Don't like the 2nd Amendment? Get off your ass and repeal it. Really.

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Go on, do it.
Seriously, try it.

Start the process. Stop whining about it on Twitter, and on HBO, and at the Daily Kos. Stop playing with some Thomas Jefferson quote you found on Google. Stop jumping on the news cycle and watching the re-tweets and viral shares rack up. Go out there and begin the movement in earnest. Man up. Put together a plan, and take those words out of the Constitution.

This will involve hard work, of course. You can’t just sit online and preen to those who already agree with you - instead, you’ll have to go around the states — traveling and preaching until the soles of your shoes are thin as paper.

You’ll have to lobby Congress, over and over and over again. You’ll have to make ads and shake hands and twist arms and cut deals and suffer all the slings and arrows that will be thrown in your direction. You’ll have to tell anybody who will listen to you that they need to support you; that if they disagree, they’re childish and beholden to the “gun lobby”; that they don’t care enough about children; that their reverence for the Founders is mistaken; that they have blood on their goddamn hands; that they want to own firearms only because their penises are small and they’re not “real men.”

And remember, you can’t half-ass it this time. You’re not going out there to tell these people that you want “reform” or that “enough is enough.” You’re going there to solicit their support for removing one of the articles within the Bill of Rights. Make no mistake: It’ll be unpleasant strolling into Pittsburgh or Youngstown or Pueblo and telling blue-collar Democrat after blue-collar Democrat that he only has his guns because he’s not as well endowed as he’d like to be.

It’ll be tough explaining to suburban families that their established conception of American liberty is wrong.
You might even suffer at the polls because of it.
But that’s what it’s going to take.

So do it.
Start now. Off you go.

Or recognize that the 2nd Amendment is there, it means something that you do not like, and get over it.

My thanks to Charles C. W. Cooke
Rant: Second Amendment Repeal | National Review Online
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I have been telling the bed wetters this for years. I have demandd they take actual legal action rather then whine like little girls and try to back door it. They won't do anything because they know they will lose.
I have been telling the bed wetters this for years. I have demandd they take actual legal action rather then whine like little girls and try to back door it. They won't do anything because they know they will lose.
And that, my Devil Dog friend, is why they will never try it.
They value their partisan political power more than their intellectual honesty.
No need to repeal it. There's lots of wiggle room between outright banning of guns which is unconstitutional and reasonable limits to availability, which isn't. The "make no law" part only refers to making ownership illegal for all. The 2nd amendment isn't a suicide pact and shouldn't be considered as a carte blanche right for criminals or the insane to own guns or a prohibition of reasonable regulations regarding background checks and licensing.
No need to repeal it. There's lots of wiggle room between outright banning of guns which is unconstitutional and reasonable limits to availability, which isn't
To that effect....

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Gun license / registration -- a sound argument? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Question: What qualifies as an "infringement" of the right to arms? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Feel free to add a meaningful response.
Else, I'll presume you have none.
The "make no law" part only refers to making ownership illegal for all.
You mean "shall not be infringed"
You can infringe on the right to arms long, long before simply making ownership illegal.
The 2nd amendment isn't a suicide pact
The only people who claim it is are those who would just as soon repeal it.
and shouldn't be considered as a carte blanche right for criminals or the insane to own guns...
The only people who claim it is are those who would just as soon repeal it.
or a prohibition of reasonable regulations regarding background checks and licensing.
Restrictions that, if laid on any other right, would cause the heads of people like you to explode.

So do it.
Start now. Off you go.
Or recognize that the 2nd Amendment is there, it means something that you do not like, and get over it.
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No need to repeal it. There's lots of wiggle room between outright banning of guns which is unconstitutional and reasonable limits to availability, which isn't. The "make no law" part only refers to making ownership illegal for all. The 2nd amendment isn't a suicide pact and shouldn't be considered as a carte blanche right for criminals or the insane to own guns or a prohibition of reasonable regulations regarding background checks and licensing.

Have you actually read the Second Amendment? The phrase “make no law” does not appear anywhere therein. You seem to be confusing it with the First Amendment, which starts with “Congress shall make no law…”. The Second Amendment contains the strongest and clearest language found anywhere in the Constitution. It states a purpose, identifies a right, identifies to whom that right belongs, and forbids any infringement of that right. There is no “wiggle room” in its wording—not the slightest bit.
No need to repeal it. There's lots of wiggle room between outright banning of guns which is unconstitutional and reasonable limits to availability, which isn't. The "make no law" part only refers to making ownership illegal for all. The 2nd amendment isn't a suicide pact and shouldn't be considered as a carte blanche right for criminals or the insane to own guns or a prohibition of reasonable regulations regarding background checks and licensing.

"Make no law" is part of the 1st, not the 2nd. The 2nd says my right to keep and bear arms should not be infringed, and right now in NYC I cannot concealed carry unless the NYPD thinks I should be able to.

That's infringement right there.

and how would have license stopped the most recent shooting?
There isn't any big effort to repeal the 2nd, and I don't know a single person who thinks there should be. As usual, the right claims there is, but they exaggerate and lie about all their political ideas to keep the weak minded stirred up anyway. It's he only tactic they have, and the only way they maintain any support. If they told their supporters the truth, they would lose the ones they have
Go on, do it.
Seriously, try it.

