Don't like Obama, fine, but why the dishonesty?

Have you been asleep since the election of November 2008?:lol::lol: And just decided to wake up & post a comment?

I imagine it has alot to do with this. Like breaking more campaign promises than I still have coins in my pocket.

View attachment 9659

Have you ever considered deviating from the rightwing talking points...even a little?

I suggest you check the facts:
Campaign Promises broken = 16
Campaign Promises kept = 96

Now maybe you don't have 16 coins in your pocket...I'll grant you that.

Now HTF (HowTheFuck) do you expect anyone to believe what the PATHOLOGICALLY LYING SOCIOPATH MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami.....or one of his Obamarrhoidal stooges such as you......spews out in any given discussion ?


god DAMN IT you're an idiot.

Is there anyone here of any ideology who thinks this guy is not an idiot?
Have you ever considered deviating from the rightwing talking points...even a little?

I suggest you check the facts:
Campaign Promises broken = 16
Campaign Promises kept = 96

Now maybe you don't have 16 coins in your pocket...I'll grant you that.

Now HTF (HowTheFuck) do you expect anyone to believe what the PATHOLOGICALLY LYING SOCIOPATH MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami.....or one of his Obamarrhoidal stooges such as you......spews out in any given discussion ?

:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: out of Preparation H again did ya? :eusa_eh:

WOW.....This comment is really devastating for a smegpot with his brains, sparse as they may be, located deep in his arse........and his johnson the size of a 1/2 grown string bean.
Now HTF (HowTheFuck) do you expect anyone to believe what the PATHOLOGICALLY LYING SOCIOPATH MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami.....or one of his Obamarrhoidal stooges such as you......spews out in any given discussion ?

:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: out of Preparation H again did ya? :eusa_eh:

WOW.....This comment is really devastating for a smegpot with his brains, sparse as they may be, located deep in his arse........and his johnson the size of a 1/2 grown string bean.

I do see why you have the neg reps.
Have you ever considered deviating from the rightwing talking points...even a little?

I suggest you check the facts:
Campaign Promises broken = 16
Campaign Promises kept = 96

Now maybe you don't have 16 coins in your pocket...I'll grant you that.

Now HTF (HowTheFuck) do you expect anyone to believe what the PATHOLOGICALLY LYING SOCIOPATH MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami.....or one of his Obamarrhoidal stooges such as you......spews out in any given discussion ?


god DAMN IT you're an idiot.

Is there anyone here of any ideology who thinks this guy is not an idiot?

who? obamalama and his ilk? yep he's an idiot. whatelseyaneed?
Now HTF (HowTheFuck) do you expect anyone to believe what the PATHOLOGICALLY LYING SOCIOPATH MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami.....or one of his Obamarrhoidal stooges such as you......spews out in any given discussion ?


god DAMN IT you're an idiot.

Is there anyone here of any ideology who thinks this guy is not an idiot?

who? obamalama and his ilk? yep he's an idiot. whatelseyaneed?

Now HTF (HowTheFuck) do you expect anyone to believe what the PATHOLOGICALLY LYING SOCIOPATH MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami.....or one of his Obamarrhoidal stooges such as you......spews out in any given discussion ?

:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: out of Preparation H again did ya? :eusa_eh:

WOW.....This comment is really devastating for a smegpot with his brains, sparse as they may be, located deep in his arse........and his johnson the size of a 1/2 grown string bean.

I take it that's a "no" to a blind date with Inflatble Ingrid then?
Now HTF (HowTheFuck) do you expect anyone to believe what the PATHOLOGICALLY LYING SOCIOPATH MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami.....or one of his Obamarrhoidal stooges such as you......spews out in any given discussion ?


god DAMN IT you're an idiot.

Is there anyone here of any ideology who thinks this guy is not an idiot?

who? obamalama and his ilk? yep he's an idiot. whatelseyaneed?

Gotta admit, old Guano has a way with words though... out of Preparation H again did ya? :eusa_eh:

WOW.....This comment is really devastating for a smegpot with her brains, sparse as they may be, located deep in her arse........and her twat the size of a basketball hoop (edited)

I take it that's a "no" to a blind date with Inflatble Ingrid then?

I don't date wetback twats paradoxically called "Inflatble Ingrid". Sorry, not interested in you at all. Get your kicks with your usual Obamarrhoidal freaks like Cuyo.

