Don't like Obama, fine, but why the dishonesty?

There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?

YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

You realize you have less crediblity on this topic because you don't live here and therefore don't have to suffer the consequences of The Obama regime.

We say it, because we mean it.

Don't live where? in the US? WTF are you talking about?
I think you may have been confused with Dr Grump.

You're both ignorant whiners, so it should come as no surprise!

let me get this straight... in your sick fevered little mind doing legal work for a client who was one of the chicago 7 is the same as oral sex?

you must have a very weird fantasy life if you don't know the difference.

i think you should pm one of the guys so they can have "the talk" with you.

I am did legal work for one of the Chicago 7?

yep.. jerry rubin was one of my first clients.

Impressive. I spent some time with him...back in the late 70's and early 80's...I was a NYPIRG guy while at Syracuse University...and the network was vast.

He actually bought me a drink at Studio 54 during its early days...

I in the hell did a NYPIRG guy become a conservative.
from an insane nutbar freak like you, i take that as a compliment.


I know, I know.........YOU would take that as a compliment.

After all, you virtually admitted giving BJs to the Maniacal "Chicago 7".

let me get this straight... in your sick fevered little mind doing legal work for a client who was one of the chicago 7 is the same as oral sex?

you must have a very weird fantasy life if you don't know the difference.

i think you should pm one of the guys so they can have "the talk" with you.

I don't believe that would really help much....
Would you rather they used the term 'playbook'?

Nope. I'd rather just call y'all out on your lies.

The parallels between Obama's actions and the teachings of Alinsky have been posted many times... I would hardly call it a lie, even if you have some form of disagreement with the conclusion

The parallels existed in the preceding Administration as well but I highly doubt you'd call it Bush's bible.
Impressive. I spent some time with him...back in the late 70's and early 80's...I was a NYPIRG guy while at Syracuse University...and the network was vast.

He actually bought me a drink at Studio 54 during its early days...

I in the hell did a NYPIRG guy become a conservative.

That's cool.

I knew him because of someone he knew from Studio 54 in its later days. I didn't do anything huge for him. But it was fun and when I met people, they were intrigued by it and liked the idea of hiring me. lol..

I have no idea how he became a conservative. But when everyone else was at studio doing blow, he was promoting the parties and taking in cash.

*edit* ohhhhhhhhhhhh... you mean YOU the NYPIRG guy who's now a conservative. lol.. well, fwiw, jerry, too. ;)
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Nope. I'd rather just call y'all out on your lies.

The parallels between Obama's actions and the teachings of Alinsky have been posted many times... I would hardly call it a lie, even if you have some form of disagreement with the conclusion

The parallels existed in the preceding Administration as well but I highly doubt you'd call it Bush's bible.

But, but, but Booooooooooooooooooooooosssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I now have to defend Bush when I was not defending him before and certainly did not bring up anything about parallels with Bush and Alinsky??... but I indeed would be curious to see if you do try and make those parallels.. knock yourself out
I know, I know.........YOU would take that as a compliment.

After all, you virtually admitted giving BJs to the Maniacal "Chicago 7".

let me get this straight... in your sick fevered little mind doing legal work for a client who was one of the chicago 7 is the same as oral sex?

you must have a very weird fantasy life if you don't know the difference.

i think you should pm one of the guys so they can have "the talk" with you.

I don't believe that would really help much....

you might be right, Ollie. :eusa_shhh:
Impressive. I spent some time with him...back in the late 70's and early 80's...I was a NYPIRG guy while at Syracuse University...and the network was vast.

He actually bought me a drink at Studio 54 during its early days...

I in the hell did a NYPIRG guy become a conservative.

That's cool.

I knew him because of someone he knew from Studio 54 in its later days. I didn't do anything huge for him. But it was fun and when I met people, they were intrigued by it and liked the idea of hiring me. lol..

I have no idea how he became a conservative. But when everyone else was at studio doing blow, he was promoting the parties and taking in cash.