Start the process. Stop whining about it on Twitter, and on HBO, and at the Daily Kos. Stop playing with some Thomas Jefferson quote you found on Google. Stop jumping on the news cycle and watching the re-tweets and viral shares rack up. Go out there and begin the movement in earnest. Man up. Put together a plan, and take those words out of the Constitution.

This will involve hard work, of course. You can’t just sit online and preen to those who already agree with you - instead, you’ll have to go around the states — traveling and preaching until the soles of your shoes are thin as paper.

You’ll have to lobby Congress, over and over and over again. You’ll have to make ads and shake hands and twist arms and cut deals and suffer all the slings and arrows that will be thrown in your direction. You’ll have to tell anybody who will listen to you that they need to support you; that if they disagree, they’re childish and beholden to the “gun lobby”; that they don’t care enough about children; that their reverence for the Founders is mistaken; that they have blood on their goddamn hands; that they want to own firearms only because their penises are small and they’re not “real men.”

And remember, you can’t half-ass it this time. You’re not going out there to tell these people that you want “reform” or that “enough is enough.” You’re going there to solicit their support for removing one of the articles within the Bill of Rights. Make no mistake: It’ll be unpleasant strolling into Pittsburgh or Youngstown or Pueblo and telling blue-collar Democrat after blue-collar Democrat that he only has his guns because he’s not as well endowed as he’d like to be.

It’ll be tough explaining to suburban families that their established conception of American liberty is wrong.
You might even suffer at the polls because of it.
But that’s what it’s going to take.

So do it.
Start now. Off you go.

Or recognize that the 2nd Amendment is there, it means something that you do not like, and get over it.

My thanks to Charles C. W. Cooke
Rant: Second Amendment Repeal | National Review Online

LOL- can I borrow that for the 14th Amendment?

And I completely agree- if people want to ban guns- it takes repealing the 2nd Amendment.
No need to repeal it. There's lots of wiggle room between outright banning of guns which is unconstitutional and reasonable limits to availability, which isn't. The "make no law" part only refers to making ownership illegal for all. The 2nd amendment isn't a suicide pact and shouldn't be considered as a carte blanche right for criminals or the insane to own guns or a prohibition of reasonable regulations regarding background checks and licensing.
"Make no law" is part of the 1st, not the 2nd. The 2nd says my right to keep and bear arms should not be infringed, and right now in NYC I cannot concealed carry unless the NYPD thinks I should be able to.
That's infringement right there.
So is the fact that you have to pay $500/yr for a permit to simply OWN a gun - unquestionably an undue burden.
But, people who believe a $10 state ID - good for 4 years -- is an undue burden on the right to vote? They don't care.
There isn't any big effort to repeal the 2nd, and I don't know a single person who thinks there should be
OK then.
Recognize that the 2nd Amendment is there, it means something that you do not like, and get over it.
No need to repeal it. There's lots of wiggle room between outright banning of guns which is unconstitutional and reasonable limits to availability, which isn't. The "make no law" part only refers to making ownership illegal for all. The 2nd amendment isn't a suicide pact and shouldn't be considered as a carte blanche right for criminals or the insane to own guns or a prohibition of reasonable regulations regarding background checks and licensing.
Now apply the same logic to voter ID laws.
I have been telling the bed wetters this for years. I have demandd they take actual legal action rather then whine like little girls and try to back door it. They won't do anything because they know they will lose.

Exactly, that's why they have to use activist judges.

What I don't get is why these liberal parasites don't just take their asses to a placfe where they can be among the disarmed? North Korea has a great climate, %100 employment, and no dissenting oppinion to marxist dogma. It's a wonderful utopia sitting there waiting for them.

No need to repeal it. There's lots of wiggle room between outright banning of guns which is unconstitutional and reasonable limits to availability, which isn't. The "make no law" part only refers to making ownership illegal for all. The 2nd amendment isn't a suicide pact and shouldn't be considered as a carte blanche right for criminals or the insane to own guns or a prohibition of reasonable regulations regarding background checks and licensing.
"Make no law" is part of the 1st, not the 2nd. The 2nd says my right to keep and bear arms should not be infringed, and right now in NYC I cannot concealed carry unless the NYPD thinks I should be able to.
That's infringement right there.
So is the fact that you have to pay $500/yr for a permit to simply OWN a gun - unquestionably an undue burden.
But, people who believe a $10 state ID - good for 4 years -- is an undue burden on the right to vote? They don't care.

500 per year to own a gun? That is not a wide spread issue if it exists at all. Details?
I have been telling the bed wetters this for years. I have demandd they take actual legal action rather then whine like little girls and try to back door it. They won't do anything because they know they will lose.
Exactly, that's why they have to use activist judges.
What I don't get is why these liberal parasites don't just take their asses to a placfe where they can be among the disarmed? North Korea has a great climate, %100 employment, and no dissenting oppinion to marxist dogma. It's a wonderful utopia sitting there waiting for them.
Or, for that matter-- Canada?
No need to repeal it. There's lots of wiggle room between outright banning of guns which is unconstitutional and reasonable limits to availability, which isn't. The "make no law" part only refers to making ownership illegal for all. The 2nd amendment isn't a suicide pact and shouldn't be considered as a carte blanche right for criminals or the insane to own guns or a prohibition of reasonable regulations regarding background checks and licensing.
Now apply the same logic to voter ID laws.
Why? No one is using a vote to mow down churchgoers and second graders. See the difference?

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