Don't know if I believe this...only 150 of those who have died...

...from Chinese Coronavirus did not have a pre-existing condition, this article states.

I've been burned by Gateway Pundit so I don't endorse this article...could be fake news.

What do y'all think?

They have links to where the data came from.
Once all the fat cats get bailed out they'll open things back up and the virus will magically fizzle out. Well...until it tanks again.

At least now they know people will stay on their leashes like a buncha trained dawgs.
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...from Chinese Coronavirus did not have a pre-existing condition, this article states.

I've been burned by Gateway Pundit so I don't endorse this article...could be fake news.

What do y'all think?

Gateway Pundit is completely unreliable.
Only in the eyes of the left who believed Faucci
Yes, count me in the group that believes the infectious disease expert and not the stupid RWNJ website with no record of credibility please.
45 people under the age of 65 died from Corona solely today
Shut down a nation

It well may end up that this is a lot like pollen. Almost everybody sucks it in and a very small percentage have a bad reaction and a minuscule segment of society die from it alone. I think it’s like .004% die solely from Corona
Shut down a Nation?
Well, if it ends up we didn't need to go this far, when it recurs next year, we'll know better than to go hog wild. But for now, I'm doing as I'm told. Even though I hate it for many reasons.
The scary news out of S. Korea today is that there have been almost 100 cases of people who had caught the virus who recovered, who later became reinfected. Sorry, but I think the immunity thing everyone was clinging in hope to has been shattered.

South Korea reported Friday that almost 100 patients thought to have recovered from the new coronavirus had tested positive again, sparking fears that populations could become re-infected with COVID-19.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that 91 people who had previously been cleared of the virus had tested positive. The KCDC had said the number had risen from 51 cases reported earlier in the week.
...from Chinese Coronavirus did not have a pre-existing condition, this article states.

I've been burned by Gateway Pundit so I don't endorse this article...could be fake news.

What do y'all think?

I think we should stop calling it Coronavirus

I agree, the official name is Kung Flu.
Shit's a scam. Are you over 65 with pre-existing conditions affecting immunity or your cardiovascular system? Do you smoke? If yes...start treating yourself better cause there is worse shit than this silly ruse to worry about.

I'd love you to get it. Not because I want you dead and I wouldn't want you to die, but just to shut your dumb fucking mouth up. Once you've had it, you'd then see what it's about. God, it's like Trump put his brain into a machine and all these dumb fucks who got a dose of his brain started posting on here. Dumb as a sack of rocks. Then again, I'd probably get more sense out of a sack of rocks.
I would love for you to eat a bag of shit.
...from Chinese Coronavirus did not have a pre-existing condition, this article states.

I've been burned by Gateway Pundit so I don't endorse this article...could be fake news.

What do y'all think?

I would imagine alll of us have some thing wrong with us we do not know about. The question is how bad of an existing condition do you need to have to make a difference.
At least now they know people will stay on their leashes like a buncha trained dawgs.

Exactly right. And funny you should put it that way, take a look at this...

...from Chinese Coronavirus did not have a pre-existing condition, this article states.

I've been burned by Gateway Pundit so I don't endorse this article...could be fake news.

What do y'all think?

I suppose its plausible. For one, we are in the very early stages. People who would die more quickly are dying first.
...from Chinese Coronavirus did not have a pre-existing condition, this article states.

I've been burned by Gateway Pundit so I don't endorse this article...could be fake news.

What do y'all think?

Goddamn the gateway pundit is the worst website ever.

The chart CLEARLY SAYS that those percentages shown represent the rate of death, NOT THE PERCENTAGE OF DEATHS.

In literally the very next sentence the paid right wing liar says they represent the percentage of deaths.

Do yourself a favor and never visit that pile of shit website again.
Almost all of those who died had pre-existing conditions.

Of course the fake news media would want us to believe this.

They think we are all idiots.

View attachment 321876
Skye is the gateway pundits audience

Better than being Crap News Network audience.....

like you
Clearly not. I am informed, and you are misinformed. But i guess that depends on yoir definition of "better".. You read your "news" to affirm your prejudices. I read news to get informed.
Almost all of those who died had pre-existing conditions.

Of course the fake news media would want us to believe this.

They think we are all idiots.

View attachment 321876
Skye is the gateway pundits audience

Better than being Crap News Network audience.....

like you
Clearly not. I am informed, and you are misinformed. But i guess that depends on yoir definition of "better".. You read your "news" to affirm your prejudices. I read news to get informed.

Live in ignorance....what do I care.
The economy was already on a crash course into a wall. The virus hype served as a perfect distraction away from the true cause of that, the Fed.

And now the solution, again, like in '08, is a continuation of the same policies.

At least now everybody knows how they're gonna protect themselves from pitch forks.
Oh really? When you had the lowest unemployment rate ever, more manufacturing jobs in the US since before WWII, and consumer confidence at an all time high, you "wish" that there was a crash coming, which didnt happen with Russian Collusion, didnt happen with Impeachment over Ukraine, it took Joe Biden's buddies from China to let loose a disease, that has still killed less than the brown turd Oblummer's Swine Flu. If all the liberals panic for that prick, he never would of had a second term, but because Chris Mathews had a thrill run up his leg and cum running down his chin, he let the Pig Oblummer get a pass.
Almost all of those who died had pre-existing conditions.

Of course the fake news media would want us to believe this.

They think we are all idiots.

View attachment 321876
Skye is the gateway pundits audience

Better than being Crap News Network audience.....

like you
Clearly not. I am informed, and you are misinformed. But i guess that depends on yoir definition of "better".. You read your "news" to affirm your prejudices. I read news to get informed.
So men with boobs are women, right? A woman with a vagina but grows a beard is a man? It is right for a man to put his dick in another man's ass? Bwaaaahhhhaaaaaa.....You are a mind numbed useful idiot....
...from Chinese Coronavirus did not have a pre-existing condition, this article states.

I've been burned by Gateway Pundit so I don't endorse this article...could be fake news.

What do y'all think?

I would be suspect of any number good or bad coming from the govrenment. Best to take it with a grain of salt and see what happens.

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