I agree. Many Republicans are just angry because they lost national elections in 2006 and 2008. Rather than admitting they screwed up and changing for the better, it's easier to make up crap about Obama. Obama, Pelosi and Reid are doing a bang-up job screwing up all on their own. There's no need to make stuff up.

I don't think anyone would argue that its far easier to take an ad hominem approach than it is to actually engage in reasoned debate.

not true, he is indeed a Marxist. to the core. 20 years. with jeramiah bullfrog and farrakam, seeks out radicals and anarchists, sal alinsky, and above all. "we are five days away from fundamentally changing the USof KKKA."

Have you ever read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky? Obama's bible? It is based upon Marxist doctrine, which is socialism and Obama is going by the rules, one step at a time and the country has caught on.
Have you ever considered deviating from the rightwing talking points...even a little?

I suggest you check the facts:
Campaign Promises broken = 16
Campaign Promises kept = 96

Now maybe you don't have 16 coins in your pocket...I'll grant you that.

Now HTF (HowTheFuck) do you expect anyone to believe what the PATHOLOGICALLY LYING SOCIOPATH MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami.....or one of his Obamarrhoidal stooges such as you......spews out in any given discussion ?


god DAMN IT you're an idiot.

Is there anyone here of any ideology who thinks this guy is not an idiot?

I'll hafta agree with the majority. I don't think the wetback Coyote is an idiot....she's just a sex-crazed Mexican twat (known as "Inflatble Ingrid") with a few hot orifices for her 1/2-witted compadres such as Cuyo who actually IS a hopeless idiot ..... but then most of them are.
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I don't think anyone would argue that its far easier to take an ad hominem approach than it is to actually engage in reasoned debate.

not true, he is indeed a Marxist. to the core. 20 years. with jeramiah bullfrog and farrakam, seeks out radicals and anarchists, sal alinsky, and above all. "we are five days away from fundamentally changing the USof KKKA."

Have you ever read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky? Obama's bible? It is based upon Marxist doctrine, which is socialism and Obama is going by the rules, one step at a time and the country has caught on.

No sense pointing out the OBVIOUS to the thoroughly brainwashed HOPELESS Obammarhoids in this segment.

One can only hope that some of the hopelessly idiotic misconceptions about the MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami held by some dimwitted independents will switch ( and are actually NOW switching thanks to MARXIST Obami Salami and his stooges overplaying their MARXIST AGENDA).

But, Willow and AquaAthena, you're BOTH right about that semi-black Political Charlatan Obami Salami. Regarding the Political Snake Oil Salesman Obami Salami: his COMMUNIST upbringing directed by his COMMIE sex-crazed mommy (predilection for men of colour and an avowed hatred of her own race), falling drunk Muslim COMMIE daddy, and the rock-solid COMMIE Grandaddy (who introduced young Obami to his MENTOR (see Google), the NOTORIOUS COMMIE POET Frank Marshall Davis who, according to some sources, tried to turn the NAACP into a Communist Front, but failed)......all these AND MORE......such as The MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami getting so enamoured with the COMMUNIST MACCHIAVELLI Saul Alinsky.....that he TAUGHT Saul Alinsky's strategies in college. And, IMPLEMENTED these strategies as a STAR employee in the CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE, "ACORN".

We really have a VERY, VERY DANGEROUS DUDE living in the White House. Living in the White House with "Not proud to be an American" Michelle (who has since changed her tune for the obvious political reasons) , serviced by a retinue of 120 plus servants .....Yep......ONE HUNDRED TWENTY PLUS servants SPECIFICALLY, and OFFICALLY paid for by our tax money when Laura Bush had ONE sec'y, Hillary had TWO, whilst Mamie Eisenhower paid out of her own pocket for the ONE she had.


But, weeping ain't enough.

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I don't think anyone would argue that its far easier to take an ad hominem approach than it is to actually engage in reasoned debate.

not true, he is indeed a Marxist. to the core. 20 years. with jeramiah bullfrog and farrakam, seeks out radicals and anarchists, sal alinsky, and above all. "we are five days away from fundamentally changing the USof KKKA."

Have you ever read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky? Obama's bible? It is based upon Marxist doctrine, which is socialism and Obama is going by the rules, one step at a time and the country has caught on.
It looks like a combination of the steps to me.

