Don't Capture ISIS. Kill them!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Having heard today about the fighting against ISIS in Tikrit, it is good news that ISIS has been defeated there. Word is there are still small pockets of residual fighters who occasionally spring forth. I would say to all the commanders on the ground there, that they should not take any ISIS prisoners. I don't care if they walk out peacefully, waving a white flag of surrender or what they do. They should be lined up and shot, and buried on the spot.

Guess what happens if/whenever ISIS fighters are taken prisoner. Good chance is that sooner or later, they wind up in Gitmo, or some overseas prison, only to be released by the idiot in the White House, or some other leader influenced by Obama. Then they go right back to the battlefield, killing more innocent people, including children.

The only exception I would make to this, is the case of children ISIS fighters. It's very possible that these young kids have no real idea of what they're doing, and could be captured and deprogrammed from ISIS, and then lead respectable lives. Some of them may also be fighting under the treat of torture and death if they don't.

As for the adults, they'd have to have some really good reason to have their lives spared, after the things ISIS has been doing. In general, there is one solution for ISIS, 100% EXTERMINATION. This all might sound harsh, but this is WAR, not table tennis.
Having heard today about the fighting against ISIS in Tikrit, it is good news that ISIS has been defeated there. Word is there are still small pockets of residual fighters who occasionally spring forth. I would say to all the commanders on the ground there, that they should not take any ISIS prisoners. I don't care if they walk out peacefully, waving a white flag of surrender or what they do. They should be lined up and shot, and buried on the spot.

Guess what happens if/whenever ISIS fighters are taken prisoner. Good chance is that sooner or later, they wind up in Gitmo, or some overseas prison, only to be released by the idiot in the White House, or some other leader influenced by Obama. Then they go right back to the battlefield, killing more innocent people, including children.

The only exception I would make to this, is the case of children ISIS fighters. It's very possible that these young kids have no real idea of what they're doing, and could be captured and deprogrammed from ISIS, and then lead respectable lives. Some of them may also be fighting under the treat of torture and death if they don't.

As for the adults, they'd have to have some really good reason to have their lives spared, after the things ISIS has been doing. In general, there is one solution for ISIS, 100% EXTERMINATION. This all might sound harsh, but this is WAR, not table tennis.
At about 3:20 in there is a reason why those Libya emails are missing. And yes we NEED to kill them ALL.
Having heard today about the fighting against ISIS in Tikrit, it is good news that ISIS has been defeated there. Word is there are still small pockets of residual fighters who occasionally spring forth. I would say to all the commanders on the ground there, that they should not take any ISIS prisoners. I don't care if they walk out peacefully, waving a white flag of surrender or what they do. They should be lined up and shot, and buried on the spot.

Guess what happens if/whenever ISIS fighters are taken prisoner. Good chance is that sooner or later, they wind up in Gitmo, or some overseas prison, only to be released by the idiot in the White House, or some other leader influenced by Obama. Then they go right back to the battlefield, killing more innocent people, including children.

The only exception I would make to this, is the case of children ISIS fighters. It's very possible that these young kids have no real idea of what they're doing, and could be captured and deprogrammed from ISIS, and then lead respectable lives. Some of them may also be fighting under the treat of torture and death if they don't.

As for the adults, they'd have to have some really good reason to have their lives spared, after the things ISIS has been doing. In general, there is one solution for ISIS, 100% EXTERMINATION. This all might sound harsh, but this is WAR, not table tennis.

Them children already livin' respectable lives. Them boys raised in ISIS are kinda like them boys raised in Sparta back in the day. They young as fuck but still, they more of a man than you are lol

Having heard today about the fighting against ISIS in Tikrit, it is good news that ISIS has been defeated there. Word is there are still small pockets of residual fighters who occasionally spring forth. I would say to all the commanders on the ground there, that they should not take any ISIS prisoners. I don't care if they walk out peacefully, waving a white flag of surrender or what they do. They should be lined up and shot, and buried on the spot.

