Don't forget why Trump was elected.

You talk about government and the Constitution yet you look the other way when Trump violates the Constitution by ignoring Congress' power of the purse. Congress' power of oversight.
on the subject of the ACA and the constitution can you point out where it granted the gov't the power to tell people who or what they turned to for medical help? A ffordable H ealth C are A ct- I've not seen anywhere in the constitution where the SC has the authority to call a fine a tax.
Whatever No Opinionist on Either Twin Side Tells Us Is What Should Be Done

Ruling-class suggestion creates indigestion. The spoiled and sheltered snobs who own Obama look down their pampered noses at blue-collar workers. A true democrat would leave it up to the unionized class to demand their own healthcare as part of their contract with the plutocratic parasites.
If the unions had really been well led with genuine goals for the future, they would have negotiated buying the successful businesses that they had made successful.
Why settle for a handout when it could be your own hand?
That said, unions were made necessary by the lack of foresight on the part of owners. Relations never had to get so bad that two classes of citizens was the response; "labor" and "management"..
The most recent example in America was the election of Donald Trump which was a national repudiation of the runaway central state and the betrayal of the common citizen by a massive bureaucracy that has been metastasizing since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.

meadow muffins!

The Trump administration increased the more than doubled the national debt since it took office despite Trump's campaign promise to eliminate it

In what is supposedly a 'good economy' , guess how much 'runaway central state' and 'massive bureaucracy that buys Ray!!!

In 2008 the economy nearly collapsed because government Brownshirts had for years been forcing banks to issue home loans to criminals, drug dealers and chronically unemployed citizens with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. This led to the Sub Prime mortgage disaster that nearly took down Wall Street.

false narratives parroted over and over .....

The US government has abandoned US citizens to global overlords and the giant corporations that do their bidding. That’s why Donald Trump was elected. The people woke up which is different from being “woke”. “Woke” is the government forcing you to pay for someone else’s college education (government indoctrination).


So explain why Trump allowed the Fed's to walk out of the United States Treasury with a trillion tax dollars Ray?

One woulda thought he'd have blocked the doors along with his FOX news pals from the BANKING CORPORATIONS raping us

... the election of Donald Trump which was a national repudiation of the runaway central state and the betrayal of the common citizen by a massive bureaucracy that has been metastasizing since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.
meadow muffins! The Trump administration increased the more than doubled the national debt since it took office despite Trump's campaign promise to eliminate it..
Poppycock. So now that you have made that silly claim would you be so good as to try to provide support for it?
... the election of Donald Trump which was a national repudiation of the runaway central state and the betrayal of the common citizen by a massive bureaucracy that has been metastasizing since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.
meadow muffins! The Trump administration increased the more than doubled the national debt since it took office despite Trump's campaign promise to eliminate it..
Poppycock. So now that you have made that silly claim would you be so good as to try to provide support for it?

You'd have to be either living under a rock, or seriously math challenged to NOT realize Trump's now the 'debt potus'

And you want to know who he's looking like?

This president>

who increased debt AND big government , while selling us on big government being the problem

mentor/apprentice realtionship

who is actually running a "representative democracy"
Where's that? We have a representative republic-
We are supposed to be a Republic. but in reality we are not. The elected do not make the hard decisions for the people when it comes to much of our federal budget which includes socialist programs that they themselves introduce and expand on. The voters now determine their votes on "getting paid". Whenever a budget is introduced there are fear mongers who will push the agenda there are cuts to social programs of some type. Add the military/industrial complex and the lobbyists and extremist judges and the loss of inalienable rights with social justice rights blurring it and the future is tyranny. We live in a soft tyranny with an added massive surveillance system on us in both the public and private sides.
... the election of Donald Trump which was a national repudiation of the runaway central state and the betrayal of the common citizen by a massive bureaucracy that has been metastasizing since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.
meadow muffins! The Trump administration increased the more than doubled the national debt since it took office despite Trump's campaign promise to eliminate it..
Poppycock. So now that you have made that silly claim would you be so good as to try to provide support for it?

You'd have to be either living under a rock, or seriously math challenged to NOT realize Trump's now the 'debt potus'

And you want to know who he's looking like?

