Don't Forget, April is Confederate History and Heritage Month

Along with a few other things:


* Alcohol Awareness Month
* Autism Acceptance Month
* Autism Awareness Month
* Confederate History Month (Southern United States)
* Earth Month (Canada & United States)[10]
* Financial Literacy Month
* Jazz Appreciation Month
* National Child Abuse Prevention Month [11]
* National Poetry Month
* National Volunteer Month
* Occupational Therapy Month
* Parkinson’s Awareness Month[12]
* Sexual Assault Awareness Month[13]
* National Donate Life Month (Create the need for designated organ donors)
List of commemorative months - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I am a lifelong southerner as well. And I am proud to be an American citizen. I am proud to have served to protect our nation. Which is why I am glad the south lost the war.

Otherwise, everyone would be so ignorant as to think all blacks were only 3/5 human.
Along with a few other things:


* Alcohol Awareness Month
* Autism Acceptance Month
* Autism Awareness Month
* Confederate History Month (Southern United States)
* Earth Month (Canada & United States)[10]
* Financial Literacy Month
* Jazz Appreciation Month
* National Child Abuse Prevention Month [11]
* National Poetry Month
* National Volunteer Month
* Occupational Therapy Month
* Parkinson’s Awareness Month[12]
* Sexual Assault Awareness Month[13]
* National Donate Life Month (Create the need for designated organ donors)
List of commemorative months - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
All irrelevant.
Along with a few other things:


* Alcohol Awareness Month
* Autism Acceptance Month
* Autism Awareness Month
* Confederate History Month (Southern United States)
* Earth Month (Canada & United States)[10]
* Financial Literacy Month
* Jazz Appreciation Month
* National Child Abuse Prevention Month [11]
* National Poetry Month
* National Volunteer Month
* Occupational Therapy Month
* Parkinson’s Awareness Month[12]
* Sexual Assault Awareness Month[13]
* National Donate Life Month (Create the need for designated organ donors)
List of commemorative months - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
All irrelevant.

That you think your fantasies about the confederacy are more relevant than Autism Awarenes, Sexual Assault Awareness, and Child Abuse Prevention only shows the depths to which you and your ilk have sunk.

I guess if you hate your own nation, worrying about child abuse, autism or sexual assault is too much to ask anyway.
Along with a few other things:


* Alcohol Awareness Month
* Autism Acceptance Month
* Autism Awareness Month
* Confederate History Month (Southern United States)
* Earth Month (Canada & United States)[10]
* Financial Literacy Month
* Jazz Appreciation Month
* National Child Abuse Prevention Month [11]
* National Poetry Month
* National Volunteer Month
* Occupational Therapy Month
* Parkinson’s Awareness Month[12]
* Sexual Assault Awareness Month[13]
* National Donate Life Month (Create the need for designated organ donors)
List of commemorative months - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
All irrelevant.

Only in that designating a month to honor the losers of a war makes it. Or sorry, to use modern military paralance, the Confederacy was the First Place Loser. :)
I am a lifelong southerner as well. And I am proud to be an American citizen. I am proud to have served to protect our nation. Which is why I am glad the south lost the war.

Otherwise, everyone would be so ignorant as to think all blacks were only 3/5 human.

Another idiot who thinks the U.S. Constitution made Blacks 3/5th a human. Trust me, the Southern States at the Constitutional Convention wanted slaves to be counted at 100% a human. It was the Northern states that wanted them to count them less. And You had better damn well be happy that they did. The 3/5th clause was for the purposes of Representation in the House of Representatives. You would have the South count a slave at 100% for such representation? Congrats, that would have vastly increased the Southern Representation in Congress and prolonged slavery for God knows how many years. It would have also prevented an Abraham Lincoln from winning the presidency. You may be a proud American citizen but your understanding of American history needs some work. By the way, free Negros were counted 100%.
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If I cared enough, I'd observe it but only for states rights that were lost. Slavery needed to go but the cost of getting rid of it was way too high.
I am a lifelong southerner as well. And I am proud to be an American citizen. I am proud to have served to protect our nation. Which is why I am glad the south lost the war.

