased premiums

Hasn't happened, won't happen.

Has happened and is getting ready to happen again.

I've asked before, and I'll ask again:
Do you REALLY expect people to want to sign up and pay for an experimental
program that keeps changing?

Isn't that the FIRST SIGN this should be optional?

Where is the common sense, that if this program and what consumers will receive are uncertain,
and even the administration in support of it can't guarantee things won't change,
how can this be MANDATORY for people to sign up and commit to?

Isn't it obvious, that since health care and how to pay for it involves FREE CHOICE
then it is NOT the role of federal govt to mandate it or regulate it,
isn't it clear this is outside the scope of federal govt to micromanage diverse populations?

And that's why this isn't working and people aren't following it naturally? Because it goes against natural law where people normally exercise free choice on this level of our lives?
here's the

The Silver Cost Sharing Plan, do you know the in-network deductible is 25,000.00 ?????

Obamacare might be great if you can afford the monthly premiums and never use it for more than a common cold and the free yearly physical.

Obamacare has a clause the grantees the Insurance Company will never lose money and taxpayers will make up the difference so they are profitable.

Insurers? Obamacare Losses May Reach $5.5 Billion in 2015 - Bloomberg

Bailing Out Health Insurers and Helping Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

I can name 30 people who's premiums more than doubled from 2013, they only ones that paid less out of their pocket are the ones who qualified for Tax Payer paid kickbacks. 26 of them had Insurance before Obamacare caused their Policy to be cancelled.


here's the problem with your post ...yes, there are silver plans that the deductible is 25,000 dollars ... what fool would pick it ??? when you can get a 500 dollar silver plan deductible ... why is it you right wing nut jobs see one plan and assume they are all the same... they are not... it all depends on how much you want to pay for your health care... plan

Don't believe the lies aobut increased premiums

Hasn't happened, won't happen.

Has happened and is getting ready to happen again.

I've asked before, and I'll ask again:
Do you REALLY expect people to want to sign up and pay for an experimental
program that keeps changing?
the reason you're asking again is because you don't know how it works... before obama care, and after obama care, you, as a person, have a choice to pick a plan... this isn't experimental ... its how it works. before and after, like I said, you can pick any plan you want it all depends on how much money do you want to pay each month ... just like it was before obama care and like it is after obama care

Isn't that the FIRST SIGN this should be optional?
if you had a brain in your head, which I question big time, it is optional ... you have a option to get a health care plan that has a deductible of 25,000 dollars or a deductible 500 dollars ... if thats not a option I don't know what is ... like I said, you have the option to buy what ever plan you want to buy ... were you get this notion that you can't only pick one plan is telling me you don't know what the hell you're talking about

Where is the common sense, that if this program and what consumers will receive are uncertain,
and even the administration in support of it can't guarantee things won't change,
how can this be MANDATORY for people to sign up and commit to?
there isn't anything thats uncertain ... what they are saying about it changing is it will change for the better ... like all programs their are things that don't works as well as you want it ... when they find out what it is, like all programs, the fix it ... I never seen suck a negative person about thing like you are ... if there's change you assume its all bad...

As I said before you aren't required to sign up for health care ... you don't have to won't go to jail for not signing up for health care ... you are taxed for not signing up for health care thats it ... and that tax depends oh how much you make a year ....

Isn't it obvious, that since health care and how to pay for it involves FREE CHOICE
then it is NOT the role of federal govt to mandate it or regulate it,
isn't it clear this is outside the scope of federal govt to micromanage diverse populations?
no it is not out side of the federal government scope to have you sign up or not for health care...

And that's why this isn't working and people aren't following it naturally? Because it goes against natural law where people normally exercise free choice on this level of our lives?
you of all people talking about free choice ... you're against woman to make their free choice to have a child or not, now you're for free choice only when it fits your needs ....

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here's the

The Silver Cost Sharing Plan, do you know the in-network deductible is 25,000.00 ?????

Obamacare might be great if you can afford the monthly premiums and never use it for more than a common cold and the free yearly physical.

Obamacare has a clause the grantees the Insurance Company will never lose money and taxpayers will make up the difference so they are profitable.

Insurers? Obamacare Losses May Reach $5.5 Billion in 2015 - Bloomberg

Bailing Out Health Insurers and Helping Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

I can name 30 people who's premiums more than doubled from 2013, they only ones that paid less out of their pocket are the ones who qualified for Tax Payer paid kickbacks. 26 of them had Insurance before Obamacare caused their Policy to be cancelled.


here's the problem with your post ...yes, there are silver plans that the deductible is 25,000 dollars ... what fool would pick it ??? when you can get a 500 dollar silver plan deductible ... why is it you right wing nut jobs see one plan and assume they are all the same... they are not... it all depends on how much you want to pay for your health care... plan

Don't believe the lies aobut increased premiums

Hasn't happened, won't happen.

Has happened and is getting ready to happen again.

I've asked before, and I'll ask again:
Do you REALLY expect people to want to sign up and pay for an experimental
program that keeps changing?

Isn't that the FIRST SIGN this should be optional?

