Don't like Obama, fine, but why the dishonesty?

So no, don't pretend no one who entered office would be looking at that Trillions in spending deficits. A freakin idiot understands that spending MORE when you are out of money is a bad thing.

It's so simple! Hot Damn! hasn't anyone done the history of deficit spending?

Because a bunch of morons like yourself are in charge who want control over our lives rather than sound government.

Glad to know you're right on top of things :rolleyes:
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Yes, Doc you very much for your whining unsubstantiated lie.

Democrats abandoning the Obama ship, the young abandoning the Obama ship, and it is because ALL of the dishonesty has come from this White House.

I figure we put helmets on people like this crew above, so they don't hurt themselves.
Line in bold.....seems to me you are the pot calling the kettle African American.

I suggest you take a deep breath, back down, and realize you made an ass of yourself with this thread of yours.

You are looking like the hypocrite we all know you are.
ah yes, the typical dishonest response, claim someone posting on a forum needs to calm down, amazing ability you have of determining emotions for posts.

Sounds like many of the hacks need to calm down, you should see the nasty comments they post to me and on the forum.

And, not suprisingly, you completely ignore and therefore not respond to the crux of my post...which was to show how the premise of your original post is hypocritical.

LOL you cherry pick, ignore and therefore not respond to the crux of posts all of the time and in fact you did just that when you responded to gregg's post and chose only to focus on ONE SENTENCE and made it the crux of your post.

Furthermore, I called you out for doing just that ealier in this thread and you avoided my post and didn't respond to it. LOL

So why is it that you believe that others have to respond to your posts in their entirety when you refuse to offer that same courtesy to others??

You also have a habit of telling others that you don't have to prove your arguments but that they have to prove you wrong even as you demand that others provide proof of their statements.

So why do you try to hold others to a standard that you refuse to apply to yourself??
And, not suprisingly, you completely ignore and therefore not respond to the crux of my post...which was to show how the premise of your original post is hypocritical.

criticizing a war, that kills thousand of american troops, on proven faulty intelligence (my guess is you refuse to admit the intellignece was sketchy) that killed thousands and thousands of people, destabilizing yet another region, spending billions of dollars for that when there already was a war going on that pretty much everybody supported.

Liberal democrat gets blasted when he didn't even do anything, called a terrorist sympathizer, marixist, socialist, muslim who isn't american resident, making him guilty by association with Wright an Ayers, which are all dishonest stretches of reality. Then all the "destroying america" crap when he tries help the american economy, that's horrible, he's destroying the country.

Billions on war=good
billions to help americans=horrible and destroying the country

yeah, those two are completely comparable

You show your ignorance the more you post... quit while you are behind

1) You and so many idiot leftists like you like to only focus on WoMD for the reasoning behind the CONTINUATION of the military mission in Iraq... I would suggest reading the entire motherfucking resolution and attempting to understand what a cease-fire is as well as what happens as a result of the violation of the terms of cease fire
2) When an extremist, inexperienced democrat, who favors socialized and socialist programs, deals with radicals in all aspects of his professional and personal life, and tries to enact change that will indeed hinder or 'destroy' what this country and government is supposed to be, DAMN SKIPPY he will be called on it
3) Billions on national defense and the military including military actions and wars - CONSTITUTIONAL
4) Billions in wealth redistribution for personal wants/needs/responsibilities at the expense of the freedoms of others who are forced to pony up the $$$ for those entitlement programs - Not just BAD but MOTHERFUCKING GOD AWFUL HIDEOUS BAD

1. How can you even think about citing a UN resolution as justification to invade when W and the righties basicallly told the UN to fuck off and said it was invalid. If an institution is invalid then so are the resolutions it made. Fact is that W and the right used WoMD as the justification for the invasion with talks about mushroom clouds over our cities and other such nonsense that was said to scare up support for an invasion that more than likely would not have happened without the BS intel from curveball.

2. Extremist? LOL more BS scare tactics from the lemming right.

3. I don't think anyone said it wasn't constitutional so nice diversion.

4. More BS scare tactics from the lemming right. how is anything being propose at the expense of freedoms of others?? I didn't support most of what W did and yet I had to "pony up the $$$" for it and it wasn't at the expense of my freedoms ot anyone elses so how is that any different than now??

Seems to me that the minority party is merely whining and crying because they are in the minority and nothing more.
ah yes, the typical dishonest response, claim someone posting on a forum needs to calm down, amazing ability you have of determining emotions for posts.

Sounds like many of the hacks need to calm down, you should see the nasty comments they post to me and on the forum.

And, not suprisingly, you completely ignore and therefore not respond to the crux of my post...which was to show how the premise of your original post is hypocritical.

