“Don’t get sick. It’s too expensive.”

I had two hernia repair surgeries within a year. The second surgery cost $1000 more than the first, for the same procedure at the same hospital by the same surgeon, and the extra cost was not a covered expense. I went over the detailed bill and discovered that the surgeon had brought in an additional doctor who wasn't a 'preferred provider' on my health insurance policy (I always check with my insurance company to be sure any procedures are fully covered. I was assured that everyone on the surgery team was a covered provider and that I was fully covered).

I brought this to the attention of the billing department which removed the charge. How often does this happen throughout the medical industry is anyone's guess.
Nonsense. We need to join the rest of the civilized world.
How is caring for one's health 'uncivilized'? And, if someone is trying to kill themselves with drugs who are we to stand in the way?
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I had two hernia repair surgeries within a year. The second surgery cost $1000 more than the first, for the same procedure at the same hospital by the same surgeon, and the extra cost was not a covered expense. I went over the detailed bill and discovered that the surgeon had brought in an additional doctor who wasn't a 'preferred provider' on my health insurance policy (I always check with my insurance company to be sure any procedures are fully covered. I was assured that everyone on the surgery team was a covered provider and that I was fully covered).

I brought this to the attention of the billing department which removed the charge. How often does this happen throughout the medical industry is anyone's guess.
Its amazing that you have to organise your own operation.
If you clean up afterwards do you get a discount ?
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How is caring for one's health 'uncivilized'? And, if someone is trying to kill themselves with drugs who are we to stand in the way?
Cut the bullshit. We don't get enough bang for our buck when it comes to health care. Name just one country that had universal coverage and changed it to the way we are ripping people off?
That's a good thing. We certainly don't need more poorly educated Sunday school graduates.
We are much better off with Sunday school grads that know the value of money and are responsible rather than rich peoples kids who think the world owes them.
Of course. If you can afford to watch football all the time you probably aren't bankrupt.
I will let you into a secret.
Its our insurance scheme that is so superior.
Everyone is included and it is based on Christian principles not on profit.
Happy days.
Cut the bullshit. We don't get enough bang for our buck when it comes to health care. Name just one country that had universal coverage and changed it to the way we are ripping people off?
Don't deflect. People need to educate themselves about health and take better care of themselves. All other solutions are bullshit.
I will let you into a secret.
Its our insurance scheme that is so superior.
Everyone is included and it is based on Christian principles not on profit.
Happy days.
I guessing your people are generally healthier, and smarter, than ours. Our healthcare system can't keep up with our irresponsible behaviors.
I guessing your people are generally healthier, and smarter, than ours. Our healthcare system can't keep up with our irresponsible behaviors.
When you remove the profit motive its a lot easier. We still mess it up when conservatives are in charge.
My observation is that you do eat a lot more than we do. Bigger portions of stuff that isnt good for you.
But you probably exercise more than we do. So it should balance out.
Its amazing that you have to organise your own operation.
If you clean up afterwards do you get a discount ?
We may have insurance totally paid for from government one day. There will be limits for all the peasants at least. After so many dollars spent on a person, they will be given other options including take the pain pill as to pass on. There most likely will be medical places outside the guaranteed insurance government provides for people with no recourse.
That's a good thing. We certainly don't need more poorly educated Sunday school graduates.
Ain't that the truth.
However I don't think it's a good thing.
The only debt in America, that a person can't bankrupt is a student loan.
So, lenders know this, colleges know this, so greed takes over.
Colleges know their $$$, so they raise prices every year for tuition.
Lenders know their $$$ is guaranteed to be paid back.
People think their insurance will cover them, in an emergency.
Of course, most people aren't lawyers, or hire one to explain the 10,000 word insurance policy to them in laymen's terms.
Medicare for all would be very expensive but there are other programs that could be eliminated. Healthcare, economy and national defense should be priorities.

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