This president>

who increased debt AND big government , while selling us on big government being the problem

mentor/apprentice realtionship

Repeating your silliness does not make it any more factual than the first time you babbled it but you still have the opportunity to post a link that supports your claim that the Trump admin "more than doubled the national debt since it took office," and when you fail to do so you should promise to make no further stupid remarks until I let you out of the Idiot Box.
... the election of Donald Trump which was a national repudiation of the runaway central state and the betrayal of the common citizen by a massive bureaucracy that has been metastasizing since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.
meadow muffins! The Trump administration increased the more than doubled the national debt since it took office despite Trump's campaign promise to eliminate it..
Poppycock. So now that you have made that silly claim would you be so good as to try to provide support for it?

You'd have to be either living under a rock, or seriously math challenged to NOT realize Trump's now the 'debt potus'

And you want to know who he's looking like?

This president>

who increased debt AND big government , while selling us on big government being the problem

mentor/apprentice realtionship

Repeating your silliness does not make it any more factual than the first time you babbled it but you still have the opportunity to post a link that supports your claim that the Trump admin "more than doubled the national debt since it took office," and when you fail to do so you should promise to make no further stupid remarks until I let you out of the Idiot Box.


google is your friend

... the election of Donald Trump which was a national repudiation of the runaway central state and the betrayal of the common citizen by a massive bureaucracy that has been metastasizing since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.
meadow muffins! The Trump administration increased the more than doubled the national debt since it took office despite Trump's campaign promise to eliminate it..
Poppycock. So now that you have made that silly claim would you be so good as to try to provide support for it?

You'd have to be either living under a rock, or seriously math challenged to NOT realize Trump's now the 'debt potus'

And you want to know who he's looking like?

This president>

who increased debt AND big government , while selling us on big government being the problem

mentor/apprentice realtionship

Repeating your silliness does not make it any more factual than the first time you babbled it but you still have the opportunity to post a link that supports your claim that the Trump admin "more than doubled the national debt since it took office," and when you fail to do so you should promise to make no further stupid remarks until I let you out of the Idiot Box.


google is your friend

And as any rational adult can see from your chart that the Trump admin did not double the national debt as you claimed it has … not even close.
So do you have the integrity to admit that you LIED or were you just spewing the silliness they told you at
who is actually running a "representative democracy"
Where's that? We have a representative republic-
We are supposed to be a Republic. but in reality we are not. The elected do not make the hard decisions for the people when it comes to much of our federal budget which includes socialist programs that they themselves introduce and expand on. The voters now determine their votes on "getting paid". Whenever a budget is introduced there are fear mongers who will push the agenda there are cuts to social programs of some type. Add the military/industrial complex and the lobbyists and extremist judges and the loss of inalienable rights with social justice rights blurring it and the future is tyranny. We live in a soft tyranny with an added massive surveillance system on us in both the public and private sides.
Good post!
What was the national debt in 2016?

For example, on April 29, 2016, debt held by the public was approximately $13.84 trillion or about 76% of GDP.

we are @ 23T now

meadow muffins! The Trump administration increased the more than doubled the national debt since it took office despite Trump's campaign promise to eliminate it..
Poppycock. So now that you have made that silly claim would you be so good as to try to provide support for it?

You'd have to be either living under a rock, or seriously math challenged to NOT realize Trump's now the 'debt potus'

And you want to know who he's looking like?

This president>

who increased debt AND big government , while selling us on big government being the problem

mentor/apprentice realtionship

Repeating your silliness does not make it any more factual than the first time you babbled it but you still have the opportunity to post a link that supports your claim that the Trump admin "more than doubled the national debt since it took office," and when you fail to do so you should promise to make no further stupid remarks until I let you out of the Idiot Box.


google is your friend

And as any rational adult can see from your chart that the Trump admin did not double the national debt as you claimed it has … not even close.
So do you have the integrity to admit that you LIED or were you just spewing the silliness they told you at

What was the national debt in 2016? For example, on April 29, 2016, debt held by the public was approximately $13.84 trillion or about 76% of GDP. we are @ 23T now
Those are just more of your lies, Sparky, intended to cover you previous ones.
By the time Obama left office the debt was $19.6 T.

So where do you get your "facts" or do you just use the CNN/PMSNBC method of fabrication?

Year ending national debt balances:

2019 Donald John Trump - $22,027,424,114,818.60
2018 Donald John Trump - $21,606,948,383,546.28
2017 Donald John Trump - $20,244,900,016,053.51
2016 Barack Hussein Obama - $19,573,444,713,936.79

Yup … you're just an angry, bitter, frustrated LIAR, Sparky. A dime-a-dozen leftarded LIAR.
Trump Pledged to Eliminate the Debt. Instead He Will Add $8.3 Trillion
On Sept. 8, 2017, Trump signed a bill increasing the debt ceiling. Later that day, the debt exceeded $20 trillion for the first time in U.S. history. On Feb. 9, 2018, Trump signed a bill suspending the debt ceiling until March 1, 2019.10 It was $22 trillion. In just two years, Trump has overseen the fastest dollar increase in the debt of any president.