Guess what happens if/whenever ISIS fighters are taken prisoner. Good chance is that sooner or later, they wind up in Gitmo, or some overseas prison, only to be released by the idiot in the White House, or some other leader influenced by Obama. Then they go right back to the battlefield, killing more innocent people, including children.

The only exception I would make to this, is the case of children ISIS fighters. It's very possible that these young kids have no real idea of what they're doing, and could be captured and deprogrammed from ISIS, and then lead respectable lives. Some of them may also be fighting under the treat of torture and death if they don't.

As for the adults, they'd have to have some really good reason to have their lives spared, after the things ISIS has been doing. In general, there is one solution for ISIS, 100% EXTERMINATION. This all might sound harsh, but this is WAR, not table tennis.

Them children already livin' respectable lives. Them boys raised in ISIS are kinda like them boys raised in Sparta back in the day. They young as fuck but still, they more of a man than you are lol

Only a complete fool would ever compare ISIS to the Spartans.
Having heard today about the fighting against ISIS in Tikrit, it is good news that ISIS has been defeated there. Word is there are still small pockets of residual fighters who occasionally spring forth. I would say to all the commanders on the ground there, that they should not take any ISIS prisoners. I don't care if they walk out peacefully, waving a white flag of surrender or what they do. They should be lined up and shot, and buried on the spot.

Guess what happens if/whenever ISIS fighters are taken prisoner. Good chance is that sooner or later, they wind up in Gitmo, or some overseas prison, only to be released by the idiot in the White House, or some other leader influenced by Obama. Then they go right back to the battlefield, killing more innocent people, including children.

The only exception I would make to this, is the case of children ISIS fighters. It's very possible that these young kids have no real idea of what they're doing, and could be captured and deprogrammed from ISIS, and then lead respectable lives. Some of them may also be fighting under the treat of torture and death if they don't.

As for the adults, they'd have to have some really good reason to have their lives spared, after the things ISIS has been doing. In general, there is one solution for ISIS, 100% EXTERMINATION. This all might sound harsh, but this is WAR, not table tennis.

Them children already livin' respectable lives. Them boys raised in ISIS are kinda like them boys raised in Sparta back in the day. They young as fuck but still, they more of a man than you are lol

You know Godless Asshat the funny part is people like you think they will have some control in the event of the destruction of this country or it's republic based thinking.

The FACT is you would be one of the first victims of it. The first to go will be the UNarmed the UNprepared. The second? Those that THINK they deserve a share.
OH NO soon as you massacre prisoners or a ville like My Lai same as the VC did by the dozens, you're a war criminal while they remain "freedom fighters".
Easier said than done, with respect to this thread's title.

Could we kill every living member of ISIS, both there and at home (i.e. the little wanna-be, narcissistic entitled brats in the U.S. raised on a steady diet of Keeping Up With the Kardashians)?

Yes, we have that power.

But this situation is a powder keg somewhat tantamount to the prologue to World War One — the only difference's being that the dilemma we face with ISIS is far more deadly.
Having heard today about the fighting against ISIS in Tikrit, it is good news that ISIS has been defeated there. Word is there are still small pockets of residual fighters who occasionally spring forth. I would say to all the commanders on the ground there, that they should not take any ISIS prisoners. I don't care if they walk out peacefully, waving a white flag of surrender or what they do. They should be lined up and shot, and buried on the spot.

Guess what happens if/whenever ISIS fighters are taken prisoner. Good chance is that sooner or later, they wind up in Gitmo, or some overseas prison, only to be released by the idiot in the White House, or some other leader influenced by Obama. Then they go right back to the battlefield, killing more innocent people, including children.

The only exception I would make to this, is the case of children ISIS fighters. It's very possible that these young kids have no real idea of what they're doing, and could be captured and deprogrammed from ISIS, and then lead respectable lives. Some of them may also be fighting under the treat of torture and death if they don't.

