don't liberals believe in equity? What's 'equitable' here is that there be a special counsel for Biden just like there is one for Trump

Well.... Trump was clearly playing games. He "felt" he was entitled to some of them, no matter the law, because he didn't give a damn what the law said, and knew he could put pressure on people with his crazy nutjob supporters going mental around the country.

These stories are very different, however the Republicans will try and make them seem the same...

Sure he felt entitled to some of them, that's why he took them, just as other presidents have done. Why is it an issue when trump does it, but not the others?

Also, why were the national archives apparently so studious when it came to pursuing Trump for the documents he had, but not for biden?
Sort of, but the point is how and why are these people walking off with these documents period! ALL THESE people need to truly be held accountable.

Here's my answer: Proportional Representation.
You won't get accountability when there are only two parties both taking from the pot freely.
Until you get parties that STAND FOR SOMETHING (anything) it's just a free for all.
Get more political parties and the people can actually decide who they want to represent them, instead of "choose between these two shits".
Sure he felt entitled to some of them, that's why he took them, just as other presidents have done. Why is it an issue when trump does it, but not the others?

Also, why were the national archives apparently so studious when it came to pursuing Trump for the documents he had, but not for biden?

Have other presidents A) taken top secret documents and B) refused to give them back.
People don't trust Trump. He's lied so many times even the politicians are like "hasn't he gone over the quota?" and the quota for lies for normal politicians is set at one hundred billion trillion lies.
Here's my answer: Proportional Representation.
You won't get accountability when there are only two parties both taking from the pot freely.
Until you get parties that STAND FOR SOMETHING (anything) it's just a free for all.
Get more political parties and the people can actually decide who they want to represent them, instead of "choose between these two shits".

Not what I am saying. You are getting into a whole different discussion and 1 I don't disagree with. I am just saying by logic they ALL need to be held to that same standard.
Not what I am saying. You are getting into a whole different discussion and 1 I don't disagree with. I am just saying by logic they ALL need to be held to that same standard.

And I'm saying it won't happen until things change.
So, you don't know, I don't know. So how are we supposed to be able to say what's what until we know?
"the news".... which news, right wing news? All the news? The Mongolian Times?

The classified materials included some top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” designation, also known as SCI, which is used for highly sensitive information obtained from intelligence sources.

So, you don't know, I don't know. So how are we supposed to be able to say what's what until we know?

So, when its Biden, we need to "know" before we make accusations, but when it come to Trump, we just go ahead and accuse, before we know anything? (In general)

The Democrat party is simply an extension of globalist hegemony and is closer to the antithesis of liberalism than an expression thereof.
Have other presidents A) taken top secret documents and B) refused to give them back.
People don't trust Trump. He's lied so many times even the politicians are like "hasn't he gone over the quota?" and the quota for lies for normal politicians is set at one hundred billion trillion lies.
We don't know, other presidents haven't been investigated like Trump has. However, apparently others have taken top secret documents, as we are seeing now. We don't know about what other presidents have taken, because no other president has been investigated like Trump. As we have seen, the national archives are apparently only interested in pursuing the matter if it's Trump. Biden had these documents for 6 years and national archives didn't seem too interested in recovering the documents.

Also, why isn't anyone mentioning how these documents were actually discovered before the mid term elections, but we are only hearing about it now. If that had been Trump, the left would be calling it election interference.

The Democrat party is simply an extension of globalist hegemony and is closer to the antithesis of liberalism than an expression thereof.

I don't know ... President Biden is being pretty Liberal about the whole thing.

When asked by a reporter about the Classified Documents in his garage ... Which I honestly thought was a joke story when I first read it ...
President Biden was quick to add that it was not like the Classified Documents were "in the middle of the street".

I would say he is being hella damn Liberal with the idea of how Classified Documents should be handled ...
Apparently ... He can nothing wrong until he nails them up on a bulletin board ... Or emails them to a Nigerian Prince ...:auiqs.jpg:

We don't know, other presidents haven't been investigated like Trump has

Just the last three. Obama, Clinton and even Mr. Carter

"For generations, U.S. presidents have gone to great lengths to avoid potential conflicts of interest. When I was elected, I followed suit by placing my small business in a blind trust to assure our citizens that I would always put the country’s interests ahead of my own. It’s a vital presidential tradition. That’s why I find it a bit curious that our new commander-in-chief has been allowed to ignore it.

For Christ’s sake, you people made me get rid of my peanut farm before you let me be president.

I grew up on that farm. When my father died, I moved back home and worked those fields with my own two hands to keep it afloat. It was a hard job, but it was so rewarding. It wasn’t just a business—it was the place I called home. Letting go of the family farm was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but I did it because the American people asked me to. I did it for their sake, without enthusiasm, but also without hesitation.

Boy, times sure have changed, haven’t they? I couldn’t help but notice that the current occupant of the White House owns more than 500 companies, has business interests across the Middle East and Asia, and owes hundreds of millions of dollars to banks he is now responsible for regulating. It seems a touch unfair that a bigger fuss was made about my little peanut operation than all his office towers, hotels, and golf courses combined. All I had was a farm, you know? A small, precious farm.

Seriously, it was just a few fields and a warehouse, and you idiots still appointed a special prosecutor and spent six months investigating it.

Not a day goes by when I don’t think about what life would be like if I still had my peanut farm. I miss it so much. I miss feeling the sun on my face. I miss the earth in my hands. Sometimes, I’d go out to the fields before dawn. I’d watch the sun come up, watch it cast golden light on my plants, row by row. It was so calm; so quiet. Those were some of the best days of my life. It sure would’ve been nice to live out the rest of my years there, but I had to do what was right. I suppose only some of us have to.

God, I loved that peanut farm!

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