Trump's Fiscal Year 2020 budget projects the debt would increase $5 trillion during his first term.11

That's as much as Obama added while fighting a recession. Trump has not fulfilled his campaign promise to cut the debt. Instead, he's done the opposite.

Poppycock. So now that you have made that silly claim would you be so good as to try to provide support for it?

You'd have to be either living under a rock, or seriously math challenged to NOT realize Trump's now the 'debt potus'

And you want to know who he's looking like?

This president>

who increased debt AND big government , while selling us on big government being the problem

mentor/apprentice realtionship

Repeating your silliness does not make it any more factual than the first time you babbled it but you still have the opportunity to post a link that supports your claim that the Trump admin "more than doubled the national debt since it took office," and when you fail to do so you should promise to make no further stupid remarks until I let you out of the Idiot Box.


google is your friend

And as any rational adult can see from your chart that the Trump admin did not double the national debt as you claimed it has … not even close.
So do you have the integrity to admit that you LIED or were you just spewing the silliness they told you at

What was the national debt in 2016? For example, on April 29, 2016, debt held by the public was approximately $13.84 trillion or about 76% of GDP. we are @ 23T now
Those are just more of your lies, Sparky, intended to cover you previous ones.
By the time Obama left office the debt was $19.6 T.

So where do you get your "facts" or do you just use the CNN/PMSNBC method of fabrication?

Year ending national debt balances:

2019 Donald John Trump - $22,027,424,114,818.60
2018 Donald John Trump - $21,606,948,383,546.28
2017 Donald John Trump - $20,244,900,016,053.51
2016 Barack Hussein Obama - $19,573,444,713,936.79

Yup … you're just an angry, bitter, frustrated LIAR, Sparky. A dime-a-dozen leftarded LIAR.
Trump Pledged to Eliminate the Debt. Instead He Will Add $8.3 Trillion
On Sept. 8, 2017, Trump signed a bill increasing the debt ceiling. Later that day, the debt exceeded $20 trillion for the first time in U.S. history. On Feb. 9, 2018, Trump signed a bill suspending the debt ceiling until March 1, 2019.10 It was $22 trillion. In just two years, Trump has overseen the fastest dollar increase in the debt of any president.

Trump's Fiscal Year 2020 budget projects the debt would increase $5 trillion during his first term.11

That's as much as Obama added while fighting a recession. Trump has not fulfilled his campaign promise to cut the debt. Instead, he's done the opposite.

So now you try to defend your lies with speculation? You remain an angry, bitter, leftarded LIAR, Sparky and there's no way around it.
We are supposed to be a Republic. but in reality we are not. The elected do not make the hard decisions for the people when it comes to much of our federal budget which includes socialist programs that they themselves introduce and expand on. The voters now determine their votes on "getting paid". Whenever a budget is introduced there are fear mongers who will push the agenda there are cuts to social programs of some type. Add the military/industrial complex and the lobbyists and extremist judges and the loss of inalienable rights with social justice rights blurring it and the future is tyranny. We live in a soft tyranny with an added massive surveillance system on us in both the public and private sides.
There are a few things to note here: I don't disagree with your passion or necessarily your premise, however; the MIC has people in it and they are represented (it created a LOT of jobs), lobbyist too (represent ALL kinds of Industry, like Farmers) are people and they are represented- ALL social programs are, by definition, "Socialist" in their nature, except that, Socialist is "communal ownership" of goods and services and land. When those are controlled by gov't, as they are in our case, they are Fascist in nature creeping up on Communist and "our" system is a combination of both as "fear of" is what motivates- vs Liberty which was, allegedly, why we were established as a Country. However, I ran across this little snippet introducing maybe that ain't really the case.
Then, the wording of "inalienable rights"- inalienable rights are privileges granted, (social justice for example) therefore can be rescinded (see the 14th amendment- Porter Rockwell has posted an essay on that very thing at least twice in this forum). UNaleinable rights are inherent and existed long before the Declaration or the Constitution- unalienable rights can only be restricted- they can't be given, taken, or traded as they are not tangible.

Either way, what I said is what I meant and what I was replying to- we are not a Democracy- that, like inalienable rights, has been introduced to intentionally change the narrative-

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