don't know anyone that died from Covid.

Covid has become akin to Orwel's Eastianian, or was it Ureasian war... never ends contrived to cause a never ending conflict.
I know people that contracted Covid. It's possible I did. I wasn't tested. Perhaps COVID is just so much bullshit? Perhaps it's driven by the left like racism to incite fear and hysteria?
Sorry. But I knew MORE people affected by polio or lung cancer. This covid "crisis" seems so political and contrived, it isn't working anymore.

People are getting tired of it.

Like they got tired of--
The Bird Flu scare
The SARS scare
The AIDS scare
and so on...................

People are at that point where it's like "Do I even really wanna bother"?

Thats why the Dimocraps had to rename the common cold "Omicron", and why they will continue to create more fake variants with more fake vaccines.
I do get it. People die all the time. Smoking . Cancer. Car accidents... It's how nature works. The influenza of 1918 killed more people than the war itself...
I do get it. People die all the time. Smoking . Cancer. Car accidents... It's how nature works. The influenza of 1918 killed more people than the war itself...
I don't know anybody who died of the Spanish flu. The 1918 epidemic seems so political and contrived, it isn't working anymore.
I've known people to die from their own stupidity.
I've known people to die from old age.
I've known people to die from car wrecks.

I've met less than 5 people who claim to have actually contracted COVID......
and they all stated the same thing "it was like a bad head cold".

I've never met anyone that died from COVID.
I've never met anyone that claimed to know anyone that died from COVID.
Sorry. AOC clams she was murdered. BLM claims G. Floydd didn't die of a fentanyl addiction...well, because they say so. Ancdedoal evidence? Good enough.
Sorry. But I knew MORE people affected by polio or lung cancer. This covid "crisis" seems so political and contrived, it isn't working anymore.

My neighbor across the street died from Covid. He was 71, obese, had sleep apnea, COPD, Asthma, and Diabetes. He bragged he would never take the vax because it was a Government conspiracy.

He was an idiot.

Do I think Covid is way overhyped? Yes. Do I think if you are elderly with serious co-morbidity you should get vaxxed? Yes, also.

Basically, don't be stupid.
I knew 5 people who died and more who are dealing with long term effects.

The accuracy of a crisis should not be based on how it effects you personally.

Wrong. Any crisis which affects me or mine personally, shall be judged and interpreted precisely based on how it has affected my life, and the lives of those within my personal inner sphere. Unbelievable one must spell out the obvious obviousness in play here.

don't know anyone that died from Covid​

Not too long ago, I worked with a younger guy. Nice kid (“kid” being a relative term). Perfectly healthy. He dutifully got a COVID vaccine injection. He died two days later. There was no autopsy. But it was clear enough: the covid vaccine shot did him in.

ironically, the ones who make the number claims about “Covid deaths,” could count him. For although he didn’t die FROM COVID, he certainly died BECAUSE of COVID.
Sorry. But I knew MORE people affected by polio or lung cancer. This covid "crisis" seems so political and contrived, it isn't working anymore.

The only person we know whose death was attributed to COVID-19 was hospitalized immediately after being vaccinated for the same. He was a sixty-something gentleman in excellent physical condition, a former Navy diver and several pack a day smoker. Moments after arriving in the ER, his doctor(s) ventilated him. He died a few weeks later, never to come off the vent. Do I believe he died of COVID-19? No, I do not. I am certain a combination of the sedative used prior to venting and the ventilator itself killed him.
Yes, but that is historical data. Not quite the same as when it is up close and person. Take care of yourself. You don't want to roll those dice, by nonchalance.
Yes, but covid isn't one of them. Lung cancer...lung cancer and then cancer...covid? not so much. Industrial accidents, then perhaps say being stomped to death by a horse. Curently? Covid is perhaps the least of my concerns.
Yes, but covid isn't one of them. Lung cancer...lung cancer and then cancer...covid? not so much. Industrial accidents, then perhaps say being stomped to death by a horse. Curently? Covid is perhaps the least of my concerns.
I'm sorry. I didn't know. If I had dealt with lung cancer and hopefully survived, I wouldn't give a damn about Covid, I'm sure, though with what those cancer drugs do to the immune system, Covid might seal the final deal. I guess it depends on if you are still having a good time. Doubt new disease fear enters into it at that point.
Covid has become akin to Orwel's Eastianian, or was it Ureasian war... never ends contrived to cause a never ending conflict.
God kills.

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