Otherwise, everyone would be so ignorant as to think all blacks were only 3/5 human.

Another idiot who thinks the U.S. Constitution made Blacks 3/5th a human. Trust me, the Southern States at the Constitutional Convention wanted slaves to be counted at 100% a human. It was the Northern states that wanted them to count them less. And You had better damn well be happy that they did. The 3/5th clause was for the purposes of Representation in the House of Representatives. You would have the South count a slave a 100% for such representation? Congrats, that would have vastly increased the Southern Representation in Congress and prolonged slavery for God knows how many years. You may be proud to be an American citizen but your understanding of American history needs some work. understanding of American history is fine. I was not saying that blacks are 3/5 of a human. Steve McGarrett is the one who made that claim. I said "...everyone would be so ignorant as to think all blacks were only 3/5 human". And by so doing I was calling those who believe that ignorant.

And while we are discussing the topic, you might also be aware that the 3/5 was not about blacks, but about slaves. Free blacks counted as a whole person.

So don't bother correcting me, since I am actually speaking the truth. Concentrate on the racist morons who try and claim that blacks are only 3/5 human.
I am a lifelong southerner as well. And I am proud to be an American citizen. I am proud to have served to protect our nation. Which is why I am glad the south lost the war.

Otherwise, everyone would be so ignorant as to think all blacks were only 3/5 human.

Another idiot who thinks the U.S. Constitution made Blacks 3/5th a human. Trust me, the Southern States at the Constitutional Convention wanted slaves to be counted at 100% a human. It was the Northern states that wanted them to count them less. And You had better damn well be happy that they did. The 3/5th clause was for the purposes of Representation in the House of Representatives. You would have the South count a slave a 100% for such representation? Congrats, that would have vastly increased the Southern Representation in Congress and prolonged slavery for God knows how many years. You may be proud to be an American citizen but your understanding of American history needs some work. understanding of American history is fine. I was not saying that blacks are 3/5 of a human. Steve McGarrett is the one who made that claim. I said "...everyone would be so ignorant as to think all blacks were only 3/5 human". And by so doing I was calling those who believe that ignorant.

And while we are discussing the topic, you might also be aware that the 3/5 was not about blacks, but about slaves. Free blacks counted as a whole person.

So don't bother correcting me, since I am actually speaking the truth. Concentrate on the racist morons who try and claim that blacks are only 3/5 human.

Oh I get it. You're arguing against a straw man. Well, you knocked the invisible straw man down. Now what?
I am a lifelong southerner as well. And I am proud to be an American citizen. I am proud to have served to protect our nation. Which is why I am glad the south lost the war.

Otherwise, everyone would be so ignorant as to think all blacks were only 3/5 human.

Another idiot who thinks the U.S. Constitution made Blacks 3/5th a human. Trust me, the Southern States at the Constitutional Convention wanted slaves to be counted at 100% a human. It was the Northern states that wanted them to count them less. And You had better damn well be happy that they did. The 3/5th clause was for the purposes of Representation in the House of Representatives. You would have the South count a slave a 100% for such representation? Congrats, that would have vastly increased the Southern Representation in Congress and prolonged slavery for God knows how many years. You may be proud to be an American citizen but your understanding of American history needs some work. understanding of American history is fine. I was not saying that blacks are 3/5 of a human. Steve McGarrett is the one who made that claim. I said "...everyone would be so ignorant as to think all blacks were only 3/5 human". And by so doing I was calling those who believe that ignorant.

And while we are discussing the topic, you might also be aware that the 3/5 was not about blacks, but about slaves. Free blacks counted as a whole person.

So don't bother correcting me, since I am actually speaking the truth. Concentrate on the racist morons who try and claim that blacks are only 3/5 human.

Oh I get it. You're arguing against a straw man. Well, you knocked the invisible straw man down. Now what?

No, I am mocking ignorance. Now that the ignorance is mocked? Hopefully no one thinks blacks are 3/5 of a human in the eyes of our gov't, and knows that they never were.
Just a friendly reminder from a proud christian southern conservative watching the Confederate Battle Flag wave in the breeze in my front yard. The patriotic feeling is overwhelming.