LOL you cherry pick, ignore and therefore not respond to the crux of posts all of the time and in fact you did just that when you responded to gregg's post and chose only to focus on ONE SENTENCE and made it the crux of your post.

Furthermore, I called you out for doing just that ealier in this thread and you avoided my post and didn't respond to it. LOL

So why is it that you believe that others have to respond to your posts in their entirety when you refuse to offer that same courtesy to others??

You also have a habit of telling others that you don't have to prove your arguments but that they have to prove you wrong even as you demand that others provide proof of their statements.

So why do you try to hold others to a standard that you refuse to apply to yourself??

DO I annoy you?

Wow...a whole post shopwing me how you wish I were something different.

Sorry asshole...I have a life.

You may go away now.
ah yes, the typical dishonest response, claim someone posting on a forum needs to calm down, amazing ability you have of determining emotions for posts.

Sounds like many of the hacks need to calm down, you should see the nasty comments they post to me and on the forum.

And, not suprisingly, you completely ignore and therefore not respond to the crux of my post...which was to show how the premise of your original post is hypocritical.

LOL you cherry pick, ignore and therefore not respond to the crux of posts all of the time and in fact you did just that when you responded to gregg's post and chose only to focus on ONE SENTENCE and made it the crux of your post.

Furthermore, I called you out for doing just that ealier in this thread and you avoided my post and didn't respond to it. LOL

So why is it that you believe that others have to respond to your posts in their entirety when you refuse to offer that same courtesy to others??

You also have a habit of telling others that you don't have to prove your arguments but that they have to prove you wrong even as you demand that others provide proof of their statements.

So why do you try to hold others to a standard that you refuse to apply to yourself??

BY the way you lying piece of shit....please show me where I ask someone to prove something...and do it in the right context you scumbag liar....

I preach and live by the premise that the one who refutes what one says in a debate is the one who must prove why he refutes it...

Nice try....NOW you can go away in shame you fucking hypocritical liberal leach.
You lefties do understand that Obama,if he does not correct his financial trajectory, will double the national Debt before he leaves office.

I just want to make sure that you lefties understand that before you criticize Rightwing paranoia.

Paranoia should have started 8 years ago. Why the delayed reaction?

I've been bitching about spending since before Booooooosh....

Why is the left so silent about it now?

Because you have to look at the reasons WHY Congress is spending now....
criticizing a war, that kills thousand of american troops, on proven faulty intelligence (my guess is you refuse to admit the intellignece was sketchy) that killed thousands and thousands of people, destabilizing yet another region, spending billions of dollars for that when there already was a war going on that pretty much everybody supported.

Liberal democrat gets blasted when he didn't even do anything, called a terrorist sympathizer, marixist, socialist, muslim who isn't american resident, making him guilty by association with Wright an Ayers, which are all dishonest stretches of reality. Then all the "destroying america" crap when he tries help the american economy, that's horrible, he's destroying the country.

Billions on war=good
billions to help americans=horrible and destroying the country

yeah, those two are completely comparable

You show your ignorance the more you post... quit while you are behind

1) You and so many idiot leftists like you like to only focus on WoMD for the reasoning behind the CONTINUATION of the military mission in Iraq... I would suggest reading the entire motherfucking resolution and attempting to understand what a cease-fire is as well as what happens as a result of the violation of the terms of cease fire
2) When an extremist, inexperienced democrat, who favors socialized and socialist programs, deals with radicals in all aspects of his professional and personal life, and tries to enact change that will indeed hinder or 'destroy' what this country and government is supposed to be, DAMN SKIPPY he will be called on it
3) Billions on national defense and the military including military actions and wars - CONSTITUTIONAL
4) Billions in wealth redistribution for personal wants/needs/responsibilities at the expense of the freedoms of others who are forced to pony up the $$$ for those entitlement programs - Not just BAD but MOTHERFUCKING GOD AWFUL HIDEOUS BAD

1. How can you even think about citing a UN resolution as justification to invade when W and the righties basicallly told the UN to fuck off and said it was invalid. If an institution is invalid then so are the resolutions it made. Fact is that W and the right used WoMD as the justification for the invasion with talks about mushroom clouds over our cities and other such nonsense that was said to scare up support for an invasion that more than likely would not have happened without the BS intel from curveball.

2. Extremist? LOL more BS scare tactics from the lemming right.

3. I don't think anyone said it wasn't constitutional so nice diversion.

4. More BS scare tactics from the lemming right. how is anything being propose at the expense of freedoms of others?? I didn't support most of what W did and yet I had to "pony up the $$$" for it and it wasn't at the expense of my freedoms ot anyone elses so how is that any different than now??

Seems to me that the minority party is merely whining and crying because they are in the minority and nothing more.
Yeah right!