As for the adults, they'd have to have some really good reason to have their lives spared, after the things ISIS has been doing. In general, there is one solution for ISIS, 100% EXTERMINATION. This all might sound harsh, but this is WAR, not table tennis.

Them children already livin' respectable lives. Them boys raised in ISIS are kinda like them boys raised in Sparta back in the day. They young as fuck but still, they more of a man than you are lol

How the hell do you know how much of a man he is, oh you of many Internet faces?
Easier said than done, with respect to this thread's title.

Could we kill every living member of ISIS, both there and at home (i.e. the little wanna-be, narcissistic entitled brats in the U.S. raised on a steady diet of Keeping Up With the Kardashians)?

Yes, we have that power.

But this situation is a powder keg somewhat tantamount to the prologue to World War One — the only difference's being that the dilemma we face with ISIS is far more deadly.
And far more ready as well. Democrats have made a point of pussifying America. Okay NOT a word but still a FACT.
18 year old islamics kill people.
18 year old Americans play Xbox.
18 year old islamics can clean/maintain a fire a weapon.
18 year old Americans are taught weapons are EVIL.
The battle of Tikrit is fought by muslims against muslims. They are untroubled by American notions of nice warfare. The Iranian airforce just bombed shit all the hell out of a medical device factory and killed 30 civilians. They are unconcerned. We would be blaming Bush.
Having heard today about the fighting against ISIS in Tikrit, it is good news that ISIS has been defeated there. Word is there are still small pockets of residual fighters who occasionally spring forth. I would say to all the commanders on the ground there, that they should not take any ISIS prisoners. I don't care if they walk out peacefully, waving a white flag of surrender or what they do. They should be lined up and shot, and buried on the spot.

Guess what happens if/whenever ISIS fighters are taken prisoner. Good chance is that sooner or later, they wind up in Gitmo, or some overseas prison, only to be released by the idiot in the White House, or some other leader influenced by Obama. Then they go right back to the battlefield, killing more innocent people, including children.

The only exception I would make to this, is the case of children ISIS fighters. It's very possible that these young kids have no real idea of what they're doing, and could be captured and deprogrammed from ISIS, and then lead respectable lives. Some of them may also be fighting under the treat of torture and death if they don't.

As for the adults, they'd have to have some really good reason to have their lives spared, after the things ISIS has been doing. In general, there is one solution for ISIS, 100% EXTERMINATION. This all might sound harsh, but this is WAR, not table tennis.

If safe to do so, should try to capture some alive for interrogation. Dead men don't tell you where their command and control is.
Having heard today about the fighting against ISIS in Tikrit, it is good news that ISIS has been defeated there. Word is there are still small pockets of residual fighters who occasionally spring forth. I would say to all the commanders on the ground there, that they should not take any ISIS prisoners. I don't care if they walk out peacefully, waving a white flag of surrender or what they do. They should be lined up and shot, and buried on the spot.

Guess what happens if/whenever ISIS fighters are taken prisoner. Good chance is that sooner or later, they wind up in Gitmo, or some overseas prison, only to be released by the idiot in the White House, or some other leader influenced by Obama. Then they go right back to the battlefield, killing more innocent people, including children.

The only exception I would make to this, is the case of children ISIS fighters. It's very possible that these young kids have no real idea of what they're doing, and could be captured and deprogrammed from ISIS, and then lead respectable lives. Some of them may also be fighting under the treat of torture and death if they don't.

As for the adults, they'd have to have some really good reason to have their lives spared, after the things ISIS has been doing. In general, there is one solution for ISIS, 100% EXTERMINATION. This all might sound harsh, but this is WAR, not table tennis.