Confederate Memorial Day in the South

So you must be cheering on Democrats this month right- because the Democratic Party is the Party of the Confederacy....

Indeed, at the time they were the party of individual liberty, states rights, private property, and etc. In short, they were the anti-progressives born of the Party of Jefferson. This changed in the early 20th century when the two parties flipped (Republicans invented progressivism.) You still want to make that claim?
I am a lifelong southerner as well. And I am proud to be an American citizen. I am proud to have served to protect our nation. Which is why I am glad the south lost the war.

Otherwise, everyone would be so ignorant as to think all blacks were only 3/5 human.

Another idiot who thinks the U.S. Constitution made Blacks 3/5th a human. Trust me, the Southern States at the Constitutional Convention wanted slaves to be counted at 100% a human. It was the Northern states that wanted them to count them less. And You had better damn well be happy that they did. The 3/5th clause was for the purposes of Representation in the House of Representatives. You would have the South count a slave a 100% for such representation? Congrats, that would have vastly increased the Southern Representation in Congress and prolonged slavery for God knows how many years. You may be proud to be an American citizen but your understanding of American history needs some work. understanding of American history is fine. I was not saying that blacks are 3/5 of a human. Steve McGarrett is the one who made that claim. I said "...everyone would be so ignorant as to think all blacks were only 3/5 human". And by so doing I was calling those who believe that ignorant.

And while we are discussing the topic, you might also be aware that the 3/5 was not about blacks, but about slaves. Free blacks counted as a whole person.

So don't bother correcting me, since I am actually speaking the truth. Concentrate on the racist morons who try and claim that blacks are only 3/5 human.

Well then your knowledge of history is sorely lacking. No one says that blacks are 3/5 human. That is contemporary revisionist history.

Back when they were trying to get the constitution ratified, the southern states wanted their slaves counted in their population in order to have more influence in congress. But slaves couldn't vote so the framers refused. The compromise that was hammered out in order to keep the union from falling apart was to count the 3/5ths of the slaves population as citizens of those states. Nothing was ever stated about them being only 3/5 human. That is nonsense.
I am a lifelong southerner as well. And I am proud to be an American citizen. I am proud to have served to protect our nation. Which is why I am glad the south lost the war.

Otherwise, everyone would be so ignorant as to think all blacks were only 3/5 human.

Another idiot who thinks the U.S. Constitution made Blacks 3/5th a human. Trust me, the Southern States at the Constitutional Convention wanted slaves to be counted at 100% a human. It was the Northern states that wanted them to count them less. And You had better damn well be happy that they did. The 3/5th clause was for the purposes of Representation in the House of Representatives. You would have the South count a slave a 100% for such representation? Congrats, that would have vastly increased the Southern Representation in Congress and prolonged slavery for God knows how many years. You may be proud to be an American citizen but your understanding of American history needs some work. understanding of American history is fine. I was not saying that blacks are 3/5 of a human. Steve McGarrett is the one who made that claim. I said "...everyone would be so ignorant as to think all blacks were only 3/5 human". And by so doing I was calling those who believe that ignorant.

And while we are discussing the topic, you might also be aware that the 3/5 was not about blacks, but about slaves. Free blacks counted as a whole person.

So don't bother correcting me, since I am actually speaking the truth. Concentrate on the racist morons who try and claim that blacks are only 3/5 human.

Oh I get it. You're arguing against a straw man. Well, you knocked the invisible straw man down. Now what?

No, I am mocking ignorance. Now that the ignorance is mocked? Hopefully no one thinks blacks are 3/5 of a human in the eyes of our gov't, and knows that they never were.

How could anyone make such an error? Who made such a claim?

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons"
I am a lifelong southerner as well. And I am proud to be an American citizen. I am proud to have served to protect our nation. Which is why I am glad the south lost the war.

Otherwise, everyone would be so ignorant as to think all blacks were only 3/5 human.

Had the South won, how much longer do you believe slavery would have endured ?

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