Where is the common sense, that if this program and what consumers will receive are uncertain,
and even the administration in support of it can't guarantee things won't change,
how can this be MANDATORY for people to sign up and commit to?

Isn't it obvious, that since health care and how to pay for it involves FREE CHOICE
then it is NOT the role of federal govt to mandate it or regulate it,
isn't it clear this is outside the scope of federal govt to micromanage diverse populations?

And that's why this isn't working and people aren't following it naturally? Because it goes against natural law where people normally exercise free choice on this level of our lives?

MILLIONS have purchased this because they were made to do so and now they are being hassled about every little thing.
here's the

here's the problem with your post ...yes, there are silver plans that the deductible is 25,000 dollars ... what fool would pick it ??? when you can get a 500 dollar silver plan deductible ... why is it you right wing nut jobs see one plan and assume they are all the same... they are not... it all depends on how much you want to pay for your health care... plan

Has happened and is getting ready to happen again.

I've asked before, and I'll ask again:
Do you REALLY expect people to want to sign up and pay for an experimental
program that keeps changing?
the reason you're asking again is because you don't know how it works... before obama care, and after obama care, you, as a person, have a choice to pick a plan... this isn't experimental ... its how it works. before and after, like I said, you can pick any plan you want it all depends on how much money do you want to pay each month ... just like it was before obama care and like it is after obama care

Isn't that the FIRST SIGN this should be optional?
if you had a brain in your head, which I question big time, it is optional ... you have a option to get a health care plan that has a deductible of 25,000 dollars or a deductible 500 dollars ... if thats not a option I don't know what is ... like I said, you have the option to buy what ever plan you want to buy ... were you get this notion that you can't only pick one plan is telling me you don't know what the hell you're talking about

Where is the common sense, that if this program and what consumers will receive are uncertain,
and even the administration in support of it can't guarantee things won't change,
how can this be MANDATORY for people to sign up and commit to?
there isn't anything thats uncertain ... what they are saying about it changing is it will change for the better ... like all programs their are things that don't works as well as you want it ... when they find out what it is, like all programs, the fix it ... I never seen suck a negative person about thing like you are ... if there's change you assume its all bad...

As I said before you aren't required to sign up for health care ... you don't have to won't go to jail for not signing up for health care ... you are taxed for not signing up for health care thats it ... and that tax depends oh how much you make a year ....

Isn't it obvious, that since health care and how to pay for it involves FREE CHOICE
then it is NOT the role of federal govt to mandate it or regulate it,
isn't it clear this is outside the scope of federal govt to micromanage diverse populations?
no it is not out side of the federal government scope to have you sign up or not for health care...

And that's why this isn't working and people aren't following it naturally? Because it goes against natural law where people normally exercise free choice on this level of our lives?
you of all people talking about free choice ... you're against woman to make their free choice to have a child or not, now you're for free choice only when it fits your needs ....

You're equating this with abortion? That's quite a stretch, junior.
Note how Fuddly abandoned this thread lol.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: What silly, silly person you are. My premiums are going up 88% when all of your happy horse shit gets implemented...yippee..


But it's not 90%. Remember how Leftytoons roll. Not spending more is a cut. And a slightly lower than expected increase is a reduction. Either way it's bullshit because they were never supposed to go up to begin with. Funny how they seem to forget they have these things called cameras now.

[ame=]Obama Promises To Lower Health Insurance Premiums by $2,500 Per Year - YouTube[/ame]

This one is especially hilarious.

[ame=]Obama: Premiums Will Decrease 3000% So You Should Get A Raise When H'care Is Passed - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]STUNNING MONTAGE: 5 yrs of Obama lies about lowering typical family's premiums by $2,500 (Limbaugh) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Durbin Admits Premiums Will Go Up If Health Care Bill Is Passed - YouTube[/ame]
here's the

The Silver Cost Sharing Plan, do you know the in-network deductible is 25,000.00 ?????

Obamacare might be great if you can afford the monthly premiums and never use it for more than a common cold and the free yearly physical.

Obamacare has a clause the grantees the Insurance Company will never lose money and taxpayers will make up the difference so they are profitable.

Insurers? Obamacare Losses May Reach $5.5 Billion in 2015 - Bloomberg

Bailing Out Health Insurers and Helping Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

I can name 30 people who's premiums more than doubled from 2013, they only ones that paid less out of their pocket are the ones who qualified for Tax Payer paid kickbacks. 26 of them had Insurance before Obamacare caused their Policy to be cancelled.


here's the problem with your post ...yes, there are silver plans that the deductible is 25,000 dollars ... what fool would pick it ??? when you can get a 500 dollar silver plan deductible ... why is it you right wing nut jobs see one plan and assume they are all the same... they are not... it all depends on how much you want to pay for your health care... plan

They outlawed better plans than that and called them junk when people complained.

Then this gets offered.

You can't make this stuff up.

I think you meant left wing assholes.

I think you guys have pretty much stomped Beddy.Bugbite into the ground.
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Our ACA block is running at 125% loss.

Double digit increases are coming.

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