Don't like the Upgrade at all

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In the site owner/s we trust.
There must be a reason/reasons for the change.
Could be anything from one main many reasons.
There is only one possible reason for any and all moves on a message board like this - they hope it will increase their revenue.

IOW - money.
I tried to dump old pm's and it just took me to a blank white page. In doesn't work.
Graphic intense, not word oriented.....and has a grocery store tabloid look.
Not sure if I will stay on this site now after August. Im turned off

Knee jerk reactions are a mistake. CK informed us all that there would be changes, and with changes (especially major ones) come bugs.

I'd suggest giving it some time to see how the site adjusts to the new software before rushing to judgment.
I don't wanna leave you folks. I just want a new background. My eyes REALLY hurt. For real.
I thought that was just a fruitfly crawling across my screen...

The events could be mutually inclusive.

1. Going for Flyswatter = Incipient Meltdown....

...of fly.
The events could be mutually inclusive.

1. Going for Flyswatter = Incipient Meltdown....

...of fly.

= complete, total and irreversable user Meltdown at cost of new laptop screen:eek:
I've spent most of my time here today just looking and trying the new things I can do. I'll get back to things I'd like to see after I've reviewed all the new stuff.

So far, I'm liking it. I'm sure there will be Repositories for Like/Dislike/Disagree threads as already one was created in the flame zone no more than a few hours into the new site implementation.

I'm having a lot of fun today. :D
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