Exactly, why the dishonesty Barak?
I don't like his use of the english language as a tool to say one thing but lead people to believe another...and then when he is approcahed with the contradiction, he reminds people of what he said..and clarifies it...making himself right everytime.

It is the role of a public speaker to ensure the listener understands exactly what he means when he speaks. Obama uses words to do the opposite.
One of Gibbs' most used lines is "that is not what he said...I have the transcript...look at the transcript"

Likewise, I do not appreciate his constant berating of American businesses and his implication that the wealthy are wealthy due to greed and dihonest business practices.

Finally, his policies, like them or not, are class divisive. He claimed tpo be a uniter yet he is proving to be a divider.

1. I'd argue that if the political use of language is your problem, you'll have a problem with all politicians. There is an 'art' to listening to a politician and discerning the real truth that's being spoken.

2. The role of a public speaker is to ensure that the listener 'hears' what the speaker wants the listener to hear. Understanding is not required in all cases. In some cases, understanding is the last thing a speaker wants.

3. There are three reasons people get rich. Inheritance, greed, and dishonesty. A non-greedy honest person will never get rich unless he/she hits the lottery or inherits.

4. When we have two parties who claim they represents different ends of the political spectrum, then all of the policies will be divisive as they try to cater to the people who they feel beholding to. It's practically impossible to cater to the poor/middle class while at the same time catering to the rich/upper class. If you know of a way to pull that off, I'm sure democrats and republicans will be 'all ears'.

Do not get me wrong. I know how to read between the lines. Most dont.
As fort "understanding is the last a speakwer wants" may be OK with that, but if it is someone that I employ, I am not ok with that.

Greed is the driving factor for all that are trich and many that are poor as well.
Greed is what drives those to invest...greed is what drives those to buy lottery tickets...greed is what motivates one to start a business.

Greed is not a is a typical human emotion that very few do NOT have.

And there we have the BIG LIE that is destroying our nation, folks.

Greed is not a vice.

Yes, greed is a vice.​

It is self interest gone overboard.​

Nobody objects to people operating in their own self interests.​

But self interest isn't greed.​

Greed is the self interest of a psychopathic personality.​

And now we have an entire school of political thought out there telling us, and our children, that being a psychopath is not merely okay, but that those who don't subscribe to their psychopathic GREED IS GOOD theory are communists, socialists and collectivists.​

Society works quite well in a regulated capitalistic society.. when people operate within the rules...rules that allow for self interest and even encourage it, too.​

That is how this nation became it had been​

But now, now that our leaders have signed onto the doctrine that GREED IS GOOD, we are beginning to see what happens when GREED IS GOOD becomes the keystone philosophy of a nation.​

When a society worships at the alter of MAMMON, sit sows the seeds of its own destruction.​

Consider this: Bankers don't MAKE jackshit. They neither spin nor weave, sow nor reap.

AT BEST they are functionaries -- people who assist productive society in making cash flow and investments.

That purpose is what bankers and financiers do when they are doing their REAL job, and that is an important and honorable job, no doubt.

But is that what they were doing that crashed the economy?​

They went from investing in production to GAMBLING with the wealth of this nation. Why? Because GREED is GOOD, that's why.​

But it was their GREED, their abject indifference to the longer term outcomes of their GREED that crashed our economy.

And STILL some of you don't get what the root of the problem is because you have been so bamboozled by talking heads and their HATEFUL bullshit​

Those of us who have bought into this GREED IS GOOD philosophy have been infected by a philosophical virus.

Or, if you're more of a old time believer, then let me us another metaphor to describe what's happened to you and so many of your fellow citizens.​

This society is lost in the WILDERESS.

It has been beguiled by the Prince of Lies to abandon what we all knew as a fundamental truth when we were children...GREED is NOT good.

4:1 And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,​

4:2 Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered.​

4:3 And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.​

4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.​

4:5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.​

4:6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.​

4:7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.​

4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.​

4:9 And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence:​

4:10 For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee:​

4:11 And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.​

4:12 And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.​

4:13 And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.​
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But now, now that our leaders have signed onto the doctrine that GREED IS GOOD, we are beginning to see what happens when GREED IS GOOD becomes the keystone philosophy of a nation.

greed is a vice and by many standards a sin. it is human, though, and we all have to watch out for our indulgence in it.

not having great wealth or great ambition does not preclude you from the greedy. ENVY, a twin sibling of greed, would suffice for those people.

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