*edit* ohhhhhhhhhhhh... you mean YOU the NYPIRG guy who's now a conservative. lol.. well, fwiw, jerry, too. ;)

Yeah...I was NYPIRG guy.....and he used to pop in once in a while.....and then I met him again when I was in commercial real estate...
That Studio 54 was something else. He actually recognized me at the club.....came over and called me by name...and back then, with his reputation, it impressed my friends. Made me a star for a night. As for the was more common at the club than alcohol.....but I was and still reamain a good boy. I tired it once...but that wasnt at 54...that was at a restaurant in little Italy during the feast....upsatirs in the office......Man, when I look back, I knew lots of pretty well known people when I was younger.
Impressive. I spent some time with him...back in the late 70's and early 80's...I was a NYPIRG guy while at Syracuse University...and the network was vast.

He actually bought me a drink at Studio 54 during its early days...

I in the hell did a NYPIRG guy become a conservative.

That's cool.

I knew him because of someone he knew from Studio 54 in its later days. I didn't do anything huge for him. But it was fun and when I met people, they were intrigued by it and liked the idea of hiring me. lol..

I have no idea how he became a conservative. But when everyone else was at studio doing blow, he was promoting the parties and taking in cash.

*edit* ohhhhhhhhhhhh... you mean YOU the NYPIRG guy who's now a conservative. lol.. well, fwiw, jerry, too. ;)

Yeah...I was NYPIRG guy.....and he used to pop in once in a while.....and then I met him again when I was in commercial real estate...
That Studio 54 was something else. He actually recognized me at the club.....came over and called me by name...and back then, with his reputation, it impressed my friends. Made me a star for a night. As for the was more common at the club than alcohol.....but I was and still reamain a good boy. I tired it once...but that wasnt at 54...that was at a restaurant in little Italy during the feast....upsatirs in the office......Man, when I look back, I knew lots of pretty well known people when I was younger.

lol... you tried it, but did you breathe it in? :eusa_whistle:

that really is neat that he recognized you. and for a young guy who was a lib at the time... yep... would have made you a star.

i had a lot of fun too. we'll have to trade ny stories. that's the thing about living here... you throw a stone and you hit someone famous. and i was very lucky when i had my own practice in the people i got to meet and got to work with. it was awesome. I wouldn't trade it for anything. But I'm glad what I do now lets me spend more time being mom.

now i'll tell you something funny... i never understood the NYPIRG types. I wanted to make money. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Yep skook buddy, libsarekooks!:cuckoo:

when you got here, i was told you had moments of lucidity.

I look forward to seeing one.


The first comment I read about you was that you were an Illogical Obamarrhoidal psycho.

That was incorrect.

You are infinitely worse.

Okay, from a guy that basicly called her a blind horse this morning, Jillian has been here at USMB since member #3134. I suspect at member 43,234 I'm going to show some wear too. I also subscribe to the idea we all are a little crazy. It makes things less boring. Relax, Jillian will be cured of any 0bama illness by 01/2012.
The parallels between Obama's actions and the teachings of Alinsky have been posted many times... I would hardly call it a lie, even if you have some form of disagreement with the conclusion

The parallels existed in the preceding Administration as well but I highly doubt you'd call it Bush's bible.

But, but, but Booooooooooooooooooooooosssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I now have to defend Bush when I was not defending him before and certainly did not bring up anything about parallels with Bush and Alinsky??... but I indeed would be curious to see if you do try and make those parallels.. knock yourself out

I'm pointing out that your sinister parallels are common political tactics (like Machievelli's writings). If you feel the need to defend anyone, that's not my problem.

Consider Alinksy's manufactured "politics of personal destruction" - the tactic of demonizing the opposition through hyper-partisan personal attacks. Recall the last 3 election cycles?

Or Alinsky's Rule 12: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions". Pretty much exactly what the right has been doing to Obama's appointees.

It's dishonest to act as if Obama is using Alinksky as his "bible" or "playbook" when much of Alinsky's material is in common use throughout the political theatre.
That's cool.