Them children already livin' respectable lives. Them boys raised in ISIS are kinda like them boys raised in Sparta back in the day. They young as fuck but still, they more of a man than you are lol

I'm a Army veteran with a VA service-connected disability and with 2 honorable discharges.
sleazy SLUT.
Nobody here needs your rat-ass coaching, or your pathetic ghetto slop grammar, and laughingstock stupidity dirtying up the thread.
Having heard today about the fighting against ISIS in Tikrit, it is good news that ISIS has been defeated there. Word is there are still small pockets of residual fighters who occasionally spring forth. I would say to all the commanders on the ground there, that they should not take any ISIS prisoners. I don't care if they walk out peacefully, waving a white flag of surrender or what they do. They should be lined up and shot, and buried on the spot.

Guess what happens if/whenever ISIS fighters are taken prisoner. Good chance is that sooner or later, they wind up in Gitmo, or some overseas prison, only to be released by the idiot in the White House, or some other leader influenced by Obama. Then they go right back to the battlefield, killing more innocent people, including children.

The only exception I would make to this, is the case of children ISIS fighters. It's very possible that these young kids have no real idea of what they're doing, and could be captured and deprogrammed from ISIS, and then lead respectable lives. Some of them may also be fighting under the treat of torture and death if they don't.

As for the adults, they'd have to have some really good reason to have their lives spared, after the things ISIS has been doing. In general, there is one solution for ISIS, 100% EXTERMINATION. This all might sound harsh, but this is WAR, not table tennis.

If safe to do so, should try to capture some alive for interrogation. Dead men don't tell you where their command and control is.
No doubt some are captured and questioned. Without the benefit of American rules, regulations or prohibitions.
Having heard today about the fighting against ISIS in Tikrit, it is good news that ISIS has been defeated there. Word is there are still small pockets of residual fighters who occasionally spring forth. I would say to all the commanders on the ground there, that they should not take any ISIS prisoners. I don't care if they walk out peacefully, waving a white flag of surrender or what they do. They should be lined up and shot, and buried on the spot.

Guess what happens if/whenever ISIS fighters are taken prisoner. Good chance is that sooner or later, they wind up in Gitmo, or some overseas prison, only to be released by the idiot in the White House, or some other leader influenced by Obama. Then they go right back to the battlefield, killing more innocent people, including children.

The only exception I would make to this, is the case of children ISIS fighters. It's very possible that these young kids have no real idea of what they're doing, and could be captured and deprogrammed from ISIS, and then lead respectable lives. Some of them may also be fighting under the treat of torture and death if they don't.

As for the adults, they'd have to have some really good reason to have their lives spared, after the things ISIS has been doing. In general, there is one solution for ISIS, 100% EXTERMINATION. This all might sound harsh, but this is WAR, not table tennis.

Them children already livin' respectable lives. Them boys raised in ISIS are kinda like them boys raised in Sparta back in the day. They young as fuck but still, they more of a man than you are lol

Only a complete fool would ever compare ISIS to the Spartans.
Gutteress Ashtara is beyond "complete fool".
Having heard today about the fighting against ISIS in Tikrit, it is good news that ISIS has been defeated there. Word is there are still small pockets of residual fighters who occasionally spring forth. I would say to all the commanders on the ground there, that they should not take any ISIS prisoners. I don't care if they walk out peacefully, waving a white flag of surrender or what they do. They should be lined up and shot, and buried on the spot.

Guess what happens if/whenever ISIS fighters are taken prisoner. Good chance is that sooner or later, they wind up in Gitmo, or some overseas prison, only to be released by the idiot in the White House, or some other leader influenced by Obama. Then they go right back to the battlefield, killing more innocent people, including children.

The only exception I would make to this, is the case of children ISIS fighters. It's very possible that these young kids have no real idea of what they're doing, and could be captured and deprogrammed from ISIS, and then lead respectable lives. Some of them may also be fighting under the treat of torture and death if they don't.

As for the adults, they'd have to have some really good reason to have their lives spared, after the things ISIS has been doing. In general, there is one solution for ISIS, 100% EXTERMINATION. This all might sound harsh, but this is WAR, not table tennis.

