don't liberals believe in equity? What's 'equitable' here is that there be a special counsel for Biden just like there is one for Trump


Yeah ... That's what I have been saying ... And Attorney General Garland appointed a Special Cousel to Investigate.
Which is what needed to happen ... You didn't understand what I meant when I responded to this ...



With ... "Don't even try" ... :thup:

Do you honestly think I give a fuck if it took your stupid ass three days to figure out what I meant ... :auiqs.jpg:
I mean shit Coyote ... I tried it all ... Even just making fun of you in the end.

I don't give a fuck if you "tried it all" when your communication skills are so poor you think you are being clever by being vague or mixing fact and speculation.
I don't give a fuck if you "tried it all"

Of course you don't ... Because all you want to do is fight with me ... And you suck at it.
At least I will try something different every now and again ... :auiqs.jpg:

I can say ... Stop making excuses for President Biden ... Did so many, many times.

You will then turn around and start making excuses for President Biden ...
Then try to tell me you think the whole thing is serious.

I will ask you what you want or expect from our Public Officials ...
And you will literally tell me to stop telling you what you think.

I will clearly indicate my position on how serious I think it is to completely fail to respect and neglect our laws ...
And you somehow think you need to start making more excuses.


I will tell you ... "You are not capable".

And you have yet to figure out what I mean ... So, I am going to give you a clue.
It's not as much my communication skills.

You are not capable of thinking outside that stupid little box ...
That continues to produce nothing more than the same old crusty Right-Left garbage you always spew ...
And will misinterpret whatever you can of what I post ... And do your best to turn everything into your garbage.

And ... If the only way you can ever see the two of us communicating ... Is by fighting about everything you get wrong ...
You Better Buckle Up Buttercup ... I Am Not on the Staff and Don't Have to Take That Shit Out of You ... :auiqs.jpg:

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I'm sure the archives knew, just like they knew they were missing documents that Trump had.

I wasn't asking why are we hearing about it now, I'm asking why haven't we heard about UNTIL now? They discovered those documents about a month and a half before the mid term elections, and no news raid...nothing. they kept it quiet, until now. Dems would have called that election tamlering had Trump done that.

I agree!

Of course you don't ... Because all you want to do is fight with me ... And you suck at it.
At least I will try something different every now and again ... :auiqs.jpg:

You give yourself too much credit. I don’t want to fight with you. I just tend to confuse trolling with a genuine attempt at discussion. Or maybe I don’t understand your style.

I can say ... Stop making excuses for President Biden ... Did so many, many times.

We have a limited amount of facts available, so we are left with what we know and what the law says. We don’t know “intent” because that hasn’t been determined (Nor has it been in the case of Trump, which the OP was making a comparison to). We do know what the law says and it makes distinctions.

I have never said it shouldn’t be investigated or that it shouldn’t be taken seriously nor have I opposed a special counsel. That is the only way to have an investigation of a president that isn’t going to be political.

So talking the law (which you haven’t really disputed) and talking about how the law specifies intent (which you pretty much punted on) is making excuses? You are the one who seems to be insisting that unintentional acts are the same as intentional acts even though the law says otherwise.

You will then turn around and start making excuses for President Biden ...

Then try to tell me you think the whole thing is serious.​

I’ve never said it wasn’t serious or that it shouldn’t be investigated. But feel free to keep on pretending it’s “the same” as the situation with Trump’s documents.

My first comment on this topic was to point out that it wasn’t the same, not that it wasn’t also serious.

At any rate, it’s pretty obvious to me you have no sincere desire for discussion.

I will ask you what you want or expect from our Public Officials ...
And you will literally tell me to stop telling you what you think.​

Maybe you should be more straight forward in how you ask Instead of trying to make answering a challenge that puts off discussion?

I will clearly indicate my position on how serious I think it is to completely fail to respect and neglect our laws ...
And you somehow think you need to start making more excuses.​

I clearly articulated my position. Yet you insist that it is the exact same whether or not something was intentional.

It isn’t in terms of the law.

So why don’t wait for the results of an investigation before throwing around equivalencies?


I will tell you ... "You are not capable".

And you have yet to figure out what I mean ... So, I am going to give you a clue.
It's not as much my communication skills.

You are not capable of thinking outside that stupid little box ...
That continues to produce nothing more than the same old crusty Right-Left garbage you always spew ...
And will misinterpret whatever you can of what I post ... And do your best to turn everything into your garbage.​

And you have no desire for honest communication.

And ... If the only way you can ever see the two of us communicating ... Is by fighting about everything you get wrong ...
You Better Buckle Up Buttercup ... I Am Not on the Staff and Don't Have to Take That Shit Out of You ... :auiqs.jpg:

I have no interest in fighting, life is too short to get emotionally engaged with an anonymous person on the internet who is convinced everything she says is right.

Try a little less arrogance sometime and learn what people really think instead of assuming.

I doubt you have any desire to, at least not with me.
You give yourself too much credit. I don’t want to fight with you. I just tend to confuse trolling with a genuine attempt at discussion. Or maybe I don’t understand your style.

We have a limited amount of facts available, so we are left with what we know and what the law says. We don’t know “intent” because that hasn’t been determined (Nor has it been in the case of Trump, which the OP was making a comparison to). We do know what the law says and it makes distinctions.

I have never said it shouldn’t be investigated or that it shouldn’t be taken seriously nor have I opposed a special counsel. That is the only way to have an investigation of a president that isn’t going to be political.