I knew him because of someone he knew from Studio 54 in its later days. I didn't do anything huge for him. But it was fun and when I met people, they were intrigued by it and liked the idea of hiring me. lol..

I have no idea how he became a conservative. But when everyone else was at studio doing blow, he was promoting the parties and taking in cash.

*edit* ohhhhhhhhhhhh... you mean YOU the NYPIRG guy who's now a conservative. lol.. well, fwiw, jerry, too. ;)

Yeah...I was NYPIRG guy.....and he used to pop in once in a while.....and then I met him again when I was in commercial real estate...
That Studio 54 was something else. He actually recognized me at the club.....came over and called me by name...and back then, with his reputation, it impressed my friends. Made me a star for a night. As for the was more common at the club than alcohol.....but I was and still reamain a good boy. I tired it once...but that wasnt at 54...that was at a restaurant in little Italy during the feast....upsatirs in the office......Man, when I look back, I knew lots of pretty well known people when I was younger.

lol... you tried it, but did you breathe it in? :eusa_whistle:

that really is neat that he recognized you. and for a young guy who was a lib at the time... yep... would have made you a star.

i had a lot of fun too. we'll have to trade ny stories. that's the thing about living here... you throw a stone and you hit someone famous. and i was very lucky when i had my own practice in the people i got to meet and got to work with. it was awesome. I wouldn't trade it for anything. But I'm glad what I do now lets me spend more time being mom.

now i'll tell you something funny... i never understood the NYPIRG types. I wanted to make money. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah...I know what you mean. I was NYPIRG becuase my Economics professor suggested it. He was my mentor...and he was your true liberal. He and I used to argue till I was blue in the face. I was never a liberal....but I was open to suggestions of others..I still am....but when I hit the skids, I had a choice...Blame the establishment or blame myself. So I blamed myself....and it was my eye opener....and it worked out for me. Never let go of that "personal responsibility" thing. I apply it to all I do and it works well for me. I make smarter decisions, read all before I sign...ask lots of questions...and kick myself when I am taken...and I learn from it.

I kjnow...I am one of the lucky doesnt work for everyone. I tend to disagree. I think it would work for everyone if they tried it. But it is much too easy to blame others.

But I digress.....yeah I have some great NYC stories....You still in NY? Im out on the Island.
Yeah...I know what you mean. I was NYPIRG becuase my Economics professor suggested it. He was my mentor...and he was your true liberal. He and I used to argue till I was blue in the face. I was never a liberal....but I was open to suggestions of others..I still am....but when I hit the skids, I had a choice...Blame the establishment or blame myself. So I blamed myself....and it was my eye opener....and it worked out for me. Never let go of that "personal responsibility" thing. I apply it to all I do and it works well for me. I make smarter decisions, read all before I sign...ask lots of questions...and kick myself when I am taken...and I learn from it.

I kjnow...I am one of the lucky doesnt work for everyone. I tend to disagree. I think it would work for everyone if they tried it. But it is much too easy to blame others.

But I digress.....yeah I have some great NYC stories....You still in NY? Im out on the Island.

i believe in personal responsibility. but i also believe in safety nets. for me, i always knew if i had a problem, my family could help me. not everyone has that luxury. and i think people should know that they won't live in a dickensian nightmare if everything goes to seed or if they just can't do it no matter how hard they try. (and there ARE some people in that boat). When I went to Lima, I saw armed guards and barbed wire fences around people's homes. Banana republics aren't good places to live.

Yes, still in new yawk. how are things on the g'island?
Yeah...I know what you mean. I was NYPIRG becuase my Economics professor suggested it. He was my mentor...and he was your true liberal. He and I used to argue till I was blue in the face. I was never a liberal....but I was open to suggestions of others..I still am....but when I hit the skids, I had a choice...Blame the establishment or blame myself. So I blamed myself....and it was my eye opener....and it worked out for me. Never let go of that "personal responsibility" thing. I apply it to all I do and it works well for me. I make smarter decisions, read all before I sign...ask lots of questions...and kick myself when I am taken...and I learn from it.