Who's really responsible for lying his country into war?
Interrogator Shares Saddam's Confessions - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Fact is, lil' man. Sadaam himself could have saved himself a lot of trouble had he just come clean. And I suppose you refuse to also acknowledge that your beloved dem's propped up that same intelligence. Shall we get out that youtube montage of your beloved dems rattling their sabres?...Those blood thirsty bastards!


Christ, your liberal ignorance knows no bounds! other thing.

I am sorry to hear you are way to lazy to read through a thread that you feel compelled to comnment on....but I made a commnet on something the Doc said...and he responsded with some rambling and never addressed what I that is why I pointed out that one little thing that he refused to respond to.

Now go back in your hole and continue to be the used scumbag that you are...and not even a good one....youre leaking....guess you want me to pay for that abortion as fucking leech.
I don't dislike Obama; frankly, I don't know the man. It is his policies and radical agenda that SUCK.

And yes, I HOPE HE FAILS..... and yes he is.
Oh ya, TARP accountability, how did that go for Obama? Whatever, the main point is Obama deliberately chose the path against our nation and her people. We all know what he needed to do whether anyone wants to admit it or not, and that was to curtail government spending massively, and make the harsh cuts the entire nation has made, except Washington DC.

Maybe the next President we have will have a scrotum.

Christ you're a whiner...a true blue pathetic whiner...

...I really wish Obama and the Dem Congress had done NOTHING. Forget that TARP was signed under the Chimp, it would be interesting to see how much you would be wallowing if that hadn't happened. You really don't have a clue do you?
Paranoia should have started 8 years ago. Why the delayed reaction?

I've been bitching about spending since before Booooooosh....

Why is the left so silent about it now?

Because you have to look at the reasons WHY Congress is spending now....

As I heard last night......75,000 for some researcher in N. Dakota to study the affects of cocaine on jobs created....not one single person went to the PRIVATE SCHOOL'S operating budget.

Yeah....sounds like necessary spending
Oh ya, TARP accountability, how did that go for Obama? Whatever, the main point is Obama deliberately chose the path against our nation and her people. We all know what he needed to do whether anyone wants to admit it or not, and that was to curtail government spending massively, and make the harsh cuts the entire nation has made, except Washington DC.

Maybe the next President we have will have a scrotum.

Christ you're a whiner...a true blue pathetic whiner...

...I really wish Obama and the Dem Congress had done NOTHING. Forget that TARP was signed under the Chimp, it would be interesting to see how much you would be wallowing if that hadn't happened. You really don't have a clue do you?

Under that Chimp, huh.

Speaks volumes about you asshole.
I've been bitching about spending since before Booooooosh....

Why is the left so silent about it now?

Because you have to look at the reasons WHY Congress is spending now....

As I heard last night......75,000 for some researcher in N. Dakota to study the affects of cocaine on jobs created....not one single person went to the PRIVATE SCHOOL'S operating budget.

Yeah....sounds like necessary spending

So the researcher got paid, paid taxes, bought groceries, petrol, might have saved some money, spent something on utilities and might have been on a holiday (paid an airfare to an airline, who in turn paid pilots, ground crew and trolly dollies, accommodation, food), spent some money on his hobby).....yeah, sounds like a real waste of money....
I don't dislike Obama; frankly, I don't know the man. It is his policies and radical agenda that SUCK.

And yes, I HOPE HE FAILS..... and yes he is.

At least your sig has it right, even if you don't....:cool:

yep...typical "lets blame someone else" type of liberal attitude.

Typical "passing the buck" conservative attitude. "Oh, not only will we create the mess, and leave somebody else to clean it up, we'll even blame them, too!"

Yep, the right-wing whackos love creating shit, but never take responsibility for it....nothing new there.

Ironic really, when most of them crow on and on and on and on and on and on and on about personal responsibility....
Because you have to look at the reasons WHY Congress is spending now....

As I heard last night......75,000 for some researcher in N. Dakota to study the affects of cocaine on jobs created....not one single person went to the PRIVATE SCHOOL'S operating budget.

Yeah....sounds like necessary spending

So the researcher got paid, paid taxes, bought groceries, petrol, might have saved some money, spent something on utilities and might have been on a holiday (paid an airfare to an airline, who in turn paid pilots, ground crew and trolly dollies, accommodation, food), spent some money on his hobby).....yeah, sounds like a real waste of money....

or maybe that 75K could have gone to two machinists who were laid off....and have the same affect.

Not to mention that the 75K went to a Professor with tenure...making a nice salary...and not in jeopardy of losing his job.....and instead decided to use his spare time to inject monkeys with cocaine and see what the cost of two machinists with children but no job.

Sorry...even the school said...."huh"?

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