Don’t let the rightwing fool you: the economy is doing well under Biden

So you want a 30% tax rate for those making between $50,000-$75,000, and a 40% tax rate for those making between $75,000-$100,000? Cuz those were the rates under Carter.

The left fails to see they're being used like a cheap rag. For years they were telling us how the rich should be taxed to death; that we need to double the minimum wage. Okay, you have control over the White House and both branches of Congress. Where is this huge tax increase and minimum wage at? A year and we still haven't seen it or any effort to do it.

Even they know that such policies would destroy the economy, or what economy we have. But they'll never admit that to their puppets. Just keep stringing them along for the votes is all.
Rampant inflation
Nothing on the shelves
Stores closed because they can't get workers
They can't get workers because Democrats pay them to not work.
Give China everything.
Censor and penalize anyone who dares question stolen election.
Biden runs a criminal family enterprise
Democrats fight to the death to keep baby-killing legal.
Butchered Afghan withdrawal leaving Americans stranded.
Gaffe after gaffe after embarrassing gaffe.
Horrible consumer confidence level
Just a general pissing away of Trump's great achievements both foreign and domestic.

That's Biden's pathetic list of 'achievements' after Year 1 of his illegitimate administration. All in all, a miserable failure, as Americans predicted when they overwhelmingly voted for Trump in 2020.
Tramp NEVER had a 5.7% GDP pre-pandemic or any other time except in the promises he made to justify his tax cuts for himself!!!!
Trump had an avg GDP growth of over 17% his last two quarters.

Biden came in and fucked it up.
Tramp NEVER had a 5.7% GDP pre-pandemic or any other time except in the promises he made to justify his tax cuts for himself!!!!

And Biden would never have it either if it wasn’t for coming out of a COVID. Of course, couple with the nearly 7% inflation and it doesn’t mean much anyway. Just wait until the GDP slows down and inflation doesn’t. That is what is coming. Biden’s economic policies are uninformed at best.

Mind you this was the marginal tax rate, not the effective tax rate. Nobody actually paid these percentages with write-offs. If people making over $108,000 actually paid 70% to the federal government (plus state and local taxes) then there would have been no reason to make that kind of money.
Well I just showed you that in 1978 my father bought a home and my mom didn’t work and he was able to raise a family of 4. He worked at Ford. $11 hr and insurance. In Detroit 1 out of every 3 houses worked for the big three. Every other house worked for a supplier of the big three. The world had never seen such a great middle class.

Maybe you didn’t benefit from this because you didn’t live here. Flint, Saginaw, Detroit were booming. Even blacks were getting these great jobs. The Ford factory my dad worked at was mostly black. The Lincoln town car plant. It’s now in Mexico. I thought my area was going to die when Ford left but were booming again.
Give the top what? TAX cut is not giving sweetheart.
Sure it is. We need taxes. We set them at a certain rate a long time ago. When you cut taxes, you’re bankrupting us and giving them money you shouldn’t be GIVING
And Biden would never have it either if it wasn’t for coming out of a COVID. Of course, couple with the nearly 7% inflation and it doesn’t mean much anyway. Just wait until the GDP slows down and inflation doesn’t. That is what is coming. Biden’s economic policies are uninformed at best.
You guys said a year ago the sky was falling. You were wrong. Sort of like people who said we’d be dead by now from global warming

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