Them children already livin' respectable lives. Them boys raised in ISIS are kinda like them boys raised in Sparta back in the day. They young as fuck but still, they more of a man than you are lol

I'm a Army veteran with a VA service-connected disability and with 2 honorable discharges.
sleazy SLUT.
Nobody here needs your rat-ass coaching, or your pathetic ghetto slop grammar, and laughingstock stupidity dirtying up the thread.

All I got out of that is that you're just a crippled ass disgruntled old guy wavin' around your American flag and tryin' to tell younger more relevant people how to live our lives.

Having heard today about the fighting against ISIS in Tikrit, it is good news that ISIS has been defeated there. Word is there are still small pockets of residual fighters who occasionally spring forth. I would say to all the commanders on the ground there, that they should not take any ISIS prisoners. I don't care if they walk out peacefully, waving a white flag of surrender or what they do. They should be lined up and shot, and buried on the spot.

Guess what happens if/whenever ISIS fighters are taken prisoner. Good chance is that sooner or later, they wind up in Gitmo, or some overseas prison, only to be released by the idiot in the White House, or some other leader influenced by Obama. Then they go right back to the battlefield, killing more innocent people, including children.

The only exception I would make to this, is the case of children ISIS fighters. It's very possible that these young kids have no real idea of what they're doing, and could be captured and deprogrammed from ISIS, and then lead respectable lives. Some of them may also be fighting under the treat of torture and death if they don't.

As for the adults, they'd have to have some really good reason to have their lives spared, after the things ISIS has been doing. In general, there is one solution for ISIS, 100% EXTERMINATION. This all might sound harsh, but this is WAR, not table tennis.

If safe to do so, should try to capture some alive for interrogation. Dead men don't tell you where their command and control is.
No doubt some are captured and questioned. Without the benefit of American rules, regulations or prohibitions.
Only a very few high-level commanders have information worth questioning them for. They should get the jack Bauer treatment, and then be disposed of quickly.
Having heard today about the fighting against ISIS in Tikrit, it is good news that ISIS has been defeated there. Word is there are still small pockets of residual fighters who occasionally spring forth. I would say to all the commanders on the ground there, that they should not take any ISIS prisoners. I don't care if they walk out peacefully, waving a white flag of surrender or what they do. They should be lined up and shot, and buried on the spot.

Guess what happens if/whenever ISIS fighters are taken prisoner. Good chance is that sooner or later, they wind up in Gitmo, or some overseas prison, only to be released by the idiot in the White House, or some other leader influenced by Obama. Then they go right back to the battlefield, killing more innocent people, including children.

The only exception I would make to this, is the case of children ISIS fighters. It's very possible that these young kids have no real idea of what they're doing, and could be captured and deprogrammed from ISIS, and then lead respectable lives. Some of them may also be fighting under the treat of torture and death if they don't.

As for the adults, they'd have to have some really good reason to have their lives spared, after the things ISIS has been doing. In general, there is one solution for ISIS, 100% EXTERMINATION. This all might sound harsh, but this is WAR, not table tennis.

Them children already livin' respectable lives. Them boys raised in ISIS are kinda like them boys raised in Sparta back in the day. They young as fuck but still, they more of a man than you are lol

I'm a Army veteran with a VA service-connected disability and with 2 honorable discharges.
sleazy SLUT.
Nobody here needs your rat-ass coaching, or your pathetic ghetto slop grammar, and laughingstock stupidity dirtying up the thread.

All I got out of that is that you're just a crippled ass disgruntled old guy wavin' around your American flag and tryin' to tell younger more relevant people how to live our lives.

You don't GET anything. You're a ghetto, punk, turd mouth with no standing of military affairs, or much of anything else. Go back to your basement, where the only thing you'd know how to kill are rats and roaches.

All I got out of that is that you're just a crippled ass disgruntled old guy wavin' around your American flag and tryin' to tell younger more relevant people how to live our lives.

You wrote that in English....thank us old disgruntled Vets some time, bitch.

Hey aren't you that guy who got ass reamed because you had USMC in your screenname, when you were never even a Marine? LMAO


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