So talking the law (which you haven’t really disputed) and talking about how the law specifies intent (which you pretty much punted on) is making excuses? You are the one who seems to be insisting that unintentional acts are the same as intentional acts even though the law says otherwise.

I’ve never said it wasn’t serious or that it shouldn’t be investigated. But feel free to keep on pretending it’s “the same” as the situation with Trump’s documents.

My first comment on this topic was to point out that it wasn’t the same, not that it wasn’t also serious.

At any rate, it’s pretty obvious to me you have no sincere desire for discussion.

Maybe you should be more straight forward in how you ask Instead of trying to make answering a challenge that puts off discussion?

I clearly articulated my position. Yet you insist that it is the exact same whether or not something was intentional.

It isn’t in terms of the law.

So why don’t wait for the results of an investigation before throwing around equivalencies?

And you have no desire for honest communication.

I have no interest in fighting, life is too short to get emotionally engaged with an anonymous person on the internet who is convinced everything she says is right.

Try a little less arrogance sometime and learn what people really think instead of assuming.

I doubt you have any desire to, at least not with me.

Okay ... That didn't mean I was entirely interested in entertaining your nonsense any further ...
I already got to the making fun of you part ... Just in case you didn't understand.

And for starters ... I didn't suggest anything about being emotionally engaged in anything ... Outside of laughing at your continued garbage.
But ... If asked ... I would probably say that is pretty much the core of your problem ... But that's just an opinion and I could be wrong.

And if you don't want to fight ... Just stop ... That's what I keep telling you ... Dumbass ... :auiqs.jpg:
Me ... I will fight as long as you keep trying.

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I’ve never said it wasn’t serious or that it shouldn’t be investigated. But feel free to keep on pretending it’s “the same” as the situation with Trump’s documents.
I clearly articulated my position. Yet you insist that it is the exact same whether or not something was intentional.
So why don’t wait for the results of an investigation before throwing around equivalencies?

Now if you want to better understand what I mean ... Those three statements may help you.
I never said anything about Former President Trump ... Nor did I make any equivancies .. You did ... That's your "little box".

Furthermore ... You tried to suggest that the Law predicates Intent ...
When there is no way you could possibly know the Intent in the case of President Biden ... And the argument would be moot.
There could be bad Intent ... You don't know ... And I don't need to in order to proceed with what we do know.
We do know that there was no Intent to handle the documents properly ... For a number of years in some cases.

What we do know is that the Classified Documents were mishandled ... That is something I see as a problem we need to address.
An investigation is necessary ... Attorney General Garland has appointed a Special Cousel.
I don't need to pretend I may know something I don't ... It's a lot easier not to be wrong when I don't assume things.
I hope the investigation causes someone to start taking everything more seriously when it comes to Classified Documents.

That's what I said ... It's what I meant ... And if that is trolling ... What's the use?
I will admit that I got goofy and started making fun of you at the end ... You can think I am trolling with that if you want to.
If you weren't interested in whatever else I had to post ... I might as well have fun.

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Is it that? Or is it that documents are handled by the nara, and they keep track of them, and the most sensitive documents are on a "check-out" system, which means if someone has them, the nara knows about it.

I don't know if nara has a list of ALL the documents, but im pretty sure they have a record of most of them, after all, that their job.

Who would have told the nara? If Trump had them at his private office, who would have known?

Problem here is, how many documents does a Presidency produce? Millions upon millions.

""Well, President Trump is absolutely right. Barack Obama has tens of millions of documents,"

How many copies of each document will there be? If Biden had a copy, Obama may well have had a copy, and various other people would also have had copies. If the National Archives have one copy, will they be searching for other copies?

In Trump's case I think someone who worked at Mar al Lago told the FBI. In Biden's case, who knows? Maybe someone who works in Biden's house?
I don't give a fuck if you "tried it all" when your communication skills are so poor you think you are being clever by being vague or mixing fact and speculation.

As a casual observer, I would contend that it's not her communication skills that are a problem, as she's been rather clear, in my view, but rather your lack of capability to grasp the terms of controversy (or perhaps a lack of interest in acknowledging and discussing them in an intellectually honest way) without being led by the hand.

But...that's just opinion.
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Problem here is, how many documents does a Presidency produce? Millions upon millions.

""Well, President Trump is absolutely right. Barack Obama has tens of millions of documents,"

How many copies of each document will there be? If Biden had a copy, Obama may well have had a copy, and various other people would also have had copies. If the National Archives have one copy, will they be searching for other copies?

In Trump's case I think someone who worked at Mar al Lago told the FBI. In Biden's case, who knows? Maybe someone who works in Biden's house?

I can't claim to know the procedures of the nara, but, I would probably be accurate in saying, if a document receives a classified status, it is recorded...someone knows about it, most likely nara does too. If 10 copies are made, those copies are also classified and would also be recorded.
I can't claim to know the procedures of the nara, but, I would probably be accurate in saying, if a document receives a classified status, it is recorded...someone knows about it, most likely nara does too. If 10 copies are made, those copies are also classified and would also be recorded.

Maybe, but clearly something isn't happening with this. Maybe they simply don't have enough people to check most things.
Maybe, but clearly something isn't happening with this. Maybe they simply don't have enough people to check most things.

Maybe they can borrow some IRS agents.
I mean it's not like Congress isn't going to spend the money ... Whether or not we have it.


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