I kjnow...I am one of the lucky doesnt work for everyone. I tend to disagree. I think it would work for everyone if they tried it. But it is much too easy to blame others.

But I digress.....yeah I have some great NYC stories....You still in NY? Im out on the Island.

i believe in personal responsibility. but i also believe in safety nets. for me, i always knew if i had a problem, my family could help me. not everyone has that luxury. and i think people should know that they won't live in a dickensian nightmare if everything goes to seed or if they just can't do it no matter how hard they try. (and there ARE some people in that boat). When I went to Lima, I saw armed guards and barbed wire fences around people's homes. Banana republics aren't good places to live.

Yes, still in new yawk. how are things on the g'island?

Cant get enough of the ocean. Wanted to live by the ocean all my life....and now my dream is a reality. Took a ride out east last Sunday with my wife....just drove along Ocean Parkway all the way out to the lighthouse....Got out....sat on the beach....and started to count the days to May.
Lived in Manhattan for a very short period of time. Hated the noise, the dirt...and the rudeness of the offense!:eusa_whistle:
Cant get enough of the ocean. Wanted to live by the ocean all my life....and now my dream is a reality. Took a ride out east last Sunday with my wife....just drove along Ocean Parkway all the way out to the lighthouse....Got out....sat on the beach....and started to count the days to May.
Lived in Manhattan for a very short period of time. Hated the noise, the dirt...and the rudeness of the offense!:eusa_whistle:

I love the ocean. I can walk to the beach from where I live. ;)

I only lived in manhattan briefly, but I really enjoyed living on 13th street. I still love the Village.

yeah, yeah.. I know...I know...

and no offense taken. but i think there are rude people everywhere. i mean, have you ever tried shopping at costco on Old Country Road?
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Cant get enough of the ocean. Wanted to live by the ocean all my life....and now my dream is a reality. Took a ride out east last Sunday with my wife....just drove along Ocean Parkway all the way out to the lighthouse....Got out....sat on the beach....and started to count the days to May.
Lived in Manhattan for a very short period of time. Hated the noise, the dirt...and the rudeness of the offense!:eusa_whistle:

I love the ocean. I can walk to the beach from where I live. ;)

I only lived in manhattan briefly, but I really enjoyed living on 13th street.

yeah, yeah.. I know...I know...

and no offense taken. but i think there are rude people everywhere. i mean, have you ever tried shopping at costco on Old Country Road?

Yep...rude people in NY is, Island, yonkers....where are you now? Westchester? I mean, where can you be if you arew walking distance to the beach? Rye Maybe?

13th street? I was on west 24th street....yeah yeah..I know....I know.
Cant get enough of the ocean. Wanted to live by the ocean all my life....and now my dream is a reality. Took a ride out east last Sunday with my wife....just drove along Ocean Parkway all the way out to the lighthouse....Got out....sat on the beach....and started to count the days to May.
Lived in Manhattan for a very short period of time. Hated the noise, the dirt...and the rudeness of the offense!:eusa_whistle:

I love the ocean. I can walk to the beach from where I live. ;)

I only lived in manhattan briefly, but I really enjoyed living on 13th street.

yeah, yeah.. I know...I know...

and no offense taken. but i think there are rude people everywhere. i mean, have you ever tried shopping at costco on Old Country Road?

Yep...rude people in NY is, Island, yonkers....where are you now? Westchester? I mean, where can you be if you arew walking distance to the beach? Rye Maybe?

13th street? I was on west 24th street....yeah yeah..I know....I know.

chelsea has some cool places.

there are other places walking distance from the beach.
Well, this thread degenerated into the 2% of our nation who still support Obama hugfest.

I never once saw the dishonesty outlined.

Liars, and people who adore liars like Obama, crazy bunch. Must have been Bush supporters too.

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